Story Ine Writes: Your Hands Are Soft


Supreme Logician

She ran a hand across the child's light brown hair, his head resting on her lap. The white bandage that wrapped around her chest began to bloom red from the center. She winced. She had done so much for this kid, and she wasn't even related by blood to him. Why in hell's bells did she feel so indebted to this child that she would go out of her way just to protect him. The boy shifted in her lap and gave a murmur in his slumber. She reclined onto the metal wall behind her, resting her head on the cold steel. In the gloom, she could still see the bullet casings that lay on the the floor and the bodies with it, her bullets being the ones that did the deed. Her empty automatic lay beside her, and her own dried blood sullied the floor beside her in drops. She gave a small sigh and wished that the kid was someone else's problem. The gaping hole in her chest was painful. Very much so.

"Shou..." The boy whispered. Her eyes drifted down to the young boy that slept as he shifted slightly in his slumber. One of his small hands reached out and touched hers. "Your hands are so soft."

Shou closed her eyes. This boy had made a bigger change in her life than any other adult being ever had. There would come a time, however, when she would have to leave him. The fact presented itself as clear as the day, all the time, every waking hour. As her consciousness soon gave way to sleep, she found herself remembering the day when she met the child. It had almost been a year now....

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