Story In need of writing advice


Aspiring Author
So I'm currently working on writing a fiction novel. I'm really struggling. It's been a while since I've written and this is the first time I'm really getting serious about my writing. I plan on mapping things out, probably designing my characters, and finishing the full novel. First off, I wanted to incorporate some elements that make my book stand out. I had originally decided on fortune-telling cards. The MC (main character) would go to a fair and find a fortune teller. This fortune teller would give the MC three cards, one meant for her and two meant for people she knows or would meet. The cards would help her in decision-making later in the book. However, I'm now feeling like this isn't right. This would be giving my book a feel that I don't really want. I also think it would be hard to write growth for my character when she inevitably relies on a piece of people to put everything together for her. So now, I'm really just left with a few brief character designs that I don't know what to do with.
I'm also stuck on my characters. The MC is a girl who dresses in a darker style, has issues communicating, and adores music. This character is basically me. There is no creativity going into this, I'm just writing me. The love interest is also just majorly a friend of mine mixed with my ideal guy.

In summary, I don't have a story. I put so much work into making Pinterest boards for each character, a Spotify playlist, and multiple scenes I want to have in the book, but I don't have a book. The story sucks and I don't know how to turn it into something good. Any ideas?
First of all, I think that is a great idea. All writers go through that phase of thinking any ideas they have suck. You put so much work into this story, so go ahead and write it. If something isn't working, you can fix it when you're doing the process of revising it later on. But the idea itself sounds like a good idea to me, and I hope you decide to write this story, it would definitely be something I would read.
Just a nitpick, but I believe this thread should go into the advice/help column of the site. But anyway, I was in a similar place not to long ago. I come up with concepts, ideas, characters, elements and themes, but rarely a whole complete story, just fragments. So I work out problems with the plot, character motivations, and flow as I'm writing. Flesh out your plot, plus the characters and their backstories one chapter at a time. I find it less daunting to figure things out that way. Right now I'm working on my full length novel and I'm proud to say I have made it farther than any previous attempt I've made to write a book. Almost 20 chapters in and going strong! One more thing that has really contributed to my creative process is watching one of my favorite shows( notably ones that have a similar plot or theme to the book that I'm writing) during my actual writing sessions. This process has now become a staple of how I write. May seem strange, but it works for me. Currently my book is based on Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos with a serial killer as the main character. So right now I'm binging Dexter and The Following, two of my favorite shows that deal with serial murder. Hope all this helps. BTW link to my book in process below on this site, would love any feedback. Happy writing :)

The Eldritch Prophet
Just a nitpick, but I believe this thread should go into the advice/help column of the site. But anyway, I was in a similar place not to long ago. I come up with concepts, ideas, characters, elements and themes, but rarely a whole complete story, just fragments. So I work out problems with the plot, character motivations, and flow as I'm writing. Flesh out your plot, plus the characters and their backstories one chapter at a time. I find it less daunting to figure things out that way. Right now I'm working on my full length novel and I'm proud to say I have made it farther than any previous attempt I've made to write a book. Almost 20 chapters in and going strong! One more thing that has really contributed to my creative process is watching one of my favorite shows( notably ones that have a similar plot or theme to the book that I'm writing) during my actual writing sessions. This process has now become a staple of how I write. May seem strange, but it works for me. Currently my book is based on Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos with a serial killer as the main character. So right now I'm binging Dexter and The Following, two of my favorite shows that deal with serial murder. Hope all this helps. BTW link to my book in process below on this site, would love any feedback. Happy writing :)

The Eldritch Prophet

Thanks for the nitpick! That column is probably where my question would have gotten the best reach.
I appreciate this advice. I was worried that my writing wasn't legitimate if I didn't follow some exact process, but maybe mapping things out just isn't for me. I've decided on a story and I'm still working on getting past some writer's block but it's getting there.
I'm currently very busy, but I've favorited your book to read once I've found some time!
Thanks for the help :)
Thanks for the nitpick! That column is probably where my question would have gotten the best reach.
I appreciate this advice. I was worried that my writing wasn't legitimate if I didn't follow some exact process, but maybe mapping things out just isn't for me. I've decided on a story and I'm still working on getting past some writer's block but it's getting there.
I'm currently very busy, but I've favorited your book to read once I've found some time!
Thanks for the help :)
Anytime, also when and if you get started on your project, feel free to shoot me a DM with a link to your work. I'm interested to see what you come up with ;)

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