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Fandom Inferno's Fandom RP Bonanza


Hellfire Vanguard
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Infernos RP Search!

Hello everyone! Searching for roleplays within the following fandoms below. Even tho I have my own ideas and stories I want to make, not everything is set in stone. I am more then willing to change things and hear out your ideas as well! More then willing to play side characters as well, something I actually really like to do. As long as the same can be done for me, Im not here to only do what you want.

Frequency is as flexible as possible; Reply when you can is my motto. Im more than happy to hear your ideas or fandoms you're interested in. I must preference that the fandoms below are not required but more a base for interests amongst others, to see what I and what someone else is interested in. Do tell me what YOU are into and we'll see if we can work something out! I cannot stress enough how open I am tho even I have limits.

If at all interested, DM me!

  • I will not role play with anyone who’s is under 18. Aint gonna happen.
    Length is something thats not  that important to me! I’d be happy if my partner could at least write a paragraph. With at least some description of what is happening in said story! I WILL NOT accept the script format or single line responses, however.
    Please have decent spelling and punctuation.
    Communication is something I would prefer from my partner. If you have any issues, concerns or ideas, PLEASE tell me.
    Powerplay or Godmodding isnt going to fly.
    I mainly do MxF parings as well as doubling up or more for characters. Im very fine with Canon and OCs!

    Must be okay with;

    • Gore
    • Language
    • NSFW elements
    • 3rd person paragraph format
    • Dark/Mature Plots
    • Correct punctuation/spelling
    • Decent responses
    • Complex plots
    • In it for the long haul
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Hello how are you?
I saw you do not care how much or little your rper writes and hats off to you cheers mate 👍 👌 👏 😉 but I am a novella rper or as some would say. An advanced lit rper
I have no problem with anything you wrote and I entirely focus myself on story development and writing

I'll cut to the chase and keep this simple. I write a lot.

I require a bare minimum of three paragraphs per reply. Preferably more but this at a minimum. If you think you can write this I'd love to talk more and get to know you more. Share in our characters and settings 😀😃😃

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