Indescribable (Closed)

"well, it varies from place to place. But where I grew up, thats how it was done. What about you, any kind of traditions to uphold?"

"Other than the typical 'the bride and groom can't see each other the day of the wedding before the ritual'?" Akumu quirked his brow in thought. "There's the handing down of wedding attire, and the tailoring so it'll fit the day of... then there's the feast after the ceremony."
"Other than the typical 'the bride and groom can't see each other the day of the wedding before the ritual'?" Akumu quirked his brow in thought. "There's the handing down of wedding attire, and the tailoring so it'll fit the day of... then there's the feast after the ceremony."

"okay, thats understandable" she said taking his hand
He interlaced their fingers, a smile soon growing on his face.

"Y' both seem perfect fer each other, ya know." Malvo remarked as she watched them with a small smirk.

Nia looked up to Malvo, smile now on her face, and asked "how so? I'm curious as to what makes us so "perfect" "
"And he just jumped off the Eiffel Tower! What a lunatic!" Yuki threw her arms as she laughed. "Did you jump with him?" Masaru said after he tossed another shot of tequila. "OF COURSE!" The two laughed, clinking their glasses together and downing it. They sat near their mother's grave. "Remember Ezekiel?" Masaru snorted, "how could i forget him? Where is he now?" Yuki sighed, leaning onto her brother's shoulder with her back. "Where the demons play their violins." Masaru chuckled. "I hope he plays an even better piece than them. I hope he plays that violin like the madman that he is." Yuki giggled to this. A pause went between the two before Yuki spoke. "The sky is so blue, the sun is so huge. The grass is green and i am one lean, mean killin' machine." Masaru quirked his eyebrow with a smile. "Where did that come from?" Yuki shrugged and laughed. Masaru soon laughed too. They clinked their glasses together and drank.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Masaru opened his mouth to say something snarky, but was stopped by Yuki's hand against his mouth. His words were muffled as Yuki nodded. "We are. Talking about the past and all."  

"why dont we all join in. I'm sure we've all got interesting stories" Nia said looking around at her friends.
"why dont we all join in. I'm sure we've all got interesting stories" Nia said looking around at her friends.

"How about you g-" Yuki pounced on her brother, shoving the tequila bottle into his mouth. "We can tell each other stories." She tipped the bottle a bit up so that the liquid went down his throat. The burning effect of the tequila soothed Masaru, making him fall back against the tree as he drank the bottle.
Akumu lifted a brow, watching Dei-Loki head over to Masaru's side.

"Akumu nearly got us both in trouble, the first time he got drunk." Dei-Loki brought up for a possible tale to tell, grinning as he glanced to the others.

@Forever J

Masaru chuckled, pulling Dei into his lap and kissed his temple, clearly intoxicated as is Yuki.
"oh do tell" she said, obviously intrigued.

@Forever J

Dei-Loki leaned against Masaru as he was pulled onto his lap, a snicker escaping him. "WELL, the first time he got drunk had to be when he was a teenager." He thought back, unable to stop himself from grinning. "Mam and dad were having a meeting in the throne room, and Akumu and I were alowed to free-roam the palace because, at the time, it was just to fill them in about the war between Actifis and Màkrum. SO, anyways, we were wanderin' around and Akumu, he goes "GODS, this is boring!" and he storms off. Here I am, maybe... ten? And I'm looking around fer him - only t' find him down in the room beside the lounge. And he got into uncle's liquor liquor cabinet! There he is trying t' chug, yes CHUG whiskey."

"I wasn't chugging it!"

"The contents of that bottle were gone within a few minutes of me finding ya! Next thing I know, yer on the floor singin' at the top of yer lungs. Y' we're lucky the palace is so big, because mam and dad would've heard ya. And then y' had me, there - trying t' drag yer arse t' yer room so y' could lay down - and y' were STILL singin'."

Akumu sighed, managing a snicker as he sat down. "I... STILL don't remember much of that. All I remember is waking up the next day, sick as a dog with a hangover like y' wouldn't believe... Then uncle Reaver comes home and blames his missing whiskey on my father's steward. I can still hear him yellin' and threatening poor Payton with his flamethrower."

@Forever J

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