In need of a roleplay! (:


New Member
Hello to everyone! :big grin:


I would like to start a roleplay! :)

Just a few things before anyone replies:

  • -I would love for my fellow roleplayer to be literate or at least semi-literate.
  • I'd prefer to play the female but I play a pretty decent male, as well.
  • It would be nice if both of us could contribute to the idea and not just one person.
  • Romance is always really fun.
  • Good grammar is always nice.

Here is a small list of what I would like to do (very vague ideas):

  • Some sort of Romeo x Juliet type roleplay
  • A fantasy adventure with lots of action and quests to fulfill.
  • Somebody arriving from the future into modern days..well..modern for the other character.
  • A blind person meets a deaf person and from there, they learn to love despite their small differences.
  • Any cliche high school match up are good for me.
  • Rival schools - one burns down and the students are forced to go continue their education in the other school.
  • Anything medieval is good with me.
  • Please, if you have any ideas, I'd be more than delighted to hear them! :D

Things I won't do.. well:

  • Fandoms
  • Parodies
  • Scifi

That would be all! I'd rather do this through PM, as well! :)

Hello there! I love your ideas, in particular the blind person/deaf person relationship. Amazing concept, which I believe would prove to be a suitable challenge! I'm a fully literate role-player who enjoys plot, characterization, and communication between the players on ideas and possible developments.

As for my own ideas, I open to anything that has to do with the supernatural, historical fiction, or dynamic slice of life role-plays.
Hello, My character is a medieval Paladin, and is ready for anything, He loves to go on adventures, quests, and do other things. He is a smart Alec and is very sarcastic! Heil Friend, and may the light guide you.

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