Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki leaned against Masaru as he was pulled onto his lap, a snicker escaping him. "WELL, the first time he got drunk had to be when he was a teenager." He thought back, unable to stop himself from grinning. "Mam and dad were having a meeting in the throne room, and Akumu and I were alowed to free-roam the palace because, at the time, it was just to fill them in about the war between Actifis and Màkrum. SO, anyways, we were wanderin' around and Akumu, he goes "GODS, this is boring!" and he storms off. Here I am, maybe... ten? And I'm looking around fer him - only t' find him down in the room beside the lounge. And he got into uncle's liquor liquor cabinet! There he is trying t' chug, yes CHUG whiskey."

"I wasn't chugging it!"

"The contents of that bottle were gone within a few minutes of me finding ya! Next thing I know, yer on the floor singin' at the top of yer lungs. Y' we're lucky the palace is so big, because mam and dad would've heard ya. And then y' had me, there - trying t' drag yer arse t' yer room so y' could lay down - and y' were STILL singin'."

Akumu sighed, managing a snicker as he sat down. "I... STILL don't remember much of that. All I remember is waking up the next day, sick as a dog with a hangover like y' wouldn't believe... Then uncle Reaver comes home and blames his missing whiskey on my father's steward. I can still hear him yellin' and threatening poor Payton with his flamethrower."

@Forever J

Nia laughed "wow, I'd pay to see that, actually..." she handed Akumu a drink. "care to recreate it?"
Akumu cocked a brow as he looked to the drink, a grin on his face. "... Y' suuuuure about that?"

"Yo-ho and a bottle of rum~. Sing ye heart out, matey!" Masaru swung the bottle in the air before taking a swig. "You are so drunk." Masaru leaned in with a snicker. "Shhhhhhhh, don't let the Pope know."
"yep, sure am. Hell, give me a drink. It's been too long since I've had one, faaaar too long."

@Forever J

And, as his grin grew, Akumu took the drink and leaned back. "Aaah, alright then. Fun time it is."

"Sounds like fun t' me!" Dei-Loki snickered while listening to Masaru, gently patting his cheek as he grinned. "Gods, I hope y' let me catch up t' ya."

Malvo snickered in the process of watching them. Sitting in the grass as she held a small grin of her own. "... Guess I'm game, too."

@Forever J
And, as his grin grew, Akumu took the drink and leaned back. "Aaah, alright then. Fun time it is."

"Sounds like fun t' me!" Dei-Loki snickered while listening to Masaru, gently patting his cheek as he grinned. "Gods, I hope y' let me catch up t' ya."

Malvo snickered in the process of watching them. Sitting in the grass as she held a small grin of her own. "... Guess I'm game, too."

@Forever J

"FUN TIMES!" Nia cheered, taking a drink from her glass. Coughing at the burn in her mouth and throat. "ahhh, ahem. Like I said, it's been a long time"
"FUN TIMES!" Nia cheered, taking a drink from her glass. Coughing at the burn in her mouth and throat. "ahhh, ahem. Like I said, it's been a long time"

Akumu laughed gently, drinking from his own before letting out a raspy sigh. "Alcohol, how I've missed thee."
And, as his grin grew, Akumu took the drink and leaned back. "Aaah, alright then. Fun time it is."

"Sounds like fun t' me!" Dei-Loki snickered while listening to Masaru, gently patting his cheek as he grinned. "Gods, I hope y' let me catch up t' ya."

Malvo snickered in the process of watching them. Sitting in the grass as she held a small grin of her own. "... Guess I'm game, too."

@Forever J

"I win! 1st  race winner right here, booooooooooooooooooooooooy~." Masaru nuzzled the crook of Dei's neck. He looked at the people who were drinking. "Heeeeeeeeeeey. That's miiiiiiiiine! Get your own tequila, you dirty thieves." Masaru laughed.
Dei-Loki's grin widened as he felt the nuzzle, grabbing a drink for himself before drinking and releasing a sigh and a grin. "Anyone else have a funny story t' tell?"

@Forever J

"alright, so. One time, I tried to break into a house. I hit a rough time and money was tight. Dont judge, plus, stealing is fun. So me and my bestie, Karliah. Broke into a house, we were just going to steal some stuff. Everything was going smoothly. Turns out. This old fart had a dog, one of those little dogs that can't hurt a fly, white curly fur. The dog starts barking and bit Karliah's shoe, so she trys to kick it off. Sends the little mutt out a window." she said smiling, letting everyone process it so far. "so I go "What was that for!" She says. "What? That's my 2nd favorite shoe!" "Your lucky there was a moat out there" she looks at me and goes "there was?!?" then the old guy comes upstairs with a bloody seige crossbow, heavy duty, and fires at us. Missed by a country mile. But the recoil knocked him back down the stairs. Me and Karliah are laugh out butts off. We go down to check on the old guy, we were Theives, not assassin's. Turns out he died going down the stairs. We took his shit anyway, not like he'd miss it. Oh, we took the dog too. Karliah named him 'Lucky'."

@Forever J
"alright, so. One time, I tried to break into a house. I hit a rough time and money was tight. Dont judge, plus, stealing is fun. So me and my bestie, Karliah. Broke into a house, we were just going to steal some stuff. Everything was going smoothly. Turns out. This old fart had a dog, one of those little dogs that can't hurt a fly, white curly fur. The dog starts barking and bit Karliah's shoe, so she trys to kick it off. Sends the little mutt out a window." she said smiling, letting everyone process it so far. "so I go "What was that for!" She says. "What? That's my 2nd favorite shoe!" "Your lucky there was a moat out there" she looks at me and goes "there was?!?" then the old guy comes upstairs with a bloody seige crossbow, heavy duty, and fires at us. Missed by a country mile. But the recoil knocked him back down the stairs. Me and Karliah are laugh out butts off. We go down to check on the old guy, we were Theives, not assassin's. Turns out he died going down the stairs. We took his shit anyway, not like he'd miss it. Oh, we took the dog too. Karliah named him 'Lucky'."

@Forever J

"Nia, you . . . you broke into a house, watch a man fall to his death and took a dead man's dog? What the actual fuck?" Masaru gaped at the story.
"Look, i never killed innocent lives unlike a certain someone. I've killed men who wanted the world to burn, you watched a man, who just wanted to protect his home, die."

"Not like I wanted him to die. It was a complete accident. If I had the chance I would have saved him. But I was busy taking cover from the crossbow bolt."
"Not like I wanted him to die. It was a complete accident. If I had the chance I would have saved him. But I was busy taking cover from the crossbow bolt."

Akumu blinked a few times as he quirked his brow - going to speak before being cut off by a tipsy Malvo.

"WAAAAAAAAIIIIIIT..." Malvo popped the 'T', leaning forward a bit. "These we're supposed t' be funny stories, we're they not?"
Akumu blinked a few times as he quirked his brow - going to speak before being cut off by a tipsy Malvo.

"WAAAAAAAAIIIIIIT..." Malvo popped the 'T', leaning forward a bit. "These we're supposed t' be funny stories, we're they not?"

"I'm full of surprises" she said with a wink to Akumu.

"it was funny at the time..." she said taking another drink
"I'm full of surprises" she said with a wink to Akumu.

"it was funny at the time..." she said taking another drink

"Yup. I called it, Nia has a daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark sense of humor. Well, know to get an actual funny story. I can probably go if no one else wants to?"
"Funny story, huh? Well, i remember these men that were picking on a lady. She was crying, her face bright red and splotchy. They called her a pig and such. So, what i did, was that i got behind the men, placing my arms around the back of their necks. They looked at me with confusion. So did the lady. "Who the blimey are you?" They asked with these heavy accents and i just snickered, and said, "the boogieman." What they didn't know while they were confused is that i tied their underwear to wagon, and when the driver of the wagon smacked the horses' thigh, they went flying. I never saw humans fly so far and so quickly with horrified expressions. Ah, their expressions as the wheels of the wagon ran over their bodies was amazing."
"Funny story, huh? Well, i remember these men that were picking on a lady. She was crying, her face bright red and splotchy. They called her a pig and such. So, what i did, was that i got behind the men, placing my arms around the back of their necks. They looked at me with confusion. So did the lady. "Who the blimey are you?" They asked with these heavy accents and i just snickered, and said, "the boogieman." What they didn't know while they were confused is that i tied their underwear to wagon, and when the driver of the wagon smacked the horses' thigh, they went flying. I never saw humans fly so far and so quickly with horrified expressions. Ah, their expressions as the wheels of the wagon ran over their bodies was amazing."

Having perked up, Dei-Loki grinned and glanced back to Masaru - the clear expression of entertainment on the demigod's face. "Y' tied their underwear t' the wagon!?"

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