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In love with a Navy Seal


Ten Thousand Club
Hey guys, this was an idea I had floating around in my mind. I wanted to see if anyone was interested in playing the male. So here the plot!

My character and yours are both single and meet at a bar. My character is in the Nacy as a Navy Seal but she's a snipper. She sits at the bar by herself but then you come and start hitting on her. This leads to more dates then just this but then my character leaves for her first tour.

This is how I want it to start off but I want it to progress so like she goes on more then one tour but maybe she comes home early on one because she finds out she pregnant but I also want her to have a hard time recovering from being out with the others at war.

So yeah, if you're willing to play the male and interested, just comment below. [emoji4]

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