Indescribable (Closed)

"Good! If you ever make my mate grumpy, mad or sad again though, i won't think twice. You can insult me all you want, i do not care, but never fuck with who i love most." Masaru wrapped his arms around his Squishy, laying his cheek against his hair. "Sound good with you two?" 

Dei-Loki curled his tail at his words, leaning against Masaru with a wide smile on his face.

"Duly noted..." Akumu huffed.

@Heir of Dalania

"Ohhhhh, okay. That actually sounds cool." She chuckled, her tail waving around behind her. "pretty much the same stories that are evolving around my kind. The hellwolf kind." She rolled her eyes, huffing and remembering all the bullshit stories.

"Are they?" His brow would lift in curiosity, watching her as he'd shift in place a small bit.
"Good! If you ever make my mate grumpy, mad or sad again though, i won't think twice. You can insult me all you want, i do not care, but never fuck with who i love most." Masaru wrapped his arms around his Squishy, laying his cheek against his hair. "Sound good with you two?" 

Nia squinted at Masaru "that goes for both of us... don't make my fiancée grumpy. He sucks when he gets grumpy"

Nia squinted at Masaru "that goes for both of us... don't make my fiancée grumpy. He sucks when he gets grumpy"


"That's probably because you flip him around like a ragdoll. Besides, he's whipped by you. You can see it in his eyes that he'll bend over backwards for you. He's Mr. Sunshine and your Mrs. Sunshine a.k.a dwarf twerp."
"That's probably because you flip him around like a ragdoll. Besides, he's whipped by you. You can see it in his eyes that he'll bend over backwards for you. He's Mr. Sunshine and your Mrs. Sunshine a.k.a dwarf twerp."

Akumu glanced over at that, huffing. "I wouldn't call that 'whipped'."

"Whateeeeever you say." 

@Heir of Dalania
Akumu glanced over at that, huffing. "I wouldn't call that 'whipped'."

"Whateeeeever you say." 

@Heir of Dalania

Nia gave him a hug, looking at Masaru while speaking "so what if he'll bend over backwards for me? I'd do the same. He just wants to see me happy because he loves me. And I would do the same for him, because. I. love him. And don't call me a dwarf! Dwarfs are stinky and dirty and live in the mountains! I'm a vertically challenged elf!" 
Nia gave him a hug, looking at Masaru while speaking "so what if he'll bend over backwards for me? I'd do the same. He just wants to see me happy because he loves me. And I would do the same for him, because. I. love him. And don't call me a dwarf! Dwarfs are stinky and dirty and live in the mountains! I'm a vertically challenged elf!" 

"And you're not? I can smell skunk on you from a mile away." Masaru pinched his nose for a few seconds before dropping his hand. "And, i get to choose who i want to be a dick to. I am older than you two combined. The last nogitsune to ever live. I will respect you, but i definitely won't hang my tongue on the coat rack to stop myself from hurting your feelings."
Izzy nodded. "bringers of destruction. Stories about hellwolves start like, the devil himself sent us up to the living side to bring catch unsuspecting souls and bring them to our king, causing chaos and sorrow to the living beings we brought harm to."

"And you're not? I can smell skunk on you from a mile away." Masaru pinched his nose for a few seconds before dropping his hand. "And, i get to choose who i want to be a dick to. I am older than you two combined. The last nogitsune to ever live. I will respect you, but i definitely won't hang my tongue on the coat rack to stop myself from hurting your feelings."

Akumu huffed once more, hugging Nia back as he kissed her head. "Y' don't stink."

Dei-Loki listened, flicking his ear gently as he remained leaned against Masaru.

@Heir of Dalania

Izzy nodded. "bringers of destruction. Stories about hellwolves start like, the devil himself sent us up to the living side to bring catch unsuspecting souls and bring them to our king, causing chaos and sorrow to the living beings we brought harm to."


"Sounds fun." Ruvik stated half-jokingly. A gentle sigh soon fleeing him. "Ahh, how tales spread... it's... a bit remarkable, really."
Spinning on his heel, Dei-Loki went to follow Masaru. His ears slowly perking in the process.

Akumu softly nuzzled Nia's hair, sighing gently.

@Heir of Dalania

Yuki finished off a few plates of Takoyaki and taiyaki. Masaru salivated at the smell of the fried octopus. He grabbed chopsticks and popped a Takoyaki into his mouth. "You guys are free to eat some if you like." Yuki said to Dei and Malvo as she bit into a taiyaki.
"more portal adventures?"

"While that would be fun, I'd like to rest the warp for at least half a day or so." He rubbed the back of his head, snickering gently.

Yuki finished off a few plates of Takoyaki and taiyaki. Masaru salivated at the smell of the fried octopus. He grabbed chopsticks and popped a Takoyaki into his mouth. "You guys are free to eat some if you like." Yuki said to Dei and Malvo as she bit into a taiyaki.

Both Dei-Loki and Malvo would nod, serving themselves before heading over to sit down after giving a nearly simultaneous 'thank you' to accompany their actions.
"While that would be fun, I'd like to rest the warp for at least half a day or so." He rubbed the back of his head, snickering gently.

Both Dei-Loki and Malvo would nod, serving themselves before heading over to sit down after giving a nearly simultaneous 'thank you' to accompany their actions.

Yuki nodded to the two of a smile, a glint in her eyes as she looked to Malvo. Masaru smirked at this. "Why are you staring at me like that?" Yuki quirked her eyebrow. "I . . . it's crazy, Sis. How life is. How fate is. It's truly something." Yuki smiled, placing her hand on Masaru's. "I know, baby brother. Fate is something that no one can truly control, but, life goes and you just gotta go with it." Masaru smiled and nodded.
"I have to mention, this is also something I never thought I would see." Dei-Loki would comment, watching Masaru and Yuki as a smile formed on his face. "It's nice."

Akumu followed Nia in, sitting beside her with his own food as he'd also eat.

"Yuki did." Malvo had replied, glancing over to Nia with a smile before continuing to eat.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Nia joined the group at the table, putting some food in her mouth. Swallowing before speaking. "can I just say" she pointed down to the food "this is really good. Who made it?"

@Forever J


"Who invited her?" Yuki slapped Masaru's hand. "Be nice. For a man that is as old as Gods, you sure act like a baby." Masaru rubbed his hand with a smile. "It's the only thing that keeps me from becoming completely cuckoo."
"It's actually pretty funny to hear what all come out of their mouths about us. When I hear them, I tend to act it out just to scare them." She then smiled at him, the first time she's actually smiled instead of the smile she usually uses with him, the one that shows she's about to attack him. She looked over at the setting sun and sighed. "Never thought I would see myself with a titty baby like you up here. I honestly never brought anyone up here..."

Mia sat in a window seal of their room, holding both of her kids in her arms as she read an old book to them. An old fairytale. She got it from the shelf in the living room, thinking that the kids would like it. Of course, Riley was passed out in her left arm, frost covering the window while Qrow was listening intently.
Nia ingnored Masaru and continued to eat.


Akumu would do the same, gaze on his plate.

Dei-Loki bit back a snicker, also continuing to eat as he leaned back.

"It's actually pretty funny to hear what all come out of their mouths about us. When I hear them, I tend to act it out just to scare them." She then smiled at him, the first time she's actually smiled instead of the smile she usually uses with him, the one that shows she's about to attack him. She looked over at the setting sun and sighed. "Never thought I would see myself with a titty baby like you up here. I honestly never brought anyone up here..."

Ruvik noticed the difference in smile, noticing it was... actually genuine. And, for a moment, he'd smile in return before his expression of surprise soon returned to his face. "Really? no one?
Nia ingnored Masaru and continued to eat.


"Fine. I'm sorry. For being a dick to you both. I'll TRY not to be such a dick. Try. . . . try." Masaru said with his lips tight, trying to block out the snarky comments that he felt like saying. 


"It's actually pretty funny to hear what all come out of their mouths about us. When I hear them, I tend to act it out just to scare them." She then smiled at him, the first time she's actually smiled instead of the smile she usually uses with him, the one that shows she's about to attack him. She looked over at the setting sun and sighed. "Never thought I would see myself with a titty baby like you up here. I honestly never brought anyone up here..."

Mia sat in a window seal of their room, holding both of her kids in her arms as she read an old book to them. An old fairytale. She got it from the shelf in the living room, thinking that the kids would like it. Of course, Riley was passed out in her left arm, frost covering the window while Qrow was listening intently.

Qrow cooed at Mia read to him. "Wah elwse, mama? Wah happen to da herooooooo?"

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