Indescribable (Closed)

"Good. Now, let's get going. You too, Pirate." He grabbed Ruvik's arm and shoved him forward. "The Grants won't like you. No, they'll loathe you like how i loathe you. You did kill our brother after all. Yet, they are forgiving, disgustingly enough. Don't think that this will get you far. We are a kin of a second chance and we have given you this second chance. BUT, if you fuck this up in the slightest, i will have you begging more for the gun to put out your lights. You think this is pain? You haven't seen what the Devil can do in his free time then." 

Pulled to his feet, Ruvik stumbled forward before grimacing and turning to look at the three - mainly Masaru as he'd give a cocky, yet... mostly nervous smile. And for good reason. "Y' know... I can still be good and... not head back with you all."

"Consider this part of how you'll repay yer debt, blighter.Dei-Loki would weigh in with a dark grin before having his smile return to normal as he looked back to Malvo - beginning to walk with her. "Ya have a lot t' catch up on."
Pulled to his feet, Ruvik stumbled forward before grimacing and turning to look at the three - mainly Masaru as he'd give a cocky, yet... mostly nervous smile. And for good reason. "Y' know... I can still be good and... not head back with you all."

"Consider this part of how you'll repay yer debt, blighter.Dei-Loki would weigh in with a dark grin before having his smile return to normal as he looked back to Malvo - beginning to walk with her. "Ya have a lot t' catch up on."

"Naaah, you can stay right here. Besides, i need someone to tease. If i tease Dei too much, he gets pissy and doesn't give me head for a few days." He laid his arm around Ruvik's back and pulled him close, leaning on him slightly. He then licked the side of cheek. "You still taste salty. Not too much, not too little, juuuuuuuuust riiiiiiiight~." A maniacal laugh escaped Masaru's lips before ruffling Ruvik's hair.
"Naaah, you can stay right here. Besides, i need someone to tease. If i tease Dei too much, he gets pissy and doesn't give me head for a few days." He laid his arm around Ruvik's back and pulled him close, leaning on him slightly. He then licked the side of cheek. "You still taste salty. Not too much, not too little, juuuuuuuuust riiiiiiiight~." A maniacal laugh escaped Masaru's lips before ruffling Ruvik's hair.

Ruvik began to walk before his eyes widened following Masaru's action - reluctantly being pulled closer. His face face would then waver between flinching and grimacing, both in disgust and fear as he'd felt the tongue on his cheek. This was only to be followed by him cringing at his words as he'd look away.

Malvo paused from the lewd comment, glancing back to Masaru as Dei-Loki laughed gently - patting his sister's shoulder.

"As I've said," Dei-Loki's ear twitched, "Y've got a lot t' catch up on."
Ruvik began to walk before his eyes widened following Masaru's action - reluctantly being pulled closer. His face face would then waver between flinching and grimacing, both in disgust and fear as he'd felt the tongue on his cheek. This was only to be followed by him cringing at his words as he'd look away.

Malvo paused from the lewd comment, glancing back to Masaru as Dei-Loki laughed gently - patting his sister's shoulder.

"As I've said," Dei-Loki's ear twitched, "Y've got a lot t' catch up on."

Masaru snorted as Ruvik cringed away. "Ahh, this is going to be a splendid day." He turned his head back towards the two behind them as he walked and winked. He felt incredibly happy once that laugh of his mate rung in his ears. 
Masaru snorted as Ruvik cringed away. "Ahh, this is going to be a splendid day." He turned his head back towards the two behind them as he walked and winked. He felt incredibly happy once that laugh of his mate rung in his ears. 

Dei-Loki glanced over to return Masaru's look, grin present on his face as his tail had curled - nodding in agreement.
Dei-Loki glanced over to return Masaru's look, grin present on his face as his tail had curled - nodding in agreement.

Masaru made his way back to the house and opened the door for the three. "Oh, by the way, Ruvy. You're on bathroom duty for two months. Hey, it beats getting whipped and having you organs being sold in the black market, right?" 
Masaru made his way back to the house and opened the door for the three. "Oh, by the way, Ruvy. You're on bathroom duty for two months. Hey, it beats getting whipped and having you organs being sold in the black market, right?" 

Ruvik glanced around the interior of the house, nervously smirking as he'd hesitate entry. "Heh..." his nervous smirk then fell as he stepped in. "Right..."
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Ruvik glanced around the interior of the house, nervously smirking as he'd hesitate entry. "Heh..." his nervous smirk then fell as he stepped in. "Right..."

Masaru sat him at the counter stools. "I"m going to make banana bread. As i'm doing that, i want to hear from both of you what happened." 
Masaru sat him at the counter stools. "I"m going to make banana bread. As i'm doing that, i want to hear from both of you what happened." 

Akumu glanced over as both Malvo and Ruvik made their way in with both Masaru and Dei-Loki. Holding his tongue before he could say a word in response. Instead, he'd angrily work on the pancakes for Nia in silence.

Dei-Loki went to help Masaru, Malvo sighing gently as she quietly sat at the stool farthest from Ruvik. Her eyes like daggers as she'd glare in his direction.

"Please stop gutting me with your eyes..." Ruvik quietly told Malvo before then sighing. Soon lifting his gloved hand as he'd rub his face. His explanation starting once he shut his eye. "I killed Ash. A bit of an eye for an--" the general would then stop himself, shifting a small bit on the stool he'd been sitting on as he moved his hand to his jaw. "... He took away someone that was very near and dear to me - and tossed me a piece of her to keep for myself after he'd done is damage. As payback, I took away his ability to fly by tearing one of the fucker's wings in two. Cut to now, the prick stole the only piece of her I had left and fucking smashed it right in front of me." He'd then growl, and ball a fist as he set it on the counter - glaring over to Malvo, whom seemed to be fighting off the urge of leaping out of her seat. "So go ahead and hate me for removing the sicko from existence. You know how much Maya meant to me. And, if you ask me, you deserve far better than Ash."

@Heir of Dalania
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Nia looked over to Ruvik "wait... why the hell is this prick IN OUR HOUSE" she said throwing up her arms. "He's a bad guy! He wants to actually destroy the world. I thought I'd see the last of your lot when... III.... (I meaning cheshire) killed Adam almost two years ago, and yet here you are..." 
Akumu glanced over as both Malvo and Ruvik made their way in with both Masaru and Dei-Loki. Holding his tongue before he could say a word in response. Instead, he'd angrily work on the pancakes for Nia in silence.

Dei-Loki went to help Masaru, Malvo sighing gently as she quietly sat at the stool farthest from Ruvik. Her eyes like daggers as she'd glare in his direction.

"Please stop gutting me with your eyes..." Ruvik quietly told Malvo before then sighing. Soon lifting his gloved hand as he'd rub his face. His explanation starting once he shut his eye. "I killed Ash. A bit of an eye for an--" the general would then stop himself, shifting a small bit on the stool he'd been sitting on as he moved his hand to his jaw. "... He took away someone that was very near and dear to me - and tossed me a piece of her to keep for myself after he'd done is damage. As payback, I took away his ability to fly by tearing one of the fucker's wings in two. Cut to now, the prick stole the only piece of her I had left and fucking smashed it right in front of me." He'd then growl, and ball a fist as he set it on the counter - glaring over to Malvo, whom seemed to be fighting off the urge of leaping out of her seat. "So go ahead and hate me for removing the sicko from existence. You know how much Maya meant to me. And, if you ask me, you deserve far better than Ash."

@Heir of Dalania

Masaru bit his lip, his lips trembling before he let out a loud, sickening old laugh as he threw his head back. "Oh, how fucking adorable! Ashy took your soulmate!? HA! HAHAHAHAHA! THAT'S FUCKING RICH, BITCH!"

Masaru grabbed Ruvik's hair and bashed it into the marble counter top around a dozen times. Blood stained the white marble as he let go of Ruvik. "You killed their brother. You killed MY brother! Karma's a bitch, ain't she, Ruvy baby? She's not so groovy, Ruvy. Ain't she a bitch? A bitch who would like to grab your baalllllls tightly and puuull~." Masaru grabbed the back of his collar and grabbed at Ruvik's balls, adding just enough pressure to make them feel like they were about to implode. "IT AIN'T SO GROOVY, IS IT RUVY!?" Masaru threw his head back and gave his sickening laugh.

"Who was i to think that your story was going to show me a different side of you. You are the still Ruvik since the day that ate your eye~. Tell me, pup! What should i eat next!? I'm famished and human food isn't going to do SHIT! Ruvy, this isn't so groovy. Not groovy at all~!" He let his hand go of his balls and threw Ruvik to the ground. "I don't want to see your face until supper time, and if you try to run away, groovy ruvy, i'll eat until my heart's content. I'll start with your eyes, make you blind to the sensation of sight. Then, you'll feel it much better. Oh~, you feel it all ten times more. Now . . . get the hell out of my sight, bitch, or i'll lash your back and see how much blood you can lose before you fall to unconsciousness. You're in the Devil's den now, Groovy Ruvy." 
Akumu continued to mind his tongue as he'd peek over to watch - stacking the pancakes as they'd been made.

An instant yelp escaped Ruvik as he'd have his head bashed against the counter like he'd just insulted someone at the pub. Another yelp following the grab of such a sensitive area. Instantly enough to produce tears. A crying blighter. A once in a life time sight! And, as he fell to the ground with a pained and frightened look, he'd quickly make an attempt to wiggle his way out of the room, as per request.

Dei-Loki watched the well deserved action, a wicked yet pleased grin curling his face with a look in his eyes that could only be read as; 'and if you think his treatment will be bad, you'd better hide from meeeeeee~'

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
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Akumu continued to mind his tongue as he'd peek over to watch - stacking the pancakes as they'd been made.

An instant yelp escaped Ruvik as he'd have his head bashed against the counter like he'd just insulted someone at the pub. Another yelp following the grab of such a sensitive area. Instantly enough to produce tears. A crying blighter. A once in a life time sight! And, as he fell to the ground with a pained and frightened look, he'd quickly make an attempt to wiggle his way out of the room, as per request.

Dei-Loki watched the well deserved action, a wicked yet pleased grin curling his face with a look in his eyes that could only be read as; 'and if you think his treatment will be bad, you'd better hide from meeeeeee~'

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru turned back to Dei and hugged him to his chest. "I need something cute and squishy to stop me from killing that man where the babies live."
Nia sighed and followed Ruvik, he may be bad but he has a heart. She soon found him. "hey" She said catching his attention. "what you said in there. this 'Maya' girl... you loved her?"

Masaru turned back to Dei and hugged him to his chest. "I need something cute and squishy to stop me from killing that man where the babies live."

Dei-Loki blinked before letting loose a soft snicker. His expression soon returning to normal as he turned and nuzzled his chest. As he snickered, he repeated him. "'Squishy'?"

Nia sighed and followed Ruvik, he may be bad but he has a heart. She soon found him. "hey" She said catching his attention. "what you said in there. this 'Maya' girl... you loved her?"


Ruvik had been somewhat waddling as he tried to cope with the trauma that had just gone on moments ago, soon coming to a stop as he heard Nia. His gaze shifted over to her before he then sighed and looked forward before looking down. "I did..."
Dei-Loki blinked before letting loose a soft snicker. His expression soon returning to normal as he turned and nuzzled his chest. As he snickered, he repeated him. "'Squishy'?"

Ruvik had been somewhat waddling as he tried to cope with the trauma that had just gone on moments ago, soon coming to a stop as he heard Nia. His gaze shifted over to her before he then sighed and looked forward before looking down. "I did..."

"Mhmm, i shall call you squishy and you shall be mine, and you shall be my squishy." Masaru smiled as he laid his cheek on his head and hugged the small demigod tighter to his body.
"You had someone you loved, didn't you? You loved them. You loved them a lot if you're like this. You saw it happen. That's how this started, right? It's all happening right in front of your eyes over and over. Your body's here, but your mind is still there." she paused to collect her thoughts before continuing. 

"There's a door and... you want to go through it to get away from it, so you do and it leads you right back to that moment. And you see that door again and you know it won't work, but, hell, maybe it'll work. So you step through that door and you're right back in that horrible moment every time. You still feel it every time. So you just want to stop opening that door. So you just sit in it. But I assure you, one of those doors leads out...." 

she patted him on the back "You're not evil Ruvik. Not anymore. You learned what love was like. You learned how precious a life is. But let me tell you... all life, is precious. No matter how evil they seem. Ash took your love, it devastated you, so you killed Ash. You're doing that to Malvo. She wants to tear your head off for taking her love Ruvik.

Remember how you felt when ash killed your love? Thats how Malvo feels about you right now. All life, no matter how twisted, or chaotic they may seem. All life is precious because someone. Always. Cares."

"Mhmm, i shall call you squishy and you shall be mine, and you shall be my squishy." Masaru smiled as he laid his cheek on his head and hugged the small demigod tighter to his body.

Dei-Loki snickered once more, nuzzling into his chest as he firmly hugged his torso.

Malvo stared at both Masaru and Dei-Loki as she'd still held a bit of disbelief, lowering an ear while she'd perk a brow.

"You had someone you loved, didn't you? You loved them. You loved them a lot if you're like this. You saw it happen. That's how this started, right? It's all happening right in front of your eyes over and over. Your body's here, but your mind is still there." she paused to collect her thoughts before continuing. 

"There's a door and... you want to go through it to get away from it, so you do and it leads you right back to that moment. And you see that door again and you know it won't work, but, hell, maybe it'll work. So you step through that door and you're right back in that horrible moment every time. You still feel it every time. So you just want to stop opening that door. So you just sit in it. But I assure you, one of those doors leads out...." 

she patted him on the back "You're not evil Ruvik. Not anymore. You learned what love was like. You learned how precious a life is. But let me tell you... all life, is precious. No matter how evil they seem. Ash took your love, it devastated you, so you killed Ash. You're doing that to Malvo. She wants to tear your head off for taking her love Ruvik.

Remember how you felt when ash killed your love? Thats how Malvo feels about you right now. All life, no matter how twisted, or chaotic they may seem. All life is precious because someone. Always. Cares."


Ruvik remained in place while silently listening. His hands cautiously slipping into his pockets as he'd slowly turn to face her once more. "... Thank you."
Dei-Loki snickered once more, nuzzling into his chest as he firmly hugged his torso.

Malvo stared at both Masaru and Dei-Loki as she'd still held a bit of disbelief, lowering an ear while she'd perk a brow.

Ruvik remained in place while silently listening. His hands cautiously slipping into his pockets as he'd slowly turn to face her once more. "... Thank you."

Masaru leaned down and kissed Dei's nose before looking up to Akumu, "hey, you used the banana batter. At least share a few slices with the rest of the family."
Nia simply nodded "While I'm able to accept you. The others... not so much. so just... watch what you say. I know a thing or two about having a sudden attitude switch..." 

Masaru leaned down and kissed Dei's nose before looking up to Akumu, "hey, you used the banana batter. At least share a few slices with the rest of the family."

Akumu perked a brow at that, his eyes widening slightly as he looked over to the pancakes. "Woops..." and, with a bit of a smile, he looked over to Masaru and placed a hand his own head. "Ya may need t' hide what you want from Nia  if yer gonna have any."

Nia simply nodded "While I'm able to accept you. The others... not so much. so just... watch what you say. I know a thing or two about having a sudden attitude switch..." 


"Yeah... duly noted..." Ruvik sighed, shuttering at the thought. He'd then hesitate before he'd gone to speak once more. "Speaking of attitude switches..."
Akumu perked a brow at that, his eyes widening slightly as he looked over to the pancakes. "Woops..." and, with a bit of a smile, he looked over to Masaru and placed a hand his own head. "Ya may need t' hide what you want from Nia  if yer gonna have any."

"Yeah... duly noted..." Ruvik sighed, shuttering at the thought. He'd then hesitate before he'd gone to speak once more. "Speaking of attitude switches..."

Masaru snorted, "that wittle dwarf will survive. The whole family needs to be fed, not just her."
Masaru snorted, "that wittle dwarf will survive. The whole family needs to be fed, not just her."

"Good luck with that..." Akumu then huffed, shaking his head with a light snicker. "And, that's pretty big talk comin' from someone that's dating one that's a few inches shorter than Nia."

Dei-Loki looked up and over at that, squinting and glaring to his brother in response.

Malvo had listened, eyes widening a small bit as she noticed Gizmo on the counter - going for the pancakes. And, the moment she slid off the bench, she was over by the fennec fox - lifting him from the counter while her ears were lowered.

Nia looked at him puzzled "uhm... what?"

Releasing a heavy sigh, Ruvik watched her for a moment before then looking off to the side. "I... may have a way to split you from that alternate personality." He'd close his eyes, disbelief surrounding the mere idea of this decision. "You know which one I speak of...[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]"[/COLOR] How could he even fathom aiding in one's conflict, if it didn't benefit him with his own crooked desires? Maybe she'd been right. Maybe love did alter his perspective a bit. And Maya did used to claim that he wasn't like the others. Another heavy sigh escaping him, he awaited a response.
"Good luck with that..." Akumu then huffed, shaking his head with a light snicker. "And, that's pretty big talk comin' from someone that's dating one that's a few inches shorter than Nia."

Dei-Loki looked up and over at that, squinting and glaring to his brother in response.

Malvo had listened, eyes widening a small bit as she noticed Gizmo on the counter - going for the pancakes. And, the moment she slid off the bench, she was over by the fennec fox - lifting him from the counter while her ears were lowered.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Ruvik watched her for a moment before then looking off to the side. "I... may have a way to split you from that alternate personality." He'd close his eyes, disbelief surrounding the mere idea of this decision. "You know which one I speak of...[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]"[/COLOR] How could he even fathom aiding in one's conflict, if it didn't benefit him with his own crooked desires? Maybe she'd been right. Maybe love did alter his perspective a bit. And Maya did used to claim that he wasn't like the others. Another heavy sigh escaping him, he awaited a response.

"True, but he looks cute and owns it. Nia . . . she is just fun to tease." Masaru snickered. 

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