Indescribable (Closed)

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"Glad you think so." [/COLOR]Malvo gently exhaled as she sarcastically answered Ash. Soon blinking and looking around with her hands in her pockets.
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Nicholas kissed Mia's head, "how do you feel? Is the medication helping at all?" 
Jayde threw the small spherical object in her hand into the ground, which exploded into a large smoke cloud.


Oliver looked around, grabbing Izzy's hand dragging her to what her spotted; a fruit stand. "will this work?" he asked with a smile 


Akumu widened his eyes as his approaching movement came to a quick halt the moment the area was engulfed in smoke. Eyes narrowing, he growled and scanned the area as best he could whilst remaining on guard.
Cheshire delivered a swift kick to his side before rolling back into the smoke "just put the sword away and we can talk about this like adults!" she said as a joke.

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Akumu's eyes quickly darted in the direction in which the kick was being delivered the moment his sensitive ears caught the slightest sound of movement. His body quickly pivoting as he'd managed to lift his sword as a side guard. "This would all be over quicker if you'd just tell me who y' really are!"

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki, still currently watching the newly official parents as well as his own mate converse in the hall, had soon found his attention shifting elsewhere. With his brow quirked, he weaseled his way inbetween the group before then heading down the stairs.

@Forever J, @Comet
"How about no, find out for yourself." she stood still as the smoke began to disapate. Looking at Akumu through her mask "Who I look like, is not who I am" she said crypticly.

Masaru saw Dei-loki slip from the group and followed after glancing at his new niece and nephew. "Hey, Sunshine. Getting bored staring at babies? I know a few ways to keep you entertain for a long while." H
"Mhmmm, i can show you some if you like, but that wouldn't be fun for me. I rather tease you until you beg for it." Masaru pinned Dei to the wall and gave a cheerful smile, showing off his pearly white teeth. 

Akumu, with a huff of agitation, watched Cheshire before charging in her direction mid laugh.

@Heir of Dalania


A dark blush instantly tinted his cheeks at Masaru's words. A small smirk remaining on his face before he then huffed.

@Forever J
Eyes widening from the incoming projectiles, Akumu leaned back and slid under them. A low growl rumbling deep in his throat as he moved to jump back to a stand, a few feet away from her. In this timeframe, he'd also attempt to sweep her from her feet with his blade.

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki blinked a few times following Masaru's departure. With another huff, he lowered an ear before pushing himself off of the wall. Well, aren't you just a blushing mess~ 'Sh-Shut up.'

@Forever J
Cheshire simply hopped over the blade. As she'd then slap akumu across the cheek. "thats no way to treat a lady" She said with a giggle 
Akumu then quickly brought his foot back to the ground as he pointed the edge of his blade to Cheshire's neck. Slightly panting, he'd glare before - once more - stating his demands. "The mask. Remove it."

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki would then gently exhale through his nose, waiting a moment before choosing to head outside. A violin appearing in his hand and the bow appearing in the other. He'd allow his feet to carry him into a denser part of the woods, as he'd then climb up one of the trees and sit on the branch - back to the base of the tree as he began to look around, only to then then eventually play. Filling the area with the soothing, classical tone of the instrument.
"very well" she said simply before reaching up with a gloved hand and slowly remove the mask, then revealing her face and blackened eyes with a smirk. "boo" She said with a short giggle. 

Once narrowed eyes would soon widen in disbelief upon the instant gut punch of recognition. Akumu's hand would firmly remained clamped around the hilt of his blade. "Nia..?"

@Heir of Dalania
"hmmmm technically. Alternate personalitys are fun." she smiled up at him "you see, when ol Nia here lost her arm, magic, and took that poison from Adam. Her... our subconscious made me. The manifestation of all her naughty and bad thoughts... the fun thoughts. She dosnt know I exist. And let me tell you, the battle been good and evil is occurring here" she tapped her head "and I'm winning" she said triumphantly. 

"Well" she smiled her distinct grin "you certainly had fun with me earlier" She said biting her bottom lip "why deny the attraction? You want me. If not me, then Nia" She said, toying with him

Akumu's eyes widened at the subject, faintly blushing as he growled and closed his eyes. Listening to the violin playing in the background as he spoke. "That was a onetime thing!"

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki continued to play, loosing himself in his beautiful art as he'd close his eyes - not paying attention to his surroundings in the slightest as he continued to fill the life around him with music. 

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