Inebriating Stance


Hit Me!
Cost: 4 m

Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2

Type: Reflexive

Duration: Instant

Keywords: Combo-OK

Prerequisites: Read the Numb Mind

Follow-ups: Drunken Fist Form

Even after suffering an attack, the master of Drunken Fist knows how to use her body's flexibility and the alcohol's numbness to absorb her opponent's blows. Even the most experienced opponent will think the blow landed with full power and will underestimate the martial artist's prowess.

Whenever she suffers a successful attack, the Exalted rolls Stamina + Martial Arts. The resulting successes will be removed from the damage dice after applying soak. This can drop the damage dice bellow minimum damage. Additionally, half the number of successes in the roll or the Exalted's Essence (whichever is lower) will apply as penalty to the opponent's next combat action.

Style: Drunken Fist
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