Indescribable (Closed)

"True, but he looks cute and owns it. Nia . . . she is just fun to tease." Masaru snickered. 

Akumu huffed once more before blinking and looking around with a quirked brow after noticing she was no longer at the table. "Speaking of..."

Nia quirked a brow. Then straightened her face in thought, considering her options for a time "Do it."


Ruvik would watch her, slowly unpocketing his hands as he'd then nod and speak - placing a hand on her head. "This may hurt a bit..."
Akumu huffed once more before blinking and looking around with a quirked brow after noticing she was no longer at the table. "Speaking of..."

Ruvik would watch her, slowly unpocketing his hands as he'd then nod and speak - placing a hand on her head. "This may hurt a bit..."

"She went for the Groovy Ruvy. Probably wants to be sweet, nice and get rid of Chesire."
"She went for the Groovy Ruvy. Probably wants to be sweet, nice and get rid of Chesire."

Akumu's brows lifted at that before clenching his teeth and heading after her - mostly out of worry.

Dei-Loki watched him leave before stretching a small bit. Gently exhaling as he leaned back against Masaru. "Certainly safe to say that this wasn't how I was expectin' the day t' turn out."

"Fine just... get it over with"

With a firm nod, Ruvik kept a hand on Nia's head as he'd spoken the phrase given to him by Adam. And, as he spoke, energy rushed from his hand. "Scaoileadh spiorad."
Nia gave a breif scream of pain as cheshire separated from her body. Soon manifesting as her physical form in a puff of smoke. Cheshire wearing her own outfit, her mask attached to her belt. She looked around and smiled "well... its about time" 

Nia was unconscious as a result of the process, and cheshire nudged Nia with her foot. "It's nice to be free, I'm sure Nia is happy too. Aaaaannnyway" she put on her mask, and walked backwards into the forest with a smile. "I'll be back..."

Akumu's brows lifted at that before clenching his teeth and heading after her - mostly out of worry.

Dei-Loki watched him leave before stretching a small bit. Gently exhaling as he leaned back against Masaru. "Certainly safe to say that this wasn't how I was expectin' the day t' turn out."

With a firm nod, Ruvik kept a hand on Nia's head as he'd spoken the phrase given to him by Adam. And, as he spoke, energy rushed from his hand. "Scaoileadh spiorad."

Masaru shook his head with a smile before kissing his earlobe. "Absolutely not. Oh well, at least you kinda got your sister back. Unless you want to run away and hide again?" He asked the last portion to Malvo.
Masaru shook his head with a smile before kissing his earlobe. "Absolutely not. Oh well, at least you kinda got your sister back. Unless you want to run away and hide again?" He asked the last portion to Malvo.

Dei-Loki smiled from the kiss, only to lift his brows and glance over to Malvo - one of his ears lowering.

Malvo huffed following the question, soon looking down with a gentle, guilty huff.

"As long as you're safe and happy, Malvo, I'm happy." Dei-Loki said as he'd blinked, sighing softly. "Though, I kind of wish you'd say somethin'."

Nia gave a breif scream of pain as cheshire separated from her body. Soon manifesting as her physical form in a puff of smoke. Cheshire wearing her own outfit, her mask attached to her belt. She looked around and smiled "well... its about time" 

Nia was unconscious as a result of the process, and cheshire nudged Nia with her foot. "It's nice to be free, I'm sure Nia is happy too. Aaaaannnyway" she put on her mask, and walked backwards into the forest with a smile. "I'll be back..."

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Ruvik lowered his hand once the process was finished, watching Cheshire go before sighing heavily. "All good holds some sort of negative..." He would mutter under his breath before he winced and went to lean over so he could help Nia up, only to yelp and growl once he'd been jacked up against the wall by an angered Akumu.

"What. Did. You. DO!?" Akumu would angrily snarl, pushing Ruvik's face against the wall as his eyes had flashed.

"I was helping!" Ruvik replied, teeth clenched as he'd wince.
Dei-Loki smiled from the kiss, only to lift his brows and glance over to Malvo - one of his ears lowering.

Malvo huffed following the question, soon looking down with a gentle, guilty huff.

"As long as you're safe and happy, Malvo, I'm happy." Dei-Loki said as he'd blinked, sighing softly. "Though, I kind of wish you'd say somethin'."

Ruvik lowered his hand once the process was finished, watching Cheshire go before sighing heavily. "All good holds some sort of negative..." He would mutter under his breath before he winced and went to lean over so he could help Nia up, only to yelp and growl once he'd been jacked up against the wall by an angered Akumu.

"What. Did. You. DO!?" Akumu would angrily snarl, pushing Ruvik's face against the wall as his eyes had flashed.

"I was helping!" Ruvik replied, teeth clenched as he'd wince.

Masaru looked to her, cocking his head at not hearing a single peep. He let go of Dei and went to go and grab something. He came back with a notepad and a pen. "If you don't want to speak, then write."
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Masaru looked to her, cocking his head at not hearing a single peep. He let go of Dei and went to go and grab something. He came back with a notepad and a pen. "If you don't want to speak, then right."

Dei-Loki watched, pocketing his hands and blinking.

Malvo quirked a brow, looking to the note pad as it was handed over. Gizmo climbing up onto her shoulder as she took both the pen and note pad. Flipping it open to write an answer down.
Dei-Loki watched, pocketing his hands and blinking.

Malvo quirked a brow, looking to the note pad as it was handed over. Gizmo climbing up onto her shoulder as she took both the pen and note pad. Flipping it open to write an answer down.

Masaru quirked his eyebrows as he watched Malvo write. 
Dei-Loki smiled from the kiss, only to lift his brows and glance over to Malvo - one of his ears lowering.

Malvo huffed following the question, soon looking down with a gentle, guilty huff.

"As long as you're safe and happy, Malvo, I'm happy." Dei-Loki said as he'd blinked, sighing softly. "Though, I kind of wish you'd say somethin'."

Ruvik lowered his hand once the process was finished, watching Cheshire go before sighing heavily. "All good holds some sort of negative..." He would mutter under his breath before he winced and went to lean over so he could help Nia up, only to yelp and growl once he'd been jacked up against the wall by an angered Akumu.

"What. Did. You. DO!?" Akumu would angrily snarl, pushing Ruvik's face against the wall as his eyes had flashed.

"I was helping!" Ruvik replied, teeth clenched as he'd wince.

Nia slightly regained consciousness. "dont..." she said her black hair turning back to its original red
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Masaru quirked his eyebrows as he watched Malvo write. 

Dei-Loki did the same, shifting in place in the process.

Once finished, Malvo huffed and flipped the note pad over - exposing her writing to the both of them. The note having read; "I'm not running anymore, I'll stay... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..."

Nia slightly regained consciousness. "dont..." she said her black hair turning ack to its original red

Akumu snarled, only to pause and look over to Nia the moment she'd heard him. glaring back to Ruvik for a moment, he soon released him and went to Nia's side. His brows lifting once noticing her normal hair colour had returned. Crouching, he helped her sit up. "Are you alright..?"
Dei-Loki did the same, shifting in place in the process.

Once finished, Malvo huffed and flipped the note pad over - exposing her writing to the both of them. The note having read; "I'm not running anymore, I'll stay... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..."

Akumu snarled, only to pause and look over to Nia the moment she'd heard him. glaring back to Ruvik for a moment, he soon released him and went to Nia's side. His brows lifting once noticing her normal hair colour had returned. Crouching, he helped her sit up. "Are you alright..?"

Masaru looked at his hand for a split second before sighing and bringing the hand down onto Malvo's head. He ruffled her hair with a genuine smile, "it's fine, Malvo. I . . . things happen for a reason that we can not control. It is fate that controls it and only fate. Not even Gods nor Goddesses can control it. You're welcome back home. I should be the one saying sorry for freaking out and going to psychotic the last time. I mean, i twisted a blade in your brother's stomach. I said sorry to him a few years ago, but for you. I'm sorry, Malvo. Truly, i am."
Nia rubbed her head, hugging Akumu then holding up a lock of her hair and gave a sigh of relief "oh red hair, you came back to me" She said flopping to the floor spread eagle. "did it work? Is she gone?"

Masaru looked at his hand for a split second before sighing and bringing the hand down onto Malvo's head. He ruffled her hair with a genuine smile, "it's fine, Malvo. I . . . things happen for a reason that we can not control. It is fate that controls it and only fate. Not even Gods nor Goddesses can control it. You're welcome back home. I should be the one saying sorry for freaking out and going to psychotic the last time. I mean, i twisted a blade in your brother's stomach. I said sorry to him a few years ago, but for you. I'm sorry, Malvo. Truly, i am."

Malvo stared at Masaru in shock at his words, her ears lowering as she blinked a few times - flipping the notepad to the next page as she wrote - turning it around. "... Are you sick, or something?"

Nia rubbed her head, hugging Akumu then holding up a lock of her hair and gave a sigh of relief "oh red hair, you came back to me" She said flopping to the floor spread eagle. "did it work? Is she gone?"


Akumu returned the hug, kissing her head before sighing in relief.

"Yeah, she's gone." Ruvik huffed, pushing himself off the wall as he looked around.
Malvo stared at Masaru in shock at his words, her ears lowering as she blinked a few times - flipping the notepad to the next page as she wrote - turning it around. "... Are you sick, or something?"

Akumu returned the hug, kissing her head before sighing in relief.

"Yeah, she's gone." Ruvik huffed, pushing himself off the wall as he looked around.

Masaru threw his head back as he laughed, "aww sweetie, i am so very sick, mentally at least. But, i'm healthy as a horse especially in the sack, right Squishy?" He teased while poking Dei's cheeks. 
Nia got up and held Akumu's hand putting her index finger to his nose "boop" She said with a giggle "so honeybunch, what about those pancakes you said you'd make."


Cheshire enjoyed her newfound freedom. She would need it for what she had planned. She would also need a team, a handpicked group of individuals. She would have to contact them, she sent letters to all of them, after a bit of research, telling them where to meet her.

(Feel free to make villains now)
Masaru threw his head back as he laughed, "aww sweetie, i am so very sick, mentally at least. But, i'm healthy as a horse especially in the sack, right Squishy?" He teased while poking Dei's cheeks. 

Dei-Loki blinked, chuckling as he then playfully nipped Masaru's finger after having nodded with a faint blush on his cheeks.

Nia got up and held Akumu's hand putting her index finger to his nose "boop" She said with a giggle "so honeybunch, what about those pancakes you said you'd make."


Cheshire enjoyed her newfound freedom. She would need it for what she had planned. She would also need a team, a handpicked group of individuals. She would have to contact them, she sent letters to all of them, after a bit of research, telling them where to meet her.

(Feel free to make villains now)

Akumu blinked before smiling in response to the boop, interlacing their fingers gently. "Freshly made. Though... I hope you don't mind banana. I accidentally used the banana bread batter instead of the pancake batter."
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Dei-Loki blinked, chuckling as he then playfully nipped Masaru's finger after having nodded.

Akumu blinked before smiling in response to the boop, interlacing their fingers gently. "Freshly made. Though... I hope you don't mind banana. I accidentally used the banana bread batter instead of the pancake batter."

Nia frowned and lightly punched Akumu on the shoulder "You dolt, I told you I dont like banana." she sighed "you know what? It's been a long time since we ate in town. Wanna go get something to eat? she asked, looking at his face with a warm smile.
Nia frowned and lightly punched Akumu on the shoulder "You dolt, I told you I dont like banana." she sighed "you know what? It's been a long time since we ate in town. Wanna go get something to eat? she asked, looking at his face with a warm smile.

"It was an accident." Akumu huffed, rubbing his arm gently before then returning her smile. "Sure. And, to apologise for this incident, it's my treat."
Nia reached up and rubbed his wolf ears "good boy. Lead me to the food" Nia said as she started walking to town.
Akumu's first instinct led him to lean in to Nia's touch with a grin on his face. His tail having wagged before he began to walk with her.

Nia, still holding ands with him leaned back and looked at his tail, while also enjoying the veiw. "What's it like to have a tail?" she asked, genuinely interested. 
Nia, still holding ands with him leaned back and looked at his tail, while also enjoying the veiw. "What's it like to have a tail?" she asked, genuinely interested. 

Akumu's brow quirked following the question, purple irises shifting to her as he'd then smile and look to the sky. "It's nothing special. If you ask me, it's a bit of a nuisance, sometimes."

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