Indescribable (Closed)

Riley looked at her father with a blank stare before looking down at the food he was making. She pointed at it, and with no control, she froze it. "Uh-oh.." The little toddler said, looking back up at her fathers face.

Ash chuckled and clanked the sword against one of his revolvers on his side. "Hey Ruvy, whatcha doin?"

Izzy looked at Oliver and nodded, chuckling.
Dei-Loki soon sat at the table, watching everyone with a grin as he leaned back against the chair he'd been sitting in - brows lifting as he'd heard the cute 'uh-oh' that had escaped Riley. Following that, he'd glance over to the now frozen food. 

Akumu chuckled as he watched Nia return to her feet, a grin on his face as he'd look around the room.


Ruvik paused from the noise, his attention slowly turning to look at him, not having spotted the horn, at first. Ah, the burdens of one's eyesight being cut in half. "None of your concern, bird boy--" Once fully facing him, he saw it. A light spark of anger igniting within him. He should have known who'd taken it from the start, but that didn't matter now. What had been the first thing on his mind had been the idea to retrieve it, and then have a rapid debate on whether or not to snap Ash like a twig. With a narrowed gaze, he slowly approached him. "Ahah, I think you'd best give that back..."

@Comet@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Nia watched the food be frozen in horror "I was gunna eat that..." she said, defeated.


Oliver took Izzy's hand, and continued to watch, with a smile on his face.
Mia rolled out of the bed and walked into the kitchen, looking at the others. She smiled at Riley who giggled before sitting at the table. "they're growing too fast. If only Riley could freeze her age instead of everything else." She chuckled, that tired mother look in her eyes.


Ash pulled out his gun and held it pointed at Ruvik. "stay right there sweetie. Come closer and I snap it. You're going too mad over this thing. Get over her. She's gone.Ash put the horn on the ground and put his foot on it, lightly putting pressure where everyone can hear a small crack. 


Izzy jumped, feeling him take her hand. She smiled, chuckling softly.
"There will be more." Akumu assured, looking to Nia with a lifted brow.


Ruvik came to a stop the second the gun was aimed in his direction, hands angrily clenched as his gaze darkened. "Even with what I did to you years ago, you're stupid enough to push it farther..." he would growl out as every fiber of his being tensed following the sound of the slight crack.

Malvo shifted upon hearing the sound of the crack, her attention briefly averting to several of Ruvik's men that had now surrounded them. Some of them there to lend a hand, others just observing to fuel their sadistic desire of watching others having the life torn out of one's very being.
Nia groaned "sure there will be more, but not as fast" She said with a whimper.


Oliver smiled. "You alright? You jumped when I held your hand. Feeling stressed or something? Or maybe I just suprised you" 

he said, still holding her hand as he looked at her eyes, slightly turning his body to face her.
"Masaru? Can you keep Riley the same age forever?" Nicholas as fire lit his whole hand and began to melt the ice way. Not too much to burn the ingredients, but enough to turn it back to normal with a slight cold texture to it. "Ha! You're asking the last nogitsune on this earth. Not a God from the Heavens above! Although, it'll be worth it, Mia. Trust me, to see them grow up is just as amazing. The best part is . . . no more horrific diapers to change. Gods, i thought Nicholas almost died from the explosion that happened in Junior's diaper." Masaru ruffled Qrow's hair, whom laughed in response and began to devour the food that Masaru laid in front of him. He then went and took the other troublemaker, Riley, out of Nicholas's arms and into her own seat before giving her her food. 
Mia shrugged and went to go sit down, Riley looking at the food then grabbing it and throwing it. "Riley!" Mia exclaimed, looking at the little girl with wide eyes. The little girl giggled, smiling at her mom as she slapped her hands against her high-chair seat, frost spreading throughout the thing. "Nicholas, help."

Ash chuckled, cocking an eyebrow at Ruvik. "get over her Ruvik, it's for your own good." Another crack could be heard as he put more pressure on the thing, his gun still pointed at the blighter. "Don't forget, you lunge, pretty boy, I pull the trigger."
Ruvik slowly looked up, a crooked smile on his face as his eye held both anger and tired sadness. A spark seen in his gaze upon hearing the next crack as he casually lifted his hands above his head. His movements slow. "Oh, birdie... I don't have to..." he'd cryptically speak through those lips that twisted to be ever more sadistic.

The ground began to quake as every plant around them began to wither. Following the quake, one of Ruvik's men darted forward and knocked the revolver from Ash's hand with one swift movement of his blade. At the same time, another blighter leapt onto Ash's back. And yet another few blighters went after Malvo to keep her from intervening.
Nicholas turned around to Riley's messy face, table and the walls. He gave a small whistle so that Masaru would look away from Dei and to him. He nodded and they switched places. Masaru began filling up the pan with the banana bread batter. "Oh my, is my Rye-Rye acting naughty?" He gave a slight pinch to the little girl's cheek. "Well, what do we have here? Some apple sauce. Ooooo, can Daddy have a try, Rye-Rye?" He picked the tiny spoon and put a small bit of apple sauce on it. "Ooooo, doesn't this look good, Rye-Rye?" Nicholas put the apple sauce into his mouth and hummed at the sweet taste. "Now your turn." Nicholas got a decent amount on the spoon and made an airplane noise with his mouth. He then let the spoon soar slowly in the sky and into Riley's food. "Mmmm, isn't that dewicious, Rye-Rye?"
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Ash yelled, feeling them all lunge at him. He spread his one wing, knocking one of the men off and reached for his other revolver, pushing the barrel against one of the mens heads and pulling the trigger. He dropped that one, knowing to not bring a gun to a knife fight and pulled out his long machete looking knife THAT WASN'T A SWORD. He finished in one swift motion, smashing the horn into pieces as he lunged at the other remaining men.

Mia watched Nicholas with a smile, sitting down to eat her own food.
Nia clung to akumu like a child. "get me food" she released him and sat at the table.


Oliver was swimming in the lake, floating with his eyes closed in peace.
Akumu blinked, chuckling as he looked to Nia and kissed her head. "What would you like?"


That was it, that was the breaking point. It wasn't the gurgling sounds of his men in agony - it was the shatter. The sound that seemed to break through him the instant it rang out. Every memory of her flashing in front of him up until this moment.

Ruvik would grit and bare his teeth before cracking his neck and lounging once Ash had been distracted, drawing his blade mid action with murderous intent written all over his face.
Ash saw Ruvik lunge at him and he jumped out of the way, his eyes wide. He felt the knife graze his arm, blood spewing out as he grabbed his arm and growled. "You finally snapped? Good for you!" He spat, chuckling.

Mia watched her babies at Nicholas cooked, continuing to feed Riley and Qrow. 
Ruvik grinned as the scent of blood that would cloud the air upon the stinging contact of his blade. He'd then quickly turn in his direction and release a maniacal laugh before growing closer and aiming a kick up at his stomach. "Snapped!? Oh, I'm way beyond that."
Ash heaved when the foot connected to his stomach, but a quick twist to the ankle flipped Ruvik away. "I know sweetyhunch, and you know, if you killed me, I wouldn't mind. I did my damage, now come get me." 
Ruvik would slightly stumble back, regaining his footing before then going after him once more. This time aiming his fist to his stomach before following that by quickly pivoting and knocking his feet out from under him. If this were to succeed, he'd plant his boot on Ash's chest and give him a cold stare once their eyes had met. The pressure of his foot steadily increasing. "I won't 'grace' you with death just yet, you cruel little plague on society. Not until I get to see that same look of fear in your eyes that you boasted about seeing when you heartlessly took the only source of joy out of this would that I had." He'd then lean closer as his look became even more heinous. "And, if I can't get that here, you can expect me to be the most threatening creature you'll ever come across in hell."
"what do I want? Preferably, pancakes" Nia answered.


Oliver climbed out of the water, drying himself off as he walked back into the house.

(Whoever wants to interact with him)
Ash just smirked up at him. "Grace me with death? You'll be doing us all a favor. Listen buddy, I'll be sure to give Maya a few fuckings for you. She'll love that, wouldn't she? For your benefit. You want the same look of fear? Fucking go ahead, you can try. Shit, even if you tried to kill Malvo I wouldn't budge a finger. Good riddance." He heaved at the pressure a little bit before closing his eyes, smirking softly.
"Pancakes?" Akumu blinked before grinning and heading to get the stuff he needed - hoping the others wouldn't mind him making something different. "I think I can manage that."


Malvo looked over from the comment, still fighting off several blighters.

Ruvik slowly narrowed his gaze, instantly applying enough pressure to break through his ribs. "Ah, birdie, how you sicken me so..." He scowled, soon moving his foot and replacing it with his blade as he'd jam it repeatedly through Ash's torso.

Malvo widened her eyes at that growling as she'd quickly force the blighters around her away with an unseen, unrelenting force - glaring to Ruvik. "What the FUCK Ruvik!?" She'd angrily snap, watching Ruvik yank his blade free. With a growl, she quickly charged at him.

"You, too!? Why am I not surprised?" Ruvik spoke up, looking to Malvo as she charged in his direction. Closing his eyes, he'd whisper "I'm Sorry..."

With that, the moment she got close enough - he moved out of the way and kicked her into a newly opened shadow portal that had been cast on a tree. Malvo widened her eyes and yelped at the action, falling through the portal and stumbling out on the other side.


Dei-Loki paused and widened his eyes, looking to the door before getting up and taking off without saying a single word.
Ash kept his eyes closed, coughing as a few of his ribs cracked, some blood filling up his mouth and staining his mouth red. His eyes still stayed closed, hearing the scuffle above him. "Holy shit Ruvik, thank god I never had sex with you, you take too fucking long to get ready." He then opened his eyes and looked up at Ruvik, wincing at the more oncoming pressure on his chest.

Mia heaved, feeling a heavy pressure on her chest. Her breathing became heavier, feeling a sharp pain in her rib area as she moved her hand up to it. She didn't understand what was going on...

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