Indescribable (Closed)

Cheshire giggled "is the big bad wolf mad? Did I strike a nerve?" she said mockingly.


Oliver broke this kiss after a time. "you said you like action right?"
"Go ahead and push it." Akumu growled, drawing his blade as he approached once more.

Dei-Loki widened his eyes from the outburst of ice, lowering an ear. For a split second, he expected to hear Masaru shout before reality reminded him of his weakness. A sigh of relief spoon escaping him as he'd then stand.

"That's what I thought." Ruvik huffed before then walking away.

Malvo watched him go. Blinking a few times with lifted brows.
Riley giggled again and she reached for Masaru to hold her.

Izzy gave him a questioning look and nodded. "yeah, I like action."

Ash watched him walk off then wrapped his arm around around her neck. "we'll just take it from him when he's asleep."
Masaru greedily took the baby into his arms. "Hey squirt, i hope to the Heavens that you don't get to be any bigger than your uncle. Buuuuut, now that you came from that, you and Qrow will probably become freakishly tall, gigantic babies. I am so sorry that you are Father is a freak." Nicholas squinted and then turn to a fussy Qrow. He held Qrow in his arms, bouncing the whining boy gently and not too much. He rocked his arm back and forth with an even pace. "Nicholas, i want you to try something. Put your pinky in his mouth." Nicholas knew what Masaru was talking about and did it. He gave a slight hiss as he took his pinky away from Qrow's mouth, showing a bead of blood going down his thumb and into Qrow's greedy mouth. "Thank gods that Mia hasn't breast fed yet. That would hurt like the dickens." Masaru lowered his thumb and did the same to Riley who didn't bite at all. "So, Riley is her mommy's girl and Qrow is Daddy's boy."
Quietly watching, Dei-Loki soon returned his hands to his pockets. His ears perking as he glanced back and forth between Masaru and Nicholas. 

"I think we'll need to sleep with one eye open, after this is finished." Malvo blinked, looking to Ash as he wrapped his arm around her.
Riley giggled again, squirming in his arms as she watched her father hold her brother. She didn't really understand a word that Masaru said to her, but she just liked the tone of his voice. She hugged his hand to her, squirming again.

Ash nodded."definitely."
"My heart. You're so very very cute." Masaru chuckled as he tickled Riley's belly.
Dei-Loki held a grin as he looked around. His ears having been perked as he brought his hands to his jacket pockets.

Malvo huffed, soon closing her eyes. "So, now what?"
Cheshire laughed "trust me" she put her hands behind her back, and subtly reached into a container on her belt. "if you knew who I was, you wouldn't want to kill me" she held a very calm pose, and smiled under the mask.


Oliver grabbed her hand once more "soooo, what do you want to do now?"
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"You sure about that?" Were the words Akumu challenged Cheshire with. Though she could very well be right, he still felt the need to question. Every ounce of any sort of information he could get out of this encounter seemed to be vital, especially considering that now he ran the risk of knowing the female behind the mask.
Mia walked out of the room and yawned. "What did I miss?" She asked, looking at her babies.


Ash shrugged. "Let's go fuck, duh."


Izzy stood up and stretched. "Let's go throw some shit at people."
"Not much, just that Riley here has powers of cold manipulation and not the snot running kind. While, little Qrow is a biter. So, I advise you to use the pump for that one. We also have to teach him to put away his Inugami canine fangs." Masaru said as the baby close to his chest.
Dei-Loki perked his ears as he looked over to see Mia walk out. His ears perking as he'd nod in agreement with Masaru.


Malvo widened her eyes before looking over to Ash - blinking rapidly a few times out of surprise. "Wait-- Really!?"
Mia chuckled and took Riley, looking at the little girl with adoration. "they look more like you Nicholas." She said softly, the look of love on her eyes as she also took Qrow and gave him the same look of love. "I love them so much Nicholas, I do..."


Ash laughed. "just kidding, you need to earn this dick baby."
"Really? I think more like you. Although they have a mixture of our eyes. They definitely don't have my hair though." He ran his hand through his thick, dark red hair and smiled. "I know you do, doe-eyes. And i also love them as much as i love you."
Dei-Loki blinked, listening with a smile. Hands tucked away as his ear flicked. "Awwwwe...~"


Malvo blinked once more before shutting her eyes in a bit of annoyance. A huff soon escaping her as she punched Ash's side before heading back to the tent.
"absolutely" she replied, doing a cartwheel afterwards with a giggle. "why do you want to know so badly anyway?" She asked, tilting her head slightly to the right.


Oliver grabbed Izzy's hand "that. Sounds. Awsome. Let's go!"
"One, because of all that you've done." Akumu would begin to count off his reasoning. "And two, because ya seem t' keep implying that you're someone that I know and care about. It has me curious."
"okay, good enough" she waited for a time, allowing her body posture to be relaxed "what are you going to do about it?" 
"I could always just pry the mask off." Would be his suggestion as he quietly took another step in her direction. His fingers wrapping around the hilt of his blade.
Mia smiled and kissed the babies heads before looking up at Nicholas and smiled.


Ash laughed. "You're fun to mess with Malvo."

Izzy laughed and led him to the small town nearby and looked around for things to throw.

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