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Multiple Settings In search of a partner or a few! M/M, M/F


The Busy Dumbass

  • Hello! I am Nekane. I am fresh-new to this site though I have been roleplaying on and off since I was fairly young. As it stands right this very second, I am busy person. Schooling dominates most of my time, sometimes even the weekends if something comes up or if I am miraculously falling behind somehow. I do not have much of a social life (at the current time!) considering I've moved across the country to a completely isolated little town, so any free time that I do have is basically spent on the internet, sleeping, or driving from home to wherever.

    A big OOF on my part, really. But all it means is that I've got all free time during the evenings and weekends!

    Anyway, I've tried to keep this as short as possible. I don't want to bore people with too many details of my life. But if I skipped anything or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! I kind of threw this together just to get my feet in the water. It is very likely I will come back and fix it up a whole lot once I have the time.

    Thank you for stopping by!
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