Inglethorpe Academy for Young Ladies [Inactive]


Untapped Potential

@Lovely Bones @oOBubblesOo @OneHellOfACatLover er @Nat @LannaRae @alexisjade @SkinsLover4Life @QuixoticKitten

[OOC: Here are my starter posts for this RP! I ask that you wait until everybody has posted a starter before we continue the roleplay, just so nobody falls behind. Remember to reference the Out Of Character tab if you need to couple check and see who your character's roommates are, or what their schedule is. Happy roleplaying! <3

PS: All of the characters know each other, since they share a dorm and all that, so there wouldn't be any "there was an unfamiliar brunette sitting in the dining hall" or anything like that. As for which sort of social group (if any) your character runs in--you use your best judgement!]


Olivia Woodsen

The second week of school was officially upon them, and the excited hustle-and-bustle of being back on the campus of Inglethorpe Academy for Young Ladies had dulled with the start of classes. Senior Olivia Woodsen would never admit it, but she loved this place. Everything about the sprawling upstate New York campus felt so old-fashioned, yet so modern at the same time. Although it was six in the morning and she was tiredly padding across the hall of Sheridan dorm to the communal bathrooms--gross, but not unbearable--she couldn't help but blissfully gaze out the hallway window. It revealed a perfect view of the quad, and the sight of the morning dew shining on the perfectly manicured grounds made she marvel at the magnificence of the kingdom, her kingdom.

Olivia always got up this early, even though breakfast didn't actually start until 7:30. Six o clock in the morning was the best time to take a shower, because the water was still scalding hot, just the way Olivia liked it. About an hour later, hoards of Sheridan girls would be scurrying into the bathroom, clad in designer pajamas with messy hair--trying to squeeze in an icy shower before heading to the dining hall for a breakfast of lowfat yogurt and lattes.

She had her shower and wrapped herself in a fluffy purple towel before heading back into her dorm room. Her roommate, Elise Sterling, was still tucked snugly under her duvet, breathing softly. Although the brunette was a mega-jock, she was still a member of the elite clique at Inglethorpe. When you were beautiful and slightly-intimidating, you were pretty much a shoo-in. Olivia carefully selected an outfit for the day, something that would look stylish underneath the navy blue Inglethorpe Academy blazer they were required to wear whenever class was in session. Once she was dressed, she began her hair and makeup. She carefully styled her flowing blonde tresses with a curling iron to offset its natural texture and kept her face simple, playing up her best features in shades of rosy pink and bronze.


She triple-checked herself in the full-length mirror she shared with Elise before grabbing her ecru GUESS Dovie Hobo bag she used for school and heading out. Olivia walked across campus with that confident air she always carried herself with. She arrived at the dining hall a few minutes later and she slipped inside. It was already packed with the overly-ambitious types who got up even earlier than she did. Olivia selected a lemon yogurt from the line and scooped in a tiny amount of granola and some blueberries. She was very weight-conscientious. She walked up to the coffee kiosk and placed an order for a nonfat hazelnut latte, and once she retrieved it she went to the register to pay for her breakfast. With a swipe of her mom's shiny black Amex, she was checked out and taking a seat at her usual table, which was currently occupied by some of the lesser, but still semi-relevant, members of the Inglethorpe Elite.

Jiffy McCoy

The sound of The Pretty Reckless filled the dorm room of seniors Jiffy McCoy and Raven Lowe. It was Jiffy's alarm tone, and croon of Taylor Momsen's voice singing "Make Me Wanna Die" was a fairly accurate description of how she felt this morning. Outside her door, she could hear the footsteps of the Sheridan girls hurrying off to the bathroom to grab a shower before they ran out of sugar free vanilla syrup at the coffee kiosk in the dining hall.

Jiffy swung each of her pale legs over the side of her standard issue jersey cotton sheet-covered bed and slowly stood up. Her eyes swung over to her still-sleeping roommate. She couldn't help but admire the way Raven's dark waves cascaded across her pillow, and how her naturally pouty lips were just ever-so-slightly ajar as she softly breathed. The corners of Jiffy's mouth turned up into a small smile before she headed over to the closet to pick out an outfit. She decided on a plaid skater dress paired with her favorite black combat boots with the spiked hill and some statement jewelry. Fashion was Jiffy's thing--she adored both arranging and designing unique looks.


She let her long platinum blonde hair do its own thing most of the time, and today was no exception as she had it fall in its natural loose wavy texture down her back before putting on a slouchy beanie. She applied her normal thick rim of kohl around her eyes and kept her lips subdued in a dusty rose color. After pinching her porcelain cheeks to conjure up some color, she was ready to go. Jiffy grabbed her handmade, patch-covered schoolbag and her room key before heading towards the door. "Ay, it's time to get up!" she called playfully to Raven, knowing that even if her roommate heard her, she probably wouldn't even care. Jiffy didn't mind, though. She was lucky to share a room with someone who she was actually friends with.

Jiffy walked across campus to the dining hall, slightly cursing at the way her spiked boots dug into the wet grass on the quad. She didn't even remember it raining last night. A cluster of girls huddled outside the history building briefly looked up from their Cosmopolitan magazine at the sound of the curse words before going back to studying the art of seducing a man, which was useless at an all-girls school. Something about Inglethorpe Academy turned everybody biflexable--even if you were "straight", you'd still hook up with a girl if you really needed to. You could thank puberty for those urges.

She finally arrived at the dining hall and fixed herself a breakfast of gooey chocolate chip pancakes and black coffee. Jiffy spotted Olivia Woodsen, the "Queen Bee" of the school, across the room looking bored with her lemon yogurt and sub-par company. She chuckled darkly before paying for her carb-filled meal and taking a seat at a vacant table. Jiffy was the kind of girl who had the potential to be popular--nontraditional but respectable upbringing, decent looking, a family with money--but didn't really care for it. She pulled out her copy of Nylon Magazine and began to eagerly paw through it while eating her food.

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[Olivia's (Left) and Jiffy's (Right) Outfits]

[Note: I didn't mean for my starter post to get this big. Don't feel obligated to post 8 paragraphs. 1-3 per character is fine! (: ]



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Samantha woke up before her alarm, something she did most days. For the most part, she was a completely motivated person. She woke up every morning with her rose colored glasses already on. There was no reason not to get out of bed, so she might as well do it. Heck, it was only two weeks into the new semester at Inglethorpe. Nothing bad enough had happened yet to make her use the alarm. Between stressful classes and even more stressful classmates, Sam knew it was bound to happen sometime, but she preferred to look on the bright side.

Unlike most of the high-maintenance girls that populated Inglethorpe, Sam preferred to shower at night. She usually slipped in around 9, when her dorm mates were settling into their hundred dollar pink silk pajamas. It gave her the bathrooms to herself. There was less time to deal with people and more time for her to think. As a writer, she was always thinking. Sometimes, though, the noise of the real world drowned out her thoughts. Showering at night also meant less time getting ready in the morning. Two weeks into the school year meant dresses for most, but Sam opted for a blue baseball-style shirt that said, "Okay? Okay." (a reference to one of her favorite books) and a pair of dark skinny jeans. She pulled her hair into a messy bun and wrapped her standard-issue navy blazer around her waist. Makeup was something she hardly ever wore, but she slathered on some moisturizer before heading out the door. It was the least she could do.

Breakfast had never been Samantha's thing. She definitely liked to eat - you could tell that by comparing her to the anorexic-seeming girls roaming the quad - but eating around other people was a different story. She had a whole stash of Luna bars in her room, for when she didn't want to face the dining hall. However, for today she figured she would suck it up. She walked into the dining hall with a smile plastered on her face and picked a table to sit down at. She wasn't sure if she was hungry, so she opened up her laptop and logged on to Wattpad. As an aspiring writer, Sam always felt the need to share her stories with others. She found Wattpad almost a year ago and joined under the pen name magicsam. It was love at first sight - the community on the website was fabulous and had helped her improve so much. She started to type a new chapter to her current story, Entangled, trying to make herself as invisible as possible to the girls already eating.

Violet Hazely

Violet was up way before her alarm rang, and was busy getting her outfit assembled when Icona Pop's All Night blared through the speakers of her phone, making her jump. Swearing under her breath, she made her way to her desk and hit the glowing snooze icon on the screen of her phone. She turned over her shoulder and gave a sigh of relief when she saw that she hadn't woken April, the other girl she shared the room with. She wasn't sure if April would've appreciated being woken up an hour before she was supposed to get up. Violet liked being up early, mostly because of the hot water, but also due to the fact that it usually takes her about an hour to get ready. Wrapping herself up in a pale mauve bathrobe, she slipped quietly out of the bathroom, just in time to see Olivia strutting down the hall , presumably back to the room from the communal bathrooms. For a moment, Violet panicked, but she managed to shoot her a casual smile before continuing her way to the almost-empty bathrooms. Olivia was one of those gorgeously perfect and popular girls who ran like clockwork inside the one of the elite social circles. She admired them, and how they attained everything with such ease. She was jealous too. Because she knew no matter how hard she tried, she'd never be like them. No matter how bold or confident she was, these people were the ones who could destroy her with a flick of their wrists.

After taking a nice, long shower, she hurried her way back to her room, hoping that she hadn't taken up too much time. Drying her dark brown hair and arranging them in perfect waves later, she pulled on her outfit- a white blouse with a wine red high-waist pleated skirt, black stockings and black wedge boots, along with the navy blazer all students had to wear. She shot a glance towards April again, and raised a brow. She couldn't have been roommates with someone more different than her. They were practically opposites. While Violet was bold, flirty and sort of an all-or-nothing person, the cute blonde was level-headed and a bit prudish. Surprisingly, she didn't dislike April, she was just a type of person you couldn't hate. She even thought April was pretty nice, albeit a bit dull, but she was honest and an all-around okay person. Just as she finished up the final touches on her earth-toned eye-shadow and black winged eyeliner, her phone gave a tiny "ping". Picking it up, she smiled when she saw that her mom had sent Violet a picture of her and David, her step-father on a cruise-liner, well, his cruise-liner to be exact. She looked happy, and Violet didn't really mind. David was less of an a-hole than her father was, and besides, she bought most of her clothes with the huge allowance he gave her every month, and most of her things for that matter, so she didn't really have much to complain about.


A flurry of giggles from outside the hallway snapped her back to the present, and she realized that it was time for her to head to the dining hall. Grabbing her bag, she slipped the phone in her pocket and headed out to the dining hall.

When she got there, she made a bee-line towards the counter and grabbed a plate of blueberry pancakes, a cup of yogurt and mocha mint latte. Violet was always a bit on the petite side(being only 5'4) and curvy type, in contrast with all the Academy girls who had tall and slim supermodel figures. It made her really self-conscious at first, but she'd learned to accept that that was how her body was and besides, it made her stand out. After paying for her food, she turned around and spotted Jiffy almost immediately. She grinned and headed towards where she was sitting. Jiffy McCoy was the type of girl who could be with the Elites but chose not to. And there was something about Jiffy's rebellious streak that had pulled Violet to her the first time they met, that, and both their love for fashion.

" Hi, Jiffy. Mind if I take a seat?" She asked, smiling, but took a seat at the table anyway. " Is that the latest issue?" Violet asked, peering at the Nylon Magazine in Jiffy's hands.

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Kaitlin awoke to the buzz of her phones alarm, 7:00 am, it chimed at her. She was tangled in her duvet cover and had been quite comfortable before her alarm had made her aware that it was indeed time to get up. Slowly she slid out from her comfort her hazel gaze landing on her slumbering roommate, Lita Prescott, a much better improvement from her last. Angeline Carsoni had been her roommate last year, and luckily she graduated and Kaitlin wouldn’t have to be stuck with her for her second and final year at Inglethorpe Academy. Kaitlin had only know Lita a week now, but she had a personality that was easy to get along with: a laid back kind of girl with a smart mouth that Kaitlin found to be humorous; she was creative, but nothing seemed to drive her. Kaitlin wouldn’t call her a friend, she wouldn’t call anyone “friend” she didn’t get that close to people, but Lita was alright in her book.

Kaitlin could hear the bustle outside of girls making their way to the communal bathroom to get a quick shower before breakfast; Kaitlin looked into the mirror, personally she liked the way second day hair looked. She stretched a few times before padding over to the closet. There were several blue blazers hanging in it, their “required uniform, however they could wear just about anything else underneath it. Kaitlin grabbed a white romper out of the closet, and after changing her underclothes she slid it on. Kaitlin was back in the mirror, her make-up was subdued, she liked that natural look, some concealer, BB cream, and she tight lined her eyes with her brown eye liner, ran her mascara wand threw her lashes, and swiped her lips with a tamed coral color. She flipped her head upside down and gathered her long dork tresses into a high ponytail. Kaitlin took a look at the finished product, “You can take the girl out of Cali, but you can’t take the Cali out of the girl,” she smiled to herself.

Looking back at the still sleeping Lita, whose alarm was wailing, Kaitlin shook her head with a small smile. “Hey girly,” she called out, “time to get up,” she nudged her a few times. “You’ll be late for breakfast.” Lita barely stirred and Kaitlin rolled her eyes. She gave up, grabbed her school bag, and headed out the door. She passed a few girls dripping down the hall as they made their way back to their rooms chattering about something. Kaitlin made her way out of the Sheridan Dorm, to the quad. It had rained last night leaving all the greenery covered with a mist and glowing green. She had to admit New York was beautiful in its own way too.

As Kaitlin entered the dining hall, she could see a large group huddled at the barista’s counter. Kaitlin herself grabbed a small bowl of granola, and waited in line for her drink order. “Power Smoothie” she ordered. Kaitlin’s mom had gone a big smoothie trend a few years back and Kaitlin loved them, the health benefits, how some could give you more energy than coffee without the crash. Kaitlin swiped the pre-paid credit card her father had given her, and took a sip of her smoothie. From across the room she could see Olivia Woodsen, leader of the elite girls in school, and somehow Kaitlin had managed to fall into that elite group. She sat down at the table, waving a hello to the girls and popping her ear buds in. Kaitlin never really remembered joining the Elites just one day she found she was with the “in” crowd, oblivious as to how she got there. It made sense she guessed, she was attractive, made decent grades, her father had college connections, her step-mother came from money, and she had a beach house in California with a mom that had a “if you’re gonna do it, do it here” attitude. Kaitlin took another sip, as a soft melody lulled in her ears.

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Elise Sterling

Elise woke to the sound of her alarm going off. She lifted her head from the pillow quickly and swiped the alarm off. Resting her head back on the pillow, Elise closed her eyes for a long moment. The other girls were probably up and about as well but instead of making her feel secure this made Elise feel worried. She had somehow found her way into the more popular crowd here and Inglethorpe and that seemed very unusual to her. Elise figured she would fit in more with a different crowd but she wasn't exactly complaining. One issue she did have with this, however, is the fact that now she was almost forced to spend time with several attractive girls on a daily basis. Elise opened her eyes, realizing she had fallen asleep for quite some time again. She groaned lightly, realizing Olivia was already long gone.

After hurrying to the bathroom and pushing past a few younger girls to get in, Elise managed to take a quick shower and arrive back in her dorm before 6:45. She quickly pulled together an outfit that was quite simple compared to the other more elaborate things the other girls wore. In Elise's eyes, it didn't matter what you wore here because with that ugly required jacket; nothing looked good anyways. As much as she hated to do so, Elise applied a small amount of makeup in the mirror before leaving the room. She headed down into the dining hall and got herself some pancakes and a tea. Tea was one of her addictions and as for the pancakes; who could pass those up? Oh right. The girls she is apparently friends with. Elise smiled at her own thoughts as she sat at the table across from Olivia. "Well good morning, roomie," Elise said happily as she placed her breakfast directly in front of her, glancing over at Olivia's damn near depressing excuse for a breakfast.


Alyssa Masterson

Alyssa had been up since an hour or so earlier studying her math a bit. She didn't quite grasp the subject just yet but she was sure she'd get it soon with some study. Alyssa glanced up from the text-box seeing that it was now after 6. She closed the book and set it with her others before getting up and gathering some clothes to go take a shower. Looking over at Taylor's bed, it was easy to see that she was not up yet and wouldn't be for while. Alyssa shook her head slightly before continuing on her way to the bathrooms. She had to wait a little while before she could get in the showers and, much like before, the water was only slightly warm but that would quickly wear off once she and at least one other girl showered. Alyssa decided to try to make this quick so the next girl didn't have to suffer from the cold.

In just a few minutes, Alyssa was back in her room changing. It didn't bother her to change in front of Taylor especially when she was asleep. Once she was dressed, she wandered over by Taylor and took a deep breath before saying, "There's still some hot water left if you want to shower.." She couldn't tell if Taylor had woke up or not but she just wandered back to her side again. Alyssa felt slightly uncomfortable trying to wake her but Taylor was nice enough not to hit her or anything for waking her.. She hoped. Alyssa pulled on the required jacket and left the room for the dining hall. Noticing any other girls already there, she grabbed only a few things to fill her small appetite and wandered over to an empty table. Alyssa hadn't really made friends per-say so sitting alone until someone approached her seemed like a good option.

Hayley DeWaal

Hayley woke up to the sound of her alarm going off, and she hit the button to turn it off, sitting up in her bed and lookig around at the dorm. She saw her roomate still sleeping on the other bed and frowned. It would be rude to wake her up but it would also be rude not to. In the end, Hayley decided to just leave her roomate there. If she didn't want to be on time, that was her fault. With that in mind, Hayley got up and walked to the dresser, selecting from it a pair of jewel-colored leggings and a black babydoll dress. Over the dress, she but on her school blazer, leaving it open so the pretty steampunkish necklace that was hanging around her neck was visible.

Hayley finished off her outfit with her hair, throwing it in a messy updo and leaving the room. She made her way down to the dining hall and sat down alone, she liked eating alone, unless of course she had friends she could be eating with. She did have friends, all of which were still sleeping.. So there Hayley sat, picking at her food and eating it until her plate was clean..

Mackenzie Valentine

Kenzie woke up without an alarm, but by herself falling off her bed into the pile of sweaty clothes she had from the night before lying on the ground. She groaned and pushed away the smelly sports-bra, getting up and ruffling her hair. If anyone asked her, it was way too early for this. She hated waking up early, but was dedicated to getting her life right until something happened with her athletism. Kenzi was the one and only athletic slob in the world, and she wasn't necessarily proud of it.

Kenzi brushed her hair and threw it in a lazy side ponytail, throwing together an outfit consisting of leggings, a white tank top, and the school blazer. It wasn't that great of an outfit but she couldn't care less, she just wanted to get the day over with and work out. Kenzi messily applied her makeup and left her roomate behind, walking down to the dining hall to stuff her face in solitude.

(I know it took forever but tumblr needed me.)

Chelsea Street

When she heard the first alarm from her roommate, she just rolled around, burrying her face in the pillow. It was far too early to wake up. The sounds of Hayley making herself ready for the day. How did people manage to wake up that early and work? It just... no! It was far too early. The dark brown hair just fell around her face as she sat up, after hearing the other girl leave the room. She hated these early mornings. Out from studies made by scientists, waking up before the body was was ready could increase the chances for depressions, death of braincells and of heart problems. Still these foolish teachers forced them out of bed this early.

Hayley was a completely different sort of person than what what Chelsea was, Hayley did enjoy talking after all, while Chelsea prefered to stay silent unless she had to speak. Her books were her best friends. Those, and that little ginger cat back at home. That little ginger cat who would climb up on her shoulders while she tried to read a book, or write a new story for her own sake.

She couldn't even wear any dark clothes while at home because the cat would just make them orange with the hairs.

Taking a look at the watch, she jumped to her feet and pulled her hair up in a small bun, and picked up a book before setting off to the dining hall.. There wouldn't be enough time to eat a whole bowl of anything.

When she reached the hall, she bought an apple and sat down beside Hayley. That was the safest place to just sit.
Lita Prescott

After the alarm clock blared for a solid 15 minutes without interruption, the annoying uproar finally reached Lita from her deep sleep. Her roommate, Kaitlin, might have or might have not tried to wake the sleeping beauty---Lita wasn't too sure if it was a dream or not. She let her feet dangle from the side of the cot before fully stretching and standing solidly on the ground. The best thing about sleeping late is that the showers aren't nearly as busy as they are in the early morning. Then again Lita never had to worry about that because the girl stayed sleeping in more than anyone. If Lita's parents thought sending her off to an academy where she basically has a choice was a good idea; boy are they in for a letdown.

Lita snuck through the much quieter dorm halls before reaching the empty bathrooms. Jumping in the shower, she began her morning routine---which also involved her brushing her teeth inside the shower to avoid any extra work to be done. Once she finished, the girl quickly wrapped an available towel in her reach around her body. She grabbed her much volume of long dark locks and threw it into a high bun. Lita made her way back to Dorm 103 where she decided to throw on the first outfit she laid her eyes on. As she plopped down at the end of her cot, she grabbed her handy dandy makeup bag to begin the fight with her everyday makeup procedure.

Her makeup took a fair amount of time to do but it wasn't bad considering all she was doing to her hair was letting her natural waves take its course. Pulling each layer of clothing on one by one, Lita grabbed her cellphone and left the dorm room in a flash. She exited into the fresh air, taking her time to admire the beautiful day. Lita is usually never in a rush to get anywhere---what a surprise. The long haired gal made it into the dining hall in one piece. She glanced around the large room before her eyes hit the coffee kiosk where she ordered her usual Vanilla Bean Latte---a line that she definitely skipped. The girl took a seat beside her roomie---who was sharing a table with Olivia--the Mrs. Inglethorpe of Inglethorpe. Lita wasn't sure if she was considered to be in the popular crowd or not. Mainly because she never really tried to be. "Hey," she coolly said before taking a tiny sip of the coffee in her hand.


Raven Lowe

Peeking an eye open as Jiffy spoke out loud from across the dorm, a slight smile grew on her lips before she groaned and covered here face with a pillow. She could hear the door close which was her cue to finally get up. Raven knew Jiffy got up much earlier than her since showering was always hectic but Raven usually showered after her daily run---which usually took place late at night. She slid off the cot, groaning lazily as she did so. Having motivation in the morning has never been a thing to Raven, she definitely is a night owl since that's basically when she has the drive to literally do everything. Also, the night is beautiful to her; she takes much pleasure in it.

She plopped down on the floor in front of the mirror that lies against the wall. Her 'makeup mirror', so she likes to call it. Raven pulled her large clear makeup bag next to her, tossing her usual items in reaching range. Once she finished her almost perfectly executed foundation, the girl moved onto her eyes which was simple skin tone eyeshadow and a thick winged eyeliner. People usually stop and ask Raven if she wore fake eyelashes since they're so full and long. What can she say? She was just blessed with natural plumped lips, doll eyes, and nice skin.

Once she finished her makeup and put on her desired outfit, Raven was out the dorm and on her way to the dining hall. Breakfast. Her favorite thing to eat. Hell, the girl even eats it at night. You can never go wrong with having eggs and waffles for dinner, you're just not living if you haven't. Pulling the doors open to the large area, the girl's eyes were already glued on the breakfast line. She piled her plate with the usual fat accompanied by carbs but it didn't bother her. After paying for her heart attack on a plate, Raven spotted her roommate at a table with Violet. She plopped down beside Jiffy, rather forcefully. Glancing over at her black coffee, she cracked a smile. "You know you don't have to match your drinks with your soul," she was only teasing but it was obvious. If anyone had a black soul it was definitely Raven.


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{ Lita's is left and Raven's is right }



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Hollipop updated Inglethorpe Academy for Young Ladies with a new update entry:

Taylor and April have been removed/reopened due to inactivity.

The roles of Taylor DeMarco and April Preston have been temporarily removed from this RP until they are both filled again. Violet was listed as April's roommate, and Alyssa as Taylor's, so I'm putting Violet and Alyssa together in room 104 for the time being. I will keep the roles of Taylor and April reopened, but we'll most likely continue the RP without them.
If anybody would like to change their choice of electives, there are a few new spots available. They include:

Read the rest of this update entry...

Taylor DeMarco

Taylor woke up with Alyssa's
morning greeting and sighed when she heard the door snapping shut. Waking up that early was not written on the list of things she loved to do. She closed her eyes, snuggled down in the cushions and fell asleep for a second time. When she woke up again it was already 6:30. Taylor could not suppress a weary sigh as she remembered that the bathroom was going to fill with girls around this time. Nevertheless, she got out of the bed and reached for a towel. With a grumpy face she opened the door and headed for the bathroom. To her suprise the room was entirely empty, and she hopped into a shower quickly. It did not take that long to wash herself as she did not fancy showering too long.

After having a shower, Taylor rushed back into her room hurriedly, the white towel hiding her body, and stopped in front of the wardrobe. Looking for a nice outfit was her first priority after showering, and it happened that she went for a more casual look. After putting on some tights, a comfy, grey dress and mustered scarf , she slipped on the blue blazer and stepped in front of the mirror. She blow -dried her hair and decided to wear it loose before she changed over to the makeup. Subitle eyeshadow, mascara and some lipgloss. When she glanced at the clock for a second time, she realized that it was time for breakfast and grabbed her schoolbag. The way to the dining hall was short but muddy and Taylor congratulated herself a few times when she found herself reaching for a boot which stucked in the brown slime. Arriving at the dining hall was like a blessing and she delighted in the smell of sandwiches, muffins, pancakes (...). Taylor grabbed cup of cocoa and some sandwiches, before she left the counter and seat on a free chair next to Violet, Raven and Jiffy. "
Hey guys!"

April Preston

April woke up later than she was supposed to do and hissed angrily when she glanced at the clock. 7:30. Swearing she got up and slipped on her blue bathrobe before she rushed into the bathroom. Of course it was filled with masses of screaming and hurry-scurrying girls and it took some time since April could claim a shower stall. "Oh my god," she breathed when the icy cold water touched her skin and cursed her roommate for not waking her. April sighed and started to soap herself as fast as possible. Of course Violet was a nice girl and she should not curse her, because there were less girls who accepted April the way she was. Most of the girls at the Acadamy were superficial and annoying, sadly. When April finished with showering, she scampered back into her room and sneaked a peek at the mirror. Her hair was still wet and curly, not the way it should look like. Nervously she brushed her hair behind her ear. "Ok April, calm down!"


Maybe there was still some time to blow-dry her hair after breakfast. Hastily she headed for the wardrobe and selected some clothes her
father bought her, before he told her that she was accepted at the Inglethorpe Acadamy. With a sigh she slipped on a white blouse, jeans and the dark blue blazer and took her schoolbag . What an awful day!

When April left the room it was 7:45. She scurried into the dining hall and headed for the counter where she ordered a smoothie and a dish of cereals. Taking the tablet, she paid the food with that sparkling bank card, it was still a weird feeling to have something like this in her hands, and looked at the bunch of tables in front of her. Shyly she sidled herself through the thick tangle of people, bags and chairs since she reached the table were Alyssa was sitting. "
Hey," she murmured and sat down next to her.

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Jiffy McCoy

The platinum blonde was so engrossed in an article about torn up neon leggings that she didn't even notice Violet Hazely coming until she was standing above her. "Go for it," Jiffy smiled openly. She might have had a tough-as-nails appearance, but most were surprised to learn that she was actually down to earth. When asked about the magazine, she smiled. "It is. Nylon is the one thing I feel the need to be a total princess about. I literally freak out if my monthly issue is late," she admitted. This confession seemed mediocre compared to Olivia's crowd, who were reduced to sobbing messes if they lost a designer bobby pin, but Jiffy felt rather pathetic for her extreme loyalty to the publication.

She took a sip of her coffee and flipped the page in the magazine only to be greeted with the most beautiful pair of shoes she'd seen in her entire life. They were black Louboutins covered in spikes, and she was in love with everything about them. "
Aren't these to die for?" she sighed intently, showing the open page to Violet. If anybody understood the art of fashion, it was the flirtatious brunette. Even though they both had very different taste in clothing, they could both appreciate a fantastic piece regardless of the look. Jiffy looked back at the page and thought immediately of the plain black pumps she had sitting in her closet. She could easily pull out her credit card and buy the 1000 dollar shoes, but it would be so much fun to make them.

The low voice of Raven Lowe floated towards the table and Jiffy couldn't help but laugh at her roommate's comment. "
You're one to talk, Miss Princess of the Night," she replied as Raven forcibly plopped down in the chair next to her. "Rave, what do you think of these heels?" Jiffy asked, showing the studded platforms to her roommate. She was still on that high she got whenever she became excited about fashion. Raven wasn't quite the style addict Jiffy was, but she knew that the shoes were totally the girl's style. The roommates dressed very similarly.

"Hey, Taylor," Jiffy smiled at their dark-haired friend as she sat down at the table with a bright smile. Taylor DeMarco always seemed to be in a good mood, and was pretty much the opposite of Raven, but in a good way. The girl was a little bit boy-crazy, but it didn't get annoying simply because there weren't any boys here.

Olivia Woodsen

She twisted a lock of blonde hair around her pink-polished finger, bored in the presence of peasants. Luckily, Kaitlin came along to save her from what was bound to be the most boring breakfast ever. Or so Olivia thought. The brunette beauty sat down at the elite table only to immediately pop in her earbuds. Kaitlin was cool because she was mellow, but sometimes the girl was too relaxed for Olivia's liking. After all, the social butterfly that she was needed some constant interaction, or she might spontaneously combust.

Elise Sterling plopped her breakfast tray down on the table before sitting down to join them. She was Olivia's roommate, and one of the biggest athletes at Inglethorpe Academy. Olivia eyed her breakfast hungrily before realizing what she was doing and reverting her eyes to Elise's face instead. "
How'd you sleep?" she asked casually, making light conversation while trying to avoid eye contact with the steaming pancakes within inches of her. Olivia kept herself on an extremely strict diet. Some might call her anorexic, but she didn't see anything wrong with self restraint--except for moments of weakness like these, where food could prove to be her worst enemy.

She dug into her lemon yogurt, letting the granola sit and dissolve on her tongue so she could savor the flavor longer. Little tricks like these helped her not eat as much. "
Good morning, Lita," Olivia said to Kaitlin's roommate who had just joined them looking unsure yet collected. Normally Olivia would have made a comment about the new additions to the elite table, but it's not like these girls were losers. Besides, it was too early to be b*tchy. She couldn't be all-on when she was hungry.
Elise Sterling

"Pretty good, actually," she responded cheerfully to Olivia. Elise carefully cut into her pancakes, taking a larger than average bite afterwards. She could practically feel her eyes rolling back in her head as the wonderful taste overwhelmed her. Elise glanced around at the other girls who were swarming in, going to different tables, and only a few that sat at their table. Swallowing her bite of pancakes, Elise took a gulp of her tea. She offered up a smile to both Kaitlin and Lita as they sat down. Kaitlin, as usual, popped in her ear buds just after sitting down. It was nice that she could ignore the world and all but Elise found it oddly rude. As for Lita, she seemed like a decent girl. Nothing was really bad about her but it almost seemed like people didn't accept her as either popular or any sort of other grouping... She was just Lita.

Elise continued to eat her pancakes and let her eyes wander around the room. There were many familiar faces and some that stood out severely. Elise had recently found herself looking more intently at two specific girls -- Violet and Taylor. Violet was an interesting girl who Elise had seen around quite a few times but didn't have any classes with. Something made her want to approach the girl but she had always kept her distance. Taylor, on the other hand, was simply gorgeous and that seemed to be the only reason Elise ever looked in her direction. Of course, Elise seemed to be the only one that could be lesbian here, just her luck, although she would never even think about saying it out loud.

Alyssa Masterson

Looking up almost in shock, Alyssa forced out a smile. She had been eating alone thus far and hadn't really made friends so April's approach caught her off guard. Alyssa choked down the bit of food in her mouth before letting out a soft greeting. "Hey, what's up?" She questioned lightly. Well it did seem like a stupid question but it seemed like the right thing to ask. Alyssa took another bite of her food, feeling her stomach already filling. She had always had a small appetite and most kids just assumed she had an eating disorder, although that wasn't the case.

Alyssa has had severe stomach problems since a child. Growing up with issues such as this caused many problems for her but she tried to push on. Around the age of 10, her parents felt as if the lack of appetite needed more investigation so they took her in for a check up. It turned out that Alyssa had a minor case of Addison's disease so her appetite loss was actually part of a bigger problem. Since the problem was caught early, she was put on medication and treated immediately so her symptoms aren't as severe to this day. Alyssa refuses to tell people about her issue because she feels it may be worse for people to hear and have to explain than simply going along with an eating disorder.

Lita Prescott

The girl's fingers tapping the plastic top to the hot coffee in her hand, her eyes wandered from the cup to Olivia who sat in front of her, she smiled before speaking. "Morning," she replied with a half nod towards the blonde. Lita then looked at Elise who was at the table as well, flashing a half smile towards the girls before turning herself towards Kaitlin, letting her body sit sideways from the table as one leg hung from the outside of the seat. Elise was cool in her book, it wasn't really like the two talked on a daily basis but it was slightly weird that they didn't---seeing as the girl had a tom boyish vibe to her and it was something Lita could relate to. Although, Lita never felt herself around anyone other than Kaitlin, the two just clicked. She reached out her hand yanked the ear bud from her roommate's ear---hopefully not causing any pain.

"How'd you sleep, babe?" A warm smile growing on her lips before taking another sip of the coffee, cocking an eyebrow as she did. The cots aren't the most comfortable thing in the world so the question had a hence off sarcasm, being that Kaitlin probably slept just like the rest of them.

Raven Lowe

Watching as Taylor joined them, Raven brought a hand up to show a faint wave. "Hey Tay," a smile followed. She looked back at her roommate, slight laughter escaping as she did. "Princess of the Night," she mumbled before laughing once more. Her eyes now on the gorgeous shoes in the magazine Jiffy was showing her. Raven reached her black nail painted hand to gently take the magazine from Jiffy, which was now pretty close to her face for a better look. "I really love these!" A head nod followed to reassure it. Smiling as she handed the magazine back, Raven looked back at her roomie. "If there's spikes or studs on it----I'm sold." She faintly giggled, pushing hair behind her ear. "I'm sure you knew that, though." Raven swayed her body to gently bump Jiffy with her shoulder.

She looked over at Taylor and Violet as she placed her elbows solidly on the table, folding her arms afterwards. Taylor is a sweet girl and she never really put off anything negative and Raven kind of likes that---surprisingly enough since she's completely different. Although, Raven doesn't take much of a liking to Violet and that's not anything special, only because Raven doesn't really like anyone---especially in Inglethorpe except maybe two or three girls.

Samantha let out a sigh as the already-crowded dining hall seemed to fill up even more. She crossed her fingers, saying a little prayer that maybe someone would join her for once. It was a familiar plea - one that ran through her head almost every day of the week. Sam wasn't one to make the first move. If she did, she would surely say the wrong thing or screw thing up like she always seemed to. Among the judgmental girls of Inglethorpe, it was a risk she definitely wasn't willing to take. She just wanted to make everyone happy, and it seemed like they were only happy when she kept her mouth shut and kept to herself.

A quick glance around the tables showed Sam exactly why she kept to herself so much. The girls seemed to be laughing and carrying on - something that she didn't get to do much of anymore. It wasn't like she didn't want friends. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She was the kind of person who would do anything to make others happy. Her people-pleasing habits sometimes got the best of her, but she honestly believed it was the only way to make friends. However, she never got a chance to show them much. Her stuttering and awkwardness weren't exactly good qualities for socializing, which is why she kept to herself. She was a social butterfly trapped in the body of a socially anxious teenage girl. Sometimes it was a blessing, but on days like today it felt like a curse.

Samantha could feel her stomach growling, a reminder that she should probably eat before class instead of immersing herself in her online world. She sighed again. Braving the long walk to the breakfast bar from her secluded corner seat would mean passing through hundreds of the hawk-eyed girls. There was no better opportunity to be judged, nitpicked, and just plain ridiculed. However, she
was hungry. Without a second thought, she stuffed her laptop into her bag and stood up. Crossing her arms across her chest and trying to make herself seem as small as possible, she began to take small steps across the tiled floor. She kept her eyes down as she grabbed a mango smoothie and a cinnamon danish - not exactly the fat/sugar/calorie-free breakfast of the rest of the girls around campus. Making sure to deliberately avoid the table of "popular girls", she started to walk back to her seat.
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