Indescribable (Closed)

"just as a match is a one time thing, for it's breif life, it can start a wildfire" She said standing up while his eyes were closed and threw the mask into a bush. Then glancing up upon hearing the violin. Strutting forward with a sway to her hips and she traced his chest with a finger "look. We've got romantic music" 

With that, Nia regained control as evidence by her eyes returning to normal. Her face instantly turning bright red as she realized the position she was in.

Akumu watched as she'd strut her way over to him, eyes soon shutting again as his blush would remain. With a huff, he folded an ear back - going to speak before his gaze caught evidence towards Nia regaining control.

@Heir of Dalania


As he'd still been unaware of his surroundings, Dei-Loki had a light sway when it came to his playing. His eyes peacefully remaining shut.

@Forever J
Masaru climbed silently and easily up the tree next to Dei and watched him play. He leaned in and kissed the closed eyes boy before pulling back and smiled. "Absolutely stunning."
"This... This isn't what it--" Akumu blushed a bit darker with a heavy huff, hesitating before having then taken a step back.

@Heir of Dalania


Soon finishing his playing a few seconds after feeling the kiss, Dei-Loki would smile and glance to Masaru. His tail curling around his waist as he lowered the violin. "Y' think so?"

@Forever J
Nia took a step back aswell, rubbing her arm with her other hand. She was flush red and didnt dare look upat him as she kept her gaze down and she shuffled a bit in place. "I dont know what got over me... s-sorry..." she said maintain the same posture.

"Mhmm," Masaru gave a small smile. "Where did you learn to play?" He asked, resting his head onto the tree and gazed to his side at the demigod.
"It... It's fine..." Akumu replied, looking to his sheath as he slid his blade back into it. An exhale escaping him.

@Heir of Dalania


"My adopted mother taught me when I was younger." Dei-Loki would answer. A sweet smile on his face as he took a moment more to look at Masaru before then looking to the instrument in his hand. "I don't play nearly as well as she does, though... But she wanted t' teach me, nonetheless."

@Forever J
"Hmm, Mothers really have a knack for raising their kids and giving them beautiful talents." Masaru turned his head to look at the rolling clouds.
Soon looking up to watch her go, Akumu exhaled through his nose before heading off to take a short walk in an effort to deal with his thoughts.

@Heir of Dalania


"That they do." Dei-Loki replied, nodding as he shifted slightly on the branch. "And they seem t' do it well."

@Forever J
"Mhmmm, absolutely well." Masaru closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of autumn weather. 
Smiling a bit more, Dei-Loki leaned back against the tree's base once more. A gentle exhale exiting his nose. "Time sure does fly, doesn't it?"
"Yeah . . . it does." Masaru slightly opened his right eye to see a small bit of Dei. He kept that slight view of him, afraid to blink. What does fate have in store, because i'm afraid that you won't be by my side when it comes. Gods damn, i can't fight fate. Fate is even more powerful than the Gods themselves. I can't fight fate if he or she or it for that matter, decides to rip my heart out and squish it in front of my very own eyes. Gods no, i'll die, Dei. I'll die because i can't live a life without you. I'm shit out of luck, but i'll find  somehow. To keep us together for as long as we can. I promise and you know that I always keep my promises.
Mia made a whining noise, some pain in her hips before putting both Qrow and Riley down in their cribs before sitting down in a chair. 


Riley made gurgling noises in her crib and rolled around, whining as she wasn't being held anymore. She put her hands around the bars of the crib, frost covering it as she whined, pouting.


Izzy threw shit at people.


"Malvo, what would you do if I died?"
Dei-Loki returned the glance, his small smile growing a bit before he then glanced to the clouds. That would roll by at their own leisurely pace. And, for a split second, the young lad would hold a bit of pain in his eyes before quickly locking it away the moment his eyes shut. His smile shrinking back to a ghostly smirk. "Gods..."


Malvo paused at that question before pivoting and glancing to him. "I'd go after the cause. Why do y' ask?"
Masaru frowned and then did something unexpected. He laid down between his branch and Dei's branch, resting his head on Dei's lap. He raised his hand raised up and his pointer finger touched Dei's nose. "Boooooop." He pulled back quickly and then turned his attention to the clouds. "If you even speak a damn word about that, i'll never speak to you for the rest of your damn life." 



Nicholas turned over to Riley and rubbed her tummy while he looked to Mia. "You should go back to sleep. I'll be right here to watch them, you have nothing to worry about." He gave his usual, bright smile as he tried to soothe Riley into sleep.

Seeming to snap out of the funk he was in, Dei-Loki blinked a few times from the rather surprising gesture - his brows lifting before softly releasing a bit of a giggle/snicker with a smile. "I won't tell a soul."
Masaru huffed, a ghostly smile wavering on his face before it disappeared.
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With an ear lowering from his expression, Dei-Loki gently ran his fingers through Masaru's hair. His gaze being cut off the moment his eyes closed.
Akumu exhaled through his nose as he wandered back to the house. His mind not truly cleared, but he was... better than before. Quietly opening the door, he stepped into the house and took a brief glance around the room.

@Heir of Dalania

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