In need of a friend..


Lover and shipper of Mechs
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Looking for a friend i suppose?

Im getting out of this long, on and off relationship. It was abusive as hell. Not physically but emotionally and mentally yes. It has drained the life out of me so much so i can barely function. I still love her and she loves me but gets mad at me when i text every half a day to every 4 hours.... She says im clingy and what not...

I am pretty messed up right now and just in need of a good help me break away from her and be really good friends. I can explain more easier once i talk one on one...

I'm sorry to hear that. I understand what you're going through, unfortunately, and it's never very easy. There isn't really anything that can be said that will fix how you feel, but my inbox is always open if you need someone to just hear you out.
Thank you @Mordecai

Its exhausting. There are times where i am happy and feel better than i have

but then i slip so incredibly low to self-harm...

I feel like id be a pest to message you..

Its quiet where i am. I live in nowhere and no one tests me so i am left to my own devices and thats where i go and hurt myself..


I am so sorry.
You wouldn't be a pest, I promise you. I'm not a therapist, and I don't have any "special training" but sometimes it helps to just get things off your chest. At my lowest points, I reached out to plenty of people who offered a friendly ear, and I'm happy to return the favor to someone else. (: Please don't ever hesitate to contact me about anything.
Though not in a romantic sense, I'm going through a very similar situation. All I can say is that I know very well exactly what you're going through and how frustrating and depressing it can be. I've learned through my own experience though that sometimes that's all one needs--to put their thoughts out there and know that they aren't alone. I don't don't know if that could work for you, but I do know that no, you are most definitely not alone.
Hello AmiaBaxford. Things like that happen. Everyone and each of us have our own situations that is being unavoidable in meeting bad endings. To be honest, that part where "every 4 hours" would be really look like clingy on some people. But don't take it negatively, it's amazing how you could love a person to be that caring towards her. She might not understand your way of showing your affection but someday she might. You could start little by little in recovering your bad emotional state. Sometimes in loving a person, the one who understands more needs to adjust. Anyways if you need a friend to seek into, you could message me anytime pal. Hope you get over with your sadness. ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
Hi AmiaBaxford, sorry to hear about your situation. It sucks when you become dependent of someone who can only answer negatively to your personal needs. I'm sorry you have to go through something as identity damaging as that. Since my expertise lies far away from the emotional spectrum let me give you my opinion on what I read in your post. You sound like somebody who is in need of emotional closeness, more than most people. That might sound clingy for many, but in my experience it only means that you're desperately trying to recieve some understanding and care you're simply not getting at this point. There once was a time when I had a friend who couldn't stop writing her girlfriend until she finally understood she was looking for something in her partner that he was simply unable to offer. That wasn't even her partner's fault, sometimes we all have needs that nobody else can help us with.

When I was a young boy, my parents expected me to almost never leave the house except for school and since I was in military school, I never made any friends. After years of not being close to anyone, I discovered how impossible it was for me to stay next to my gf for more than a few hours. I loved this girl you see, but I simply couldn't stand the not being alone. With time I learned that patience and understanding your own needs helped me out in my relationship. I decided to take some time whenever my girlfriend was around to leave the room for a few minutes and listen to music, it calmed me. Now I can spend entire days without a pause, but it still is a struggle now and then.

Why don't you try something similar? Maybe instead of looking for the closeness solely from your gf, you could try giving her more space and spending more time with friends. But honestly, I don't know. Maybe I misunderstood you completely, if I did, please consider these my most sincere apologies. Good luck in the future. Feel free to write if you need someone to listen to ya.

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