In need of some role plays

Tinker Bell

Three Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s) before I start saying what I'm interested in...there are some things I want to say first...

  1. I want a partner who can write at least a paragraph.
  2. Along with this paragraph is good grammar...I'm not saying perfect, but spells the whole word out as correctly as possible (dnt tlk lyke dis...and I don't use these "..." in the role plays...I use proper grammar too)
  3. Active (once every few days...once a week)

Okay...on to what I like to do...

  1. I am into realistic role plays...I am not great with ones based on sci-fi/fantasy...but it's sort of okay if it is a small part
  2. I role play m/f and m/m (I just can't do f/f)
  3. Along with that (^^) I prefer the girl/uke in the role play (typical, I know), but I am willing to double.
  4. Other than that, I'm pretty much open to almost anything...just ask me about it...I really have no "plots"...just a craving to role play...
1. Native(me) and Settler- When a settler family finds a native orphan who lost her village to a raid by settlers, they take her in. Her (now) older brother troubles with looking at her as a lesser being, a native savage or his loving sister. The village looking down on the idea of her becoming one of them doesn't help. -you can play the adopted mother or father or brother or a friend from the village. Brother can be changed to sister.

2. The Sick(me) and the Healthy- Set in medieval age. When a girl gets lost in a snow storm, it's a miracle she returns home to-- (brother, sister, friend, lover etc.?). Soon, finding out she got sick they go to the doctor who can't diagnose it. Are you only reunited with the girl only to loose her again?
They both sound good...but neither is really catching my interest all that much...I'm not sure why...
Medieval RP Ideas

--> Prince and Servant(me)- The servant cleans the princes room everyday and he usually isn't there. One day she goes to his room and finds he is still there due to rain or something of the sort. He is used to getting what he wants and is suprised when she is disinterested. This leads him to pursue her and relationship develops from there. Later on, we can introduce a princess he must marry which makes the servant upset. Of course their is not supposed to be relationship between different classes, so he has to keep her a secret.

--> Princess(me) and Knight- The princess' kingdom has been overtaken by the enemy and the knight's job is to take the surviving princess to his kingdom. Along the way, his opinion of her may change and he begins to doubt his loyalty wheather it should belong to duty or love.

--> Peasant(me) and Criminal- A criminal is running from the guards of the royalty for a crime he committed. He hides in a peasant's house and ends up killing the Peasant girl's father. He keeps her hostage inside the house afraid she will tell the guards where he is. They have to find a way to live with eachother for the time being.
I kind of like the last there any way that maybe we could do both so I could play a girl as well? I can't really play just a guy in a role play...
Maybe like the two stories going on at the same time...or in different kingdoms...the story lines will stay separate, they'll just be happening at about the same time...
Sweet! Do you have a preference for which one you play the girl in?
We're having the two plots, the Princess-Knight one and the Peasant-Criminal one, do you care which plot you play the girl in and which plot you play the girl and which one you play the guy?
In both I'm a girl. I thought you were just going to make one of your characters a girl as well. Probably the criminal one that would make the most sense.
Well, I couldn't turn my princess character into a boy. It wouldn't make sense to keep a prince as a prisoner, most likely he would be killed because he is a threat and could retake over the kingdom as king. So, Pm or thread?

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