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Colosseum Infinity Sky


Senior Member



Guildmaster Meridian

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Race: Celestial

Class: Wizard

Weapons/Items: Enchanted Robe

Magic/Powers/Skills: Elemental Control of Water, Wind, and Ice.

Fighting Style: Meridian is a master sorcerer of vast arcane wisdom and knowledge but he specializes in the creation and control of the elemental arts of Water and Air, and by merging these he can even utilize the divine element of Ice. Using either one of these powerful forces he can wipe out an entire army at once. This guildmaster is not one to be trifled with.


Name: Kreed Marshall

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Race: Vampire

Class: Mercenary

Weapons/Items: Army Blade, Dual handguns, Grenades.

Magic/Powers/Skills: Body Regeneration, Super Soldier,

Fighting Style: Kreed has increased self regenerating cells that activate when he drinks blood allowing him to heal from near fatal amounts of damage. Kreed is a fully trained super soldier, with increased speed, strength, agility, and reflexes beyond that of a normal human. Master of hand to hand combat, army blade user, and has a love of blowing things up with grenades.


Name: Sylvia Cross

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race: Human

Class:Priestess, Swordswoman

Weapons/Items: Trinity Swords

Magic/Powers/Skills: Holy Light Manipulation

Fighting Style: Sylvia is a master swordswoman with impeccable elegance, agility, speed, and grace, and trained in basic martial arts. She is also an ordained priestess able to grant her swords a holy light blessing which is fatal to undead and darkness born creatures. She can fight directly or can effortlessly control all three of her swords telekinetically to slice and dice her enemies from a distance, lastly she can angle her swords in a triangle to create a powerful forcefield made of light.


Name: Rayze Zephyr


Age: 19

Race: Human

Class: Samurai, Mage

Weapons/Items: Katana Sword , Unlimited Kunai.

Magic/Powers/Skills: SwordFighting, Lighting manipulation.

Fighting Style: Rayze is a young but highly skilled samurai and mage. He fights wielding a katana in one hand and a kunai in the other to strike down enemies with speed like spinning wind. Along with his Katana he keeps an unlimited amount of kunai hidden on him and can throw up to three at once with sharp accuracy. Lastly he can call upon the power of lightning and add it to his blades or kunai shocking his enemies upon cutting them down.


Name: Griz Jagga

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Race: Human

Class: Mage, Fighter

Weapons/Items: Battle Armor

Magic/Powers/Skills: Master Combatant, Fire Magic, Berserker Mode.

Fighting Style: Griz is a vicious master of hand to hand fighting whose fists and arms erupt into flames when battling. He is a legendary fighting mage able to raise his internal body temperature so hot that it's said his flames burn as hot as the fires in hell, and he can even breath a powerful flamethrower from his mouth. When really pissed off he can envelope his entire body in a blaze of flames drastically increasing the power of his flames, attack speed, and overall defense.


Name: Zvail Graceling

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Harpy

Class: Swordswoman, Tamer.

Weapons/Items: Rapier

Magic/Powers/Skills: Fencing, Flight, Bird Master and Control.

Fighting Style: Zvail is a master of Swordfighting use fencing style. Add the speed of her wings to her sword skills and you have a dangerous combination, allowing her to even pierce through solid armor with her sword. Her voice is a weapon as well. Her scream can stun any enemy long enough to leaveShe also has the natural ability to control speak with and control birds and any creatures with the instincts of a bird.


Name: Kane Tyrant

Gender: Male

Age: 150

Race: Demigod

Class: Brute, Fighter

Weapons/Items: None

Magic/Powers/Skills: Damage Resistance, Super Strength, Elemental Body Copy.

Fighting Style: Kane is the powerhouse fighter of the guild. He uses raw power and brute strength to overpower and crush anything he comes against. His body and skin is extremely tough and although not invincible he is highly resistant to physical damage but is weak against magical attacks. Lastly Kain has element body copy. Meaning he can take on the elemental traits of any solid element he touches in his surroundings. Such as wood, stone, metal, ice, jade, or diamond increasing his defense and strength even further.


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Name: Maryse du Soir

Species: Dullahan

Biological Sex: Female

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual


Contrary to the thoroughly mordant nature of her species, Maryse maintains a generally positive and optimistic disposition, and is generally thought to be quite full of energy and life. She regards others quite jovially and is happy to make new friends, being quite the extrovert.

Physical Description:

Standing at 5'7" with her head on, and 4'8" without it, Maryse has a well-built physique, with weatherbeaten skin. She typically wears light pauldrons, vambraces, and greaves of leather, with a tunic of leather and chainmail. Her helmet, however, is made of solid wrought iron, and covered with spikes like a morningstar warhead.


  • Dullahan Physiology - Maryse cannot be killed by normal means, although she certainly can be wounded and hurt rather thoroughly. Only a weapon made from or edged in gold is capable of killing her permanently. And, obviously, her head is fully detachable.

  • Dullahan Magic - Maryse is capable of summoning a

    Death Coach-like chariot pulled by skeletal horses with which to cross the land, or a small skiff made of fingernails and toenails similar to the Naglfar, with which to cross the sea.​


  • Chain Whip - a two meter long chain whip, with human vertebrae worked into its links. It is capable of striking both corporeal and ethereal beings.

  • Spiked Barbute - a barbute helmet constructed of tough iron, covered in numerous spikes. It can be clipped onto the end of Maryse's whip, so that together they function like a flail.


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Name: Alistair "Al" O'Riley

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Race: Half-Elf

Class: Bow Knight


  • unlimited arrows
  • Drisheen (a blessed bow from the Wind God)
  • Camilla (Al's mount, a hazel-colored horse with white fur in its legs)


  • bow efficiency
  • super speed
  • super sight
  • nature knowledge
  • intelligence
  • animal knowledge
  • magic and trap detection

Fighting Style: Alistair is extremely quick in combat, whether mounted with Camilla or just in his feet, he is also hasty in drawing his bow so he could fire multiple arrows at once. Aside from being agile, he is also gifted with great accuracy, his arrow rarely misses, he ensures each time he releases one, it's the final blow.


Name: Smoke Auo

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Race: Human

Class: Alchemist/Mage

Weapons/Items: His lucky scythe named Diana, bow and arrow, gun

Magic/Powers/Skills: Alchemy, Fusionism(Smoke can fuse together objects, powers, emotions, concepts, living beings, etc., turning them into single unit),Potion Creation, High intelligence .

Fighting Style: Smoke is a highly-skilled alchemist. He can fuse items to use them in combat or transmutate weapons to transform them into something else. He uses potions to heal himself to to poison foes. He is extremely proficient and lucky with his scythe, Diana.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.8045472f8574cd0ea5582867438788c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.8045472f8574cd0ea5582867438788c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Draco Kage

Gender: Male


Race: Human

Class: Assassin/Mage


  • Unlimited Shuriken
  • Geshi no Ken (Katana enchanted by the moon goddess. AKA Solstice)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.eef26754f088bf1264b799740a0393a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.eef26754f088bf1264b799740a0393a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
  • Shunbun no Ken (Cursed Katana quenched in dragon's blood. AKA Equinox)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.8e4ff84a402f79e15b045d8585000785.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.8e4ff84a402f79e15b045d8585000785.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Shadow manipulation
  • Fire and Ice manipulation
  • Enhanced speed
  • Enhanced perception
  • Niten Ishi Ryu (Art of using two Katanas at once)

Fighting Style:

Draco moves quickly and quietly among the shadows. He uses his control over the darkness to keep himself hidden until it is time to strike. The young assassin's primary weapon is the Geshi no ken, he calls her solstice. Draco uses a Solstice to focus and use various ice spells. The Shunbun no Ken is Draco's most powerful weapon. The sword, he calls Equinox, bestows it's user with a Dragon's Rage. This ability let's Draco cause mass amounts of damage with the flaming blade, but the ability comes at a cost. The longer he uses Equinox the more the rage consumes him. If he uses the sword by itself for to long the dragon inside will consume his mind.

If he can't avoid a large scale battle Draco will draw both blades and use a style derived from Niten Ishi Ryu. Draco gracefully glides across the battlefield cutting his foes down with both of his Katanas. Each sword balances the others power, but the duel wielding style halves the blades natural magical properties.



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height: 6’0 (she is short for her age but don’t tell her that)

Role: damage dealer

personality: the spoiled younger sister and beloved descendent of orcish royalty. besides her orcish tendencies of fighting,feasting and all other things orc she really is a typical girl. She loves to dress up,flirt,and biggest aspirations is to fall in love with her “prince charming” and all the other princes girly yada yada. Until this happens she refuses lay down her blade for any reason. She does have a soft side for monstrous beast and prefers delivering deaths with the most respect.

History: She was born from legends. Her mothers and fathers story told by her people to any child's waiting ears, and any writers eager pen. Her mother the Monster queen. Her father the only one strong enough to win over her heart. She didn't have a strong relationship with her parents after all they were not concerned with having children but accessor. She was only a child when her mother died and her people casted themselves into war. Not exactly the queenly type they needed she vowed to return when she had become worthy to be there ruler,or find somebody who is.



bear wrestling



being told no

being called short


Weapons: two handed weapon with an arm guard (a very sturdy and heavy plated arm guard that can be used as a shield to block blows). Or she will dual wield axes.

A cursed amulet with powers. In fear of loosing her most precious jewel to the hands of her enemies her mother had a sea witch infuses it with Kori's heart in exchange for her soul resulting in her life. So one literally has to rip Kori's heart out to get it.


Soul shield-She can resist not contact attacks using her will power to project a shield.

Monster Queen abilities-A magical/cursed amulet that lets her into the minds of beast. She can't actually read there minds but there thoughts and memories are shared. She has no control on the monsters but when faced with a beast (like a dragon or something) The beast will see her not as a stranger but as another monster. This helps in deadly encounters.....sometimes.
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Sorry you guys my email is spamming all of my alerts and I don't know why. I'll be getting back to you all by tonight and yes you can create your own races
Draco and Kori are both accepted. You can now accept missions from the guildmaster Meridian. Thanks for joining.

@aja maji

@JW Suzusihi

You can customize and create any character you want. After I feel they are not to overpowered or underpowered I will approve. But I have pretty lenient standards so you should be fine.

@Under Dunder
Thief of Darkness

Name: Aurelian McKnight "Dark Eclipse"


Age: ??? No one knows, and h will never tell.

Race: Dark Spirit

Class: Dark Mage in a way

Weapons/Items: Enchanted Cape to protect himself from light, lightning, and fire. (His weaknesses)

Magic/Powers/Skills: :Dark Eclipse has the ability to control shadows, darkness, and negative energy. If the opponent he is fighting has a lot of negative emotions, Dark Eclipse can feed off of that and increase his powers. Dark Eclipse also has access to a negative world, a world that is engulfed in complete darkness. Dark Eclipse uses portals to slip in and out of his negative dimension, and he can store objects and people in his negative dimension for however long he wants. The longer a person stays inside Dark Eclipses negative dimension, the more negative emotions they feel (anger, sorrow, and depression are common traits of being in his dimension for too long). Unfortunately for his victims, Dark Eclipse is the only one who can enter in and out of his negative dimension freely; if he traps you in his negative dimension, you are virtually stuck there. He typically uses his negative dimension to store stolen items.

Knowledge on most things on the darker side of existence. I.e. Ghosts, demons, spirits, monsters, dark magic, etc.

Fighting Style: Dark Eclipse his swift like the night, sometimes not even appearing to have legs. He hides in the shadows and launches spikes and tendrils from any dark spot around his opponent. He is a master of spacing and will usually stick to any long range attacks, including using clones or low level monsters he has in his dimension. Close-combat is a last resort for him. Watching, waiting, and responding is what he does best.

Other: At some point in time, Aurelian was a human. However, due to tragic events, negative emotions, and dark forces, he is now "Dark Eclispe". He has revoked his true name, to symbolize the death of his old self and birth of his new one. A lot of time has passed since his human body has died, and he has accumulated enough energy to where some simple purifying rituals or spells won't get rid of him. It will take a lot to defeat this entity of darkness.
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Name: Taylor

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Pure human

class: assassin, bow, ranged

Weapons/items: Compound bow, decked out with sight and compensator gadgets. She has a silenced USP .45 and a katana.

Magic/powers/skills: Excellent stealth hunter, can turn invisible in shadows, fast and agile, parkour, can rapid fire if in an emergency.

Knowledgeable in the sense that she knows how to avoid attention

Other: n/a


: Balathor

Gender: Male

Age: 67

Race: Ekyrn, black bear type (Bears that walk on two legs and have the ability to speak)

Class/ Attributes: Bruiser, Melee, Defender, Bard.

Weapons Items: He makes use of his claws and body weight when fighting, he does not need a wepon. He wears a pair of baggy emerald green martial arts pants, and he has bandaged forearms used for blocking. Other items include a flute, water pouch and a small notebook with ha pencil.

Powers/Skills: He is very tall and Heavy and can act as a wall of meat and muscles when needed to, this complementing his razor sharp claws can make short work of most foes. He is very familiar with martial arts and even thogh his size he's quite agile. He can take to all four and break into a brutal sprint wreckig anything in his way.

Fighting style: He prefers to fight only when needed and he does not see it as anything but serious. He uses his claws to slash and cut and his fists to break and pound. He never uses his teeth when fighting since he hates the taste of blood.

Other: He is a vegetarian, this does not have any health effects on him since he is an Ekyrn and not a normal bear. He is calm and collected most of the time, and quite poetic/wise for his kind. He sometimes gets consumed by the thrill of a good fight and becomes unreasonable and in some cases enraged. He has a major scar on his back, he got it after being clawed on his back by Another Ekryn. He has dreadlocks matching his black fur hanging down his back from his head.​

Name: Tobias The Everlasting

Gender: Male

Age:4672 (looks 9)

Race: Daemon

Class: AlterMagus

Weapons/Items: Magical Guantlet and Benelli Nova Shotgun

Powers/Skills/Magic: AlterMagi can manipulate pure magic essence in the world around them basic a sapper of life force then redirects it into a spell.

Healing magic: Can heal major wounds but not replenish the blood or injury sustained only close them to prevent any further damage. Mid range to minor wounds can be cured completely

Barrier spells: Can manifest barriers around himself and others to deflect attacks physical attacks require less mana to repel while magical incurs more fatigue./ The barrriers can also be shattered by Tobias and the shards used as projectiles.

Physical Enhancement: Alters the bodies abilities for a short time to perform outstanding feats.

Haoen: A close range spell created by Tobias that physically forces back enemies and can do devastating damage depending on how long it can be charged.

Basic magic Techniques: Fireballs, Scrying, Illusion spells, creating balls of light to see, basic stuff any mage would know.

Daemonic Release: A transformation that allows his daemonic influence into this plane making him faster stronger and older

Fighting Style: Tobias tends to stay at a distnce bejng a more supportive fighter and healer however if engaged he will hold his own.

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Name: Iseni Hatulk

Gender: Male

Race: Demon-Blooded Human

Class: Ninja/Mage

Weapons/Items: Shatter, a katana forged in the city of Onyx, and mana/healing boost items. He typically wears lightweight black clothing under a red cloak, the latter signifying his status in the City of Onyx. He carries with him chalk, a notebook, and several sigil-marked pebbles.

Abilities/Skills: Iseni wields magic in the form of sigils, using the very language of magic to manipulate matter. The disadvantage to this magic is that it can take a moment to inscribe a sigil, which is where his most powerful skill, Forgotten Script, comes in. Forgotten Script allows Iseni to cast sigils immediately, without having to write them. This does, however, take blood from him to cast, which is why the healing boost amulet he wears is necessary. His sword and body have both been inscribed with sigils, making the blade sharper and giving Iseni heightened agility and senses. His cloak is also inscribed with a few sigils, their purpose to make it far more difficult for any enemy to focus on him.

Fighting Style: When in combat, Iseni's fighting style is either as more of a support class, using his sigils to heal others and provide assistance, an agility based class, staying in close and dodging attacks while slashing with Shatter, or as a trapper type class, luring enemies into sigil traps.

Appearance: Iseni typically wears lightweight black clothing under a red cloak, the latter signifying his status in the City of Onyx, as mentioned above. He has unruly black hair, which he normally leaves free, and dark yellow eyes, almost a gold, as another remainder of the blood transfusion performed after he slew the Demon King of the City of Onyx. He keeps Shatter, his Katana, in a sheath hanging on the left side of his body, and carries a small pouch full of sigil-inscribed pebbles on the right side of his waist.

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Name: Raidriar

Gender: Male

Race: Deathless

Class: Knight/Mage

Weapons/items: The infinity blade, a sword made by the worker of secrets to grant the deathless a true death. Is wearing a Helio Armor Set along with the shield called epsilon

Abilities/Skills: he attacks faster than any normal enemy and uses 3 unblockable fury combos along with rarely-used light magic.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8bbc30e9c30f236fffd81486f4f4fb15.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8bbc30e9c30f236fffd81486f4f4fb15.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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