Indescribable (Closed)

Once Malvo was through the portal, Ruvik glared back down to Ash. The portal soon closing as he'd take his blade and deliver one final, fatal blow to his chest with the blade.


Malvo winced, tumbling into a nearby boulder as she growled in pain. Her ears flat. Wincing, she slowly got to her feet. 'Fuck, I... Where am I? Why is this scent so familiar--'

"MALVOOOOOOO!" Dei-Loki had been heard as he'd then tackle her to the ground.
Nicholas went back to the sound of Mia. He held her closely and ran his fingers through her hair. "Hold on, sweetie. Let's go and lie down with the kids. The rest has this." He took the kids and Mia upstairs and in their bed. He then sat by the window, watching as Masaru chased after Dei until they reached Malvo. 
Malvo widened her eyes the moment she was knocked off of her feet, looking to Dei-Loki in surprise before quickly attempting to shuffle back. Her efforts having been even quicker the moment she'd seen Masaru had also come running. A clear sense of fear and regret in her eyes as she'd watch both of them and, once more, she'd stumble to her feet and back herself up. 'Heh... Fucker couldn't stomach killing me himself so y' send me off for others to kill me!? Fucking one-eyed, pirate bastard!' She'd thought, panicked.

"What're y' doin' back here!?" Dei-Loki would ask, watching Malvo squirm away and get back to her feet as he'd quickly do the same. A look of disbelief on his face delicately mixing with both anger... and, interestingly enough, some sort of relief. Though, he'd tilt his head very slightly from Malvo's silence - as she hadn't answered his question.
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Masaru quirked his eyebrow at the emotions circling around in her eyes. "Would you relax? No ones going to hurt you, okay? How in the Hells of all things glory did you get here?"
Malvo stared for a moment in disbelief, trying to collect herself before she'd then gesture to the shadow she'd been shot out from. A grimace-like wince soon shaping her face as she gently touched her back where a bruise had been taking shape from the kick.

Dei-Loki watched, seeming to completely ignore his own pain as he walked over to check the shadow before looking around. "Well, it's safe t' say no one else made it through..." He'd state, soon glancing over to Masaru.
Mia nodded, picking up Qrow and carrying him to the room. Halfway to the room, she collapsed, feeling something rush into her. She fell onto her back, making sure Qrow stayed out of harms way. She gasped heavily, almost sounding like she was pulling in no air and heaved, shaking on the floor. "Ash... I can feel it.. he's dead..."
Nicholas's eyes widen at this, grabbed her into his arms with Qrow safely tucked in between Mia and his body before taking the two to with Riley by his side. He then laid Mia down on bed and placed the two next to her. "You'll get pass this. Just hold on, doe-eyes. Hold on tight." He hugged Mia close to his chest and kissed her forehead. 


Masaru bit his inner cheek before letting his fingertips to his forearm covered in his black flames. He put that arm through the portal, felt a soft fabric and pulled out a Ruvik, dragging him to the floor. Masaru rolled his eyes and sighed, "this is boring. I want a different mystery gift." He scoffed and placed his boot onto Ruvik's throat. "Good thing that i can always make it fun. Scream for me, puny bitch." He pushed slightly hard into Ruvik's windpipe. 
Dei-Loki watched, his brows lifting as he'd then instantly glare at Ruvik. Malvo gritting her teeth as she'd move away.

Ruvik held a surprised look the moment he was dragged through the portal, staring up at Masaru before having winced from the foot on his neck. Growling, he'd then glare up at him as he'd speak to his best ability. "End it! Do it! I already died inside years ago, thanks to that winged bastard!"
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Nia watched the events occurring outside from the window as shook her head "great. Thats just what we needed" She said sarcastically.


Oliver soon found his way over to Masaru and the rest "uhm..." was all he said at the scene before him.
Masaru clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Why are you such a party-pooper? Now, it won't be fun to squish you like a bug." Masaru released his footing and walked back towards Dei. 
Akumu blinked, looking over to the window. Bowl in his hand as he stared out the window with a stressed huff. 


"Should've done it, anyway..." Dei-Loki blinked, watching Masaru walk back over.

Ruvik gasped, sucking in what air he could, huffing as he released a soft growl of disappointment. Soon sitting up as he rubbed his neck gently before glancing over to Malvo with a small bit of regret. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? But we both know he had it coming!"

Malvo glared at Ruvik in silence, cautiously making her way over to stand beside both Masaru and Dei-Loki before hugging herself and looking down and away.
Masaru stopped as soon as Dei said that. "Do you wish for me to kill him? If it was you wish, i shall do so, Sunshine."
Malvo quirked a brow from the nickname, glancing over to both Masaru and Dei.

Dei-Loki huffed and went silent for a moment, only to close his eyes and shake his head - not believing that he was about to decline. "... No, let the bastard live..."
Malvo shifted, blinking a few times as she glanced to Dei-Loki with a questioning look. Yes, part of it was about allowing Ruvik to live, but the other bit was clearly about hearing Masaru refer to her twin as 'baby'.

"Oh, trust me. It makes me sick, too..." Dei-Loki huffed, pacing a bit before glaring to Ruvik. "Sparing ya means y' owe us all, now."

Flabbergasted, Ruvik blinked a few times before narrowing his gaze a bit. "This isn't something I agreed to, y' little--"
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"I would watch your language to Dei, Ruvy. I took out your eye. I'll take out your tongue and swallow it whole too." Masaru stood slightly in front of Dei, staying tall and menacing  as he growled out the words. 
Eye widening, Ruvik instantly silenced himself while flinching at the mere thought. He'd both clench his teeth and look away. "... Apologies." He'd then huff heavily, truly disliking the predicament he'd been in. "So what... what does this act of 'mercy' entail?.."

"Well, first and foremost, y' can give up on this whole 'world cleansing' plot you've got goin' on." Dei-Loki brought up, peeking around Masaru with a slight glare.

"You can't be serious!" Ruvik growled. "That's the whole reason as to why I was summoned in the first place!"
Masaru didn't noticed Dei's stare as he crossed his arms. "Well, switch your reason and listen. Unless you want the wolves that live in the forest to eat your genitals."
"...Fine." Ruvik grumbled after a lengthy hesitation.

Dei-Loki smirked at that before glancing back and forth between Masaru and Malvo. "Any other terms ya both wanna add?"
"As long as you are safe, healthy and happy, i'm fine for whatever you wish." Masaru gave a genuine smile before remembering that they had company and contorted his face back into a blank expression as he stared at the two. 
Dei-Loki smiled in return to Masaru before then huffing and turning to look at Malvo, holding a bit more of a serious look at this point. "So... Y' hear to stay, or so y' plan on stabbin' and runnin' again?"

Malvo - whom was watching in shock as Masaru had briefly smiled - lifted her brows and darted her attention to Dei-Loki before lowering her ears in a guilty fashion. Hugging herself in silence as she'd look down and away.
Dei-Loki smiled in return to Masaru before then huffing and turning to look at Malvo, holding a bit more of a serious look at this point. "So... Y' hear to stay, or so y' plan on stabbin' and runnin' again?"

Malvo - whom was watching in shock as Masaru had briefly smiled - lifted her brows and darted her attention to Dei-Loki before lowering her ears in a guilty fashion. Hugging herself in silence as she'd look down and away.

"Hurry up in choose. I'm hungry and i am not waiting forever. I'm really hungry." He looked to Ruvik and gave a shit-eating grin.
"Hurry up in choose. I'm hungry and i am not waiting forever. I'm really hungry." He looked to Ruvik and gave a shit-eating grin.

Ruvik's eye widened, scooting back a bit in response. Teeth having grit in the process.

Dei-Loki glanced over briefly to watch before looking back over and placing a hand on Malvo's shoulder. "Yer more than welcome t' come back. Y' want t'?"

Malvo's attention shifted to the hand before then huffing and nodding.
Mia closed her eyes then opened them, the pure black showing. They quickly went into her warm dark brown color, a look of pain contorted across her face. "I can feel his powers.. the rest of them seeping into my body..."
Ruvik's eye widened, scooting back a bit in response. Teeth having grit in the process.

Dei-Loki glanced over briefly to watch before looking back over and placing a hand on Malvo's shoulder. "Yer more than welcome t' come back. Y' want t'?"

Malvo's attention shifted to the hand before then huffing and nodding.

"Good. Now, let's get going. You too, Pirate." He grabbed Ruvik's arm and shoved him forward. "The Grants won't like you. No, they'll loathe you like how i loathe you. You did kill our brother after all. Yet, they are forgiving, disgustingly enough. Don't think that this will get you far. We are a kin of a second chance and we have given you this second chance. BUT, if you fuck this up in the slightest, i will have you begging more for the gun to put out your lights. You think this is pain? You haven't seen what the Devil can do in his free time then." 



Mia closed her eyes then opened them, the pure black showing. They quickly went into her warm dark brown color, a look of pain contorted across her face. "I can feel his powers.. the rest of them seeping into my body..."

"Just stay with me, doe-eyes." He looked at his wrist and then down to her. "You won't like this, but it will help you. I promise." Nicholas shot out his canine fangs into his wrist, letting the blood trickle out and then put the bloody wrist to Mia's mouth. The blood was a high pain reliever. It was what healed the inugamis quicker, made them stronger, and tolerated pain way more easily.

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