Inheritance: The Dragon Riders Reborn [Inactive]


Aki of Hearts ♡

In Alagaesia, the great castle of the Rider's stands tall in the middle of the land. For now, everything and everyone is peaceful, but for how long?

Word has not yet reached to the Riders of the destruction of Nuanen.

Can the Riders save Alagaesia? Or will they be destroyed. Perhaps forever.

~Please do not feel obligated to post a huge post. Post as much as you want or as little as you can do.~


"Behind you!" Valien bellowed as he sprang from his hiding spot.

His opponent, a 12 year old who recently became a rider, frantically turned to face Valien.

Valien roared out a battle-cry so fierce that the boy nearly dropped his sword in fear.

It took only a moment for Valien to reach him. He tripped the boy and his sword was at the boy's neck in an instant.

Valien shook his head, disapprovingly.

"You must be aware all the time. An enemy will not shout out a warning before striking. Remember that young one." Valien said, helping the boy to his feet.

The boy nodded quickly and scampered off to his dragon.

Valien chuckled as he watched the boy.

"He is learning and making progress. Small progress but progress none the less." Valien said to Belgabad, who was stretched out around the training grounds.

Belgabad let out a huge yawn and stretched.

The hatchling is naive. As you said, he must be more aware. How silly of him. Belgabad replied. Come. I am hungry and it is nearly dawn. The deer await my presence and I cannot disappoint them. Nor will I miss my breakfast!

Valien laughed and nodded.

"Go. I will see you later then." Valien said, smiling.

Belgabad nuzzled Valien then took off with a great gust of wind, nearly blowing Valien off his feet.

Valien watched until Belgabad disappeared over the castle walls, then he went to go eat with his fellow Riders in the feasting hall.

The Riders were all seated, still waiting for a few Riders to arrive.

Valien greeted them and took the leader's position at the head of the large table.

He noticed the young, quiet girl Arienna.

That girl. She is full of grief. No matter what I have done, she still has not changed. I hope in the near future I can do something to help her. Valien thought.


Arienna sat at the table, silent as always, staring at the food in front of her.

Arienna. What troubles you now? Zereia asked through her mind. Zereia was out hunting but kept close contact with her Rider.

Arienna did not reply at first.

You know the burden I bear Zereia. She replied, her voice full of gried.

Arienna could feel the sympathy from Zereia but did not rebuke her.

All Arienna wanted to do was be alone. Alone and cry. Cry where no one could see or hear her. Not even Zereia as much as she loved her.

She could never forget the horrible thing she had done. It almost made her cry again. Arienna glanced up and saw Valien watching her.

Valien. He was a great leader. Arienna felt at ease with him and would even talk to him but just barely. Even his kindness could not sway her silence.

I am sorry Valien. I must bear this torture alone.

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Tamrana slept in her small room in the castle. Her snores could be heard throughout the castle, until she finally woke when daylight shined on her face. With a yawn she sat up in her bed, and looked around her quaint bedroom. It was small, but it was certainly larger than her childhood bedroom. And she was happy to have a bedroom, no matter how small. Valien was so kind to allow her to stay here. She hadn't found her dragon yet, but he still believed in her, which she was mighty grateful for. Speaking of which... wasn't there something important to do today... She slipped out of bed and yawned, ran her fingers through her blonde hair and looked out her window, across the castle grounds. She could see several dragons flying about, the one that caught her eye was Belgabad, Valien's red dragon. She watched as he flew over the castle wall. Something was nagging at her groggy brain... "I need breakfast." Groggily, she fumbled to get dress, grabbed her sword, slid it into the sheath on her belt, and headed out the door, for the dining hall. She tied her hair in a braid as she headed through the halls.

Saskan-I'm unculturedrliga was tearing into her most recent catch; A pile of fish. The emerald green she-dragon ate the fish whole, bones and scales and all. She loved the taste of fish, the rich flavor warming her. Once done with her breakfast, she stood and stretched and bared her fangs in a yawn. Extending her wings to full length, she started a run, and took off into the air, tucking her legs against her stomach for less resistance in the air. With a slight tweak of her long tail, she changed direction and flew towards the Castle of the Riders. She flew past Belgabad as he flew out to hunt, and nodded to him as he passed.

She didn't know why she was going towards the castle, she just felt it was the right thing to do.
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Belgabad nodded back at I'm unculturedrliga.

Wildling. Why have you come here? He asked, smoke rising out of his nostrils.

Rarely did wild dragons visit the Rider's castle.

Belgabad was ready in case she attacked. You never can tell with wild dragons. He kept his mind pressed toward Valien's so he could sense what Belgabad was seeing and hearing.
Now, what was the ever eccentric girl doing today? Simple. She was stuck. Today she had learnt one important thing about her Dragon Klalos and that was that she should never wake him up. So, innocently, more like deviously the girl had woken the purple scaled creature up with her squeals and shouts of joy, only for the dragon to place her on top of a high roof and unfortunately, she was far to small and inexperienced to find a way down.

'Klalos! I'm sorry!' The dragon himself had gone off to eat, failing to fall back into his beautiful dream and so decided to punish his rider. He blanked her. The girl pouted, tears forming in her eyes as she brought her knees to her torso. "Stupid Klalos..." In all honest, the pair were still training together and so they were the most bonded or the strongest, they were weak compared to many and most of all, Elizabeth could not stand heights. She feared falling to her inevitable death.

Klalos was being his lazy self though, perched near a large body of water as he lazily watched the sun, occasionally looking around for food only to hunt and it and eat it before shooting back to watch the sun. He wondered if Elizabeth had learnt her lesson yet, however; decided not to return until he was done. She would be okay...right?

Finally, Elizabeth was crying. Although it seemed much more stubborn when she did it as she narrowed her eyes defiantly. "Thats it! I hate Klalos!" She declared. She was thirteen and was supposed to begin to mature in her personality but Elizabeth remained childish, barely attentive and careless. It was simply because most of her life she spent in her realm of depression when the kindly old elf cared for her, dying a short while later. Elizabeth was happy though, she had Valien now after all.

So, she continued to pout.
Valien looked around the table.

He couldn't find his foster daughter, Elizabeth, anywhere.

Where has that girl gone off to this time. Valien wondered.

Valien concentrated for a moment and found Elizabeth's mind, pressing his conscious against it. He knew he could probably break through her mental barriers but he didn't want to frighten her. He just calmly pressed onto Elizabeth's mind until she recognized it was him.
Elizabeth blinked, stretching her legs out as she held onto the roof tighter. 'Valien?' She nodded before smiling weakly. 'You need to help me! Klalos left me on the roof and I really can't get down...' The girl slowly lowered herself to the edge, her fingers curled around it as she peered down before scrambling back up to the top. 'Really high...' She paused, frowning. "I need revenge against Klalos..." Yes, the ever plotting girl was going to get her companion dragon for this.
Valien sighed. His daughter was always getting into some kind of scuffle with her dragon.

Belgabad. Can you please pick up Elizabeth on your way back from hunting?

Belgabad sent him an emotion of irritation but complied.

Belgabad will be coming for you soon. Why are you not at the dining table? Dawn has arrived and you should be eating. Valien said to Elizabeth. Also, why did Klalos leave you on a roof? Can you not try to work together? A Rider and her dragon is a powerful bond, it should not be taken lightly with silly squabbles.
She pouted slightly at her adoptive fathers words as she huffed. 'Its not my fault! I woke him up to show him something really cool and he got mad. Then, I was up here! He knows that I am scared of heights....' She frowned though. She knew he was right, specially since she constantly tried to get along with Klalos and more than often they did. They just had occasional squabbles. 'I was heading...there?' She replied, although clearly lying. 'I know Valien, I will try to get along with Klalos.'
I will talk to Klalos as well. Never should a dragon put their rider in peril, even for a joke. Valien replied.

He took a piece of egg and chewed thoughtfully.

Elizabeth. We have not eaten together in some while. I do not wish to take you away from Klalos and your friends but I miss you sweetie. Perhaps Klalos, Belgabad, you, and I can go out sometime. Just the four of us. I'll be leaving to find new Riders once again in a week and I may not see you for a whole month. You know I cannot bear to be without your mischief for too long. Valien said, smiling. He made sure to let Elizabeth feel his emotions clearly.
She paused, her fingers curling tighter. 'You are going again? Why!' She hated it when he left to find more riders. She could never tell when he got back and it annoyed her. However, she couldn't stop him. Mainly because it was what he did, that and the man saved her in a way so she didn't want to be selfish. Huffing slightly, a pout on her lips. 'Okay, us four will spend time together. Promise? We haaaavvvvvveeee to before you go...AND you have to say goodbye!'
I always say goodbye. I would never leave without saying that to you. Valien replied warmly. You know why I have to leave. Eragon left me this task and I must fulfill it.

Belgabad roared impatiently as he reached Elizabeth. He landed next to the building and waited for Elizabeth to get on.

Klalos! Hatchling! Let us go. I am impatient to return. I'm unculturedrliga, a wild dragon, is approaching the castle.
Elizabeth smiled, turning to see Belgabad. "Sorry!" She cried as she slowly got onto the dragon, still freaked out about the fact she was a long way up. She frowned, looking down at Belgabad as she held on. 'I'm unculturedrliga? Is she dangerous?' After all, it sounded like a really feminine name in the small girls opinion. Klalos perked up upon hearing Belgabad. 'Fine...I shall return' He replied as he slowly got up, the young dragon releasing a loud yawn before he took to the skies, heading back towards the castle as quick as he could.
She is a wild dragon. Nothing more. Perhaps her time has come to be bonded. Belgabad replied as he easily overtook Klalos.

His mighty wings shot him toward the castle and he landed in the training grounds, as it was the only place large enough to contain his size.

Go. The both of you must be one with each other. Klalos, you have a right to be angry, but never put your Rider in any kind of harm or peril. You have much to learn hatchling. Belgabad snorted as he laid down for a nap.
Elizabeth hopped off the Dragon, her steps wobbly as she looked at the ground happily. "Oh I love the ground." She murmured before looking over at Klalos. "That was really mean you know." 'You woke me up.' "Yeah but I wanted to show you something I found!" 'You couldn't have waited till I woke up?' "No! It was really cool!" The dragon stared down at Elizabeth before he huffed, walking over to her before leaning down. 'I apologize then Lizzy' The girl grinned happily, wrapping her arms around the dragons neck. "Yay! We are friends again!" The two were simply chatting for a while before Elizabeth said goodbye to go find Valien. She bolted down the halls, the cloak shifted around her with each step. Reaching the dinning hall she slipped through the door quietly before she 'popped' up next to Valien. "I'm here!"
"Come here you." Valien growled playfully. He grabbed Elizabeth and tickled her, ruffling her hair. "You had me worried. Let's not do that again, agreed?"

Valien kissed Elizabeth on the cheek and pulled a chair next to him so she could sit down.

"Hurry and eat before it's all gone."

Belgabad could feel love flowing from Valien's conscious and he chortled in amusement before he closed his eyes.
She brushed the hair from her face once Valien put her down, the girl taking a seat as she looked around at the other Riders. "Got it!" She cheered before she began to eat her food. After a moment she paused, grinning wildly as she turned to look at Valien. "Me and Klalos made up!" Elizabeth really did love Klalos. The girl finished her food, rather quickly, before she put her hands on her lap. "I promise I won't worry you ever again Valien!" She promised, nodding her head.
Saskan turned toward Belgabad to answer, but he flew off again before she could. Wondering what was troubling him, she continued toward the castle. She wasn't entirely sure what was dragging her there, but this... instinct had been pounding in her head, telling her to go there. She didn't want to go, really. But she was so curious as what it was.

But, she had a hunch.

It was linked to her Rider, she could just feel it. Her Rider had to be linked to this.

And that meant that her Rider was in that castle! But she was hesitant to go near it. Last time she, "Visited" the castle, well... She did have destructive habits at the time. For the most part she'd kicked that habit, but she was reluctant none the less. She had half a mind to think she would be shot out of the sky if she came too close. Instead of her original plan, she merely set down near the castle wall, and lay, trying to look as least threatening as possible. She would avoid human contact if she could. So near to the castle, she began to gather her thoughts.

Tamrana trudged into the dining hall and sat down next to Elizabeth. She muttered a greeting to her and yawned, then nodded to Valien in greeting before digging into breakfast. She knew she ate a lot. She'd work it off later at the archery range. She had been working desperately to get better with a bow. She was a good shot even before she had come to train with Valien, but she was determined to get to the point she could hit the center on the targets every time.
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Vedr had been traveling for weeks,before and after finding this beautiful black egg, he could still remember his excitement when he found it thinking that just maybe it would hatch for him. Though over the next few weeks his hope had dwindled to the point where he merely felt like a messenger delivering another riders dragon. He wasn't aware of the tiny dragon within the egg that was watching his every move and reaction, he just trudged on not noticing how close to the stronghold he was until he was practically in it's shadow, he looked up just in time to see a massive red dragon fly out of the compound and fly into the air. He was immediately full of awe and watched as the dragon took off towards the forest. He kept walking, a little surprised at how far he still was from the main entrance, he was now walking alongside the wall following the path around to the main gate. He Had just turned the corner when he felt a searing pain in his right palm, it hit him so fast he nearly dropped the egg, but he quickly reacted gripping the egg tighter and observing his now marked hand. It took him a second to realize what had happened until he heard a loud Crack. The egg started to split revealing the dark dragon within, even while breaking her way out the hatchling had found and maintained eye contact with Vedr almost commanding his respect. He tried to speak fumbling over his words, he finally gave up, in the end simply saying "Hello." He continued walking cradling the hacthling in his arms, he had finally walked through the gates and was looking around to find a

Szylana watched this man she chose as a rider seeing now that she had made the right choice. After hatching she looked him in his eyes memorizing the face of the one she would be bonded with. Szylana didn't know how to respond, so she just curled up into a ball watching the colorful world go by as he walked, observing the large stone structure before them.
Once she was done with breakfast, Tamrana looked across the table at Valien and Belgabad. The red dragon appeared to be sleeping, and her mentor seemed to be watching Elizabeth, with the loving look of a father. 'Well. I never got that look, did I.' She thought sadly, and naturally ran her hands over the hilt of Vættfang, remembering her mother, and sadness washed over her...
"Riders. Dawn has ended and we must start our morning. Apprentice Riders, head to the training grounds with your dragons. Veteran Riders, check our supplies and guard the walls. I am expecting a new Rider today so please make sure to send him to me." Valien said as he stood up.

I'm unculturedrliga is here. Belgabad said.

Valien halted for a moment.

Find her, and bring her to the training grounds.

Elizabeth yawned, sitting up as she looked at Valien. "Can I go play with Klalos now?" She asked, waving her arms excitedly with her. Elizabeth hadn't fully started her training yet and it was hard for anyone to keep her in one place to train anyway. Her elongated ears twitched slightly as she hummed, tilting her head as she looked behind her for a moment. "Odd..." She mumbled before looking back to Valien.
"Training with others is your priority." Valien replied. "As Riders, we must learn to fight with each other.

Belgabad flew back to I'm unculturedrliga hovered next to her.

Come hatchling. Valien wishes to see you. You must explain why you have come.
Elizabeth pouted before folding her arms. "I don't want to, it's boring." She mumbled under her breath before turning on her heels, bolting out the room as quick as she could. Heading towards Klalos she ran inside, huffing slightly as she held her torso. 'You okay Lizzie?' The dragon asked, his eyes staring over at his rider as she walked over to him, sitting against him as the dragon unfurled his wing to bring her closer. "I don't want to train..." 'Lizzie, the quicker we get stronger you may be able to spend more time with Valien.' The girl paused before looking at the normally grumpy dragon. "Ah! You are right!" She was quiet for a few moments though. "I still don't like it...It's not fun and I hate heights so I dont like flying..." She replied softly, bringing her knees to her torso. The dragon looked at the elf before nodding. 'Just rest for a bit, we can go train in a few minutes.'
Vedr felt awestruck, he had finally reached the home of the riders and with his own dragon too. He looked down at the dark little dragon amazed still that even after weeks of traveling the dragon chose now to accept him. Vedr had thought to enter and introduce himself already, but the hatchling had started ...mewling when he got close to the door, whenever it did this yhough it pointed its' head to a path tha wrapped around the building. Vedr decided to follow the path sensing that the hatchling was leading himto the riders,
Arienna went into the training grounds, standing apart from the other young riders.

Arienna. You must enjoy yourself with others. It pains me to see you alone. Zereia said. I am coming back from hunting. Please make some friends. Perhaps Valien's daughter. She is easy to talk to.

Arienna didn't respond nor did she make any attempt to talk to others. She could feel sympathy and sadness from Zereia but ignored it.

Valien was walking on the walls when he noticed a young man with a hatchling dragon.

He quickly headed down and headed toward the pair.

"Good morning there travelers, or should I say Rider. My name is Valien. I assume you have come to learn more about the Riders?"
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