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Realistic or Modern Inconsistency [Metapowers/Planes Colliding Powers RP] (Powered Rewind?)

Method of OOC communication?

  • Discord & OOC Thread

    Votes: 20 76.9%
  • Discord & RpN PM

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Only OOC Thread

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • OOC Thread & RpN PM

    Votes: 2 7.7%

  • Total voters


Ten Thousand Club

When Planes Collide

It's there, in the sky. For the last two hundred years, that big, amorphous figure of a several-thousand-meters-tall woman floated in the upper atmosphere, invisible to all but those within the city boundaries. Most know that the figure is not a woman. In fact, the figure isn't gendered. It just happened to take the shape of a human being when first arriving on Earth. While most expected there to be mass panic, and chaos, and eventually an apocalypse, none of that happened. Going by various names, such as Unit or Article, the figure soon became an accepted part of their reality. After all, it wasn't doing anything to the human race.

That was where everyone was mistaken. Some of the ones to witness the Article's arrival bore children with several physical characteristics that baffled doctors at the time. Increased heart rate, a high body temperature, and bones with almost one and a half times the density of an average human's. On top of that, they could speak and comprehend a strange language that none from the previous generation could understand. These children, collectively known as Fraction, mingled with each other, communicating frequently in both English and their strange language. Parents feared that their children would become the outcasts. This couldn't be farther from the truth, as the Fraction were the children that pushed the normal children aside.

Something strange occurred when the majority of the Fraction turned 14. Diverse body changes, the development of a superhuman ability, and the intuitive capability to use their abilities all swept through the Fraction. The age of 14 is a pivotal point in a teenager's life, where they begin to take their independence. The part of the Fraction that grew unruly and wild abused their abilities to get their way. Superhuman advantages over normal humans, ranging from superhuman strength to the ability to generate fire to the ability to displace their eyeballs, quickly allowed the unruly portion of Fraction to plunge their families into chaos. With these scuffles going on, research took place. Children of the Fraction were selected at random to be studied, and a conclusion came out of it.

The Article was the cause, and behind all this.

The portion of the Fraction that behaved were allowed to roam free, mate, and continue on with their normal lives, away from government watch. The reason behind the government's design to remove their involvement with the Fraction is still unknown to this day. The unruly ones were executed.

Folded Conduit, or simply Conduit or Folded, is a term used to describe the descendants of the Fraction. There are at least 20,000 Folded out of the 1.2 million citizens in the relatively isolated, North American seaside city of Vrayelle. Between Vrayelle's streamlined skyscrapers were alleyways, alleyways where Folded frequently hang out, and express their destructive sides. The idea of being a "superhero" rarely crosses the minds of the Folded Conduits, as their abilities became a part of their life rather than a gift sent to protect the world. These abilities didn't give Conduits a purpose, they just made them different. The closest thing to being a hero that crossed the Conduits' minds would be defending their own property and their own body.

A week ago, mass power outages shrouded Vrayelle in darkness and temporarily shorted out all Folded abilities for close to twenty seconds. When the power came back, the Article began to move. Its massive hand covered a section of the fields several miles from the outskirts, and remained in that position for the last week. While there were a few that noticed the shorting out of abilities, more noticed the sudden increase of power over seven days. Most Folded abilities doubled - the weakest tripled.

Now, Folded in several wards are taking matters into their own hands, and organizing meetings to interpret the meaning of their abilities gaining this drastic increase. Something is happening under the noses of normal humans, and it's something that would require the effort of most of the Folded to investigate this anomaly, and possibly venture toward the Article itself...

Heyo! This is the first RP idea for Powered Rewind! For those of you who don't know what that is, read below in the tabs! There's a lot of important stuff surrounding both this RP and Powered Rewind in general. We'll start off slowly with characters distributed amongst three districts. You may sign up for villains as well, and may have as many characters as you want. The District DOESN'T affect your character's power level! It's only for grouping purposes so we can break up the direction people take this.

1st District Characters (Directed Plot)
- D duegxybus
- Eagleye415 Eagleye415
- Lappi Lappi
- Svisttt Svisttt
- Noivian Noivian
- kasigi kasigi
- Aio Aio
- CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
- chamomile chamomile
- The Omen of Death The Omen of Death
- YoungX YoungX
- Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17
- Have You Ever Tasted Sand Have You Ever Tasted Sand
- Kobe Nathan Wade Kobe Nathan Wade
- that1aj that1aj
- doneanddusted doneanddusted
- IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan

7th District Characters (Semi-Open Plot)
- D duegxybus
- The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
- Svisttt Svisttt
- Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
- June Verles June Verles
- Noivian Noivian
- kasigi kasigi
- Aio Aio
- CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
- chamomile chamomile
- The Omen of Death The Omen of Death
- Illiterate Illiterate
- YoungX YoungX
- Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17
- that1aj that1aj
- Kodi Ly Antoniusarson Kodi Ly Antoniusarson

15th District Characters (Open World/Character Driven Plot)
- D duegxybus
- Lappi Lappi
- Roxasarass Roxasarass
- Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
- Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
- June Verles June Verles
- Noivian Noivian
- DrBezendrine DrBezendrine
- The Omen of Death The Omen of Death
- YoungX YoungX
- Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17
- theunderwolf theunderwolf
- KookyJar KookyJar
- IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan

  • If you're interested...
    Reply to the interest check with: the District(s) you're interested in putting your characters in. (You can be in them all if you can handle that! Also, they are not set in stone. Characters can move around.)

    1) No godmoding/metagaming/powergaming. I don't want to see ANY metagrudging either.
    2) If I request something, follow it or give your best reasoning why you wouldn't want to. Then follow what I say unless I like your reasoning.
    3) Don't be an asshole to your fellow RPers.
    4) Try not to be overpowered. I get it - Folded abilities are doubled (permanently too), but they are still far from Godhood.
    5) Stick to the lore.
    6) Don't make changes to lore in your CS behind my back. If you want clarification, ask.
    6.5) On the topic of asking, if you need help with anything at all, feel free to ask. There is no such thing as a stupid question (:
    7) Try to stay updated on things. I'll do my best to tag everyone, but sometimes RPN notifications are wonky. It's recommended to follow all threads
    7.5) It's always sad when someone drops the RP. You're always welcome to return at a later date if you weren't kicked/banned.
    8) Have fun! If you're not having fun, I'll try my best to make it more enjoyable.

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My god am I interested! I'd like to be in the 1st District! Can I open a pm with you so I can discuss some character ideas with you?
Mm, I have a history of just vanishing but I'll give it a go because this seems well planned.
Unlike my roleplays.. >.<
I still don't really understand the districts thing... but I'm really interested! Could someone have a go at explaining it better for me? I am interested in playing a girl who got her powers at a very young age (6 or 7)?
I still don't really understand the districts thing... but I'm really interested! Could someone have a go at explaining it better for me? I am interested in playing a girl who got her powers at a very young age (6 or 7)?

Districts are basically just a way for me to distinguish who's in which story. The districts are based on actual Districts in the city (Vrayelle). It's possible to switch districts in the middle of the RP with characters since they're still in the same city.

6 or 7 is a little too young. 9 or 10 would be allowed though, as most get theirs around 14 (:
I'll have two Number 9's, a Number 9 Large, a Number 6 with extra Dip, a Number 7, Two Number 45's, one with Cheese, and a large Soda.
Oh, I'd like to be in District four. If that's something you need to know..

Hmm... 1...7....1...7....7....15...7...1....



I don't have a District 4 as a starting spot

But I'll make District 4 as a start if we're overcrowde-

(Looks up)
(Each District has 9 or more players already. Mostly worried about the 10 people we have for the plotted portion, but it should work out alright if I manage to get the teams and stuff right.)



I think I'll make District 4 into some sort of plot that'll be introduced later on in the RP, depending on where people want their charas to go.

But for now, there's 1, 7 or 15 to pick from! Don't worry, characters can go anywhere in the city and even change groups, this is just for starting (:

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