Infected - A True Zombie RP


Signup Application;






Appearance: [picture required, anime allowed] 
Name: Austin Blist

Age: 18

Weapons: S and W SD40 VE

Background: Austin keeps his history to himself.

Personality: His parents were killed by raiders. He made his cut by doing the same. Robbing people of whatever supplies they had left, killing them if they posed a threat. But, the zombies were becoming too much to handle. He needed a team, and he was willing to comply to a few rules if it meant so.

Appearance: [picture required, anime allowed]

Name: Demitri Lenskaya

Age: 29

Weapons: MK14 EBR (Enhanced Battle Rifle), M4 Colt Commando (Attachments include Flashlight, Laser Sight and ACOG Sight), SIG Sauer P226, Recon 1 Knife

Background: A Soldier of Russian-Korean Descent. He is a Battle-Hardened Soldier, having watched many Team-Mates and Fellow Soldiers die in battle, but knows that Victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice, as he was taught this by his father as a child. However, unlike most, he possesses the "No Man Left Behind" attitude while on the Battlefield, putting his life on the Line to save his Fellow Soldiers. He also has Lethal Accuracy, enhanced by Sniper Training he underwent during his early days in the Military.

Personality: You'll have to get to know him. All you need to know is that he makes a good teammate.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/MW2_Wallpaper_Soldier.jpg.73f80e84ec4923c0cb6febd65f55a92c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/MW2_Wallpaper_Soldier.jpg.73f80e84ec4923c0cb6febd65f55a92c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Kawashima Thunder]Name: Demitri Lenskaya
Age: 29

Weapons: MK14 EBR (Enhanced Battle Rifle), M4 Colt Commando (Attachments include Flashlight, Laser Sight and ACOG Sight), SIG Sauer P226, Recon 1 Knife

Background: A Soldier of Russian-Korean Descent. He is a Battle-Hardened Soldier, having watched many Team-Mates and Fellow Soldiers die in battle, but knows that Victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice, as he was taught this by his father as a child. However, unlike most, he possesses the "No Man Left Behind" attitude while on the Battlefield, putting his life on the Line to save his Fellow Soldiers. He also has Lethal Accuracy, enhanced by Sniper Training he underwent during his early days in the Military.

Personality: You'll have to get to know him. All you need to know is that he makes a good teammate.


View attachment 45725

Name: Faust

Age: 17

Weapons: 5 foot long spear, steel broadsword, and octagonal wooden shield.

Background: Once part of a Medieval Recreational Combat Group, Faust fled the cities when the Zombie Apocalypse reached his home in Boston. He brought some of his gear with him, including his father's sword, as his entire family had fallen to the Plague. Since then, he has wandered about, fending for himself and never staying in the same place twice.

Personality: Faust doesn't talk to others much, but he talks to himself a lot, especially during battle. Once you get to know him though, he gets pretty chatty. Faust will uphold a deal as long as the other participants keep their end.

DarkWolf13 said:
Name: Faust
Age: 17

Weapons: 5 foot long spear, steel broadsword, and octagonal wooden shield.

Background: Once part of a Medieval Recreational Combat Group, Faust fled the cities when the Zombie Apocalypse reached his home in Boston. He brought some of his gear with him, including his father's sword, as his entire family had fallen to the Plague. Since then, he has wandered about, fending for himself and never staying in the same place twice.

Personality: Faust doesn't talk to others much, but he talks to himself a lot, especially during battle. Once you get to know him though, he gets pretty chatty. Faust will uphold a deal as long as the other participants keep their end.

Name: Austin "Moonflair" Stremner


Weapons: A Winchester 22, low on Ammunition

Background: Long ago, he used to live happily, on a low-populated, out-of-map small villa. He standed most of his life living off hunting animals, which made him good at shooting. He migrated with his family when he knew, through the radio, about the apocalypse. When he was 15 years old, his mother was infected by a zombie.

He was left living, without of supplies with his father, until he was 17 years old, when they were attacked by bandits. He managed to run, but his father didn't have the same luck. He was shot to the chest, and couldn't survive the loss of blood. Since then, he couldn't bare his parents' loss. He wanders around the world, searching for a reason to live.

Personality: Can be very caring, but he's timid, and hard to befriend.

Appearance: Wears a black shirt, a Red beret and blue pants.
[QUOTE="El Guacamole]Name: Austin "Moonflair" Stremner

Weapons: A Winchester 22, low on Ammunition

Background: Long ago, he used to live happily, on a low-populated, out-of-map small villa. He standed most of his life living off hunting animals, which made him good at shooting. He migrated with his family when he knew, through the radio, about the apocalypse. When he was 15 years old, his mother was infected by a zombie.

He was left living, without of supplies with his father, until he was 17 years old, when they were attacked by bandits. He managed to run, but his father didn't have the same luck. He was shot to the chest, and couldn't survive the loss of blood. Since then, he couldn't bare his parents' loss. He wanders around the world, searching for a reason to live.

Personality: Can be very caring, but he's timid, and hard to befriend.

Appearance: Wears a black shirt, a Red beret and blue pants.

declined for lack of supplying picture
Name: Kotori Suzuki

Age: 15

Weapons: Katana, Pistol, Bow and Arrow, Shotgun.

Background: Kotori grew up with her father in a small house out in the backwoods. Her father loved to go hunting and fishing and such so she learned to do so at a young age. First was fishing at age 5, then was hunting at age 10. She started with a bow and arrow, but then started to hunt with guns. Her father used to call her a "Little Assassin" because she would find out little tricks and such to do with the gun. Once the zombie virus started spreading around, her father sent her to the woods so that she could get away from him. He knew he didn't have long after he had gotten bit. The day she finally left, he was turned into a zombie.

Personality: Kotori is very strong, more mentally than physical. She is often underestimated because she gives off the impression that she is a girly-girl that can't fend for herself, but she can crush a few skulls if needed. She always tries to lighten the mood when things get sad or tense. Kotori is also the type of person who will die for her friends.

Appearance: [picture required, anime allowed]
MADZ said:
Name: Kotori Suzuki
Age: 15

Weapons: Katana, Pistol, Bow and Arrow, Shotgun.

Background: Kotori grew up with her father in a small house out in the backwoods. Her father loved to go hunting and fishing and such so she learned to do so at a young age. First was fishing at age 5, then was hunting at age 10. She started with a bow and arrow, but then started to hunt with guns. Her father used to call her a "Little Assassin" because she would find out little tricks and such to do with the gun. Once the zombie virus started spreading around, her father sent her to the woods so that she could get away from him. He knew he didn't have long after he had gotten bit. The day she finally left, he was turned into a zombie.

Personality: Kotori is very strong, more mentally than physical. She is often underestimated because she gives off the impression that she is a girly-girl that can't fend for herself, but she can crush a few skulls if needed. She always tries to lighten the mood when things get sad or tense. Kotori is also the type of person who will die for her friends.

Appearance: [picture required, anime allowed]
Name: Vermillion Spouse

Age: 23

Weapons: Silenced pistol, hunting knife, and hand-to-hand fighting

Background: Vermillion lived in Paris with her mother and father along side with her older brother. Her father was a ranked military operative and her mother was a ex-pilot. When she was 15, her mother and brother died in a car crash and left her and her father in an emotional state. Not too long afterwards, her father shot himself and left Vermillion to be transferred to New York to live with her aunt Einese who really didn't like children. She has been living there ever since, until now that is....

Personality: Nice, sweet, and daring, sometimes gloomy and sad. Mean if pissed off and violent when it comes to fighting.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befb4cc92_VermillionSpouse.jpg.d35f63a7b864166309d0900a27b56959.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befb4cc92_VermillionSpouse.jpg.d35f63a7b864166309d0900a27b56959.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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RecklessX said:
Name: Vermillion Spouse
Age: 23

Weapons: Silenced pistol, hunting knife, and hand-to-hand fighting

Background: Vermillion lived in Paris with her mother and father along side with her older brother. Her father was a ranked military operative and her mother was a ex-pilot. When she was 15, her mother and brother died in a car crash and left her and her father in an emotional state. Not too long afterwards, her father shot himself and left Vermillion to be transferred to New York to live with her aunt Einese who really didn't like children. She has been living there ever since, until now that is....

Personality: Nice, sweet, and daring, sometimes gloomy and sad. Mean if pissed off and violent when it comes to fighting.

Appearance: View attachment 45789
I know. I'm bored, so I'm just like.. accepting anyone basically. As long as they follow the rules
Name: Fan Longwei

Age: 27

Weapons: His body and throwing knives

Background: Was both a loving teacher with bost culture and Martial Arts, with a loving wife and parents that were wealthy and spoiled him so...but now thanks to the zombies all that had made him love life his gone. They've taken away his students, parents, wife and his dominant right hand. But Fan isn't the type to give up after all that...he has a seemingly-impossible sadistic dream to rid the world of all the zombies but death leaves quite the bitter taste in his mouth...

Personality: Calm, sarcastic, merciless, moralistic, poetic and tender.


Raviael said:
Name: Fan Longwei
Age: 27

Weapons: His body and throwing knives

Background: Was both a loving teacher with bost culture and Martial Arts, with a loving wife and parents that were wealthy and spoiled him so...but now thanks to the zombies all that had made him love life his gone. They've taken away his students, parents, wife and his dominant right hand. But Fan isn't the type to give up after all that...he has a seemingly-impossible sadistic dream to rid the world of all the zombies but death leaves quite the bitter taste in his mouth...

Personality: Calm, sarcastic, merciless, moralistic, poetic and tender.


Name: Emmie Greenbrier

Age: 13

Weapons: Bow and arrow, twin daggers, and a rusty sword.

Background: Her mother was an extremely young one, just over ten years older than she, and had been bitten by those savages in her second pregnancy. Emmie had watched her mother become a near rabid beast, and the life of her unborn baby brother hadn't even been given the chance to unfold.

Personality: Emmie pretty serious for a thirteen year old, but still carries the innocence of any young teen. She can be moody, but is a good kid overall. Her personality will develop throughout the RP.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.69929d1d9a6478b02b702eb09f5114de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15536" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.69929d1d9a6478b02b702eb09f5114de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yannie said:
Name: Emmie Greenbrier
Age: 13

Weapons: Bow and arrow, twin daggers, and a rusty sword.

Background: Her mother was an extremely young one, just over ten years older than she, and had been bitten by those savages in her second pregnancy. Emmie had watched her mother become a near rabid beast, and the life of her unborn baby brother hadn't even been given the chance to unfold.

Personality: Emmie pretty serious for a thirteen year old, but still carries the innocence of any young teen. She can be moody, but is a good kid overall. Her personality will develop throughout the RP.

Appearance:View attachment 45797

Libby Carolina




Libby always has a Crowbar and a Machete on her. If needed, she will use whatever is around her as a weapon. She personally, doesn;t believe in relying on guns, you don't have to worry about running out of ammo on a machete.


Libby was once a good kid. Once... that was until she graduated high school and moved out of her parents nest and off to college! It was all exciting, way too exciting! Before finishing freshman year, Libby had partied her way into flunking all of her classes and suddenly was faced with the horrifying realization that she was utterly screwed. She no longer had any scholarships and owed quite a bit of money on a student loan. So, she did what every abled bodied american has to do eventually and that's get a job. Yup, Libby worked from grocery store to, restaurant until the day she turned 21 and was hired as a bartender in her college-town night club called the "Bear Cave". It was perfect for her, she was paid to basically party every night and to make the deal sweeter she met her very best friend, Elijah Dean Thomas. What could you possibly want to go back to college for when you made good money having fun with people you love? Everything was pretty good except well, for the student loans she was still financially crippled with and the crazy amounts of creeps she had to deal with on a nightly basis. Other than that, she had nothing to complain about. Then everything kind of fell to shit, or in Libby's case, kind of came together. Suddenly people were running through the streets and eating each other. Shit was totally cray but in a way completely liberating. Libby surprised herself with how well she handled the situation. She fought for her life, I mean she nearly died quite a few times but the young woman had to admit that there was something very pure and freeing about the primal instinct to kill or be killed. Whenever she felt she was once again, utterly screwed, she reminded (and still reminds) herself that as long as she has her best friend Dean and no loans to worry about paying back ever then everything is going to be okay.


Libby is kind of wild and by kind of I mean totally wild. Everything is a game to this young woman. Nothing is taken too seriously and often people are very put off by this type of attitude. She can be a little bit of a "go big or go home kind of gal". She's also very sarcastic and doesn't tolerate a lot of bullshit from other people. She's very protective of her best friend Dean and refuses to talk about her family that she left behind. She believes that she will always be okay as long as she has her best friend with her.

Signup Application;

Name: Elijah Dean Thomas (Goes by Dean)

Age: 23

Weapons: A Machete and a small handgun he uses for emergencies

Background: Dean never stuck out in school or in life in general, content to let himself fade into the background. He was average in school and never made any lasting friends, nor did anything memorable. His family was loud, outgoing, and never showed any distress when he finally graduated and moved into a small apartment a few states over. Talking was hard and he was no good at it so he avoided it, forgoing college and just taking a job at a nearby bar where he wouldn't need people skills. Which, of course was where he met Libby Carolina, a hurricane of emotion and words who sweeps him up and refuses to let him go. Fighting is futile and soon, Libby is the one bright star, his best friend who seems to think he can be something more than he is and strides to bring him a little more out of his shell everyday. Then comes the flesh eating people who surprisingly, don't ruin everything he's started to build for himself. In fact, with his best friend fighting hard beside him, for him, his life means something.

Personality: Sarcastic, with a dry sense of humor, though it doesn't show because he's also painfully awkward. He has slight anger issues and is protective of Libby, he almost worships her and the only thing that riles him up is anything that threatens her or their friendship.


Name:Tyson "the third" Charleston


Weapons:ACR 6.8 suppressor attachment,dual wield desert eagles with suppressor attachment,and a machete.

Background:He was born an orphan in the slums of a major city and joined a gang early on at the age of 8.He killed his first rival gang member at the age of 11 and became gang leader at age 16.He was living life up at age 17 with his fiancee when one day he came home and found a rotting corpse chewing away at his girlfriends face where he then went on to kill both of them.He gathered up his gang members and set up a base in a empty Twinkies factor.Two years passed and he found his base overrun by zombies on his way back from a scavenging mission.He tried to takeover the base but to no avail and found himself on the run by himself and in search of a new group.

Personality:joker tries to focus on the positives and not the negatives a real womanizer(by womanizer I mean he hits on woman a lot but rarely gets lucky)tries to avoid casualties but does whatever he can to get the job done.


Haley said:

Libby Carolina




Libby always has a Crowbar and a Machete on her. If needed, she will use whatever is around her as a weapon. She personally, doesn;t believe in relying on guns, you don't have to worry about running out of ammo on a machete.


Libby was once a good kid. Once... that was until she graduated high school and moved out of her parents nest and off to college! It was all exciting, way too exciting! Before finishing freshman year, Libby had partied her way into flunking all of her classes and suddenly was faced with the horrifying realization that she was utterly screwed. She no longer had any scholarships and owed quite a bit of money on a student loan. So, she did what every abled bodied american has to do eventually and that's get a job. Yup, Libby worked from grocery store to, restaurant until the day she turned 21 and was hired as a bartender in her college-town night club called the "Bear Cave". It was perfect for her, she was paid to basically party every night and to make the deal sweeter she met her very best friend, Elijah Dean Thomas. What could you possibly want to go back to college for when you made good money having fun with people you love? Everything was pretty good except well, for the student loans she was still financially crippled with and the crazy amounts of creeps she had to deal with on a nightly basis. Other than that, she had nothing to complain about. Then everything kind of fell to shit, or in Libby's case, kind of came together. Suddenly people were running through the streets and eating each other. Shit was totally cray but in a way completely liberating. Libby surprised herself with how well she handled the situation. She fought for her life, I mean she nearly died quite a few times but the young woman had to admit that there was something very pure and freeing about the primal instinct to kill or be killed. Whenever she felt she was once again, utterly screwed, she reminded (and still reminds) herself that as long as she has her best friend Dean and no loans to worry about paying back ever then everything is going to be okay.


Libby is kind of wild and by kind of I mean totally wild. Everything is a game to this young woman. Nothing is taken too seriously and often people are very put off by this type of attitude. She can be a little bit of a "go big or go home kind of gal". She's also very sarcastic and doesn't tolerate a lot of bullshit from other people. She's very protective of her best friend Dean and refuses to talk about her family that she left behind. She believes that she will always be okay as long as she has her best friend with her.


[QUOTE="Robi Rucker]Signup Application;
Name: Elijah Dean Thomas (Goes by Dean)

Age: 23

Weapons: A Machete and a small handgun he uses for emergencies

Background: Dean never stuck out in school or in life in general, content to let himself fade into the background. He was average in school and never made any lasting friends, nor did anything memorable. His family was loud, outgoing, and never showed any distress when he finally graduated and moved into a small apartment a few states over. Talking was hard and he was no good at it so he avoided it, forgoing college and just taking a job at a nearby bar where he wouldn't need people skills. Which, of course was where he met Libby Carolina, a hurricane of emotion and words who sweeps him up and refuses to let him go. Fighting is futile and soon, Libby is the one bright star, his best friend who seems to think he can be something more than he is and strides to bring him a little more out of his shell everyday. Then comes the flesh eating people who surprisingly, don't ruin everything he's started to build for himself. In fact, with his best friend fighting hard beside him, for him, his life means something.

Personality: Sarcastic, with a dry sense of humor, though it doesn't show because he's also painfully awkward. He has slight anger issues and is protective of Libby, he almost worships her and the only thing that riles him up is anything that threatens her or their friendship.



[QUOTE="kazikaay burrito]Name:Tyson "the third" Charleston

Weapons:ACR 6.8 suppressor attachment,dual wield desert eagles with suppressor attachment,and a machete.

Background:He was born an orphan in the slums of a major city and joined a gang early on at the age of 8.He killed his first rival gang member at the age of 11 and became gang leader at age 16.He was living life up at age 17 with his fiancee when one day he came home and found a rotting corpse chewing away at his girlfriends face where he then went on to kill both of them.He gathered up his gang members and set up a base in a empty Twinkies factor.Two years passed and he found his base overrun by zombies on his way back from a scavenging mission.He tried to takeover the base but to no avail and found himself on the run by himself and in search of a new group.

Personality:joker tries to focus on the positives and not the negatives a real womanizer(by womanizer I mean he hits on woman a lot but rarely gets lucky)tries to avoid casualties but does whatever he can to get the job done.



Yannie said:
Can we jump in whenever or?
yea, since I'm up haha

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