Indescribable (Closed)

(Time skip to three years. {October 18})

Masaru growled as the sun hit his eyes. He stretched and wrapped his arms around the small figure in front of him. A grin plasters onto his lips as he smells Dei's hair. "Is that the shampoo that i bought you? It smells heavenly." He says without even opening his eyes. 


Nicholas slowly crept out of his and Mia's bed before making his way to the kitchen to make banana bread.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
Riley walked into the kitchen wide awake, well, more like waddled as she looked up at her father with her big eyes like her mother and tiny little stubbs sticking out the tops of her head. "Up. Up." She said softly, lifting her arms up for him to hold her.

Ash sat outside of his tent, looking at Ruvik. He had the horn now, and he held it between his hands, twisting it, turning it. The guy didn't seem so crazy without it, but boy, was he looking for it. Of course, he hasn't noticed that he had it, yet. But once he hears the crack of the horn being broken in half, he'll notice. Oh boy, he'll notice.
Dei-Loki let out a gentle groan once the morning had come to knock at the door. The door, obviously, having been his eyes. With no desire to fully wake up just yet, he'd hidden his face somewhat in the pillow. A small smile would then shape the demigod's face upon feeling Masaru's hold. His ear twitched a small bit while he'd then simply release a lazy "Mhmmm~" before turning over to face him. His face now having been somewhat buried in his chest.


Ruvik, in a panicked state, frantically searched for the horn. Moving items and such around in hopes that he'd just dropped it somewhere, or that it had slid off of the small table beside his bed. 

Malvo stood beside Ash as he watched Ruvik in his frantic state. Her arms having been hugging her own stomach. Leaning against the post of the tent lightly, she turned her attention to Ash as she watched him attempt to break the horn. Though, she said nothing. Knowing Ruvik would hear her if she'd done so.
Masaru yawned and pulled Dei even closer when he stopped moving. "Do we have to get out of bed? Is there a possibility that we can have sex, sleep and die here? I could buy a mini fridge and a microwave. The toilet is just a few feet away and we have such a stunning view of the forest and the sunrise. Just stay here with me together. Then no one gets hurts or lost or confused and we can just live a no drama life." The sound of feet was heard coming up the stairs and opening the bedroom door. "Ffffffffffox." A small huff and a smile came out of Masaru before he lifted the top portion of his body. "Where are your parents, little Q?" Qrow toddled over to Masaru, whom immediately grabbed the boy and placed him between Dei and Masaru.


"Up, you say? Alright, Sweetheart, you can go up." He bent down and grabbed onto the tiny wrists before lifting her with ease onto his left side and then began to stir with stir the banana bread ingredients with his right hand. 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
With a gentle, tired laugh, Dei-Loki grinned and softly kissed Masaru's chest. "Not a bad idea." He'd reply, soon quirking a brow as soon as he'd heard Qrow. Sitting up slightly, he snickered and watched when he was set inbetween them both. Soon speaking through a yawn. "Up bright and early t' cause mischief, it seems."


Akumu tiredly stumbled out of his room, his ear lowering as he'd yawn - pausing once he saw Nia's door was open. With a faint smile forming on his face, he made his way over - knocking on the door frame before peeking in. "Morning."
Akumu watched her sit up, leaning against the threshold with his small smile remaining. "Like a rock, for once, if y' could believe it. What about you?" 
"Just like his daddy, huh, small fry?" He ruffled the top of Qrow's hair and then got out of bed. He groaned as he stretched, not caring that he was butt naked. He headed towards the bathroom and closed the door. Qrow turned to Dei and curled up beside him.

Dei-Loki watched as Masaru made his way to the bathroom. Flicking his ear as he'd watch his mate saunter off. He, himself, had only been wearing a pair of boxers - to which had been covered and hidden underneath the blankets. With a soft smile, he'd then look down to Qrow and softly ruffle his hair before looking around.

@Forever J


Akumu softly pushed himself off of the threshold as he fixed his posture. A smile on his face. "Well, come on. I'm sure food's being made."

@Heir of Dalania
Masaru came out of the bathroom while Qrow drooled on his thumb. Now, Masaru wore only his underwear and faded jeans. "Come on, little man, let's go get some food. You can come to, Qrow." A teasing smirk placed on his lip at the short joke. He grabbed the slobbering toddler and put him on his shoulders. The boy laughed and clapped his tiny hands together a few times at action. Masaru stayed put for Dei and smiled.

Nia shuffled out of the room, not fully awake, she walked like a zombie, dragging her slipper covered feet across the floor. 

As she passed akumu looking up to the foot taller male and lifted her arms up to him "carry meeee, I'm too tired to walk anymore"  she said like a child even though she's getting close to her 21st birthday.

The demigod's brow would twitch gently from the short joke, soon getting out of bed before dressing himself - pulling on a pair of pants before then huffing and looking up at Masaru. Still, he held a smirk on his face.

@Forever J


Akumu blinked a few times, huffing as he'd then grin and lift her over his shoulder before beginning to walk. "Alright, come on."

@Heir of Dalania
Masaru walked and spotted Akumu and Nia. "Well well, looks like your brother has finally found a playmate. Yes, he did. Yus, he did." He said to the last part to Qrow who he now held in his arms and bounced.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Nia looked over to Masaru " am not a playmate. HE is MY plaything. Isn't that right hun?" she said in an almost dominating tone of voice pinching his arm for emphasis. Then hugging him.
Akumu glanced over upon hearing Masaru, going to speak before widening his eyes from the pinch. Hugging her back soon after. "Ow-- I mean, yeah!" 'Wait...'

Dei-Loki snickered at his brother's response, hands sliding into his pockets in the process.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Dei-Loki snorted quietly as he'd heard the mouthed version of the whip, grinning as he'd then quickly follow after Masaru.

Akumu would blink from the reaction, lowering an ear as he'd huff and, eventually follow after them. Still hugging Nia in the process.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"Sup, Nicoli." He patted Nicholas on the back and took both Qrow and Riley into their booster seats. "Now, wait here, precious doves. Your father and I will make you some scrumptious food."
"hey, twits, whats for breakfast. Im hungry" Nia said to the group, dismounting Akumu and, ine landing, swayed back and forth.


Oliver watched from across the room, smiling to himself "this group sometimes" he said with a chuckle.

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