In life, I get bored.


Magical Girl
I am bored. So bored. Boredom. I also want sushamisu, which is the amazing combination of sushi and tiramisu. Rice krispies are not sushamisu. They are gross without milk, we have no milk. Even better, they should have chocolate milk. Is cereal good with juice? How about eggnog? Hot cocoa? Yaaaaz! The simpsons is on!
Haha I would really recommend against trying cereal with juice. But hey, I've never tried it so I suppose I can't say for sure.
I did try it. Never. Ever. Mix. Rice. Krispies. And. Orange. Juice. It will murder your taste buds and make you hide under yoir bed, sobbing, and eating hot sauce to rid yourself of the taste... at least that's what I did.
Hilo (again) i have found another amazing food combo: hot sauce, takis, kit kats, snickers, and twix. Yum.

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