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Fandom Indigo Park Interest Check/Fandom Search


Aspiring Writer (Try to be.)
Hi! This is a very sudden interest check as I recently got sucked into the indie game sphere, this one I particularly had fun with. :) I'm a 24 year old woman, and prefer to rp with people that are 18+.

I'm basically up for any sort of plot, though I'm more so wanting to follow exploration within the park, but I'm obviously open to playing any character someone might want. I do all sorts of pairings, oc or canon, mxm, fxf, fxm, etc.

I'm primarily looking for someone willing to play Rambley! I can play any of the other characters in turn.

20+ only, as I feel uncomfortable role-playing beneath my age group.
Not ghosting friendly. If you completely lose interest, I would rather be told with a quick message. :) If not, I understand not everyone is able to get back within a certain amount of time, as I've had bouts of it myself.
Also no one liners, but otherwise open to any length.

I have other fandoms, listed here!
-Dragon Age
-Mass Effect
-Cyberpunk 2077
-Original Fantasy rp.
-Ju Ju Kaisen
-Several others, if not listed, feel free to ask if I know. :)

Please comment in the thread/pm if interested.
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