Incredibly Horrid RP Ideas

Dandelion Princess

Leader and Protector of the Dandel People
I think one of my favorite things to do on the Shoutbox is to turn a funny conversation into a horrible roleplay idea or "Site Suggestion". It'll spark a joke that will go for a few minutes where some will add on to the concept and others will talk about how horrible that idea is. I don't do it as often as I'd like because I can't always find the best context to make such a joke; that's why I made this thread.

We all have had terrible ideas and really funny ones too. So here we can share those bad ideas for a laugh. Perhaps something will be so funny that it actually ends up being a satire roleplay or another long running joke? Maybe.

So here's a couple of my bad ideas to get us started:

RP Idea: RPN: The Roleplay

Genre: Fantasy

Size: Medium to Large

Writing Level: Detailed

Concept: RPN is an actual nation. Each RP genre is it's own state/whatever you want to call it and each roleplay is it's own city. Roleplayers will take on roles as staff members (add Fellows and Supporters for a larger RP) and work together to save the nation from SpamBots. Any role player that can not roleplay as their selected character perfectly will be removed from the roleplay.

1x1 Available: Yes, our muses would be moderators.

Site Suggestion: "We should change the title of the Shoutbox to "Welcoming Committee" "'Political' and 'Satire' should be added to the site's genre categories."

I can't wait to see what horrible ideas you guys come up with. I mean, we need to get the bad ideas out somewhere.
We are Bread, the RP. The beautiful story of several slices of bread's epic and emotional journeys as they embark upon a quest to become toasted. As they delve deeper and deeper into the story of 'We are Bread', they'll notice that things aren't quite what they seem....


Final Fantasy: Retribution

The Tonberry King has declared war on the so called saviors of the world, outraged by the countless death tolls they have caused upon all mobs. As the instrument of his will, you and other tonberries are to find and exact your Lord's decree: righteous vengeance upon the false heroes!

If you're unfamiliar with tonberry lore, they have an attack that deals damage to the victim equaling the number of total kills that person has made thus far. In grindfests like FF, that count can easily exceed your total HP, like so. Prepare your favorite tear catching cup for use to sustain yourselves on the liquid despair of many a fanboy/girl as their beloved 'heroes' are stabbed so hard not even a phoenix down will save them.

I had an idea for a Mary Sue roleplay once. It was basically a zombie apocalypse, but the zombies were Mary Sues.

.... And that was basically it.

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