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Fandom In Search of a Roleplay Partner


One Time Luck
Hello everyone! I would like to say thank you to those that clicked on my post. I appreciate your time!

First things first, let’s just get some rules out of the way!

-You must be 18+ in order to roleplay with me. I like darker themes sometimes, so I wouldn’t be comfortable roleplaying with a minor.

-I would prefer you to be female, but that isn’t a must. It would just be what I’m most comfortable with!

-I am both literate and descriptive. I ask that you are as well, though I’m not expecting you to be perfect. Just don’t give me a dinky little responses.

-Do not push me to reply. I’m usually really good about communicating when I’ll be busy, so I’ll let you know whether or not I’m able to reply right away or not. You pushing me to reply will only make me not to want to reply. If it’s been more than 48 hours and I have yet to say anything to you, feel free to give me a friendly nudge.

-No god modding. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Unless you have permission to take over my character, then just don’t.

-Lastly, I love chatting OOC. This isn’t required but I’d at least like for you to contribute to ideas for the storyline.


And moving on to fandoms! Anything with an asterisk (*) is what I’m craving most. The character I will be playing will be italicized and the character I want you to play will be in bold. In addition to this, I can play just about any character of each fandom. Though I will let you know if you pick a character I’m not as familiar with. I will still do my best to play whatever character that may be.

I typically like to play several characters at a time (canon and OC). I don’t expect the same from you, but feel free if you would like to take on several characters!

Here are my fandoms:


*-Lord of the Rings-*

-Harry Potter-


(OC/Steve Rogers)

I do have more fandoms than this, but this is currently what I’m seeking. I would also be up for discussing any original storylines so if you have an idea, swing it by me! Here is a list of genres I enjoy roleplaying.


If you are interested in any of these things, please comment or send me a message. And to make sure that you’ve read the whole thing, PM me your favorite color.
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