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Realistic or Modern In Which Magic Space Dragon Teens Fight Evil


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In Which Magic Space Dragon Teens Fight Evil, aka INWMSDTFE, aka Magic Space Dragon Teens, aka MSDT, aka "Missed It"

Location: ERR. Time: ERR

Abaddon, the bottomless pit. Beyond the stars, in the darkest corner of the infinite heavens, lies a swirling portal through which no one and nothing can escape. It is here that the most evil of spirits, demons, and monsters are held captive. Nine beasts guard the mouth of the portal, ancient sentinels with fearsome powers, crafted from the quintessence of the universe – the Nine Guardian Dragons.

Fire. Water. Earth. Air. Wood. Metal. Lightning. Void. Blood.

Springvale High School, Springvale, CO, USA, Earth. 10:23AM 7 April 2018 C.E.

Christbelle Black looked down at her phone, and then up at the demon standing before her.

“You don’t look, uh… like the picture….” At her feet laid a yellowed book – “Dark Magic for Dark Leadership”, written by some obscure Vegas phone psychic in the 80s. It was riddled with typos and blatant conspiracy theories, a clear cash grab. There was no way it was real magic, since magic wasn’t even real.

“But did you summon me?”


“Good enough! Then you’re the body I need.”

All the crappy little dollar store tealight candles exploded, a flash fire overtaking the empty classroom. Her screaming was drowned out by the fire alarm.

Later that evening...

The demon leaned over Christabelle’s bathroom sink, peering at one dark brown eye, and one deep crimson one. He hesitated, and jabbed at the red eye, yelping and swearing in a sixteen-year old girl’s voice. His eyes – her eyes, really, but his for now – welled up with tears.

“I told you to fucking – augh!” In that moment of pain, Christy had wrestled back control, only to have her soul violently chucked from the metaphorical cockpit of her body.

“I’ve killed men ten times your size, brat! I can take out a so-called contact lens!”

Earlier that day but before that evening...

"Define, 'escaped'."

"Well, sir... he's not in his cell."

"No, no, I heard that part. I thought I heard you tell me he wasn't in Abaddon at all, and we both know that's impossible."

The Guardian Dragon of Water tittered nervously. The other eight had volunteered her for the task of breaking the news to the Warden. It may have been because she was the most polite of them, or it could have been because she ratted out their poker tournament last week.

"I-it's really funny you say that sir, because -"

"Fix it, or I'll replace you with a goldfish and you can take his spot."

A teensy bit later...

The dragons crowded around the jagged tear in the empty cell, staring through the void at the tiny blue-green planet. It looked so innocent, so unsuspecting.

"That world doesn't even look like it has magic...."

"They're so dead."

"What are you doing? There's no way you can fit through that tear."

"Are you calling me fat?!"

"No, I'm stating an objective fat - I mean fact."

"Hold on, I got this. Let me just -"

"Careful, if you make that hole any bigger, she might actually fit through it. Wouldn't want anyone to get crushed, now would we?"

"I am going to KILL YOU."

"What if we just... drop in something?"

"Like what, a bomb?"

"No, like... uhm... a lucky coin? I mean, we're basically plated in them."

"I... wow, that might actually work."

"Yeah! And then we can - WHAT WAS THAT FOR??"

".... My scales are solid metal. I picked the smallest one I could reach."

"I'm confused, are we using the scales or the bombs?"

"NOT THAT KIND OF BOMB! Put your tail down!"

"They're really dead."

"Hey! There's another hole!"

"That's what she said!"

"Never mind. We're dead."

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Allan Calhoun
Jaba's burrito Hut 1:20 P.M

After the fire alarms went off seemingly without cause, Allan ,along with the rest of the schools students were let out of class. Getting into his blue Honda his first destination was some grub. Since he had several hours to kill until work he figured he'd swing by Jaba's. The place was great, surprisingly good food for a theme restaurant, but the best part was the whole place menu and all was Star Wars based. Stepping out of the car He walked towards the restaurant with a look of utter excitement unbecoming of one his age, let alone someone who came here on a weekly basis. But as it came time to step up the curb his unwavering gaze didn't shift away from the door. And he wound up falling flat on the pavement I bet that looked awesome he thought to himself sarcastically "Almost as awesome as the Chewychanga I'm about to demolish" he said to himself as he rose to his feet and opened the door. He already had the trunk loaded up with the camping supplies, Smores, water, and a few bottles of various alcohol he swiped from his dads cabinet. Tonight was gonna be awesome. He thought with glee as he took his seat in the death star booth to wait for his friends.

(Open to interaction)​
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Aaron Ran
Ramses street

Aaron walked out of the school building with his nose in a book. Well, his nose wasn't really in a book, it was in its usual place and not pointed down at a book. Aaron was listening to an audiobook. "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lghtning Thief" it was Called. A friend (internet friend obviously. Good Real life friends are so hard to find) of his had suggested it to him and he figured he'd try it out. The fire alarms going off was a good thing actually. While Aaron had to wait till tomorrow to hear the end of that somewhat fascinating history lecture, he now had plenty of time to plan for the DnD game he was running later that day (again, on the Internet not in real life).

(Open for interaction)
Lilah Vonelle
The park

Lilah wandered out of school along with everyone else, somewhat worried if this would count as a missed school day and if she would catch up on the missed schoolwork. Her parents, and more importantly, she herself, couldn’t bare to see anything else than top marks on her report card. Her soft orange eyes were glued to the ground as she made her way with the sparse crowd of people as her scrawny tan arms clutched her schoolbag to her chest like a lifeline, her clean white hair swaying behind her as she freed one of her arms to push her red-rimmed glasses further up her nose once again. “Where to go... Straight home? Some shopping? Or maybe...” she thought, glancing around herself before her eyes drifted to the glistening emerald-green forest that was the park. “There. It’ll be sure to be empty because everyone’s gonna be heading home or to the shops. I can get some reading done!” She thought as she changed course, heading for the small gates as a light smile adorned her adorable face.

She slipped through the gate with great elegance before taking a seat on one of the benches, overlooking the open grass field, commonly used for football and other such activities. She zipped open the bag and pulled out a book that appeared to have well over a thousand pages and flicked to the page containing a small “you’re a star!” Bookmark adorned with many tiny stickers that appeared slightly worn, and began to read. Her face went into one of focus as her eyes scanned each page in an smooth, regular, orderly fashion.
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Ena Dahlahmegesh
Location: Park
Oh, what a pickle Ena has found herself in. Being chased down alleyways and streets, hunted by that which would see to her ruin. Her assailant was quick, Ena had to employ every tactic she knew to keep a fair distance between herself and her attacker. Yet it seemed that no matter what she did slowing the ragging aggressor was a lost cause. But to think, that not too long ago everything seemed to be going so right for Ena.

After finding herself in an unknown world, Ena took her time taking in her new surroundings. It was unlike anything Ena had known and she was stunned, a culture shock to end all culture shocks. Her shock didn't last long, as the ever-adaptable Ena knew she didn't have time to gawk and stare at the new sights. She set off to look for a remedy to the ever-growing feeling of hunger that had recently set in her stomach. By observing the locals she was able to figure out exactly what was eatable in this new world. But the question was, how to obtain such sustenance. Ena didn't have to ponder this question long, for a local passed her by, holding a thin bag that overflowed with a bounty of food. It's for a good cause, were the words Ena used to justify snatching the bag and making a break for it.

And now here she was, cornered on the balcony of a random building overlooking a small part of the city. The only exit was blocked by her assailant and victim of her theft. The local demanded the bag back, but that was a sacrifice that Ena could not afford. To think, she would be forced into a corner like this, Ena truly had lost her edge. But, this game of cat and mouse was at its end. Between painting breaths, Ena spoke.

"You were a worthy opponent, but this battle was lost the second we began climbing this tower! Now, I must bid you adieu!" And in an instant, she was gone. From her new vantage point on the ground, Ena looked back at the building, now so far and her assailant was nothing more than an unrecognizable speck in the distance. Ena sealed her victory with a sigh and a triumphant smile which caught the attention of the person she used to teleport. The woman backed away while keeping an eye on Ena.

With the crisis masterfully averted, all that was left was for Ena to reorient herself. Though, it wasn't as if she knew where she was, to begin with, in this unknown world. Green grass under her feet, trees all around and a sign not too far that read Springvale Recreational Park. A gate surrounded the area, most likely to keep out foreign invaders. Such a place would work well as her kingdom to come. So it was decided, this park was to be the start of her fabulous new empire. To celebrate, a feast was in order! Ena let the contents of the bag spill unto the ground. What followed was Ena clawing plastic wrappings and trying to free the food within, to little avail.

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