Infernal Exalted and Wiki

The Boss

New Member

I was thinkin to add Infernal at my campaign and i would like to know your, guys, opinion on the Infernal Exalted Material at Exalted Wiki.

I didn't read it all, but i saw at least 3 "different" kinds of Exalted.

So, if you guys could point me to the most coherent one, or the one that most appeal to you I would be glad.

But one thing that i read and i think it's pretty cool is the idea that the Infernal Exalted Theme is that they are good cuz they impose their reality above other! I don't know how this could be functional on game, but sounds cool!

Oh, and that Yozi based Animas are cool too!

Thanks for any help.

Oh, and if anyone know any other link of Infernal, please!

Thanks again.,

I go with they're living saints, who have seen th error of their ways and now strive to fix the damage that they in their previous lives have done to the Creators and Rightful Masters of Creation.

Yes, it IS regretable that their former brethern do not see the light, but in due time, enlightenment would come to them, and they too shall venerate the Primordial Creators instead of the Traitorous Spirits of the Heavens that rose above their stations and overthrew the Ones Who Came Before.

At least that's how I play the Infernal World View. Their charms are designed to correct things to how they SHOULD BE. Yes, this does mean their 'holy' tag targets spirits/elementals/exalts of Creation. And yes, their charms would be downright EVIL in what they do to Creation as a side effect.

And in a pinch, they WILL side with those of Creation against the Wyld and such... really, all the better to explain their point of view.

As you can guess, I prefer to MAKE my own enemies and settings to my taste, rather than use someone else's incomplete work.
Thats Part of how I usualy explain the Yozi/infernalist point of view... actualy.

I most ardently do NOT share it however... I just recently got done with a plotline involving a smalltime mortal infernalist actualy... he was as I said small time and small time infernalist SHOULD be insane.

He just when caught shouted a bunch of stuff like "you have but prolonged the inevitable"

For MAking a infernalist....

the akuma rules in the  PG are probaly best.

any talk of their being any kind of "true infernal" separate then them.... being a civilized human being I cant even say it   :(
I'm actually halfway through putting together my own rules for Infernals, at the moment. I won't share an incomplete work yet, but I had a few notions worthy of incorporation:

  • Their curse is called "Transgression". It's not a curse, it's a measure of how much they have irritated their masters by straying from the path. Transgression can be "Spent" by the storyteller to inflict temporary mutations, derangements, misfortunes (botches) etc etc. It can be reduced by serving fervently.
  • Their castes are based on the primal astrological sense of the others. In other words, Dawn, being the breaking of the sun over the horizon, becomes the Aurora caste, Aurora being the breaking of any celestial body over a horizon. The others are, in order, Azimuth, Meridian, Nadir, Copula.
  • Their charms are similar to Solar ones, but their basic tree-enders are similar to those of Siderials': very powerful, but dependant on the approval of their lords. I designed a background that governed how often they could use such charms, as those charms directly channeled the power of their Yozi. They are all to be based on Essence, in a big and nasty way: As you get better, you can channel more.
  • They can use the same background's invocations to ask their lord for aid and intercession, effectively asking their Yozi for beneficial mutations, derangements or fortune. They gain transgression for doing so.
  • They can achieve Solar Sorcery. Their sorcery is the same as Solars, but they have access to as many spells as they are trusted with.
  • I am undecided, but am considering another tier of Sorcery. Not truly a tier of sorcery, more like a transcendant mastery of essence that allows them to pattern the fabric of creation with the template of their masters. This is definitely an Ess 6/7 effect, and resembles Dukantha's ability to summon Kimberry into Creation's oceans. There's a high probability of death for doing so. Not really sorcery, more like a ridiculous Channelling charm, but requires Solar Sorcery to achieve.

They are more powerful than Solars. I see that as reasonable for the superweapons customised by the Gods being reshaped and reformatted by the Primordials themselves. Part of this comes from their lack of a true curse, part from the subordination of their souls into a "perfect harmony" by the Primordials, and part from just-being-better.

They are supposed to be the ultimate antagonists, the game-ending-or-winning foes that are either surmounted through great effort and peril, or who defeat and suborn all of Creation.

They are alien in their outlook and their attitudes, but not nihilistic. They might do things considered evil by Creation, but not "just to be evil". Their masters wouldn't like that sort of loose-cannon behaviour.

Read GoD: Demons extensively and read through the real Exalted Wiki's demon stuff, they have some great stuff there. The "Official" wiki is more structured and easier on the eye, but it's got not a touch on the quality you'll find in the original Exalted Wiki. FrivYeti's Stuff is brilliant, and he's a good intro to the Demonic subculture there.
Thanks for all the great ideas!

I think i'm going with that idea of "holy saints". Really liked it.

Oh, by the way, there is any book that tell more about the Yozis? Who they are and maybe some plot?

And Samiel, i'm waiting to see your work with the Infernal!

I would like to say more about it, but my english is a little flawed, so i'll stop here! Hehe! I can read well, but when i write, always came a lot of mistakes! Hehe
I also look forward to seeing the work done! :) As it happens, the hardest part about making a new exalted type is the charms... -_-

Games of Divinity is the best resource for information on Malfeas and the Yozi. The Exalted Wiki (Linked above) has a section called "A Taxonomy of Madness", which is full of fan supplementary demons and more information on the Yozi. It's definitely worth a read, they have some really cool ideas there. Personally, I love the eye-demons that you can replace your own eye with. That's a cool idea for a 1st circle demon.
“I am undecided, but am considering another tier of Sorcery. Not truly a tier of sorcery, more like a transcendant mastery of essence that allows them to pattern the fabric of creation with the template of their masters. This is definitely an Ess 6/7 effect, and resembles Dukantha's ability to summon Kimberry into Creation's oceans. There's a high probability of death for doing so. Not really sorcery, more like a ridiculous Channelling charm, but requires Solar Sorcery to achieve.â€
Well, the reason I was considering it as another tier is as a relation to the abundance of channelling charms I'm giving the Infernals. It's going to be their uber-stick: They can directly channel the imprisoned gods.

So, when they hit a suitably high essence, it becomes far more powerful. I'm thinking even a bit more than BoSS; it'll be almost as bad as having the Yozi themselves on Creation, channelled through the only proxy capable of holding that much essence for even a few moments, the Solar Essence. It won't last long, but Gods help creation for the duration, it'll be stupidly overpowered.

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