• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Infernal Intervention - CS



Indiscriminate Quest Taker
EDIT (03/01/2019): The list of characters now is no longer set to a hard limit of ten team members, and has been upped to a softer limit of twelve characters. In addition, characters who are antagonists or not affiliated with the team will take much longer to show up but don't count towards that team member limit either.

The Job Offer
Do you have what it takes to be a guardian of the balance of good and evil, to preserve the sanctity of both life and death while sacrificing to keep the systems we live by running? Are you a competent mage, mythological hybrid or halfling, full-blooded defector from another realm, or magitek-using technopath willing to risk life and limb to preserve inter-dimensional liberty and claim a six-figure commission generously donated by the governments of the multiverse? Do you have martial prowess, mystical combat experience, or a competence in any skills practical in a wartime or espionage scenario? Then we have a job offer for you!

Founded nearly forty years ago as a joint task force between international corporations, first world powers, class five or higher mage alliances and pantheons with a steady soul harvest of at least 200,000 per year, and spearheaded by one of the first mystically gifted inter-species children of the current generation, The Infernal Intervention Task Force is a multiversal organization with the express purpose of maintaining the order put into question in the years following mankind's first face-to-face meeting and conversations with the gods and the ensuing instability. From espionage to search and rescue and from diplomacy to war, the organization recruits the most talented young stock in the magic and magitek communities to assign to teams sent around Earth and the surrounding worlds to take down any potential threats to the balance of the multiverse. The risks are many but the rewards are great and the lives you will have saved will make the job truly worth it.

First, we need some crucial information about you and your abilities to assess your potential role in the organization. This includes and is limited to in the following form:

Infernal Intervention Application
  • Name: Your character's full name (with whatever name they prefer to go by in parentheses).
  • Species Status: Whether or not your character is human, fully another species, or a half-human (if half-human, please identify the species of the non-human parent). The Infernal Intervention Task force is an equal-opportunity recruiter and other than filing purposes your entry in this section will not constitute a reason for your rejection.
  • Appearance: Please provide either a detailed description of your character or use a photo reference. Both is fine, too.
  • Prior Affiliation: List the pantheon, government, or school of magic your character initially sided with.
  • History and Personality: Fill in details about your character's motivations, history, and personality. Learning why your character wants to be part of the task force is essential and knowing about personality ahead of time helps placement within the team go a lot smoother.
  • Build Placement: Select up to three of the entries in parentheses that best suits your character (Combat, Investigation, Stealth, Politics, Survival, Charisma, Leadership, Arcane, and Support). The placement determined by starting build do not constitute a permanent position in the team and is subject to change as your character develops and becomes more experienced.
  • Non-Magical Skills: List somewhere between two and five non-magical skills your character may have. They could be related to any of the above entries in Overall Build Placement you selected.
  • Magical Skills: List up to two magical skills, which can include training under a school of magic such as evocation, thaumaturgy, kinetomancy, or divination, or a specific mystical power descending from your birth or your parentage.
  • Ties and Relationships: Any links your character may have to friends, family, or entire factions and groups of people.
  • Fun Facts: Anything extra about your character you want to share.

The Questionnaire
You're almost ready to submit your application, but first there are just a few questions and suggestions that we want to ask you to see what assignment squad you should be placed in. (Answering these is entirely optional but help determine what kind of assignments to send out and what kind of direction the story's gonna go in).

1.) Would your character be willing or unwilling to utilize their history in the overall plot and get involved in personal matters on the job?
2.) What sorts of jobs would your character prefer doing between the general three tiers of combat, espionage, and crisis situations?
3.) What sorts of factions and places would your character prefer going to, and what kind of situation or overall tone would your character most likely fit in well with?
4.) Is your character willing to risk suffering greatly, up to the extent of mental scarring, physical scarring, physical mutilation incurred on the job, or death? (Specify where you draw the line.)

Congratulations! You have successfully submitted your application to join the Infernal Intervention Task Force. You will receive word of your acceptance or denial into the program within a single business day or less.

Thank you to everyone who submits character sheets and is ready to get involved in this! I only have some final closing rules on character design, and that mainly amounts to ask another member about their character if you plan on connecting your character to theirs and refraining from making your character OP or a jack of all trades, just to embrace the teamwork-based gameplay this RP is hopefully going to center on. Every character should get a chance to shine and has a definite purpose in each mission, even if they're all competent combatants, and it would also embrace the non-combat elements of the RP. Once again, thank you everyone!

The Current Roster
Currently accepting applications for the primary team (for a group of about 10-12).

  • 1. Mara Answorth (Mr Hawke)
  • 2. Ria Lethe McAlister (Nastarial)
  • 3. Kaliope Blythe (VasiliasMellow)
  • 4. Artur Demetrescu (HumansArentReal)
  • 5. Asher Salah (Lemercer)
  • 6. Quel'xavuatl (The Villain King)
  • 7. Shayla Bloodmire (Nastarial)
  • 8. Vischer Stanislav Valentin (HumansArentReal)
  • 9. Albert Greaney (Mr Hawke)
  • 10. Grischa (wickedlittlecritta)
  • 11. Optional Unfilled Position
  • 12. Optional Unfilled Position
Former Team Members
  • Anastasia Vembo (ThatGuyWithSouvlaki)
  • Miles Baxter (SP3CT3R)
  • Aiden Wright (Theflamre)
  • Lady Hailey Tarabith Severina Melloi III (MachiavellismAlter)
Non-Team Member Characters
  • Vodda Flynn (The Villain King)

Once all ten positions are filled, then the group will be closed. The CS thread will update as open if anyone is kicked or more likely voluntarily resigns from the RP, and at some point in time there may be expansions to the character roster, such as the introduction of a B-team, the inclusion of backup characters for those currently on the roster whose characters are able to die, and other potential additions. If your character is not accepted for the final position, do not worry, as I can keep you in touch on the goings on of the RP and notify you if the team expands or needs a new member if you still want to use your character.
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Name: Mara Answorth
Species Status: Full Human
At a height of 6'3, she'll tower over most anybody
Prior Affiliation: United States government as a soldier in the army
History and Personality: Her parents died when she was young in a car crash, which left her with a nasty scar on her left jaw, which she covers up with her hair. She grew up in various foster homes, and when she turned 18, she enrolled in the army. She stayed there for a while before realizing that this wasn't a job fit for her, there were too many rules and restrictions. She's a hardass at first, but if and when she trusts you, she'll be as loyal as humanly possible. She's joining this task force because she needs money, and most mercenary work either doesn't pay enough or is too risky.
Build Placement: Combat with a little bit of arcane and charisma.
Non-Magical Skills: She's good with most guns, but she prefers dual pistols. She's proficient with many melee weapons, including swords, clubs, and knives. She's also a great intimidator and persuader.
Magical Skills: She's learned basic pyromancy from books and online tutorials. She also self-trains in an abandoned warehouse.
Ties and Relationships: Aside from being a soldier in the US army, she doesn't have many ties.
Fun Fact: Can and will fight you if you insult her or her friends.
Friendly reminder of some things that she considers insults to herself:
Disagreeing with her
Saying anything vaguely sarcastic/passive agressive
Being taller than her
And last, but not least, actually insulting her

1.) Would your character be willing or unwilling to utilize their history in the overall plot and get involved in personal matters on the job?
She'll be passive agressive about it the whole time, but she'll do it nonetheless.

2.) What sorts of jobs would your character prefer doing between the general three tiers of combat, espionage, and crisis situations?
Definitely combat, it's where she knows the most.

3.) What sorts of factions and places would your character prefer going to, and what kind of situation or overall tone would your character most likely fit in well with?
She has no preference about places to go, and she'd fit best somewhere where there are a bunch of tough people. Think a dogfight arena or The Salty Spitoon.

4.) Is your character willing to risk suffering greatly, up to the extent of mental scarring, physical scarring, physical mutilation incurred on the job, or death? (Specify where you draw the line.)
It's all good, don't worry. I just ask you don't kill her off too early, or if she gets something amputated, that she can get a prosthetic that works well.​
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GumGumChomp GumGumChomp
Character accepted. The only other thing I'd suggest you add to your character is where she learned pyromancy, otherwise your character's good to go and when the RP starts they'll be given one of the combat-heavy positions on the team.
Name: Ria Lethe McAlister (Lethe)

Species Status: Human Mage

Appearance: Lethe is a short woman with a slender build. She has long black hair, usually kept in a low ponytail, and her skin is quite pale. She has a rather plain look about, until one takes note of her eyes, which are lavender in color and often changes in shade with her mood. She has a number of small scars from spells and bladed weapons on her arms and torso. She often wears things that require little to no effort to put on, t-shirts, jeans, ect. The exception to this is when she's going on a mission. In addition to the standard uniform, she wears a sleeveless, tattered long coat with a decent sized scorch mark on the back and has a couple pouches on her belt containing a few tinctures.

Prior Affiliation: Hecate's Risen - a cult of mages worshiping a perverse version of Hecate

History: Lethe was raised in small community in the middle of nowhere. The community was innocent enough in its early years, as they revered Hecate as a goddess of magic, wanting to keep to older ways of doing things since their community effectively remained unchanged since 1910. That slowly changed before Lethe was born. While magic was still the focus of the worship, another aspect wandered in. Hecate was a goddess that presided over the dead, and this cult took that aspect and twisted it into necromancy, where only the top members could practice. This was often done on those who couldn't cast well enough, so Lethe practiced to both stay alive and gain more power. Competition to move up was fierce and while all was anxious to try another school of magic, Lethe wondered about how magic was used in the rest of the world. At the age of seventeen, the elders of the small community announced that they would be 'gaining' strength from some faeries. All knew this meant an attack, and so for a few years, learning magic was put on hold for all in favor of other skills to best affect the enemy or aid themselves. After this conflict, that left half of her 'family' dead, they became more reclusive and became even more focused on necromancy. Finally, at 22 years old, she left, vanishing before any could stop her, taking with her only one item: a coat enchanted with a protection spell bearing an emblem of two crossed torches over a skull (the cult's symbol of their worship of Hecate). It wasn't long before she learned that the rest of the world lived by different values, and so she sought to fit in as well as gain protection against any retaliation from the remnants of her family. And so, she's looking to join the IITF, where she can make the best use of her skills.

Personality: Lethe is curious by nature and somewhat naive to how the modern world works. While she never lies, she doesn't always speak truth - a fae trick she picked up on, and she tends to be quiet more than anything. She's creative with most of her spells and how she uses them, and knows the value of being clever on the battlefield, where nearly all her scars were gained from. She can be friendly enough, when the need arises, but prefers to keep to herself.

Build Placement: Arcane, Combat and Charisma

Non-Magical Skills: Arcane Knowledge - knowledge that enables those familiar to recognize and identify spell-work and magical items (depends heavily on user's familiarity with various schools for most reliable information); Weapon Improvisation - the ability to utilize a nearby item as a temporary weapon; Fae Lore - knowledge on faerie magic and weaknesses; Herbal Toxicology - knowledge on poisonous herbs and how to use them/cure effects; Alchemy - potion making

Magical Skills: Alteration and Evocation schools of magic

Ties and Relationships: Alexander McAlister is her older brother, only living blood relative, and was obsessively seeking to become an elder in her home cult; Celeste Jackson was a close friend who Lethe had fought beside against the fae, and whom Lethe had never confided her intent to leave.

Fun Facts: Lethe is currently experiencing some culture shock, as she isn't used to modern technology, so she sometimes behaves like a young child; she also has PTSD from the sudden war her cult dragged her into, so she sometimes experiences night terrors and other symptoms of it.


1.) Would your character be willing or unwilling to utilize their history in the overall plot and get involved in personal matters on the job?
Willing enough, though she wouldn't be a happy camper.​

2.) What sorts of jobs would your character prefer doing between the general three tiers of combat, espionage, and crisis situations?
Combat would be preferred over the others; depending on the type of crisis, however, she could become involved in that sort of mission as well.​

3.) What sorts of factions and places would your character prefer going to, and what kind of situation or overall tone would your character most likely fit in well with?
She would do anything involving magic. She's always up for fighting fae, as well.​

4.) Is your character willing to risk suffering greatly, up to the extent of mental scarring, physical scarring, physical mutilation incurred on the job, or death?
Depending on the circumstances, yes to all, so long as she doesn't die before I can torture her some.​
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Name: Anastasia Vembo
Species Status: Non-human/Gorgon
Has snake like eyes and though look fully human in anger or danger she may reveal a more monstrous snake like facial appearance with razor fang like teeth and elogated nails. As clothing she usually walks around in a hidjab to cover her snakes and special sunglasses to stop he petrifiying sight.
Prior Affiliation: Olympian Pantheon (begrudgingly)
History and Personality: Descendent from Medusa herself though the link is unknown to all but the Olympians. She is older than she looks though, living mostly in solitude for unknown number of centuries, hunting, learning about nature and observing humanities growth from afar. Though mostly keeping to herself she is mischievous and sometimes cruel, tormenting the odd human hiker who ends up in her spot of the forest. This torment born of envy of their ties and relationship with each other, such denied to her due to inheriting the curse given to her infamous ancestor by the petty Greek gods. However it was they that approuched her with a choice: join the task force and maybe earn a chance at humanity or refuse and face judgement for the torments on the humans. The choice was obvious.
Build Placement: Investigation, Arcane, Support
Non-Magical Skills: Keen eyes with analitical mind. Skilled in herbelogy due to her time living alone in forest and has a keen interest in sienceses. Her blood depending on what side of her body it is drawn can be either curative (right) or deadly (left).
Magical Skills: Illusion, Druidic (plant manipulation specialist), her petrifiying sight.
Ties and Relationships: A Descendent of medusa and forced to be a rep of the Olympian apart from that no-one. Her hair snakes are her babies though and is very affectionate to them,
Fun Facts: Anything extra about your character you want to share.

1.) Would your character be willing or unwilling to utilize their history in the overall plot and get involved in personal matters on the job?

It is do or die for her.
2.) What sorts of jobs would your character prefer doing between the general three tiers of combat, espionage, and crisis situations?

Espionage and intelligence gathering

3.) What sorts of factions and places would your character prefer going to, and what kind of situation or overall tone would your character most likely fit in well with?

Anything involving nature or chance to increase knowledge. See also answer to 2

4.) Is your character willing to risk suffering greatly, up to the extent of mental scarring, physical scarring, physical mutilation incurred on the job, or death?

Not really but it's definite death or worse if she refuses so... And who knows maybe she finds something in the task force that makes her more willing.
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Nastarial Nastarial Your character has been approved and will be able to have a combat-heavy role in the team but will also need to double with a role involving charisma and arcane knowledge due to her Fae knowledge. A lot of the factions and ideas you've brought up fit very well into the story, as the Fae and black magic users are both probably among the top five most frequent kinds of adversaries you're going to go up against as a team, and the Greek pantheon is a major power in the setting, so your character fits in the setting well.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Your character has been approved and will also be able to have an analysis and support role in the team. Another connection to the Greek pantheon is definitely helping to figure out what the starting point for the team is going to be as far as missions go, and my only requests are to be specific about the types of Druid magic that she can use and put some sort of limitation or drawback on the petrifying sight but overall your character is good to go.
Nastarial Nastarial Your character has been approved and will be able to have a combat-heavy role in the team but will also need to double with a role involving charisma and arcane knowledge due to her Fae knowledge. A lot of the factions and ideas you've brought up fit very well into the story, as the Fae and black magic users are both probably among the top five most frequent kinds of adversaries you're going to go up against as a team, and the Greek pantheon is a major power in the setting, so your character fits in the setting well.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Your character has been approved and will also be able to have an analysis and support role in the team. Another connection to the Greek pantheon is definitely helping to figure out what the starting point for the team is going to be as far as missions go, and my only requests are to be specific about the types of Druid magic that she can use and put some sort of limitation or drawback on the petrifying sight but overall your character is good to go.
Is the fact of the sight being "constantly on" only held back by easily removed and breakable sunglasses a sufficient drawback? Otherwise any ideas?
ZacksQuest ZacksQuest I've adjusted my CS. I wasn't sure where to plop arcane knowledge, so I put it with nonmagical skills, because I wasn't sure where else to put it.
And thank you, I tried to make her compelling. Glad to know that I succeeded. ^-^
Is the fact of the sight being "constantly on" only held back by easily removed and breakable sunglasses a sufficient drawback? Otherwise any ideas?
That could work too, if you wanted to add that that would definitely be a good drawback for the power. I meant like either the petrification works on a time limit or it only works on things that are mortal and not already dead, so like any human or mortal monster and most half-humans can get affected by it, but demons, ghosts, and gods are all either immune or have a resistance to it. I love the petrifying gaze as an ability, I only want to make it so that your character's other abilities can shine through even in a combat situation.

Also Nastarial Nastarial arcane knowledge can definitely be a non-magical skill, because any actual use of arcane knowledge would be a form of magic already. Also it would definitely help in non-combat situations for trying to find the source of an incident, hidden glamors, and other uses.
That could work too, if you wanted to add that that would definitely be a good drawback for the power. I meant like either the petrification works on a time limit or it only works on things that are mortal and not already dead, so like any human or mortal monster and most half-humans can get affected by it, but demons, ghosts, and gods are all either immune or have a resistance to it. I love the petrifying gaze as an ability, I only want to make it so that your character's other abilities can shine through even in a combat situation.

Also Nastarial Nastarial arcane knowledge can definitely be a non-magical skill, because any actual use of arcane knowledge would be a form of magic already. Also it would definitely help in non-combat situations for trying to find the source of an incident, hidden glamors, and other uses.
Here is a thought: It requires eye contact, so illusion plays a role, but the effects depend on race such as for humans it is permanent, demigod and half breeds its duration is based on willpower. Ghost, gods, demons are immune. As of other monsters it is based on intelligence, sentient ones it is like half humans, echolocation creature are immune and so on.
Here is a thought: It requires eye contact, so illusion plays a role, but the effects depend on race such as for humans it is permanent, demigod and half breeds its duration is based on willpower. Ghost, gods, demons are immune. As of other monsters it is based on intelligence, sentient ones it is like half humans, echolocation creature are immune and so on.

Now this is a balance for the power. I like it and I like your finishing touches on the character!
Name: Lady Hailey Tarabith Severina Melloi III (Nickname: Hal. Codename: Lady Ley)

Species Status: Human (Her great-grandmother on her father side was a Druid)

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 84 lbs.
Hair: White, Shoulder-length, curly.
Face: Blue eyes, high bridged nose.
Body: Athletic build
Attire: Black cloak, Black corset, shorts.
Age: 32

Prior Affiliation: Magic Regulation Task Force (Mage Association)

History and Personality:
Lady Hailey was born into the wealthy (both financially and in magical potence) Melloi family, one of the founding families of the Mage's Association, but one by one, her family left for missions and never returned. All that she knew was that they were dead, accompanied by 5 letters from the Association sending her condolences, benefits, and confirmation. And so, without so much as lifting a finger, she became the sole heir and member of the Melloi Family. Once a family of distinguished honor, now a name held only by one girl.

Of course, this did not bode well for her, for anything received with no effort is worthless. She, like every one of her family, entered the Regulation Task Force, vowing that she would never die like that. With great skill, she learned Projection and Runes. She focused on those two archetypes and became feared in the mage world. With her wealth, she enrolled in professional mage and normal schools to attain more knowledge she needed, even as far as going to military school. The Melloi name held honor, and now fear.

Of course there was one problem. The task forces were teams, but Hailey liked working alone, so she has a reputation of being cold and distant towards others, as well as treating her allies as chess pieces, not batting an eye if sacrifices have to be made. Unless she is fond of them, then she becomes overprotective.

She stumbled upon the new task force when she was looking for new jobs. She just wants the experience, and the possibility to trace more weapons.

Build Placement: Combat, Investigation, and Politics.

Non-Magical Skills: Analytic Mind, a keen knowledge of political science and economics, efficiency in combat and decision-making, a wide array of on-field tactics, and an expert of psychology.

Magical Skills:
Projection (Inherited from her father. It is the signature magic technique of the Mellois)
-The ability to trace the ley lines contained in an object (usually a weapon) to copy and manifest its physical and mystical properties.

Nordic Runes (Learned from the Mage's Association training)

-By writing one of the 24 runes, a certain magical power will manifest. It may also be spoken, but the way of speaking may change the effect dramatically.

Ties and Relationships:
-Mage's Association

Fun Facts:
-She loves sweets so much she almost emptied one of the Melloi's bank accounts just for a gold plated Ice Cream. She was not satisfied.
-She is slightly sadistic.


1.) Would your character be willing or unwilling to utilize their history in the overall plot and get involved in personal matters on the job?
Quite willing, although said character might be sensitive in reaction.

2.) What sorts of jobs would your character prefer doing between the general three tiers of combat, espionage, and crisis situations?
Combat mostly but she is better in certain (Political) Crisis situations.

3.) What sorts of factions and places would your character prefer going to, and what kind of situation or overall tone would your character most likely fit in well with?
Due to her previous affiliation, she is most comfortable in anti-magic, but she is fine in any mission. She can work in high pressure-high risk pressure better.

4.) Is your character willing to risk suffering greatly, up to the extent of mental scarring, physical scarring, physical mutilation incurred on the job, or death? (Specify where you draw the line.)
Yes to all, but I draw the line in mental break. She can die, but not too early.
Name: Kaliope Blythe
Species Status: Just Human

Prior Affiliation: Cult who thought that in every generation there is a Chosen One and that she alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. Only the girl chosen by Fate would become The Stalker. Kaliope was groomed like the other girls to become the Chosen One and was granted an Observer who would be a font of information of the supernatural and guide her in the ways of The Stalker. So, Kaliope was trained with instructions from ancient texts and stuff they found on the internet. She was also subjected to rituals that would grant her strength, endurance, agility, and healing needed as a Prospect until a Stalker was chosen or died.
History and Personality: This training by the cult lasted for years until the cult was shut down by the government for multiple cases of child abduction. Unable to find her family Kaliope was released into the custody of the State of Michigan until she left at the age of 18 and sought out a means to use her training, this being law enforcement and eventually, her seeking out The IITF. While on the job Kaliope takes pride in her professionalism and puts on a stoic front. Though, when not working Kaliope is a friendly and outgoing individual who is quick to make friends. She loves nothing more than going out and dancing or if she feels like slothing about she relaxes at home in her jammies and watches trashy tv programs.
Build Placement: Support, Stealth, Combat
Non-Magical Skills: Hand to Hand Combat, Modern Weapons Training, Medieval Weaponry Training, Litany of Religious and Spiritual Practices for Combating the Forces of Darkness.
Magical Skills: The ritual to increase her strength, endurance, and agility performed by the cult.
Ties and Relationships: Therapist: Georgia Walsh, Observer: Thadius Reed,
Fun Facts: Because of her training she was taught to loathe vampires but the cult always did so while talking about how attractive and charming and seductive they are which only confused her. So her greatest fear is falling in love with a vampire.


1.) Would your character be willing or unwilling to utilize their history in the overall plot and get involved in personal matters on the job?

2.) What sorts of jobs would your character prefer doing between the general three tiers of combat, espionage, and crisis situations?
-Espionage with bouts of dramatic combat.

3.) What sorts of factions and places would your character prefer going to, and what kind of situation or overall tone would your character most likely fit in well with?
-Um, let me get back to you.

4.) Is your character willing to risk suffering greatly, up to the extent of mental scarring, physical scarring, physical mutilation incurred on the job, or death?
-Hell Yeah! She was once told it was why she was born maybe.
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Artur (Art) Demetrescu

Species Status:
Human Revenant


Standing at around 6'4" Artur makes for an intimidating, broad-shouldered figure sporting an undercut and well-groomed beard. Weighing a decent 190 lbs, he's not to be underestimated in a fistfight or otherwise. Black haired and yet his eyes are almost colourless if not for the tinge of vague red and amber hue; nevertheless, his complexion is pale and scarred, besides looking somewhat sleepless and simply unhealthy by an average standard.

Prior Affiliation:
Nation of the Damned until new affiliation with the Treeshapers

History and Personality:
Artur Demetrescu was born in a time of distant history to some, where tyrants were common and disease plagued both rich and poor without prejudice nor discrimination. Having a Boyar as a father made it easier to succeed in life, yet it was Vlad Tepes who invited the darkness into their home. During the struggles as Vladislav purged the noble families who had for so long kept him at bay, Artur escaped execution yet it was his younger sister who suffered at the hands of a mad King. He gave himself freely to the demon Belial, asking that he may offer his life in exchange for his sisters. When they turned to him for payment, Artur pointed he had no more life to give. His sister had been dead and thus had no beginning nor end. Only the hands of time to count it. With the twist of events, having tricked the dark beings, Artur's sister was alive -- alas, she could do nothing more than blink and breathe and yet he was cursed to live until the end of days as a dead man walking.

Artur came to drown his sister months afterwards when her body started to waste away, unable to properly be made to eat and drink, nor exercise; holding her beneath the river flow like a baptism he let her drift on the current in a nightdress that would become her shroud. He was disgraced, exiled, and nothing more than a remnant of humanity. The shell of what had once been.

Being a Revenant granted him the powers of a darker realm, which only served to drive him towards the most tolerant of factions after his period of travelling to forget. He had been taught the ways of silver tongues within a family of Boyar standing, serving him well in the trials he had yet to face. Times changed, the universe changed, society changed until he could hardly recognise the planet he'd called home since his first breath. But human nature never did. Nothing but beasts under the facade of civilisation, the pigs of their own Animal Farm.

During his time as the son of a nobleman, he was extensively trained in swordsmanship and devoutly Catholic which delayed his marriage after both parents suffered sweating sickness and promptly died in his younger years leaving him head of the house. It was around this period, he became self-reliant and developed a code of morals which have altered throughout the centuries with one conflict after another. It was the courts of Romania during the period, which taught him of secrets, how to stand and not be seen besides his further living as a creature of the undead. It was necessary to not be observed, necessary to hide and slink around like a common criminal for fear he would be seen as the enemy, rather than an unfortunate victim -- or perhaps found by the same man he run from in years at court, turned revenant: Tepes. A King in his undeath as much as he was in life causing Artur to abandon the Nation of the Damned in the first place.

Artur does, in consideration, have a desire to see the Earth flourish which is his reasoning behind applying for the task force.

Build Placement:
Stealth, Charisma, Combat

Non-Magical Skills:
- Stealth and Espionage: Easy enough to slip in and out or listen in to conversations as nothing but shadows. Besides this, he has worked exclusively as a secretive man in an era of technology and prized police forces, having an evasive and aloof nature.
- Swordsmanship: Excels at it and has centuries to perfect his form. He cannot, however, utilise other weapons as effectively and has issue with ranged and heavier assortments.
- Athletic/Strength: Decently able to bash a few heads together by fists alone as well as having the commendable strength of a fit and fighting man.
- Dead Language: Can translate Latin, Old Tartar, Low German, and High German (Besides some Middle English which is sparse)

Magical Skills:
- Shadow Form: Becoming a shadow to melt away and return or cross boundaries, however, it requires a light source to work. If in a dark room, or unlit area he cannot perform the feat. This form, nevertheless, is not immune to religious combat measures but has gracious stealth capabilities. In his form, he cannot imitate others, and will always appear to be Artur, which is why upon closer inspection, he can be sussed out of his hiding places with mismatched shadows etc. Retaining this form is taxing for long periods.
- Necrosis: He can enact minor necromancy in the form of killing flesh at a willing touch, causing complications with gangrene and nerve damage. With a full exertion of it, and prolonged touch he can render someone brain-dead. Again this would take up to ten or so minutes of concentration and would be seen as ineffective in combat situations.
- Blood Manipulation: With preparation and ingestion of an enemies blood, no matter how small, Artur can burst blood vessels and cause severe heart palpitations putting the afflicted in an inflicted heart-attack of sorts.

Ties and Relationships:
Associates himself with the Treeshapers for their outlook of dark magic which aligned itself to his own beliefs.

Fun Facts:
- Due to being Catholic upon his death, Arthur is vulnerable to Christian symbols, holy ritual, and general imagery in alignment with the Christian faith.
- Iron can easily cut through his flesh and saps energy leaving Arthur unable to use his magical skills.
- Whilst salt doesn't kill him, it's incredibly painful and has been remarked to feel like having a hundred killer bees stabbing you in every conceivable pore and crevice.
- Due to being dead, Artur has regenerative powers which work unless the weapon is made of pure iron; blessed; or covered in salt. As well as having a susceptibility to fire.
- He understands current living languages of Romanian, Bulgarian, Russian, German, English, Hungarian, French, and sparse Polish. He plans to study further in Mandarin.


1.) Would your character be willing or unwilling to utilize their history in the overall plot and get involved in personal matters on the job?
Of course! Willing to tear him up and spit him out depending on the way it's conducted :)

2.) What sorts of jobs would your character prefer doing between the general three tiers of combat, espionage, and crisis situations?
Espionage most definitely, with crisis being close behind. Works well to his strengths as a sneaky ex-Boyar.

3.) What sorts of factions and places would your character prefer going to, and what kind of situation or overall tone would your character most likely fit in well with?
Those who keep liberal views on dark magic, although the challenge of facing factions or characters with prejudiced views are always learning curves. Deals well with most mission themes and situations.

4.) Is your character willing to risk suffering greatly, up to the extent of mental scarring, physical scarring, physical mutilation incurred on the job, or death? (Specify where you draw the line.)
Willing to suffer all tribulations of mental and physical scarring, although to die for someone is the ultimate sacrifice and would require a dire situation.

ZacksQuest ZacksQuest (Tell me if I need to change anything! I'm pretty dense, so fingers crossed *^*)
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VasiliasMellow VasiliasMellow Your character's approved, I enjoy the Buffy the Vampire Slayer touch and as long as she makes up with arcane knowledge for her lack of magical abilities at least in the beginning then she'll have a definite place as a main espionage member with a hint of combat. The cult's stigma about vampires and demons is mostly correct so if you play it from the hardline anti-monster angle I think you've got a good, tense character to put in.

idalie idalie I didn't get the impression you were dense reading this. I like your character's history and generally speaking the fact that he uses similar abilities to demons I've thought about having be the target of missions. The only things I have to ask is to put in the fact that Vlad would wind up a revenant himself as opposed to a vampire, one of the three revenant leaders of the Nation of the Damned in fact, so I'd add that in; the Mad King who put Artur's sister to death in life being the exact same person who would end up as his king in undeath isn't a small thing to gloss over. I'm also going to have to ask you, because they're the RP rules, to get rid of one of the magical skills or set some form of limitation in effect over all three magical abilities. I might need to ask you if I could suggest the demon he made a deal with and tricked, as some of your abilities you mention are similar to a demon I has hoping to introduce in a mission farther down the line where your character could tie in once that mission comes up.

EDIT: I took a closer look at the details for each magical ability and I see that they all have a limiter to them- the exhaustion caused by the shadow form and the long periods of time needed for the necrotic touch to actually work. They're fine as-is.
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[class=Notes] //So this is an older code that i tried to fix up to look nicer// //Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well // //These comments must be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// //or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //DO NOT EDIT THE CODE IN RICH TEXT MODE// //This causes the Accordion title's to be moved down and you will have to move them back up yourself// [/class]

[class=notes] //so above is the background image// [/class]
[class=notes] //above is the white transparent background the "0.8" controls the opacity// [/class]
[class=notes] //The character image as well as the border for it// [/class]


[class=notes] //The Name and the background for it// [/class]
Species: Human

Appearance: Asher stands at a average 6 foot even and he holds a stern and focused face at most times. He is not abnormally broad, nor muscular. Asher has been sculpted into the perfectly balance, inconspicuous man by his temple. His head is shaved, his face kept clean save for the stubble which grows in by the end of every day. He holds a stern and focused face at most times.

Affiliation:Asher was born in a temple dedicated to a god of the Semitic Pantheon known as El Elyon, the son of Leon Shaddai. After breaking ties and running away from the imprisoning temple, he has remained independent of affiliation with any further Pantheon, guild, or faction.

[class=notes] //the transparent t box on the left and its border// [/class]
The Flame Of Elyon (Passive) - The pool of power which was given to Asher by El Elyon himself is dubbed the Flame of Elyon. It is a versitile power which Asher does not know the full of extent of. Only the Semitic Gods know it's true potential.
Barrier Creation (Active) - Using the flame of Elyon Asher can create magical barriers which look to be made of fire. He can only create 3 at any single time, and they must be within his view. The flames which the barriers are constructed of do not harm, however they consume almost any magical attack.
The All Consuming fire (active) - Asher can enter a state in which the flame of Elyon takes over, overflowing with power. His body becomes covered in holy flame which acts as both weapon and shield. His personality changes rapidly, giving into the imprint of the personality of El Elyon. It is a absolute last resort technique which is involuntarily activated
[class=notes] //the transparent box on the right and its border// [/class]
Asher has been extensively trained in Krav Maga, Jiu Jitsu, and the use of several bladed weapons. His most powerful tool would be the blade made of the Jawbone of a donkey. While the weapon itself is not magical, it is extremely effective when filled with the power Asher has against most creatures, people, and gods associated with the Semitic Pantheon.
Asher's training at the Synagogue of Elyon in krav Maga and Jiu Jitsu
His imbued power from the god El Elyon which grants him magical abilities
The imprint of El Elyon's spirit in him makes him eager to lead the charge and gain control

He has no family, only the rabbis he trained under, and obviously he has a strong connection to El Elyon and the other semitic gods, HaShem, Le Olam, and Leon Shaddai
Asher loves trying new foods, seeing as he ate matzoh and drank water and wine for much of his life.

[class=notes] //the box around the accordions// //and in the slide title's I put a div around them to add the purple background// [/class]


Asher was born in a Jewish village 20 miles from the base of Mount Sinai. He was raised by his mother only for his first 4 years before being taken by away by the rabbi's of the village. Claiming to be training him to be a holy levitical priest, he was brought to a training ground of sorts hidden in the base of the mountain. He remembers feeling an intense power eminating from the grounds as he approached, one which his underdeveloped mind could not hope to understand. When the rabbis took Asher into the camp, he was met by a man, dressed as a warrior king. A scimtar by his side, and his face radiant, a crown sitting triumphantly on his head. As Asher stood before him, the man spoke with a voice which shook the ground, the bones and dust around Asher trembling.

The voice shook Asher's young soul, and he approached the god. El Elyon stretched out his arm and the jawbone of a donkey which laid on the ground came to his palm. El Elyon clenched his hand around it and the bone fastened itself into a sharp blade. He gave that blade to young Asher, and with it took his freedom.

From that day forth Asher's life was not his own. Every day he would eat only matzoh and grape juice to keep his body pure as El Elyon imbued him with his power. Asher's body grew quickly, his health remained in pinnacle condition. He trained every day under rabbis and warriors, learning the history of his people and their gods, as well as learning many combat techniques. Asher was a disciplined man and never questioned who he was to become, or the methods of becoming it, until one day.
He had finished all of his exercises, he had read all of his torah. He had prayed to El Elyon and remained in balance with him. He was soon to be bestowed more power, to enter the next phase of his development. However on this day, with the free time he had, he spent it in the courtyard, trying to create a jawbone blade as his master did. However, no matter the number of his attempts, he failed. In frustration he wailed and threw a jawbone in the sky, and cursed the air. Several rabbis ran out to find out what was going on, including their chief elder, Rabbi Moshe. When the jawbone fell, it impaled Rabbi Moshe, and the screams of his contemperaries overwhelmed Asher. Witnessing his first death, caused by his own hand, with his first weapon, Asher ran out of the camp. He ran in fear, screaming, flames beginning to creep up his spine. El Elyon found him, and promptly stopped him, encouraging him to go back to camp. However at the sight of El Elyon, Asher's body became engulfed in holy flame and he cursed the being that he had considered his god. "You turned me into this!" Asher yelled, blaming the god. With the raw power of Elyon himself flowing from him, he ran from him, destroying both the village and the camp he was trained in in an almost nuclear attack. Asher ran and never looked back, vowing revenge on the being that had cursed him.

Today Asher works as a mercenary, honing his skill and scourging for information. He is Fearless, with a serious yet laughable attitude.


1.) Would your character be willing or unwilling to utilize their history in the overall plot and get involved in personal matters on the job?
- 100% willing, we've already discussed that.

2.) What sorts of jobs would your character prefer doing between the general three tiers of combat, espionage, and crisis situations?
- Crisis, while he has a head on approach, he's a defensive character power wise.

3.) What sorts of factions and places would your character prefer going to, and what kind of situation or overall tone would your character most likely fit in well with?
- Obviously Asher fits in well with the semitic pantheon and anything associated with it, including Egyptian goings on. However if there is one thing Asher is, it's fearless. However Asher will fit well wherever he is needed, whether that be fighting an army of dead, challenging gods, or eating delicious donuts on Venice beach. I'll make it work

4.) Is your character willing to risk suffering greatly, up to the extent of mental scarring, physical scarring, physical mutilation incurred on the job, or death?
- Yes.

code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
Lemercer Lemercer Your character has been accepted for a primary defensive support position on the team with a hint of combat. We've already discussed the circumstances where the All Consuming Fire power can and can't be used and its limits so we're good on that. If you haven't seen it yet, head to the OOC page and put your vote in for what the first mission should be, the majority of votes are between 1 and 4.
Lemercer Lemercer Your character has been accepted for a primary defensive support position on the team with a hint of combat. We've already discussed the circumstances where the All Consuming Fire power can and can't be used and its limits so we're good on that. If you haven't seen it yet, head to the OOC page and put your vote in for what the first mission should be, the majority of votes are between 1 and 4.
voted. When does it all start?
The mission itself will probably start when all ten spots are full. I'll begin the IC tomorrow so the characters can interact with each other before heading out on the mission.
The mission itself will probably start when all ten spots are full. I'll begin the IC tomorrow so the characters can interact with each other before heading out on the mission.

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