In The Land of Fin.


War's Word

Race:(elf, human, dwarf or what have you)





eye color:

appearence:(pic prefered)

Primary weapon:

primary ability:(magic or potion making, martial arts, some sort of awesome skill)

secondary weapon:

secondary ability:
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Name: Reirruc Aldor


Race: Human

Eye Color:grey

Gender: Male


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Weapon: Greatsword


secondary weapon:sword breaker

secondary ability: Teaching

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 200 LBS

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Alignment: Good


He has a very warm personality. Being a squire he is not shabby for a intellectual, but he quite wise for his age. It seems when he learns to enjoy something it is always taken from him, and this series of traumatizing experiences has taught him to be shrewd. Which is why he is always found training. He does not care to be around people, but he has the worst luck. People want to be around him. People are always the center of his pain, and he has a big heart so he avoids letting himself be hurt.

He gives practical, moral, or strategic advice about life, and he has a very giving heart. He will find time to get you what you need, and he figures someday he will lead his own army. If he is not kind, and vigilant, then he will never respect the men giving their lives for his command. Despite the attraction to help others, he keeps a lot of room between him and most people. He has no time for friends only his ambitions. Secretly, he hopes someone will show him something other than a strategy text, or a new sword move.


Being the first born son to his poor family he was quickly carted off to become a warrior. His parents hoped he would learn to fight, lead, and be a strong man in the future better than what they could give him. He has a few fleeting memories of them from his early years, but now he cannot recall their faces.

By 7 he was practicing swordsmanship, and by night reciting tactical principles. He found no love in anyone except whom he considered his brother Vitarri. He remembered long days sitting there talking and fighting Vitarri, always trying to get the upper hand on the older boy.

He remembered the one day his brother presented him with a birthday present. A necklace of some sort of special glass that memorized him.

One day his brother and him went on a patrol, and Vitarri was killed when a snake scared his horse, and he fell off the edge of a cliff. Oh how he wished his brother died in battle.

After that day his teachers noticed a drop in his skill and persistence, he was distracted. One night he heard a knock on his door and teacher walked into the room. He was told to quickly put on the cloak provided and follow. He did has he was commanded. He lead Reirruc to the fountain, and he taught the young man to to mediate, bury his feelings into the shiny glass that shimmered into the moonlight.

From then on he would travel to fountain during the day, in his cloak, and peer high into the sky. The far off trees would capture his imagination, or the perfectly angled stonework of the town. On days the emptiness tore at him he would hold his stone up to the sunlight and be lost in it's daze.

Eventually he graduated top of his class, and became the best strategist and knight that had been had at the school. Without anything to focus on, and with the emptiness gnawing at him he would set out to find his place.

Eventually he found the Knight’s Templar. He joined them for their abilities in magic, and he learned to fight by counter magic. His magic only allows him to counter other magics basically, but that is what the Templars are for. Stopping the stray magic of the world, and protecting people.

Other: He has one horse, and only one that he will ride, he calls it Veldek. His faithful companion through the troubles. He wields only a greatsword that he wields like a one handed blade, and wears light armor. Of course he practices counter-magic. His sword is a mixture of different metals, from silver to cold iron. He knows which parts are made of what, and can strike according to the enemy. The pommel has a Amethyst in it.

589 × 135 -
Let's see what I can do

Name: Koji (No last name)

Race: Angel

Height: Irrelevant

Weight: Irrelevant

Eye color: Blue

Sexual Orientation: Irrelevant

Alignment: Neutral (Can be either good or bad)


BIO: He was born to a king of a place called Lyon (Lee-Yone) and was very weak compared to his sister. This was due to him being a weapon mage, while his sister took after the king in Fire Magic. He had no weapon to take to, so it seemed he was insanely weak in magic, only casting basic spells, though he could do it in any type. The King, ashamed he was always beaten by his sister in power, ended up disowning him and was to execute him and cover it up as a royal death. His personal servant, Nodochii, who was 6 at the time, was vehemently against it, despite getting resistance and even getting beaten, which led to her family, who worked as servants to the royal family, disowning her too. Koji managed to escape with Nodochii (to whatever planet or world this'll happen on). Driven by vengeance, he decided to train, but could never stick with a weapon or magic long enough, as it either didn't fit his style or was too weak in it. Soon enough, he found out about humans and their guns. He immediately took to it, as it fit his style perfectly. He learned in Lyon the art of elemental properties, a component only weapon mages could use, which can alter the element of his weapon (in this case bullets) to hit opponents with their weakness. On (whatever planet) he learned alchemy, which he uses to alter what his bullets are made of for the same reason. He trained under an elder angel he met, and he also trained Nodochii in healing magic. He was ready soon enough to attack and get his revenge on his family, but when the time came, he suddenly lost interest, and took to (whatever planet) and it's people and properties. Nodochii was very happy there, and he took more to her there than in Lyon, where he ignored and neglected her. He lost the desire for revenge and stayed there with Nodochii, living the simple life.

Personality: Very laid back, which paints him as lazy. He doesn't bother with details if they're not called for (Hence the term irrelevant in the CS). He doesn't even know his age or his birthday, since it's usually not called for. He respects good opponents, (unless they hurt Nodochii). He's very intelligent and is an expert in gathering intelligence. He sleeps a lot, and when not on a mission, he'll usually be caught sleeping or doing something with his servant, Nodochii. With Nodochii, she's the only one he truly trusts, due to events in his hometown (which will be explained in the bio) and he can talk to her telepathically. When he's sleeping, she's usually in human form and will talk for him. She's always with him and he loves her very much. She can take multiple forms, but is usually seen as a white dog or as white rose petals surrounding his feet. She obeys him without question and is very sweet and respectful to those around her, though her master's laid back style will usually have her yelling at him. Koji has an extremely long patience, but certain things will piss him off immediately.

Likes: Nodochii, Sleep

Dislikes: Waking up, disrespect or harm towards Nodochii

Primary weapon: Bow- He's made his own bow and arrows. Using alchemy, he can change what the arrows are made of

Primary ability: Alchemy

Secondary weapon: Short sword- The same alchemic abilities apply to his sword as well

Secondary ability: Trace- allows him to look at any inanimate object and learn everything about it. Items enchanted with magic are immune

He's insanely strong in distance battles, but weak in close combat.

Out of time, will finish later
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Name: Laucian Siannodel

Race: elf

Bio: Laucian was fascinated with nature, even as a child (or whatever the elf version of a child may be). During his free time, he'd often go for hikes through the forests that surrounded the elfland with his twin brother, Adran, and admire the flora and fauna around them.

Adran and Laucian were polar opposites, oddly enough. Where Laucian was cool, Adran was fiery. Where Adran jumped at action, Laucian preferred to stop and think. Where Laucian had a knack for the magical, Adran was more physical. Despite being almost at odds with one another, the two were the best of friends and almost never without the other. They stayed close as they grew up and both entered druidhood together.

Laucian doesn't much talk about his life before becoming a druid. In fact, to him, he was always a druid, just never officially. When he and his brother came of age, both joined the Order and became Neophytes. After a year passed and they proved themselves, each became a full-fledged druid. Laucian joined the Circle of the Land, the priests of the forests and keepers of natural knowledge, thinking that though understanding of nature, a balance could be kept. Adran disagreed, claiming that the best way to protect nature was to fiercely protect it, and so joined the Circle of the Moon. Though at spiritual odds, the two still recognized their brotherhood as more important and stay in touch to this day, despite often being apart.

personality: Lawful Neutral. Laucian is a very calm and cheerful person, always looking for the best in others. He's slow to anger and quick to guide, perfect for the roll of a priest and teacher. Laucian tries to stay smiling, although as a druid, he knows that an inner balance is necessary to live a full life.

Height: 5' 11''

Weight: 130 pounds

Eye color: Green



Except with white/silvery hair and perhaps thicker, more billowy robes. Man, I really suck at finding character art.

Primary weapon: Druidic staff

Primary ability: Druid magic

Secondary weapon: Scimitar and wooden shield

Secondary ability: Wild Shape
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Name: Castien

Race: Half-elf sorcerer (Arcane Warrior)

Age: 19

Height: 5'9

Weight: 110 lbs



Weapon of Choice:
Rapier/Dagger combo

Secondary Weapon: Wrist Cross-bow (mostly used outside of combat)


Agile, acrobatic, sneaky and proficient in fencing and basic hand-to-hand combat. He is also adept in escapology, lock-picking and pick-pocketing.

Secondary Skills: Can channel magic through weapons (will be discovered in IC)*.

Personality: Pretty withrawn around most people but likes playing pranks. Generally finds it hard to trust/rely on anyone but himself. Outgoing and fun when around his group of orphans. He is also a stranger to the concept of chivalry ,nobility and politics. He always follows his own moral code however which tends to portray him as being innocent minded/naive.

*Special Remark:

- Physically weaker than other races albeit faster.

- Usage of magic drains stamina (was born without mana pool which is unique as even non-magic users have at least a small un-utilized pool of mana).

- Is able to utilize his blood for higher level magic if needed [even though blood magic is looked down upon by other mages].


For as long as he can remember, he had no family but was never alone. Being an orphan who never knew his parents, he and the other orphans had survived by stealing and pickpocketing but the only took what they needed. He acts as a big brother to all of the other orphans scattered throughout the slums of Windell and is very protective of them. He received his weapons training from an old military veteran who caught him trying to steal some bread from the man's kitchen. Cas considers the man as a father figure and the man treated Cas like a son he never had. When the man passed away, Cas inherited what little the man had, including a small hut which is now filled to the brim with orphans. One day, Cas was selected as one of the candidates for the Ebony Guards and after a long and arduous journey, he made it as one of the Ebony guards along with his long lost older brother and some new found friends. His experience was shortlived however when he found himself mysteriously teleported to a strange land he knew nothing about. After weeks of searching aimlessly for a way home, he found out from an old magi that his only shot of finding a way home is to find the nature stone, the only item powerful enough in this realm to send him on his way.
Kylesar1 said:
Let's see what I can do
Name: Koji (No last name)

Race: Angel

Height: Irrelevant

Weight: Irrelevant

Eye color: Blue

Sexual Orientation: Irrelevant

Alignment: Neutral (Can be either good or bad)


BIO: He was born to a king of a place called Lyon (Lee-Yone) and was very weak compared to his sister. This was due to him being a weapon mage, while his sister took after the king in Fire Magic. He had no weapon to take to, so it seemed he was insanely weak in magic, only casting basic spells, though he could do it in any type. The King, ashamed he was always beaten by his sister in power, ended up disowning him and was to execute him and cover it up as a royal death. His personal servant, Nodochii, who was 6 at the time, was vehemently against it, despite getting resistance and even getting beaten, which led to her family, who worked as servants to the royal family, disowning her too. Koji managed to escape with Nodochii (to whatever planet or world this'll happen on). Driven by vengeance, he decided to train, but could never stick with a weapon or magic long enough, as it either didn't fit his style or was too weak in it. Soon enough, he found out about humans and their guns. He immediately took to it, as it fit his style perfectly. He learned in Lyon the art of elemental properties, a component only weapon mages could use, which can alter the element of his weapon (in this case bullets) to hit opponents with their weakness. On (whatever planet) he learned alchemy, which he uses to alter what his bullets are made of for the same reason. He trained under an elder angel he met, and he also trained Nodochii in healing magic. He was ready soon enough to attack and get his revenge on his family, but when the time came, he suddenly lost interest, and took to (whatever planet) and it's people and properties. Nodochii was very happy there, and he took more to her there than in Lyon, where he ignored and neglected her. He lost the desire for revenge and stayed there with Nodochii, living the simple life.

Personality: Very laid back, which paints him as lazy. He doesn't bother with details if they're not called for (Hence the term irrelevant in the CS). He doesn't even know his age or his birthday, since it's usually not called for. He respects good opponents, (unless they hurt Nodochii). He's very intelligent and is an expert in gathering intelligence. He sleeps a lot, and when not on a mission, he'll usually be caught sleeping or doing something with his servant, Nodochii. With Nodochii, she's the only one he truly trusts, due to events in his hometown (which will be explained in the bio) and he can talk to her telepathically. When he's sleeping, she's usually in human form and will talk for him. She's always with him and he loves her very much. She can take multiple forms, but is usually seen as a white dog or as white rose petals surrounding his feet. She obeys him without question and is very sweet and respectful to those around her, though her master's laid back style will usually have her yelling at him. Koji has an extremely long patience, but certain things will piss him off immediately.

Likes: Nodochii, Sleep

Dislikes: Being woken up, disrespect or harm towards Nodochii

Primary weapon: Guns- His most promonent, and the one that he's usually with, is a Sniper Cannon called the Dreadnaught. He made it himself; it's designed to take down heavy armor while still functioning as a Sniper.

Primary ability: Elemental Properties and Alchemy- elemental Properties allow him to change the element of his bullets (Fire Bullets, Ice Bullets) and alchemy allows his to change what his bullets are made of.

Secondary weapon: 2 Magnum versions of Dreadnaught

Secondary ability: Trace- allows him to look at any inanimate object and learn everything about it.

He's insanely strong in distance battles, but nowhere near as good in close combat.

Out of time, will finish later
Your character is op, and my friends and i discussed this rp before hand so i hadnt really.intended for others to join.

Your free to join, but your going to remove your guns its not really the proper time for magnums and such sorry about that.

Thewarsword said:
Your character is op, and my friends and i discussed this rp before hand so i hadnt really.intended for others to join.
Your free to join, but your going to remove your guns its not really the proper time for magnums and such sorry about that.

You should really put the general time period, or at least a subtle hint of it :/

Anyways, I'll change some things up
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