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Multiple Settings In Search of the Compelling and In-depth


Wintery Mix
Hello, and thanks for checking out my thread!

What I'm looking for:
- Folks with compelling story-making capability, in-depth character progression, and good grammatical understanding--though it won't break the bank if typos happen. They happen to me pretty often. Basically, just come at me with your ideas and characters!

- Preferably, because of my own age, I'd much rather write with those older than 20.

- Original Characters only! Haven't done fandom in years; not really wanting to get back to it. Canon universes with OCs are a maybe, depending on the story.

- That said, original plots are preferred. Although you can find some real gems in prompts and memes, too!

- Concerning romance, I'm only interested in MxF. Friendships are also greatly encouraged across the board.

- Willing to create multiple characters beyond just the necessary NPC, if necessary or desired. Usually to my detriment cause I get attached. Can play male or female.

- Genres preferred, kinda in order: Fantasy, Romance, Historical, Sci-Fi, Urban Fantasy, Gothic, Dystopian, etc. Tend to shy away from Modern and Horror.

- OOC chatter is encouraged! This is where the plotting and progression really happens, even while the story is in motion. And I do enjoy plotting together for the most part, not making the whole story a complete mystery to one another. I believe being in touch and knowing a general direction together helps keep the story alive and on track. Course, that doesn't mean there won't be the occasional surprise, which I also enjoy from both parties.

- If things need to be put on hold for a bit, then please tell me. I'm very patient and not willing to just kick anyone to the curb.

Currently in the mood for:

- Maybe something a little more slice of life, in a way. I've gotten an abundance of fantasy offers lately, so I'd like to maybe play in a different genre for the time being. Something modern or historical, or sci-fi. Maybe an urban fantasy if the story is right.

General plot ideas I'm usually always up for:
- Generational. Let's set a foundation with a set of parents and continue on with stories of the following generations. Could be any story, any setting.

- Arranged marriages. This varies, largely depending on the characters in question, so let's discuss. Do they fall in love? Or are they resentful for the position they were forced into? Let's see how the story unfolds.

- Large-scale fantasy. Something like a Nation Builder, I suppose, but potentially more personal. I've never heard of Nation Builder RPs before, but I find the idea fascinating. Let's make a world, chart a course, and see what happens. Why not? An arranged marriage plot would be good in this mix of this, too. Magic, or no magic. Let's talk.

- Romance. Potential sappy tropes, dead ahead! Cute and sweet, passionate and wild, or dangerous and wrong, I'm more than willing to play almost anywhere across the gambit.

And there you have it! I do have Discord, but PM me first so we can chat up ideas.
Hey there! I'm Rayna and I am completely interested in persuing some stories with you. The plot that jumped out to me was either the generalized one or the arranged Marriage one.
Hi there! This is intriguing! I love talking OOC, especially when we can develop our own unique story lines together! I too am looking for a little something more modern and slice of life. Hope we can discuss!

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