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Futuristic Incident 87 Profiles



Ray of Sunshine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Name (this one is self explanatory):
Nicknames (have you ever been called something else):
Race (what alien species are you? Or are you just a human? Note: I’m letting you choose your own race, but you have to stay within believable boundaries and not make them overpowered, otherwise I’m revoking this privilege):
Gender (what is your gender?):
Eye color (does this actually matter?):
Hair color (do you have hair? If so, what’s it’s color.):
Occupation (what did you do before getting thrown on this crazy adventure):

Equipment (do you carry special equipment? Normal equipment?):
Weapons (what does your character use to kill people):
Other items (non equipment, non weapons):

Skills (you must be able to learn these. They are not natural.):
Racial Abilities (things you can do as part of your race):
Additional abilities (non-racial, non-skills. These can be magic, scientifically granted powers, or any other things):

Personality (how does your character act? What’s going on in their head?):
Appearance (what do they look like? How strange are they?):
History (what is your character's tragic backst- I mean history):

Quotes (notable things that your character has said that exemplify their personality) (optional):
Tropes (tropes that apply to your character. Can be found here at TV Tropes.) (optional):
Theme song (quite self explanatory) (optional):
Other (optional):
Name (this one is self explanatory): Kyra White
Nicknames (have you ever been called something else): Blanca, Black and White,
Race (what alien species are you? Or are you just a human? Note: I’m letting you choose your own race, but you have to stay within believable boundaries and not make them overpowered, otherwise I’m revoking this privilege): Human
Gender (what is your gender?): Female
Eye color (does this actually matter?): Gray
Hair color (do you have hair? If so, what’s it’s color.): Black with white streaks.
Occupation (what did you do before getting thrown on this crazy adventure): Smuggler

Equipment (do you carry special equipment? Normal equipment?):

Macrobinoculars: for when normal binoculars aren’t enough.

Rope: the duct tape of adventuring, good old fashioned rope.

Grappling hook: to attach to the rope.

Stimpacks: for when healing is needed.

Weapons (what does your character use to kill people):

Standard Blaster Pistol: it shoots lasers and kills people. I don’t know what more you want.

Blaster Clip: it’s really a power cell but it’s still called a clip for the same reason that the save symbol is still a floppy disc.

Pocket Knife: for when a blaster won’t cut it.

Life Support Mask: it’s a life support mask, just in case.

Other items (non equipment, non weapons):

The Artemis: a rickety old ship that she bought from a man looking to settle down, this thing is her pride and joy.


Skills (you must be able to learn these. They are not natural.):

Piloting: Kyra is a natural Pilot.

Spaceship Maintenance: Kyra can repair her ship.

Astrogation: Kyra can navigate the stars like no one’s business.

Lies and tricks: It’s kind of required for the job.

Racial Abilities (things you can do as part of your race): none
Additional abilities (non-racial, non-skills. These can be magic, scientifically granted powers, or any other things): none

Personality (how does your character act? What’s going on in their head?): Kyra White is an odd person. She loves adventure but she also likes to hang out at bars and stuff and just chill. She has a soft spot for the poor and while she’ll take jobs from rich people for money she’ll just as often take jobs for poor people free of charge. In general Kyra is a free spirit, going wherever the wind takes her.
Appearance (what do they look like? How strange are they?): Kyra has Black hair with white streaks in it. She wears a white tattered shirt under a black jacket. Her pants and boots are brown and she has a brown belt with a holster. She wears a brown satchel. Her eyes are Gray and her skin is tan. She wears goggles.
History (what is your character's tragic backst- I mean history): Since she was a child, Kyra dreamed of getting off planet. She looked up to the stars and dreamed of having adventures. Finally, when she was 21 she got a ship off of a guy who was looking to settle down. She took up smuggling and now, 6 years later, she is pretty well known.

Quotes (notable things that your character has said that exemplify their personality) (optional):

“I can do the job.”

“Criminal? I prefer the term Dashing Rogue.”

“You want me to work for free? Buddy, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“I’ll do it, free of charge.”

Tropes (tropes that apply to your character. Can be found here at TV Tropes.) (optional): Gentleman Thief, Loveable Rogue, Talking Your Way Out, Cool Ship
Theme song (quite self explanatory) (optional):
Other (optional):
Name Jason Voorhees
Age 77
Height 6ft 8
Weight 280
Gender male
Personality mother's boy and is a mute
Species undead
Sexuality straight
Eye color gray
Hair color gray
Occupation murderer
Weapons machete
Other items a hockey mask
Even as a living human, Jason possessed uncanny resistance to harm and injury, managing to survive injuries that would either kill or disable others, such as being stabbed in the shoulder with a machete (Part 2), being hung, and even receiving an axe to the head (Part III). Furthermore, Jason either cannot feel pain or has a high tolerance for it, showing little reaction to injuries such as having his hand split down the middle with his own machete (The Final Chapter). Even after being impaled through the eye with his own machete, he still showed some signs of life. Despite being a human, Jason possessed enhanced strength above anything a normal person could achieve. This is evidenced by his ability to bend a barrel of a rifle with his bare hand, and crushing a man's head so hard that his eye popped out of it's socket. After he is unintentionally resurrected by Tommy, Jason has become more powerful than ever before.

Jason is superhumanly strong and durable, casually shrugging off bullets, being burned alive, electrocuted, and even submerged in a flood of toxic waste. In the event that he is injured, he can rapidly regenerate himself, retaining his eyesight despite being stabbed in the eyes, and even regrowing his severed fingers after his battle with Freddy Krueger. He has displayed his incredible strength on several occasions, smashing through solid walls and wooden barriers, lifting adult humans off the ground with one hand, crushing their skulls between his palms, and at one point punching a young man in the face with such force that his head popped off his shoulders.

He can also survive getting blown to pieces, in which his heart can hypnotize anyone into eating it, causing the victim to be possessed by his demonic spirit. While possessing a victim, his reflection in a mirror is that of his true form. After a while, Jason must transfer into someone else's body in the form of a parasitic snake demon, traveling from his current victim's mouth to his next victim's mouth. This will cause the previous victim to gruesomely melt away. He can also leave the victim's body in the form of a Hellbaby. In order to be fully reborn as himself, he must possess the body - whether it be living or dead - of another Voorhees.

Jason is essentially immortal, having survived several apparent deaths, and even being resurrected through various means, such as a bolt of lightning (Jason Lives). Both Freddy Krueger and Pamela Voorheeshave stated that, no matter what, Jason can never truly die. Though he was apparently killed and dragged into the depths of Hell by Jessica Kimble, even this proved to be a temporary death thanks to Freddy's manipulations.

Jason appears to be able to breathe underwater and often uses water to his advantage, typically by drowning his victims.

When he is subjected to a regenerative nanotechnology process in Jason X and transformed into a cyborg, Jason becomes even stronger; his strength is enhanced to the point where he can punch through solid steel, he is completely bulletproof, and can survive in the vacuum of space unaided.

In addition to his various superhuman abilities, Jason has shown to be skilled in the use of various weapons, both melee and ranged. Even the simplest of tools can become a deadly weapon when in Jason's hands, ranging from an ice pick (Part 2) to a simple heated rock (Jason Takes Manhattan). Jason is also highly intelligent and a master of stealth, being able to set up different booby traps. On numerous occasions, Jason often stalks an entire group of people at once. On these occasions, he easily avoids detection, and picks off the group members one by one without anyone else noticing.
Despite his great power, Jason does have a few notable weaknesses:

  • Despite having used water to his advantage on several occasions and regularly swimming since his resurrection, Jason does appear to be afraid of water to some extent, which Freddy used to his advantage to nearly drown him in Freddy vs Jason.
  • If trapped under the waters of Crystal Lake by any means, such as chains, Jason will be immobilized and unable to escape without outside help.
  • His mother as evident in Friday the 13th Part 2 and Freddy vs Jason. When he hears his mother or sees her he stops what he is doing and pays attention to what she tells him.
  • Jason gets soft around children and babies and generally around people who never entered Crystal Lake as he doesn't harm them
  • Bio
  • Jason Voorhees was born on Friday, June 13, 1946 to Pamela and Elias Voorhees[1] in the small town of Crystal Lake. Jason suffered from severe physical deformities and possibly mental disabilities, and experienced a sheltered childhood; he did not attend school and the only contact he had was with his mother.[2] However, during the summer of 1957, Jason attended Camp Crystal Lake, where his mother worked as a cook. Unfortunately, his disturbing appearance earned him ridicule and persecution from the other children, who, on one occasion, teased him by trying to cover his face and calling him a "freak show". In an effort to escape their taunts, a terrified Jason ran down the pier and fell into the Crystal Lake. Unable to swim, he began to struggle and disappeared under the water.[3][4]

    Jason is thrown into the waters of Camp Crystal Lake by the bullies
    Jason was then saved and kept secret by Deuce Hill, for this reason his body was never found. His mother blamed the camp counselors, Barry, Claudette, and the other counselors who were supposed to have been looking after Jason, but had been too busy having sex and talking to prevent the accident. A year later, in the summer of 1958, Mrs. Voorhees snuck into Camp Crystal Lake at night and murdered Barry and Claudette, the two teenagers that were supposed to have been watching the children. After the double homicide, the camp was closed. The double murder than led to some people calling the camp "Camp Blood".[3]

    The camp was deserted up until 1979 when a man named Steve Christy tried to re-open the camp that his parents once owned. Mrs. Voorhees stalked the camp, killing off Christy and six of the hired counselors. The only survivor of the massacre was a girl named Alice Hardy. She fought off Mrs. Voorhees and decapitated her with a machete. Jason had witnessed this and made him go on a murder spree to avenge his mother, and keep her wish going to keep the area closed. After Alice killed Mrs. Voorhees, she got in a canoe and passed out. When Alice was recovered by police, she claimed that "the boy" had dragged her under the water. The confused police told her that, upon searching the campground, they hadn't found any boy.[3]

    Birth of a killer (1979)
    Jason Voorhees in Part ll
    Two months later, Alice was at home trying to get over the horrible events that took place at the camp, when she was attacked in her apartment by Jason, who killed her with an ice pick. How Jason was still alive following his supposed childhood drowning was unknown. Jason returned to Crystal Lake, where he continued to live in the forest, keeping a grisly shrine to his mother where he surrounds her severed head with the mutilated corpses of the counselors. A camp counselor training ground at Crystal Lake, despite local police warning him he was located too close to the site of the "Camp Blood" massacre. Jason, now wearing a Burlap sack over his head to hide his deformed face, broke into the camp grounds to punish the counselors for their intrusion and well as more revenge for his mothers death. After killing six of them, he struggled with a girl named Ginny Field. Ginny, who was familiar with the local legend of Jason Voorhees and Camp Blood, relied on psychology to defeat the killer. Finding Jason's shack in the woods, she donned Mrs. Voorhees' sweater and took on the role of Jason's mother, distracting him long enough to drive a machete into Jason's shoulder. Ginny and Paul left Jason for dead and returned to the camp, where Ginny was attacked from behind, and blacked out. The next morning, Ginny was being taken away in an ambulance, but neither Jason nor Paul were anywhere to be found.[2]

    Jason wears his mask in Part lll
    The next day, Jason continued to avenge his mother by killing a couple living in a home near Crystal Lake and acquired new clothes. Then he made his way to a vacationing spot called Higgins Haven, where he killed seven vacationing teenagers and three bikers. It was there that he acquired a hockey mask from one of his victims, Shelley Finkelstein. The only survivor of Jason's rampage was Chris Higgins, the girl he had attacked two years earlier. Chris managed to hold Jason off for some time, inflicting various severe injuries on him, none of which proved fatal; she stabbed him in the leg and hanged him on a rope before finally swinging an axe into his face. Jason finally collapsed, and a severely disturbed Chris was discovered the next morning by police, making bizarre claims that a "lady in the lake" attacked her.[5]

    Jason is impaled on his own machete and killed by Tommy Jarvis in Part llllBelieving Jason to be dead, the paramedics took his body to the Wessex County Mortuary, where he soon regained consciousness. Killing two hospital staff on his escape, Jason returned to Crystal Lake, where he came across the home of twelve-year-old Tommy Jarvis and his family. Jason murdered a group of teenagers who were renting the house next door before being discovered by Tommy's sister, Trish Jarvis and then went after Tommy. As Trish tried desperately to defend herself and her brother from Jason's attack,Jason chased Trish all the way next door whilst Tommy formed an idea from newspaper clipping telling the story of Jason Voorhees. Shaving his head to resemble the young Jason, Tommy managed to distract the confused killer just as he was about to kill Trish, before impaling him through the skull with his own machete. When the mutilated Jason still showed signs of life, Tommy desperate started hacking away at his body in an effort to ensure he was dead.[6]
    Following his death, Jason was buried at Eternal Peace Cemetery in the Crystal Lake area,[7] although local officials were under the belief that he had been cremated. Meanwhile, the traumatised Tommy Jarvis spent his adolescence in a series of psychiatric facilities, suffering visions of Jason Voorhees. Showing signs of progress, he was transported to a halfway house in the hopes that he could soon re-enter society. However, a brutal incident at the facility caused local ambulance driver, Roy Burns, to take on the guise of Jason Voorhees, killing most of the residents at the halfway house as revenge for the death of his son. Although some authorities initially credited the real Jason for the murders, Tommy eventually defeated the killer and revealed his true identity.[8]

    Resurrection (1990)
    Jason is resurrected by a bolt of lightning when Tommy Jarvis' plans to destroy his corpse goes horribly wrong in Part 6Begivenhederne på halvvejshuset bidrager kun til Tommys mentale problemer. Efter sin frigivelse fra en mental institution rejste han og hans ven til evig freds kirkegård og søgte en løsning mellem ham og jason. Tommy planlagde at ødelægge Jason's rester, mænd ved grave hamke rammede han en metalstang gennem sin hjerte i vrede. Da Tommy var klar til at få kroppen, ramte stangen og bragte Jason tilbage til livet. Efter at have sat Jason Dræbe sin ven flygtede Tommy til det lokale politi kontor, da han fortalte Sheriff Garris de begivenheder, der fandt sted; Garris troede, at han var skør og satte ham i en celle for natten. Med ingen at stoppe ham, vendte Jason tilbage til Camp CrystalLake - genåbnet som Camp Forest Green - og fortsatte med at dræbe sin vej gennem de nye rådgivere. Der var faktisk børn i denne film, men Jason har aldrig skadet dem og gik kun til de unge voksne. Tommy undgik cellen ved hjælp af Garris 'datter Megan og rejste til lejren, hvor han udførte sin plan om at returnere Jason "hjemme"; Tommy satte en kæde rundt om halsen og sænkede Jason til bunden af søen og druknede ham igen. Mænd jeg bunden af søen blev hans hals formet af Megan ved hjælp af en båd propellerblad.[7]Jason finds himself in Times Square after stowing away on a boat bound for Manhattan in Part 8
    As Jason rotted in the depths of the lake, a girl named Tina Shepard returned to the area help her get over the death of her father, whom she had accidentally killed in Crystal Lake with her telekinetic powers years earlier. While at the lake she attempted to use her powers to resurrect her father, but succeeded only in raising Jason from the dead. Jason killed a group teenagers vacationing next door to Tina, as well Tina's mother and doctor. Tina confronted Jason with her powers, eventually causing an explosion which sent him flying back into the lake. As Jason recovered from this assault, Tina was saved by the spirit of her father, who rose out of the water and dragged Jason back into the lake.[9]

    Resurrected once again by an underwater electric cable snagged by a boat anchor, Jason climbed aboard the S.S. Lazarus, a cruise ship full of high school graduates bound for New York City. He killed most of the passengers and sank the Lazarus, before chasing the few survivors—which included Rennie Wickam and Sean Robertson—into the heart of Manhattan. Rennie had been experiencing visions of Jason throughout the journey after an incident in her childhood when her stepfather pushed her into Crystal Lake as an attempt to make her swim. She nearly died when a young Jason Voorhees tried to drag her underwater; whether this event actually happened or was just another bizarre hallucination was never proven. Jason followed Rennie and Sean into the sewers of Manhattan, where he fell victim to a gush of toxic waste which flooded the tunnel and engulfed him. Rennie and Sean escaped as Jason was regressed to a child by the toxic substance; again, this may or may not have been one of Rennie's visions as opposed to actual events.[10]

    To Hell and back (2003)
    Jason is sucked into Hell after being killed byJessicain Part 9
    Jason escaped New York and eventually found his way back to Crystal Lake. Meanwhile, the F.B.I began to realize the threat Jason Voorhees posed and took action against him. Setting up a trap, they managed to physically blow Jason's body apart. Thinking him dead and gone, they took his remains to a morgue in Ohio. But the coroner became hypnotized by Jason's still-beating heart and proceeded to eat it. Jason managed to take possession of the coroner's body and escape the F.B.I. But his dark soul could not exist indefinitely inside just anyone; he needed the body of another Voorhees to be truly reborn. Burning his way through several bodies in the process, Jason attempted to track down his only living relatives, his older sister Diana Kimble, niece Jessica Kimble, and Jessica's baby daughter Stephanie. Jessica's ex-boyfriend Steven Freeman learned from Creighton Duke—a bounty hunter determined to take down Jason Voorhees—that, as Jason could be reborn through a Voorhees, so too could he killed by one. As Jason was reborn through the corpse of Diana, and killed Creighton Duke and then went after Jessica and Stephen. Stephen and Jessica worked together to kill him once and for all. Jessica succeeded in stabbing her uncle through the heart with a mystical dagger before he could kill Stephen. After stabbing her evil uncle, Jason was dragged into Hell, by Freddy Kruger where he slowly was psychologically tortured by visions of his awful past.[1]

    Jason faces off against Freddy Krueger in the dream world in Freddy vs Jason (Part 11)
    Jason lingered in the bowels of Hell, reliving his murders at Camp Crystal Lake in a seemingly eternal nightmare. He was finally motivated to "wake up" by Freddy Krueger, a supernatural serial killer whose specialty was killing teenagers in their dreams. Posing as Pamela Voorhees, Freddy manipulated Jason into going to Elm Street in the town of Springwood, whose citizens had repressed the memory of Freddy, thus robbing him of his powers. When Jason started murdering teenagers on Elm Street, the people of Springwood began to suspect that Freddy Krueger had returned, and their fear replenished the dream demon's powers. But Freddy struggled to get rid of Jason, who began imposing on his territory and stealing his potential victims. Losing his patience, Freddy revealed his true identity to Jason, causing a battle to erupt between the two killers, which ranged from Freddy's dream world to Jason's home of Crystal Lake. During the fight, Freddy discovered Jason's subconscious fear of drowning and exploited it by returning him to the moment he drowned as a child. But when Jason woke up from his nightmare, he was able to inflict physical damage of Freddy, ripping his arm off and stabbing him through the chest with his own clawed hand. As Freddy was finished off by his would-be victim Lori Campbell, the defeated Jason sank back into Crystal Lake. He emerged sometime later holding Freddy's severed head, which then winked and laughed; whether this was a dream or reality is unknown.[4]

    Jason X (2008 - 2455)
    Jason is destroyed and rebuilt from scratch as the cybernetic "Uber Jason" in Jason X (Part 10)
    By the year 2008, Jason had been captured by the U.S. government and was being held at Camp Crystal Lake Research Facility. Government researcher Rowan LaFontaine led several attempts to execute him, but was unsuccessfully due to Jason's uncanny ability to regenerate damaged body cells. Eventually, Rowan decided to cryogenically freeze Jason until they could find out what else to do with him, but the government already had plans to make profit by studying his regenerative powers. Jason managed to break free from his contraints and murdered several soldiers in the facility, before Rowan lured him into the cryonic chamber. Just as she activated the cryogenic suspension, Jason stabbed through the door with his machete, freezing them both inside the sealed chamber.

    As the centuries pass, Earth became too polluted to support life, with mankind moving to a new planet called Earth Two. Jason and Rowan were finally discovered in the year 2455 by a group of students on a field trip to the abandoned world. They took the two bodies aboard their spacecraft, The Grendel, and succeeded in reanimating Rowan, but declared Jason deceased. When Jason thawed, he proceeded to murder everyone aboard The Grendel continuing his ever wanted revenge for the death of his mother. Although the ship's team of soldiers, led by Sgt. Brodski, did their best to repel the killer, only the android Kay-Em 14 was successful in destroying Jason, blasting his body apart. Jason's corpse was left in the medical station, where his body was rebuild by the computer's advanced nanotechnology. The computer replaced his missing body tissue with cybernetic technology, transforming him into "Uber Jason", who attacked Rowan and the students again. They distracted Jason with a virtual reality simulation of Crystal Lake, while Sgt. Brodski attempted to repair the damaged ship. As the others escaped, Brodski sacrificed himself by maneuvering himself and Jason away from the survivors and into the atmosphere of Earth Two, where they were apparently burned to death and landed in a forest lake. All that appeared to remain of the terror that was Jason Voorhees is his charred hockey mask; with this, it would appear that Jason was truly and permanently dead.[11] This filmed marked the only film in which Jason took his revenge in Space
  • Theme song


  • Jasonf.jpg
    34.7 KB · Views: 0
Name Jason Voorhees
Age 77
Height 6ft 8
Weight 280
Gender male
Personality mother's boy and is a mute
Species undead
Sexuality straight
Eye color gray
Hair color gray
Occupation murderer
Weapons machete
Other items a hockey mask
Even as a living human, Jason possessed uncanny resistance to harm and injury, managing to survive injuries that would either kill or disable others, such as being stabbed in the shoulder with a machete (Part 2), being hung, and even receiving an axe to the head (Part III). Furthermore, Jason either cannot feel pain or has a high tolerance for it, showing little reaction to injuries such as having his hand split down the middle with his own machete (The Final Chapter). Even after being impaled through the eye with his own machete, he still showed some signs of life. Despite being a human, Jason possessed enhanced strength above anything a normal person could achieve. This is evidenced by his ability to bend a barrel of a rifle with his bare hand, and crushing a man's head so hard that his eye popped out of it's socket. After he is unintentionally resurrected by Tommy, Jason has become more powerful than ever before.

Jason is superhumanly strong and durable, casually shrugging off bullets, being burned alive, electrocuted, and even submerged in a flood of toxic waste. In the event that he is injured, he can rapidly regenerate himself, retaining his eyesight despite being stabbed in the eyes, and even regrowing his severed fingers after his battle with Freddy Krueger. He has displayed his incredible strength on several occasions, smashing through solid walls and wooden barriers, lifting adult humans off the ground with one hand, crushing their skulls between his palms, and at one point punching a young man in the face with such force that his head popped off his shoulders.

He can also survive getting blown to pieces, in which his heart can hypnotize anyone into eating it, causing the victim to be possessed by his demonic spirit. While possessing a victim, his reflection in a mirror is that of his true form. After a while, Jason must transfer into someone else's body in the form of a parasitic snake demon, traveling from his current victim's mouth to his next victim's mouth. This will cause the previous victim to gruesomely melt away. He can also leave the victim's body in the form of a Hellbaby. In order to be fully reborn as himself, he must possess the body - whether it be living or dead - of another Voorhees.

Jason is essentially immortal, having survived several apparent deaths, and even being resurrected through various means, such as a bolt of lightning (Jason Lives). Both Freddy Krueger and Pamela Voorheeshave stated that, no matter what, Jason can never truly die. Though he was apparently killed and dragged into the depths of Hell by Jessica Kimble, even this proved to be a temporary death thanks to Freddy's manipulations.

Jason appears to be able to breathe underwater and often uses water to his advantage, typically by drowning his victims.

When he is subjected to a regenerative nanotechnology process in Jason X and transformed into a cyborg, Jason becomes even stronger; his strength is enhanced to the point where he can punch through solid steel, he is completely bulletproof, and can survive in the vacuum of space unaided.

In addition to his various superhuman abilities, Jason has shown to be skilled in the use of various weapons, both melee and ranged. Even the simplest of tools can become a deadly weapon when in Jason's hands, ranging from an ice pick (Part 2) to a simple heated rock (Jason Takes Manhattan). Jason is also highly intelligent and a master of stealth, being able to set up different booby traps. On numerous occasions, Jason often stalks an entire group of people at once. On these occasions, he easily avoids detection, and picks off the group members one by one without anyone else noticing.
Despite his great power, Jason does have a few notable weaknesses:

  • Despite having used water to his advantage on several occasions and regularly swimming since his resurrection, Jason does appear to be afraid of water to some extent, which Freddy used to his advantage to nearly drown him in Freddy vs Jason.
  • If trapped under the waters of Crystal Lake by any means, such as chains, Jason will be immobilized and unable to escape without outside help.
  • His mother as evident in Friday the 13th Part 2 and Freddy vs Jason. When he hears his mother or sees her he stops what he is doing and pays attention to what she tells him.
  • Jason gets soft around children and babies and generally around people who never entered Crystal Lake as he doesn't harm them
  • Bio
  • Jason Voorhees was born on Friday, June 13, 1946 to Pamela and Elias Voorhees[1] in the small town of Crystal Lake. Jason suffered from severe physical deformities and possibly mental disabilities, and experienced a sheltered childhood; he did not attend school and the only contact he had was with his mother.[2] However, during the summer of 1957, Jason attended Camp Crystal Lake, where his mother worked as a cook. Unfortunately, his disturbing appearance earned him ridicule and persecution from the other children, who, on one occasion, teased him by trying to cover his face and calling him a "freak show". In an effort to escape their taunts, a terrified Jason ran down the pier and fell into the Crystal Lake. Unable to swim, he began to struggle and disappeared under the water.[3][4]

    Jason is thrown into the waters of Camp Crystal Lake by the bullies
    Jason was then saved and kept secret by Deuce Hill, for this reason his body was never found. His mother blamed the camp counselors, Barry, Claudette, and the other counselors who were supposed to have been looking after Jason, but had been too busy having sex and talking to prevent the accident. A year later, in the summer of 1958, Mrs. Voorhees snuck into Camp Crystal Lake at night and murdered Barry and Claudette, the two teenagers that were supposed to have been watching the children. After the double homicide, the camp was closed. The double murder than led to some people calling the camp "Camp Blood".[3]

    The camp was deserted up until 1979 when a man named Steve Christy tried to re-open the camp that his parents once owned. Mrs. Voorhees stalked the camp, killing off Christy and six of the hired counselors. The only survivor of the massacre was a girl named Alice Hardy. She fought off Mrs. Voorhees and decapitated her with a machete. Jason had witnessed this and made him go on a murder spree to avenge his mother, and keep her wish going to keep the area closed. After Alice killed Mrs. Voorhees, she got in a canoe and passed out. When Alice was recovered by police, she claimed that "the boy" had dragged her under the water. The confused police told her that, upon searching the campground, they hadn't found any boy.[3]

    Birth of a killer (1979)
    Jason Voorhees in Part ll
    Two months later, Alice was at home trying to get over the horrible events that took place at the camp, when she was attacked in her apartment by Jason, who killed her with an ice pick. How Jason was still alive following his supposed childhood drowning was unknown. Jason returned to Crystal Lake, where he continued to live in the forest, keeping a grisly shrine to his mother where he surrounds her severed head with the mutilated corpses of the counselors. A camp counselor training ground at Crystal Lake, despite local police warning him he was located too close to the site of the "Camp Blood" massacre. Jason, now wearing a Burlap sack over his head to hide his deformed face, broke into the camp grounds to punish the counselors for their intrusion and well as more revenge for his mothers death. After killing six of them, he struggled with a girl named Ginny Field. Ginny, who was familiar with the local legend of Jason Voorhees and Camp Blood, relied on psychology to defeat the killer. Finding Jason's shack in the woods, she donned Mrs. Voorhees' sweater and took on the role of Jason's mother, distracting him long enough to drive a machete into Jason's shoulder. Ginny and Paul left Jason for dead and returned to the camp, where Ginny was attacked from behind, and blacked out. The next morning, Ginny was being taken away in an ambulance, but neither Jason nor Paul were anywhere to be found.[2]

    Jason wears his mask in Part lll
    The next day, Jason continued to avenge his mother by killing a couple living in a home near Crystal Lake and acquired new clothes. Then he made his way to a vacationing spot called Higgins Haven, where he killed seven vacationing teenagers and three bikers. It was there that he acquired a hockey mask from one of his victims, Shelley Finkelstein. The only survivor of Jason's rampage was Chris Higgins, the girl he had attacked two years earlier. Chris managed to hold Jason off for some time, inflicting various severe injuries on him, none of which proved fatal; she stabbed him in the leg and hanged him on a rope before finally swinging an axe into his face. Jason finally collapsed, and a severely disturbed Chris was discovered the next morning by police, making bizarre claims that a "lady in the lake" attacked her.[5]

    Jason is impaled on his own machete and killed by Tommy Jarvis in Part llllBelieving Jason to be dead, the paramedics took his body to the Wessex County Mortuary, where he soon regained consciousness. Killing two hospital staff on his escape, Jason returned to Crystal Lake, where he came across the home of twelve-year-old Tommy Jarvis and his family. Jason murdered a group of teenagers who were renting the house next door before being discovered by Tommy's sister, Trish Jarvis and then went after Tommy. As Trish tried desperately to defend herself and her brother from Jason's attack,Jason chased Trish all the way next door whilst Tommy formed an idea from newspaper clipping telling the story of Jason Voorhees. Shaving his head to resemble the young Jason, Tommy managed to distract the confused killer just as he was about to kill Trish, before impaling him through the skull with his own machete. When the mutilated Jason still showed signs of life, Tommy desperate started hacking away at his body in an effort to ensure he was dead.[6]
    Following his death, Jason was buried at Eternal Peace Cemetery in the Crystal Lake area,[7] although local officials were under the belief that he had been cremated. Meanwhile, the traumatised Tommy Jarvis spent his adolescence in a series of psychiatric facilities, suffering visions of Jason Voorhees. Showing signs of progress, he was transported to a halfway house in the hopes that he could soon re-enter society. However, a brutal incident at the facility caused local ambulance driver, Roy Burns, to take on the guise of Jason Voorhees, killing most of the residents at the halfway house as revenge for the death of his son. Although some authorities initially credited the real Jason for the murders, Tommy eventually defeated the killer and revealed his true identity.[8]

    Resurrection (1990)
    Jason is resurrected by a bolt of lightning when Tommy Jarvis' plans to destroy his corpse goes horribly wrong in Part 6Begivenhederne på halvvejshuset bidrager kun til Tommys mentale problemer. Efter sin frigivelse fra en mental institution rejste han og hans ven til evig freds kirkegård og søgte en løsning mellem ham og jason. Tommy planlagde at ødelægge Jason's rester, mænd ved grave hamke rammede han en metalstang gennem sin hjerte i vrede. Da Tommy var klar til at få kroppen, ramte stangen og bragte Jason tilbage til livet. Efter at have sat Jason Dræbe sin ven flygtede Tommy til det lokale politi kontor, da han fortalte Sheriff Garris de begivenheder, der fandt sted; Garris troede, at han var skør og satte ham i en celle for natten. Med ingen at stoppe ham, vendte Jason tilbage til Camp CrystalLake - genåbnet som Camp Forest Green - og fortsatte med at dræbe sin vej gennem de nye rådgivere. Der var faktisk børn i denne film, men Jason har aldrig skadet dem og gik kun til de unge voksne. Tommy undgik cellen ved hjælp af Garris 'datter Megan og rejste til lejren, hvor han udførte sin plan om at returnere Jason "hjemme"; Tommy satte en kæde rundt om halsen og sænkede Jason til bunden af søen og druknede ham igen. Mænd jeg bunden af søen blev hans hals formet af Megan ved hjælp af en båd propellerblad.[7]Jason finds himself in Times Square after stowing away on a boat bound for Manhattan in Part 8
    As Jason rotted in the depths of the lake, a girl named Tina Shepard returned to the area help her get over the death of her father, whom she had accidentally killed in Crystal Lake with her telekinetic powers years earlier. While at the lake she attempted to use her powers to resurrect her father, but succeeded only in raising Jason from the dead. Jason killed a group teenagers vacationing next door to Tina, as well Tina's mother and doctor. Tina confronted Jason with her powers, eventually causing an explosion which sent him flying back into the lake. As Jason recovered from this assault, Tina was saved by the spirit of her father, who rose out of the water and dragged Jason back into the lake.[9]

    Resurrected once again by an underwater electric cable snagged by a boat anchor, Jason climbed aboard the S.S. Lazarus, a cruise ship full of high school graduates bound for New York City. He killed most of the passengers and sank the Lazarus, before chasing the few survivors—which included Rennie Wickam and Sean Robertson—into the heart of Manhattan. Rennie had been experiencing visions of Jason throughout the journey after an incident in her childhood when her stepfather pushed her into Crystal Lake as an attempt to make her swim. She nearly died when a young Jason Voorhees tried to drag her underwater; whether this event actually happened or was just another bizarre hallucination was never proven. Jason followed Rennie and Sean into the sewers of Manhattan, where he fell victim to a gush of toxic waste which flooded the tunnel and engulfed him. Rennie and Sean escaped as Jason was regressed to a child by the toxic substance; again, this may or may not have been one of Rennie's visions as opposed to actual events.[10]

    To Hell and back (2003)
    Jason is sucked into Hell after being killed byJessicain Part 9
    Jason escaped New York and eventually found his way back to Crystal Lake. Meanwhile, the F.B.I began to realize the threat Jason Voorhees posed and took action against him. Setting up a trap, they managed to physically blow Jason's body apart. Thinking him dead and gone, they took his remains to a morgue in Ohio. But the coroner became hypnotized by Jason's still-beating heart and proceeded to eat it. Jason managed to take possession of the coroner's body and escape the F.B.I. But his dark soul could not exist indefinitely inside just anyone; he needed the body of another Voorhees to be truly reborn. Burning his way through several bodies in the process, Jason attempted to track down his only living relatives, his older sister Diana Kimble, niece Jessica Kimble, and Jessica's baby daughter Stephanie. Jessica's ex-boyfriend Steven Freeman learned from Creighton Duke—a bounty hunter determined to take down Jason Voorhees—that, as Jason could be reborn through a Voorhees, so too could he killed by one. As Jason was reborn through the corpse of Diana, and killed Creighton Duke and then went after Jessica and Stephen. Stephen and Jessica worked together to kill him once and for all. Jessica succeeded in stabbing her uncle through the heart with a mystical dagger before he could kill Stephen. After stabbing her evil uncle, Jason was dragged into Hell, by Freddy Kruger where he slowly was psychologically tortured by visions of his awful past.[1]

    Jason faces off against Freddy Krueger in the dream world in Freddy vs Jason (Part 11)
    Jason lingered in the bowels of Hell, reliving his murders at Camp Crystal Lake in a seemingly eternal nightmare. He was finally motivated to "wake up" by Freddy Krueger, a supernatural serial killer whose specialty was killing teenagers in their dreams. Posing as Pamela Voorhees, Freddy manipulated Jason into going to Elm Street in the town of Springwood, whose citizens had repressed the memory of Freddy, thus robbing him of his powers. When Jason started murdering teenagers on Elm Street, the people of Springwood began to suspect that Freddy Krueger had returned, and their fear replenished the dream demon's powers. But Freddy struggled to get rid of Jason, who began imposing on his territory and stealing his potential victims. Losing his patience, Freddy revealed his true identity to Jason, causing a battle to erupt between the two killers, which ranged from Freddy's dream world to Jason's home of Crystal Lake. During the fight, Freddy discovered Jason's subconscious fear of drowning and exploited it by returning him to the moment he drowned as a child. But when Jason woke up from his nightmare, he was able to inflict physical damage of Freddy, ripping his arm off and stabbing him through the chest with his own clawed hand. As Freddy was finished off by his would-be victim Lori Campbell, the defeated Jason sank back into Crystal Lake. He emerged sometime later holding Freddy's severed head, which then winked and laughed; whether this was a dream or reality is unknown.[4]

    Jason X (2008 - 2455)
    Jason is destroyed and rebuilt from scratch as the cybernetic "Uber Jason" in Jason X (Part 10)
    By the year 2008, Jason had been captured by the U.S. government and was being held at Camp Crystal Lake Research Facility. Government researcher Rowan LaFontaine led several attempts to execute him, but was unsuccessfully due to Jason's uncanny ability to regenerate damaged body cells. Eventually, Rowan decided to cryogenically freeze Jason until they could find out what else to do with him, but the government already had plans to make profit by studying his regenerative powers. Jason managed to break free from his contraints and murdered several soldiers in the facility, before Rowan lured him into the cryonic chamber. Just as she activated the cryogenic suspension, Jason stabbed through the door with his machete, freezing them both inside the sealed chamber.

    As the centuries pass, Earth became too polluted to support life, with mankind moving to a new planet called Earth Two. Jason and Rowan were finally discovered in the year 2455 by a group of students on a field trip to the abandoned world. They took the two bodies aboard their spacecraft, The Grendel, and succeeded in reanimating Rowan, but declared Jason deceased. When Jason thawed, he proceeded to murder everyone aboard The Grendel continuing his ever wanted revenge for the death of his mother. Although the ship's team of soldiers, led by Sgt. Brodski, did their best to repel the killer, only the android Kay-Em 14 was successful in destroying Jason, blasting his body apart. Jason's corpse was left in the medical station, where his body was rebuild by the computer's advanced nanotechnology. The computer replaced his missing body tissue with cybernetic technology, transforming him into "Uber Jason", who attacked Rowan and the students again. They distracted Jason with a virtual reality simulation of Crystal Lake, while Sgt. Brodski attempted to repair the damaged ship. As the others escaped, Brodski sacrificed himself by maneuvering himself and Jason away from the survivors and into the atmosphere of Earth Two, where they were apparently burned to death and landed in a forest lake. All that appeared to remain of the terror that was Jason Voorhees is his charred hockey mask; with this, it would appear that Jason was truly and permanently dead.[11] This filmed marked the only film in which Jason took his revenge in Space
  • Theme song

I can see you put a lot of work into this but, um, well, I’m sorry dude but this isn’t the fandom section. I can’t exactly accept a character from a preexisting franchise.
Name: Thor

Nick Name: Ace of Spades

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Red

Occupation: Mercenary/Part Time Bounty Hunter


  • Full body combat armor: Vacuum ready if need be for small jaunts into space.
  • Projectile wrist Gauntlets
  • Grappling hook for Gauntlets
  • Internal computer system/hooked into right gauntlet with interface jack for computers

  • Survival Gear
  • Poison/knockout darts (for gauntlet)
  • Heavy Gauss Rifle with multiple clips and adjustable scope
  • Heavy laser pistol
  • Ripper Chainsaw knife
  • Holdout Gauss Pistol
Other items:

  • Small Laser Torch
  • Ace of Spades Calling Cards
  • Lock picking tools
  • Multi-tool
  • Other various sundries

  • Marksmen with Rifles and Pistols/Heavy weapons
  • Tracking/Interrogations/Survival skills
  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Knowledge of explosives and poisons
  • Light melee weapons
  • Rudimentary piloting ability’s (just enough to fly a ship)
  • Expert ship Gunner

Racial Abilities: Genetically enhanced for increased Strength, Agility, Reflexes (Not super human)

Additional abilities:

  • Dancing
  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
Personality: Complicated: Joker/Professional Honorable/Plays by his own rules

Appearance: 6’4 very muscular lighter complexion. Note that he does a have skull painted on the front of his armor that looks like his calling card see below. Also same design as the picture but all black armor.




History: Thor was involved in the Outer Rim uprising. He came New Sparta and fought in many of the rebellions famous victories as well as its final defeat. Not much is known about him except he is one of the few remaining survivors of the final days of the Rebellion. He turned to Mercenary work to survive and holds no love for the Federation. He just finished a job in the outer rim and decided to celebrate at a local bar.

Quotes: "Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war."

Theme song:

Ace of Spades


If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, all the same to me

The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is the Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades

Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil
Going with the flow, it's all a game to me

Seven or eleven, snake eyes watching you
Double up or quit, double stake or split, the Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades

You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools
But that's the way I like it baby
I don't wanna live for ever
And don't forget the joker!

Pushing up the ante, I know you gotta see me
Read 'em and weep, the dead man's hand again

I see it in your eyes, take one look and die
The only thing you see, you know it's gonna be the Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades
Name: Thor

Nick Name: Ace of Spades

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Red

Occupation: Mercenary/Part Time Bounty Hunter


  • Full body combat armor: Vacuum ready if need be for small jaunts into space.
  • Projectile wrist Gauntlets
  • Grappling hook for Gauntlets
  • Internal computer system/hooked into right gauntlet with interface jack for computers

  • Survival Gear
  • Poison/knockout darts (for gauntlet)
  • Heavy Gauss Rifle with multiple clips and adjustable scope
  • Heavy laser pistol
  • Ripper Chainsaw knife
  • Holdout Gauss Pistol
Other items:

  • Small Laser Torch
  • Ace of Spades Calling Cards
  • Lock picking tools
  • Multi-tool
  • Other various sundries

  • Marksmen with Rifles and Pistols/Heavy weapons
  • Tracking/Interrogations/Survival skills
  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Knowledge of explosives and poisons
  • Light melee weapons
  • Rudimentary piloting ability’s (just enough to fly a ship)
  • Expert ship Gunner

Racial Abilities: Genetically enhanced for increased Strength, Agility, Reflexes (Not super human)

Additional abilities:

  • Dancing
  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
Personality: Complicated: Joker/Professional Honorable/Plays by his own rules

Appearance: 6’4 very muscular lighter complexion. Note that he does a have skull painted on the front of his armor that looks like his calling card see below. Also same design as the picture but all black armor.

View attachment 447730

View attachment 447731

View attachment 447732

History: Thor was involved in the Outer Rim uprising. He came New Sparta and fought in many of the rebellions famous victories as well as its final defeat. Not much is known about him except he is one of the few remaining survivors of the final days of the Rebellion. He turned to Mercenary work to survive and holds no love for the Federation. He just finished a job in the outer rim and decided to celebrate at a local bar.

Quotes: "Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war."

Theme song:
Ace of Spades


If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, all the same to me

The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is the Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades

Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil
Going with the flow, it's all a game to me

Seven or eleven, snake eyes watching you
Double up or quit, double stake or split, the Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades

You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools
But that's the way I like it baby
I don't wanna live for ever
And don't forget the joker!

Pushing up the ante, I know you gotta see me
Read 'em and weep, the dead man's hand again

I see it in your eyes, take one look and die
The only thing you see, you know it's gonna be the Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades
Name (this one is self explanatory): Luna
Nicknames (have you ever been called something else): Midnight/Crazy sniper lady / Quiet
Race (what alien species are you? Or are you just a human? Note: I’m letting you choose your own race, but you have to stay within believable boundaries and not make them overpowered, otherwise I’m revoking this privilege): Human
Gender (what is your gender?): Female
Eye color (does this actually matter?): Blue
Hair color (do you have hair? If so, what’s it’s color.): white (it's bleached but the original hair colour is brown)
Occupation (what did you do before getting thrown on this crazy adventure): Mercenary

Equipment (do you carry special equipment? Normal equipment?):
night and thermal vision goggles-they call her midnight for a reason
grenades of various types-things often get messy so it's useful to have some form of escape
grappling hook- to get those hard to reach places
different scopes for her rifle-incase your target is on the moon
lots of suppressors-silent but violent

Weapons (what does your character use to kill people):
Molotok-68-Bolt action anti-material rifle with varied ammo
a large combat knife
a Desert Eagle chambered in 50.
throwing knives

Other items (non equipment, non weapons):
lucky amulet- she might not believe in a god but this amulet nearly always guarantees a hit when worn
a messenger bag to carry all her stuff-you really expect a rifle to fit in her back pocket?
the latest iPhone-strictly for business

Skills (you must be able to learn these. They are not natural.):
Excellent marksmanship with sniper rifles only
adept at throwing knives
can use her knife effectively to some degree but hasn't fully mastered it
the same can be said for her pistol
knowledge of how a firearm works and the trajectory of her firearms
I don't know if this is a skill but she is a lateral thinker and is really smart in general

Racial Abilities (things you can do as part of your race): none

Additional abilities (non-racial, non-skills. These can be magic, scientifically granted powers, or any other things): none

Personality (how does your character act? What’s going on in their head?):
Shes cold at first but warms up once you get to know her/she always thinks about the possible outcomes to a situation /no sense of humour/prioritises money overall/very nihilistic/Firmly rejects the supernatural

Appearance (what do they look like? How strange are they?):
Luna has brown hair but it is bleached white to obscure her identity she stands at 5'6 and often wears high heels but if she's on "business" she will wear trainers instead. She wears a black trench coat on "business" and would put on Hoodies and tracksuit bottoms for casual wear

History (what is your character's tragic backst- I mean history): Ever since she was a child Luna was always neck deep in conflict, she attracted conflict like a magnet. Her father was part of the local militia and taught her how to use a gun in self-defence. 10 years later she went on to look at dangerous jobs such as being a bodyguarding but eventually she became a fully fledged hitman. She became famous in New York as 'Midnight' as most of her targets were dead by then.

Quotes (notable things that your character has said that exemplify their personality) (optional):
"Show me the money"
"this city looks really grey, it could use a splash of red"
"Killing must feel great to god too, and aren't we made in his image?"
"That's not a knife, Boy"

Tropes (tropes that apply to your character. Can be found here at TV Tropes.) (optional):

Theme song (quite self-explanatory) (optional):

Other (optional):
She hates not having a plan.
Last edited:
Name (this one is self explanatory): Luna
Nicknames (have you ever been called something else): Midnight/Crazy sniper lady / Quiet
Race (what alien species are you? Or are you just a human? Note: I’m letting you choose your own race, but you have to stay within believable boundaries and not make them overpowered, otherwise I’m revoking this privilege): Human
Gender (what is your gender?): Female
Eye color (does this actually matter?): Blue
Hair color (do you have hair? If so, what’s it’s color.): white (it's bleached but the original hair colour is brown)
Occupation (what did you do before getting thrown on this crazy adventure): Mercenary

Equipment (do you carry special equipment? Normal equipment?):
night and thermal vision goggles-they call her midnight for a reason
grenades of various types-things often get messy so it's useful to have some form of escape
grappling hook- to get those hard to reach places
different scopes for her rifle-incase your target is on the moon
lots of suppressors-silent but violent

Weapons (what does your character use to kill people):
View attachment 447821
Molotok-68-Bolt action anti-material rifle with varied ammo
a large combat knife
a Desert Eagle chambered in 50.
throwing knives

Other items (non equipment, non weapons):
lucky amulet- she might not believe in a god but this amulet nearly always guarantees a hit when worn
a messenger bag to carry all her stuff-you really expect a rifle to fit in her back pocket?
the latest iPhone-strictly for business

Skills (you must be able to learn these. They are not natural.):
Excellent marksmanship with sniper rifles only
adept at throwing knives
can use her knife effectively to some degree but hasn't fully mastered it
the same can be said for her pistol
knowledge of how a firearm works and the trajectory of her firearms
I don't know if this is a skill but she is a lateral thinker and is really smart in general

Racial Abilities (things you can do as part of your race): none

Additional abilities (non-racial, non-skills. These can be magic, scientifically granted powers, or any other things): none

Personality (how does your character act? What’s going on in their head?):
Shes cold at first but warms up once you get to know her/she always thinks about the possible outcomes to a situation /no sense of humour/prioritises money overall/very nihilistic/Firmly rejects the supernatural

Appearance (what do they look like? How strange are they?):
View attachment 447823
Luna has brown hair but it is bleached white to obscure her identity she stands at 5'6 and often wears high heels but if she's on "business" she will wear trainers instead. She wears a black trench coat on "business" and would put on Hoodies and tracksuit bottoms for casual wear

History (what is your character's tragic backst- I mean history): Ever since she was a child Luna was always neck deep in conflict, she attracted conflict like a magnet. Her father was part of the local militia and taught her how to use a gun in self-defence. 10 years later she went on to look at dangerous jobs such as being a bodyguarding but eventually she became a fully fledged hitman. She became famous in New York as 'Midnight' as most of her targets were dead by then.

Quotes (notable things that your character has said that exemplify their personality) (optional):
"Show me the money"
"this city looks really grey, it could use a splash of red"
"Killing must feel great to god too, and aren't we made in his image?"
"That's not a knife, Boy"

Tropes (tropes that apply to your character. Can be found here at TV Tropes.) (optional):

Theme song (quite self-explanatory) (optional):

Other (optional):
She hates not having a plan.

With helmet
Name : Pan
Race : Human
Gender : Male
Eye color : Red(with helmet)/brown
Hair color: Bucket colored(with helmet)/brown
Occupation : Janitor/ mechanic engineer/ Ambassador of the Cleaning god

Equipment: janitor supplies, tools
Weapons : mop of justice, turbo shield (trash can lid)
Other items : bunch of keys
Quotes: "that's not a mop, this is a mop" "Pan's the name, cleaning's the game"
Skills : mechanical skill, fixing machines + ships, cleaning
Racial Abilities: human stuff
Additional abilities : gains gladiatorial fighting skill and enhanced strength and agility when he dawns the bucket of power

Personality : Super chill and sarcastic, he's pretty much your friend as soon as you meet him.
Appearance : without helmet

History: Pan was chosen by the god of cleaning to be his ambassador to the mortal world. Other than that he had a normal life.

Tropes : Chosen one
Theme song :
Last edited:
With helmet
Name : Pan
Race : Human
Gender : Male
Eye color : Red(with helmet)/brown
Hair color: Bucket colored(with helmet)/brown
Occupation : Janitor/ mechanic engineer/ Ambassador of the Cleaning god

Equipment: janitor supplies, tools
Weapons : mop of justice, turbo shield (trash can lid)
Other items : bunch of keys
Quotes: "that's not a mop, this is a mop" "Pan's the name, cleaning's the game"
Skills : mechanical skill, fixing machines + ships, cleaning
Racial Abilities: human stuff
Additional abilities : gains gladiatorial fighting skill and enhanced strength and agility when he dawns the bucket of power

Personality : Super chill and sarcastic, he's pretty much your friend as soon as you meet him.
Appearance : without helmet

History: Pan was chosen by the god of cleaning to be his ambassador to the mortal world. Other than that he had a normal life.

Tropes : Chosen one
Theme song :

I love it!
Name: Allison Deragold
Nicknames: Alli/A
Race: Experiment X 44
Gender: Female
Eye Color: green
Hair color/Black
Occupation: hitman

Blastergun- typical version with a few tweaks
Pocket knife and- for when the blastergun doesn’t work well enough
Weapons: See equipment
Other items: a small bag on her back for her things.
A few pictures of Alli from when she was younger

Skills/ I Impeccable aimShe knows most languages around the galaxy dunno if this is a skill; but she doesn’t trust anyoneRacial abilities/ telekinesis and telepathy

Additional abilities:none

Personality: She doesn’t open up yo people unless it is. necessary and has trouble trusting people including herself. She has an optimistic persona over here real self:

Appearance:see picture; she looks like a normal human.CD8E62FD-0A54-4DEF-99B3-AD32483B3995.jpeg

History: Alli was completely normal until her dad put her up for adoption. There she was abused and starved, they chose her to represent the orphanage. She saw lights. Heard shouting.. and when they were done; a large scar was left under her chin.

Theme song:
Name: Allison Deragold
Nicknames: Alli/A
Race: Experiment X 44
Gender: Female
Eye Color: green
Hair color/Black
Occupation: hitman

Blastergun- typical version with a few tweaks
Pocket knife and- for when the blastergun doesn’t work well enough
Weapons: See equipment
Other items: a small bag on her back for her things.
A few pictures of Alli from when she was younger

Skills/ I Impeccable aimShe knows most languages around the galaxy dunno if this is a skill; but she doesn’t trust anyoneRacial abilities/ telekinesis and telepathy

Additional abilities:none

Personality: She doesn’t open up yo people unless it is. necessary and has trouble trusting people including herself. She has an optimistic persona over here real self:

Appearance:see picture; she looks like a normal human.View attachment 448943

History: Alli was completely normal until her dad put her up for adoption. There she was abused and starved, they chose her to represent the orphanage. She saw lights. Heard shouting.. and when they were done; a large scar was left under her chin.

Theme song:

Approved. This group is like 75% hired killers.
Name (this one is self explanatory):

Nicknames (have you ever been called something else):

Race (what alien species are you? Or are you just a human? Note: I’m letting you choose your own race, but you have to stay within believable boundaries and not make them overpowered, otherwise I’m revoking this privilege):

Gender (what is your gender?):

Eye color (does this actually matter?):

Hair color (do you have hair? If so, what’s it’s color.):
Occupation (what did you do before getting thrown on this crazy adventure):
went around Shition, trying to help people who got robbed

Equipment (do you carry special equipment? Normal equipment?):
A bag to carry things in (one that can fit a whole snow ski in but it looks way to small to)

Weapons (what does your character use to kill people):
bow and arrows

Other items (non equipment, non weapons):
A pet dog

Skills (you must be able to learn these. They are not natural.):
Rarely ever misses a target

Racial Abilities (things you can do as part of your race):
swift movement

Additional abilities (non-racial, non-skills. These can be magic, scientifically granted powers, or any other things):
Can speak to her dog through thought

Personality (how does your character act? What’s going on in their head?):
Shy, caring, and helpful, Skyler does what she can to keep people happy. Although she keeps a deep secret inside of her, she does her best not to show it. When in a group of other people, she would usually take charge and be rough but yet understanding. She is also hard on herself and a hard worker.

Appearance (what do they look like? How strange are they?):
girl archer   Google Search.png

History (what is your character's tragic backst- I mean history):
When a child, her mother and father died from the royal assistant. They hadn't and couldn't have paid their taxes, being poor and not enough money. The royal guard took her and put her in an orphanage. Often sneaking out into the woods, she learned how to use a bow and arrow. One day, their was a meteorite in the sky and landed somewhere in the woods. Sneaking into the woods again, she saw it was not a meteorite but a ship. She carefully walked inside it and looked around. She heard some sort of talking and peered around the corner, seeing aliens. She snuck around the ship some more, soon coming into the storage room. She walked around and soon heard some thing coming. She went into the nearest open box to hide. She heard clicking and went deeper into the material the was in the box. Soon, a shadow went over the box. She heard the click and everything went dark. She was stuck in the box. The ship soon took off and after what seemed like two days, the ship soon stopped. Feeling as if the box got lifted off, the clicking noise came again but nothing happened. She opened up the lid and peered out. No one as around so she silently climbed out, then ran out of the ship. She found herself on Shition and has lived their ever since.
Name (this one is self explanatory):

Nicknames (have you ever been called something else):

Race (what alien species are you? Or are you just a human? Note: I’m letting you choose your own race, but you have to stay within believable boundaries and not make them overpowered, otherwise I’m revoking this privilege):

Gender (what is your gender?):

Eye color (does this actually matter?):

Hair color (do you have hair? If so, what’s it’s color.):
Occupation (what did you do before getting thrown on this crazy adventure):
went around Shition, trying to help people who got robbed

Equipment (do you carry special equipment? Normal equipment?):
A bag to carry things in (one that can fit a whole snow ski in but it looks way to small to)

Weapons (what does your character use to kill people):
bow and arrows

Other items (non equipment, non weapons):
A pet dog

Skills (you must be able to learn these. They are not natural.):
Rarely ever misses a target

Racial Abilities (things you can do as part of your race):
swift movement

Additional abilities (non-racial, non-skills. These can be magic, scientifically granted powers, or any other things):
Can speak to her dog through thought

Personality (how does your character act? What’s going on in their head?):
Shy, caring, and helpful, Skyler does what she can to keep people happy. Although she keeps a deep secret inside of her, she does her best not to show it. When in a group of other people, she would usually take charge and be rough but yet understanding. She is also hard on herself and a hard worker.

Appearance (what do they look like? How strange are they?):
View attachment 449277

History (what is your character's tragic backst- I mean history):
When a child, her mother and father died from the royal assistant. They hadn't and couldn't have paid their taxes, being poor and not enough money. The royal guard took her and put her in an orphanage. Often sneaking out into the woods, she learned how to use a bow and arrow. One day, their was a meteorite in the sky and landed somewhere in the woods. Sneaking into the woods again, she saw it was not a meteorite but a ship. She carefully walked inside it and looked around. She heard some sort of talking and peered around the corner, seeing aliens. She snuck around the ship some more, soon coming into the storage room. She walked around and soon heard some thing coming. She went into the nearest open box to hide. She heard clicking and went deeper into the material the was in the box. Soon, a shadow went over the box. She heard the click and everything went dark. She was stuck in the box. The ship soon took off and after what seemed like two days, the ship soon stopped. Feeling as if the box got lifted off, the clicking noise came again but nothing happened. She opened up the lid and peered out. No one as around so she silently climbed out, then ran out of the ship. She found herself on Shition and has lived their ever since.

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