Inhuman Among Humans {Evina and VampireByte}


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(Name: Alex Gene Black, Human Age: 22, Vampire Age: 105)

Humans. Pitiful creatures really, as Alex had slowly come to find over the years. Living just like caged animals, yet seeming to be perfectly content with it, totally oblivious to the real world around them, living in it with blind eyes. It was sad. Very sad, and Alex was always wondering when the day would be that they would actually open their eyes and see the world in which they lived for the first time.

The Spring season rain continued to pour down from the gray and gloomy clouds far ahead in the sky, a rain that had been falling all week on them. But Alex didn't mind the rain. In fact, he often found it soothing, sobering, more often then not matching the vampire's mood.

Arriving at Albert's Pub, the vampire shrugged out of his coat as he stepped into the smoky atmosphere, the place crowded and boisterous on this Friday night after working hours. Finding himself somewhere to sit, Alex neatly draped the coat over the back of the chair, his deep blood red eyes already scouting the many bodies that crowded the bar, TVs blaring the latest sport action or the weather, none of which concerned Alex in the slightest.

Suddenly, a waitress with dark brunette hair pulled into a pony tail approached him, her perfume wafting into his nose and making him wrinkle his nose at the strong scent. Every time she moved he could smell the perfume, the stuff clinging to her like smoke to fire. She introduced herself, being as friendly as possible and was quite an outgoing type of girl. When asked if he needed or want anything, the blonde haired male simply shook his head no.

"No thank you." Slowly he turned his gaze onto the waitress, and she bustled off to take her next table.


(Name: Iliana Carlton, Age: 23)

Iliana was walking down the street in her home town. It was early a Friday night in the spring and seeing as she had gotten bored at home she went out; hopefully she found something to do or at least something that would take her mind off of the boredom.

A few bookstores later she was sitting on a bench underneath a marquis outside of a random store looking out on the rain. It was pouring down hard and it didn't look as though it would stop any time soon, so she pulled out her phone and headphones. When she left home earlier it had only been a drizzle, so she hadn't brought an umbrella, which meant she had to stay until it cleared up a bit.

Half an hour later, just after working hours and the rain was still pouring down. Iliana sighed and got up. This was useless. She couldn't just sit out in the cold like this for hours or she'd get sick.

She started running towards the pub a few streets down. Even though it only took a few minutes she was soaking wet by the time she closed the door behind her. "Damn it" she whispered to herself as she realized that even her shirt underneath her jacket was wet.
As the young woman entered into Albert's Pub, the girl caught the eyes of Alex, and slowly he turned his head towards her, and curiously tilted his head to the side. The man seemed to be entranced, and didn't even notice when the brunette waitress, whose name tag identified her as Liz, came back and asked him if he had changed his mind.

When not receiving an answer from the vampire, the woman deftly left. Whoever this blonde haired girl was, the scent of her blood was...enticing, to say the least, and a grin lifted his well sculpted lips into a curvy smile as she cursed to herself as the Spring rain continued to pour down from the gray clouds.

His senses alight and vibrating within him, Alex stood and walked over to her, removing his own dry coat and offering to her. "Here. You're chilled. Please, feel free to use my jacket." He held his warm looking jacket out to her, giving her a grin that revealed a bit of his fangs.
In her mind she thanked herself for changing clothes just before she went out, otherwise she would have a completely see-through white shirt on underneath her jacket. She opened her soaking wet jacket and took it off, revealing an almost just as soaked black shirt.

When she looked up again a rather good-looking guy was standing in front of her offering her his jacket. "Oh. Thank you." she said as she gratefully took the jacket and put it around her shoulders. And then she noticed something. Something that reminded her of all the supernatural series she watched and read all the time. For a moment she felt excited, until she realized that what she was thinking was definitely impossible.

"I'm Iliana, by the way."
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The vampire watched the blonde haired woman take off her drenched jacket, a steady stream of customers making their way through the doors. Clearly this place was the place to go.

Alex nodded his head once slowly when she thanked him, and draped his warm fleece lined jacket around her shoulders, adjusting it so that it would stay around her and keep her warm. "Alex at your service. . ." The vampire told her, repeating the woman's rather pretty name in his head, liking the way it just seemed to roll smoothly. A soft smile lifted the vampire's lips.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked suddenly, not realizing that the woman had taken note of his dark ruby red eyes.
Alex, huh? That was a pretty normal name. Though, names didn't necessarily define who a person was. She let go of the thoughts about the impossible and smiled at him. "Sure. I could use a drink." She walked passed him, heading for the bar counter. It wasn't often she found herself in a bar - she was more of a private party type - but it was nice once in a while.

"So, how come you're here alone?" she asked as she sat down on a bar stool at the counter. Most people would come to a bar in groups or at least in pairs. Maybe he used the bar as a shelter from the rain like she did.
Leading her to the bar, ignoring the crowds of people that swarmed the room, Alex pulled out a bar stool for her until she sat, taking the one next to her, a dark amusement of humor dancing in his red eyes that looked like burning red coal in a fire. "I could ask you the same thing." Alex noted, propping one elbow on the counter and resting his head in his hands, still looking rather amused at this, his pale pink sculpted lips curving in a smile.

But before the young woman could make her reply, they were interrupted by the bartender, and when their orders were made, the bartender bustled to get their drinks, and within moments Alex and Iliana were digging into their beverages. Well, Iliana was anyway. Alex only pretending to make it appear as if he were drinking from the beer he had ordered, an unreadable expression in his ruby eyes as he gazed at the girl, who was still drenched from the pouring rain outside.
Iliana had told herself to forget about it, but his eyes made that impossible. He was definitely different, she was sure about that. If it couldn't have anything to do with the supernatural, then what? What was different? She had to figure it out. Her curiosity wouldn't be satisfied before she knew.

She was about to answer when the bartender interrupted them. She ordered a regular vodka and coke as she didn't know many other drinks and soon the alcohol was warming her up from the inside. It felt great, though her clothes were still clinging to her body and making her shiver from time to time.

After the first few sips of the drink, she turned to look at Alex again, remembering his question. "I'm only here because of the rain. My place is kind of far from here, so I had to find somewhere to wait for the rain to stop." she answered. "And you?" she asked, again. "Waiting for friends or something?"
Again humor seemed to dance in the dark red eyes as the vampire pretended to drink at the beer. "Friends? No. I am merely out. . ." Alex let his voice trail off as he set his bottle down on the counter, wrinkling his nose as Liz, the brunette haired waitress, hurried past them, her perfume wafting around her.

But the man's attention was quickly distracted by the blonde haired woman sitting next to him, draped in his warm fleece lined jacket, the coat supposed to be water and wind proof, but Alex really only wore it for appearances sake so that the man wouldn't draw unwanted attention to himself. After all, it would be rather strange if a person were to walk out on a freezing cold day with no coat.
"I was wondering... what's with your eyes?" she asked, her head tilting slightly to one side. "I've never seen anyone with red eyes like yours before." Actually she'd never seen anyone with red eyes before at all. Not even a hint of it. She'd heard somewhere that some people could have red eyes, but she was certain it couldn't be to this extent.

She took a few more sips from her drink while waiting for his answer. Then it occurred to her that she might have been rude, but she didn't say anything. After all, his answer might satisfy her curiosity.
What was with his eyes? In response, Alex widened them, but then quickly forced himself to calm down and keep his cool. Crap. . .This was dangerous if this girl he was conversing with could see through his Masquerade. . .That would be bad. . .Very bad. . .For the both of them. But then, an explanation popped into his head, but would the young woman buy into it? Guess he would find out.

"Er. . .They have always been this color, since I was born. . .The doctors said it was some kind of condition that made the color of my eyes red or something." Alex shrugged and once again pretended to take a drink of his beer, combing his free hand through his blonde locks of hair.
Huh, a condition. That had to be a one in a million chance. She felt disappointed. It would have been so exciting to find out that supernatural beings actually existed. She sighed. It still didn’t seem plausible, though, but for all she knew it could be the truth.

“You’re really not just wearing contacts or something?” She leaned a bit closer, looking into his eyes. Something about them still seemed different. Sure, it could be the condition he mentioned, but she was sure that wasn’t it. She didn’t know why, but she just couldn’t let it go.
"No. No contacts." The vampire answered, frowning when the woman leaned forward to get a closer look at the color of his ruby eyes. The woman's scrutiny was making him nervous, fearing that this girl, Iliana, could indeed see past his Masquerade, something vampires used to hide themselves amongst humans, knowing full well what would happen if it was discovered that vampires actually existed. The thought of that made Alex inwardly shudder.

Alex then reached for his beer, looking for something, anything, to distract himself from this young woman's gaze, the dark humor from his eyes now having left as he once more pretending to drink from the beer, not actually having taken a signal sip from the rather pungent smelling drink. . .Sure he could actually drink from the bottle, but not without suffering some nasty consequences afterwards.
Iliana noticed his expression change and realized how rude she was being. No matter how different she thought he was she didn’t really have any right to invade his personal space. “Sorry about that. I just can’t shake this feeling that there’s something really different about you. Not just your eyes.” Though, that was the only visible part of him that was different.

Her eyes unconsciously moved to the beer in his hand as he drank from the bottle. Then she noticed that it was still full. At least from what she could see. It didn’t make any sense. Why buy a beer if you didn’t like it?
"I see. . ." Was all the man would say, a troubled expression in his eyes as he once more set the beer bottle down that was still full. Perhaps it was time to head out. This was just getting too dangerous. "Well, it was nice meeting you, but I have other places to be." It was a lie of course, but Alex just couldn't risk continuing to stay here.

Taking his jacket back, he paid for the drinks, and shrugging into his coat, the man deftly left the Pub, pausing a moment outside and letting out a deep breath, combing both his hands through his blonde hair, the rain now having settled down into a light drizzle.
“Oh…” she was surprised at his sudden eagerness to leave. “It was nice meeting you too… I guess…” was the only thing she managed to let out before he had taken his jacket back and left the Pub. Had her curiosity been that irritating? She had been a bit rude…

She looked towards the windows, hoping to get a last glimpse of him, but what caught her eye was the rain. Or rather lack thereof. “Hm, might as well go home then…” she mumbled to herself and after taking one last sip of her drink she got up and walked out the door. This had certainly been one of the more strange evenings in a long time.
Making the long trek back to his apartment complex, Alex didn't find himself any less worried by tonight's occurrence. So...Iliana...This girl could see past his Masquerade. Dangerous...Very dangerous. The vampire just could shake the feeling as he entered into his apartment after unlocking it. Stepping inside, Alex shrugged out of his coat and hung it up on a hook next to the door before setting down his apartment keys after once more locking his apartment door behind him.

Letting out a deep breath, the man entered into his bathroom and, closing the door behind him, got himself a good relaxing bath going before getting ready for bed, slipping into a pair of underthings and sweat pants after his bath was finished, unable to shake his thoughts of Iliana.
When Iliana finally reached her apartment, the first thing she did was taking a shower, warming up her body. Her mind was filled with images of Alex until she fell asleep late at night.

Several days later Iliana was on her way home from the library, her headphones on - she was in her last year of university and had been at the library since she got off from school. Her thoughts of Alex had been pushed to the back of her mind. Her chances of meeting him again were slim. They had met by coincidence in the first place, after all.

As she was crossing the street, the volume of the music she was listening to turned up to max, she didn't notice the car heading her way at an alarming speed before it was a few meters away. Her eyes widened in shock as she stopped walking, frozen in place.
A full week right on the dot had gone by since Alex had met the woman who could see through his Masquerade. But then, maybe it wasn't just him. Maybe their Masquerade was faltering. That would be not only bad, but devastating. Still, that didn't explain why Alex felt he had to follow girl, getting to know her routine as well as his own within the week.

It frustrated him that he couldn't stay away. Just what was it about the young woman? That she could see through him perhaps? See him for what he really was? Or maybe it was still the fact that she could see through him, and that she hadn't run screaming from him? Like any other sane normal human being would do?

Keeping his distance, pretending to read a newspaper on a nearby bench, Alex had just folded up the newspaper when he saw the oncoming scene, his own ruby red eyes widening. And without putting much thought into his action, the vampire quickly intervened, scooping Iliana up and out of the way, holding her against him as the car ramming into his back, getting a growl out of Alex, the car freezing to a stop, Alex somehow able to keep on his feet despite things, though his lower back ached now to kingdom come, his arms wrapped around Iliana in a death grip, the vampire panting as he heard and felt the hood of the truck begin to smoke and steam.
As the car was just about to hit her, she raised her hands in front of her and closed her eyes tightly waiting for the impact. But it never came. All she felt was a small bump. In her current state of shock it took her a while to realize she was in the arms of someone. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked up. “Alex..?” she said, her confusion evident in her voice and eyes. “H-how..?”

Over his shoulder she noticed the smoke rising from the car. Her eyes widened a bit. The car had crashed against him, but he was still standing… How was that possible? She looked up at him again. “How can you still be standing?” She was utterly confused until she remembered her first impression of him. “You are different, aren’t you?” By now she had forgotten about almost getting hit by a car, the excitement overshadowing everything else. “What exactly are you?”
"Now...Isn't the time to talk about that." Grunted the man, breathing hard as he continued to hold onto Iliana. Slowly Alex stepped away from the ruined vehicle, looking at Iliana with concern. "Are you hurt?" Alex demanded. The vampire's back ached to Hell, but he would live. But then again, Alex wasn't concerned about himself right at the moment.

Still, before the young woman locked in his grip could make a reply, ambulance and police arrived, the ambulance quickly getting the driver out of the car, who had been knocked unconscious, and hurrying over to Alex and Iliana, checking them over and declaring both of them fine except for a few minor bruises on Alex's back from colliding with the van.

"C'mon...I'll walk you home?" It was a half suggestion and half demand.
"Oh, of course not. Sorry." She said, looking over his shoulder at the wrecked car.

"I don't-" She didn't say anything more than that before the ambulance and police arrived. Before she knew it the paramedics had her sitting at the back of the ambulance, checking for any signs of physical trauma. When they didn't find anything, except, she found out, for some bruises on Alex' back. *That's all the damage he got from getting hit by that car?!* she thought, her eyes widening in wonder.

"I'd like that." They walked in silence for a few minutes before any of them spoke again. "Thank you." She told him. "For saving my life." She smiled gratefully at him. She wasn't sure whether or not to ask about him now or wait till they were at her apartment.

In the end, she decided not to wait. "Now tell me, what are you?"
Alex simply nodded once slowly when she thanked him or saving her life, and combed his fingers through his shaggy blonde hair, letting her lead the way to wherever it was that the young woman lived, even though Alex already knew from keeping an eye on her for the past week since meeting her at the Pub those some nights ago.

With his hands stuffed in his dark denim jeans pockets, the vampire walked with her silently, but then froze in mid step when she demanded to know what he was, and slowly, Alex blinked his coal red eyes at her, tilting his head to the side slightly, lowering his foot to the ground and letting out a heavy sigh. It was clear that Iliana wasn't going to allow the subject matter to drop, especially now. But then, Alex would probably be doing the same thing if he were in her shoes.

"You can't wait for me to tell you at your place?" Alex asked, rolling his shoulders to loosen up the now sore back muscles.
"Well, I wasn't sure if you were actually gonna stay when we got there, so I wanted to ask while I had the chance." They weren't that far from her place now. A good fifty meters and they would be at her apartment's front door. She looked up at him, her eyes questioning. "Are you?" She asked. "Gonna stay, I mean."

She dug out her keys from the pocket of her jacket as they got closer. She unlocked the door and went inside, holding the door open, waiting for him to step inside.
When the young woman asked if Alex was going to stay, the vampire stared at her with an unsure yet surprised expression. "If you want me to stay." The man answered, waiting patiently as the woman fished out her keys and unlocked her apartment door, the two of them stepping inside, the front door closing behind them.

"Thank you." Alex said simply, thank her for taking him here and allowing him in. But then, Alex groan and stretched, trying to loosen up his bruised back muscles. "Do you have a preference as to where we can sit and talk?" The vampire wondered.

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