In Character Roleplaying

Ezekiel & Arnaldus Smith 


The pair of Smith boys had been going back and forth since Ezekiel had tracked Arnaldus and follows his steps as the young man walked about the woods and grew further from the cave as time went on. All the while Ezekiel had been successful in coaxing and distracting his brother to get him back to the cave and keep him from losing himself further within the depths of his mind and doubting, sulking and whatever else ran through. It was a common side of Arnaldus and while Ezekiel was against him bottling up and controlling emotions like he always had, he didn't want his brother to explode and lose it like that. Let loose sure.... but that was tough to watch and his brother seemed far different then he had ever seen him before. As the pair made their way back and Arnaldus realized what his brother had been doing giving a smirk and shake of his head. "Brilliant, just brilliant. This whole deal was just to occupy me from seeing through your tactic?" Arnaldus thought to himself as he turned and walked toward the cave with Ezekiel. Then came a voice neither Smith had expected..... No. it couldn't possibly be the voice of a dead woman,  yet there it was and then logan shouted revealing it was truly Iggy then mentioned James and Victoria having all the fun. James?! Iggy?! Victoria and having fun?! How is that possible? They were publicly executed and Victoria confirmed it in reminding Arnaldus about it. Was this a sick ploy on the part of the ministry? Did they really think so low of them as to think this tactic would work? No. not even the ministry would try a elaborate, risky and difficult task to pull off something like this and even with the losses the Order has on record. They also had victories against the ministry long ago. Arnaldus and Ezekiel both rushed up toward the cave........


Climbing up the small hill and toward the cave with rushed cold breath. Arnaldus and Ezekiel hit the cave entry quickly and came to a screeching halt with disbelief striking there faces as they shockingly looked upon Iggy and then shifted to Logan and back toward Iggy. Was this real? Seriously and truly real? Iggy was alive? Arnaldus couldn't believe it. Everything he knew and thought was real came into further question as he was frozen with shock, meanwhile Ezekiel struck Iggy with a hug and tightly squeezed but relented with a soft chuckle and big smile hitting his face. "Iggy! Damn your a sight for these eyes." Ezekiel spoke and gave his brother a tap and nudge as he looked toward Iggy with a clear and genuine smile. "Bro! Its Iggy and alive. Come on! Can't you see her?" Ezekiel continued trying to reassure his brother and joke of his sight. While knowing well his current state of mind and how this could help it or hopefully so. "How.... how is this possible? You died, James died and it was publicly done." Arnaldus questioned still trying to grasp it, still trying to put the pieces of his mind together and see through the doubt to achieve the happiness of being wrong about their known dead status and being able to see them again and in reality. It was simply difficult for him at the moment to believe what his eyes were telling him were real, what Logan and Ezekiel confirmed in respective order. 


@thefan1 @indiedarling @rui


Quinn followed Arnie, hugging his side as he stopped.

"Arnie, what's going on-..." 

She stopped, observing the people in the cave. 


"Um...hello..." she offered a small smile, her eyes darting from them back to Arnaldus.

"Love, who are they? Friends?"

She assumed by his reaction that they were, but they didn't have that many friends nowadays. Her wand was at the ready anyways, itching to be used in her pocket.


(short post sorry.)


Logan's wide smile remained intact as Quinn, Arnaldus and Ezekiel arrived to the scene. Ezekiel's enthusiasm pleasantly warming his heart, which made explaining everything to Arnaldus even more enjoyable. "We thought the same thing when they arrived." Logan commented, "they made some imposters drink polyjuice to disguise them as themselves. The imposters were executed, while James and Iggy escaped and hid just like we've been doing. And yes, Victoria's made sure they're not with the Ministry." he explained calmly. Approaching Quinn and Arnaldus was tricky, considering how skeptical they were after fighting in the war for five months. They could attack James and Iggy if they didn't explain the situation. Ezekiel wouldn't be a problem, judging by his euphoria.

"Arnaldus, isn't this perfect? We've been planning our next move for weeks now and this might just be it! If we show James and Iggy alive, the others will realize the Order is still standing and we could find more followers! Alright, there might be a few gentlemen who will make our lives a living hell after that, but it's worth a try! Not to mention, James and Iggy come from some very important families with lots of influence. What do you say?" 



(crappy post is crappy because I need to board a plane in like 5 seconds, sorry)
Truth was Arnaldus wanted to believe his eyes, he wanted to believe his brothers words, he wanted nothing more then allies still alive despite a well known and public statement with their executions. But it was not as easily done as said or even seen... seeing was believing right? Could you believe ones words? Sure. But Arnaldus's case was not so easy. A young man at war for months with much preying on his mind, more striking like gust of wind to sweep out what remained of his light, his fading and now lost hope of which guided him for so long and burned as a great fire for sometime. He had seen and lost more then most seventeen year old sixth years from the U.K had in their lives. The recent recovery and perhaps rescue of Victoria was supposed to be a victory but the pain and realizing her state up close had driven what was left in him... one of his oldest and greatest friendships was held in the balance by a string that was weakening its hold of ties. They exchanged words in heated bursts and venomous encounters nearly every time they spoke or managed to break the silence between them, while other times she didn't acknowledge his presence. It was true and even he could admit that he has fault in the whole ordeal, once more he knew how foolish and how wrong he was in his method of his own angle to Victoria which pained him more... he was acting foolish out of desperation and fading strength a fools blindness that he should have never allowed to better him. But it had bested him and now here he was....

Arnaldus needed time to crawl into the depths of his clouded mind to play through it all. When Quinn stepped forward and hugged his side he turned feeling her warmth and touch was bringing him along slowly back to reality until finally snapping back to form. "Yes... Iggy and James who I imagine is further in, they are members of the order and some of the first recruits. I'd long thought they died in that public and barbaric execution." Arnaldus responded with a answer and gave Quinn a small smile. He didn't like to show weakness, he certainly didn't like to show his mind becoming shrouded in shadows and cloaked within clouds as doubt settled in and succumbing to the reality of truth of Victoria's reminder and personal knowledge of the state of the people had brought him to see and face at full barrage. So he did best to mask it for now though his eyes and mannerisms were different and not as bright, the expressions he gave were not as warm and present as they once were, subtle influences of a absent sense about him. 

He looked to his brother and recalled what he said then turned his eye toward Logan and listened to his explanation of how they yet lived and could be here now with them and the order. "Polyjuice potion and imposter sacrifices? Rather brilliant. I suppose it offers a answer and gives a touch of relief. I had been wondering just how far and elaborate the ministry would go....... but even they wouldn't try this, too much risk, perfection of steps and many loose ends to tie up. Not to mention how far the plan would go would be reliant on polyjuice potion and a endless supply at that and our own expectations to fall for it." Arnaldus spoke sounding rather plain for a guy who should be happy and very much relieved by the news. But it was his process now days..... or really the past two. He was in a dark place right now and needed time to work things out for himself.... when troubled in the past he always buried himself in work and tactics, often isolating himself until he could work his way out. It was what he always had done and used as a way to settle himself and renew his state of mind. Now however even his go to move wasn't working as well as he had hoped it would. Maybe his brother was right after all these years? 

It would be a likely thing. But not one Arnaldus was finding at the right time.... now he needed himself back to form more then ever, during the orders prime and before the order this was his go to move, go rogue, go silent and isolate yourself somewhere or multiple places depending on things and work... just work and thoroughly go over tactics. But it wasn't working now and it was causing a desperation he was not too comfortable with experiencing. It was simply wearing on him and he would lose much he cared for if not settled. 

"I like your enthusiasm Logan..... but Victoria was right. The people are lost to us......" And there it was a unguarded slip of his words, his voice was sounding more and more like someone else and not the positive Arnaldus of yesterday. He didn't even mean for his slip and was liking the enthusiasm shown, but he slipped.. He put a hand up to his head and dug his fingers into his forehead and cheekbones beneath his eye as they closed, trying to sort through and find a way back to a point and one better then his grim response. "I mean, it's.... a public show has two sides. On one side it may work to our benefit in numbers, finding followers and reforming a once formidable alliance to combat the ministry.  But on the other it tips our hand to the minister himself if not careful of where, when and how we reveal their lives being amongst us and everyone," Arnaldus spoke trying to recover and slowly had removed his hand and opened his eyes. "I'm sorry.... I uh..... anyways they bring two within our ranks which bolsters the strength. But we're still a small bunch. Hogwarts is a suicide mission... if you all want to follow then let's plan." Arnaldus attempted to apologize and explain himself...  but upon a stumble he redirected his attention toward the plan and Hogwarts. 

"I probably sound like a ass right now and a grim voice. But it's really good to see you again and alive Iggy," He spoke with a hand placed on her shoulder and offering a smile and nod in attempt to show he was truly glad and happy to see she was alive and that James was alive as well though he hadn't seen him yet. He then stepped back and placed his hand on Quinn's as she hugged his side and he felt her touch to keep him warm, giving her a smile and look before giving focus and attention Ezekiel, Logan and Iggy as a whole along with Quinn. "I was thinking of the forest being our first step before Hogwarts. Maybe approach the centaurs and perhaps someone here can convince them to join us, providing us with much needed outside force and insurance policy. Second, polyjuice potion and a known face amongst the living to distract any guards and ministry forces at work in Hogwarts, I was thinking me to be exact. My hair in the polyjuice and a ministry stooge for a imperious influenced and Arnaldus disguised distraction to draw guards away from the castle and about hogsmeade and the forest where the centaurs can eliminate them if we are lucky and it works. Meanwhile we can enter Hogwarts through the tunnel, that passage connecting the tavern and Hogwarts. The town may have a charm like the caterwauling spell placed for security and alarm purposes... it's what I imagine they would do, I would have in their shoes. That's where my sacrifice and imposter Arnaldus will come into play, it's all about timing and the prolonging of it. Covert, caution and seeing and acting several moves ahead. If they manage to capture my imposter he will be under the influence of the imperious curse and fed with just enough knowledge about the order and me to buy time and give them trouble, but nothing vital to our mission and existence such as things not already known or too much to divulge that would place a greater risk on us," Arnaldus spoke explaining what he had in mind and how far thought he had this plan for Hogwarts. But it was just about all he had left aside from a few counter measures to moves he expected to face from the ministry forces at Hogwarts. "But that's it..... the room of requirement and a few expected tactics I imagine they will use against us once discovered or catching on and their counter tactics I devised. But that's all I could do, the rest is beyond me right now, my mind is too...... anyways the rest is up to you lot and what you can add or counter with a better plan." Arnaldus finished and explained partially his unfinished work that was left in the plan. 

@Rui  @thefan1

Phoenix and Percival Finnigan-Thomas

Place - Forest

Interacting with - Free for interaction

Moods - Phoenix = confidence and sympathy. Percival = sadness and anger

    The forest seemed to get more and more dangerous with each step into it but the eldest Finnigan-Thomas brother wasn't fazed. The younger however was extremely scared. So much had happened within the last week. He was crying for the first few days and so was Phoenix during the night. Percival, the taller but younger, didn't tell him that he knew though. He knew how his brother wanted to be brave for him. They're in this together. Their Dad, Dean, and Papa, Seamus, aren't here. They could be killed or worse (EXPELLED sorry not sorry). Right now they had to stay alive. They had to stay alive for each other. They could never be separated. They may not be blood but friendships and brotherhoods can go a long way.

    The two brothers walked along, Phoenix kicking a stone and Percival trying not to cry. This was all too much for the younger and he had gone through a lot.

     He eventually started to cry. Phoenix was alerted and tried to comfort him, his hair shifting between pink and blue, "Hey hey hey," he coaxed. "Why the tears huh? I'm right here. Nothing can hurt you."

   Percival shoved his brother away, "You know why I'm crying," he said in a croaky voice, "Our D-Dads are probably d-dead. We-We can't just stay here and do n-nothing."

   Phoenix hugged him, his hair now completely pink, "I know. I know. I miss them too. But we have to look at the positives. I know that's hard for you but you have to do it for me. You're my best friend and my brother. You know how much I care about you. So you have to keep going for me, for Dad, for Papa. The Ministry could catch us. So many bad things could happen but that can't stop us from doing the right thing. The Order will stop them. I'm sure of it. We'll see them again. I promise you."

   Percival kept hugging him, letting his last few tears fall. He let go of his brother, "Thanks Nixie." 

   Phoenix smiled, his hair turning yellow, "It's okay little brother. It's super manly to cry anyway," he said making his brother feel better about how he looked and felt.

   "Heh. Yeah. Let's go big brother. We should find somewhere to camp." They walked on. No one could stay in the same place for a long time. That would be suicide.
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James immediately noticed Victoria's change in behavior. Moments before he had asked his question, she had been beaming and beyond happy to see him not headless. Now she wasn't even looking at him and she was fidgeting in a nervous way, buttoning up her jacket and closing herself off by crossing her arms. And the nervous chuckle that followed her answer made him uneasy. He fixed her with a skeptical and questioning look as he nodded his head and spoke slowly, "So, what have you been doing exactly? If you weren't with the others. What was so important that you should leave to handle it on your own? Which seems quite stupid, considering you have a group of people who would without a doubt help you with any move against the Ministry." James backed away from her slightly, giving himself space to take her in full. She looked the same beside the slight craze to her eyes and the mess of her hair, but something else was off and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Maybe it was something with the jacket or the way she had her arms folded over her mid section so gingerly and protective. Almost as if there was something there other than herself, something precious, something worth protecting. His eyes narrowed and he looked back up to meet her eyes, asking his question again. "Where have you been, Victoria?"

Iggy glanced back at Logan after she had joined him in yelling to the others, waiting for an answer, curious to know what it was. But when she saw Logan's reaction to what she'd ask, she took a quick glance back at Victoria and James, sensing a tenseness in James' shoulders that hadn't been there before. He looked back at Logan with an eyebrow raised slightly, listening to what he said carefully. Her mind spinning with possibilities of what those "rough times" could have been. Losing James was probably part of it, she assumed. But, what else could make Victoria less stable? And it wasn't like James was the most stable person either, he never had been. She didn't like the notion of placing an unstable Victoria with an unstable James. That just seemed like they were asking for trouble. She looked back at Victoria and James again, watching them closely as Logan shouted out.

She turned quickly on her heels though when she heard the voices of Arnaldus and Ezekiel as they came into sight. A wide smile made it's way onto her lips and she greeted them happily, "Arnaldus! Ezekiel! It's been too long!" She beamed as Ezekiel took her into an embrace and she wrapped her arms around him tightly, closing her eyes for a moment and relaxing in the fact that she was back with them all. When he pulled away and turned to his brother, Iggy moved her eyes to Arnaldus as well. He seemed a little off at the moment, but he looked almost the same as the last time she had seen him. She offered him a small smile as Logan explained everything to them and she hoped it would be enough for Arnaldus to let lessen his skepticism. The girl who was latched onto his arm was a new face and Iggy was well aware of the girls urge to take out her wand. Silly, silly girl. If she tried anything Iggy would have her flat on her back before the jinx could even leave her lips. She listened carefully as Arnaldus walked everyone through his thinking and his plan for the move on Hogwarts, her thoughts turning over in her head. She was still painfully aware of James and Victoria.

@Saru @thefan1 @Rui
Victoria imitated the boy's movements and backed away at the same time he did. She took the fact that he was distancing himself from her as a reaction to his suspicion, and she didn't want to be close to him when he found out the truth. That, and there were some very obvious physical evidences she didn't want him to notice. The Slytherin girl stood up and turned her back to him, not baring to see his reaction once she confessed everything. She remembered his violent reaction when she told him about the wedding for the first time, and something told her his reaction would not be any different this time around. "Well, for the first two months... I spent time with Alexander," she began, rubbing her aching back in the process. It was soothing, and she'd been under enough stress already. "After...escaping...I went to Andrew and- look, that doesn't matter. Just- just go to the others if you want answers. Go ask Logan or something. I- I can't, I'm sorry, I can't." Her voice was breaking, and she looked up to stop the tears from coming. It was still difficult for her to talk about Azkaban, what she'd been was too much. "Go ask Quinn and she'll tell you how the pregnancy's my fault and I'm some kind of whore. Or go ask Arnaldus and see if he still thinks I'm a traitor. I just... I need to be alone, alright?" 

James' suspicions grew as she backed away from him and turned away, there was definitely something different about her that she didn't want him to notice. He clenched his fist once as he listened to her speak. His green eyes filling with a dark anger as she spoke, remembering the moment she had first told him about the wedding. James was not to admit emotions or to necessarily show a lot of affection but he was no longer stupid enough to deny himself the fact that he cared for Victoria. Deeply. Maybe on a level that he had never cared for anyone else. And her marriage to Alexander had been a knife in his already aching heart. Then again, it would have been silly for him to think they could have ever been together in the first place. Their families were from very different ends of spectrum. Their relationship would have been like poison to James' already fragile relationship with his father. He became confused when she couldn't make it through her story and told him to go ask someone else and he heard the break in her voice and had the urge to comfort her but he refrained, staying back as she went on again. This time, James lost all desire to comfort her. Instead, he backed away even more until his back was pressed against the cold cave wall, looking at Victoria with a kind of contempt he had never had before. Pregnant? With Andrew's child? A traitor? So, that's where she had been? With the Ministry? Working with them? Had she been hunting her own friends? His friends? He pulled his wand from his pocket and held it up towards her, with half the intention to use it. His eyes were filling with angry tears, close to spilling over the edge of his lower eyelids. "You..." he growled, "You let me greet you like an old friend. And you hugged me and you smiled at me and you were going to go along and not tell me about any of this if you could help it. You turned against everything you said you stood for. You turned against the Order that we created. You turned against me. Me, Victoria. Me, James. You know I would die for you and I am the kind of person who does not like to lift a finger for anyone other than himself. Why would you...  I don't understand..." He was shaking now, his face red.

Victoria turned around to see James pointing his wand at her. A surprising sight, to say the least. She'd never imagined James could be capable of such a thing, but it seemed like the war had changed him too. But he still cared for her, right? He said he would die for her. Therefore, the wand didn't pose a threat. At least not now. But if he did attack her, would it matter? She didn't want to fight back. Hurting James was something even she couldn't do, at least not for the time being. So he could hurt her, maybe even kill the baby, but would it matter? They had lost all hope of her recovery, she would either be killed or left behind to go back to the Ministry. Something that seemed pleasant, until Dany, James and Iggy returned. Seeing them breathing did give her hope, the hope she'd left behind in Azkaban. Maybe the Order could win, maybe going back to being tortured both physically and psychologically by the Ministry was not the right choice. But it was now the only thing she had left. "I don't understand it either," she spoke calmly, for the first time not trying to be threatening or arrogant or even brave. "I had no choice. What happened in Azkaban...well, it changed me. They wanted me to see the Order as the enemy and,well, I gave in. I'm not proud of it either, and if I could go back in time you know I bloody would. But it's different now, and the choice isn't mine to make anymore. Just...just go with the others. I'll pack my things and...and I'll leave." A single tear ran down her cheek as she faced the entrance. She knew what was going to happen once she returned to Knight manor, and the mere thought made her shiver. "Or you could end it all now, it doesn't matter. Hell, its better than what's waiting for me back in the Ministry. It's your choice, really."

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Phoenix and Percival Finnigan-Thomas

Place - Forest -> Cave

Interacting With - No one

The brothers began to search the forest for a place to stay. They needed to rest. Not sleeping meant that they couldn't keep moving in the morning and they had to keep moving if they wanted to stay away from the Ministry. They came across a cave. It was decent looking. They could stay there for a while until they had to move along.

Phoenix walked up to the Cave and sat his backpack down about ten foot away from it. He noticed Percival's hesitance. He yelled over at him, "Come on! It's the only place that we can find."

Percival groaned, "Fine! But if it turns out to be a crappy place then I blame you."

He walked over to his brother and set his backpack down beside him. Phoenix unraveled his sleeping bag ready for the night and began to make a fire. Percival on the other hand got a book out of his bag and began reading. He was such a Ravenclaw and Phoenix loved him for it.

Phoenix pointed his wand at the pile of leaves and twigs he made, "Incendio," he muttered and fire spewed out of his wand setting the twigs and leaves alight. He looked over at his brother, "You've been reading that book every night for five days, Perci. You should put it down for once."

"I'm nearly finished." He mumbled not looking up from the book.

"You haven't gotten through a third of it yet. Reading isn't everything. Let's tell spooky stories. You loved doing that as a kid."

He put his book away and began to tell a story, "In a forest much like this one...two brothers waited for some confirmation that their parents weren't dead. Yay. Good night." He spoke sarcastically.

"Ha ha," he sassed. "It doesn't matter. I just thought you should talk more and read less. It doesn't matter. You can keep reading."

"No," he said sternly, "It's in my bag now. Let's talk."

Phoenix smiled. This was gonna be a good day.
The plan was simple break into Hogwarts, divert opposing forces through distraction, prior to this acquire allies from outside sources beyond the expected, but most importantly account for the details, ensure the knowledge of every variable and see every opportunity. It was a game of chess in his mind, but it wasn't used for quidditch now was it? Hmm, no..... if only it hadn't been. But it was like chess to him within that mind of his trying to see every move, find the source and capitalize on every mistake. History proved Arnaldus was no Sherlock nor has he ever tried to be, but still the effort to attain perfection of plans, of tactics was always his pursuit. The problem was however that no plan was ever simple, not when lives hung in the balance and the very fabric of his life depended on victory.... the Order could not handle much more defeat, too few were left and hope for one atleast was gone. Reality was catching up with him and the fantasy of overcoming odds and surviving to tell the tale was ending. 

Even now as he spoke of the plan to everyone present, Arnaldus knew his error of incompletion and lacking of presence. There was no positive side, the odds were plainly evident, the return was unlikely. Upon seeing the embrace of Ezekiel his young brother and Iggy a small smile graced his lips while his eyes briefly looked at the two, despite his outward personality during this time he was truly glad to see Iggy yet live surviving her fate and hearing about James surviving as well. Just had difficulty showing it right now, much has happened and a shroud of darkness still remained looming over them all and would until the tide was turned. A turn that end this chapter and begin anew........... Only question was who would write it? The Order or The Ministry? 

But even as his mind thought, his eyes observed and notice being taken to Iggys response and seeming distracted mind...... the ears yet served listening to more then what was going on around them and not far. The nearing presence of movement across the ground, sounds of steps being taken but not rushed, a thought of mere animals of the area crossing through...... but no, voices sort of hushed due to distance maybe but clear enough to be there. Then the thought of ministry forces creeping in around them crossed his mind, but no that too was crossed out as the ministry wasn't so common and alertful to the prey of which they hunted. Was it snatchers then? 

Closing his eyes and quickly pulling the string to release his wand from his sleeve and have it slide into his hand. Arnaldus turned swiftly toward the noise with a silent air about him that perhaps told of his no chances being taken approach. The night was still fresh and so the lighting was poor outside the cave only starlight and the moons gaze provided a soft silvery light, so he couldn't be certain of his eyes not yet anyway... "Show yourselves at once!" Arnaldus commanded pointing his wand and giving it a swift flick casting the lumos charm to provide light and reveal the presence he felt draw near. The spell was harmless and if they were an enemy then a sudden flash of bright light cast in the direction of them could at most blind them temporarily until eyes adjusted to simply obscure anyway, but atleast now they all could see much better. 

Arnaldus had expected trouble of some sort, after all how great could there luck be to have more incredible and overjoyed news reach them with the discovery of more surivivors? When Arnaldus was able to see the faces of those drawing near and around ten feet or so away his face went from command to shock......

Meanwhile Ezekiel turned upon his brothers motion reaching for his wand, though he wanted to speak more with Iggy and get inside to see James. The sudden change of his brother drew his attention and he reacted in preparation to defend. But when it became clear of what they saw or who rather..... a look of more joy and disbelief crossed his face as both brothers lowered there wands. "Percival.... Phoenix? It's really you two, isn't it?" Ezekiel smiled shaking his head 

while Arnaldus sheathed his wand and closed his eyes with a deep breath following. A moment to relax himself and ease back as he was realizing he was becoming a bit paranoid, then returned his eyes to open and smiled glad to see more yet lived though his shock at it all was still evident enough. After all the news and failed findings...... he was sure they were all dead, but tonight was proving quite the opposite as now five members of the order found there way to the very cave Logan, Victoria, Paige, Greyson, Quinn, Ezekiel and himself were staying. 

Was this a sign?

@thefan1 @indiedarling @MuffinRPs @Rui
Phoenix and Percival Finnigan-Thomas

Place - Cave

Interacting With - @Saru

When the boys heard someone shout they immediately grabbed their wands and stood next to each other in their usual defensive position. Percival of course was terrified but when Ezekiel and Arnaldus revealed themselves he calmed down slightly.

Phoenix's hair changed from a fiery red to a yellowish pink. He put his wand away and ran towards Exekiel. He hugged him tight and was lifting him off of the ground. He was smiling widely and spoke, "It's good to see some familiar faces."

Percival didn't look too excited. Instead he turned away to focus on the important things. He used his magic to pack away him and his brother's things, putting out the fire and making it look like no one was there, and tightening his binder so people could see he was a boy. 

He turned back around and looked at his brother. He mumbled to him. His speech was always mumbled when he was around other people, "Nixie put him down. It looks like you're hurting him."

Phoenix stopped hugging Ezekiel so he could hear what his little brother was saying, "I wasn't hurting him," he said kindly, "You know I know how to control my powers, Perci, and I should've packed everything away."

"Well I wanted to," he replied.

He sighed, "Okay." He walked back over to him and grabbed his back. Phoenix looked at Arnaldus, "What's going on? Where's everyone else? We hadn't heard word of what was happening. We've just been running. Please, tell us everything." When Phoenix said that Percival looked hopeful. Maybe their Dads were still alive.
Ezekiel caught glimpse of Phoenix running toward him with a wand placed away from his hand and back where it remained on his person, the Ravenclaw braced himself and returned the hug though he hadn't counted on being picked up and lifted from the ground. He chuckled a bit and caught his breath with a smile on his face, "Good to see more yet live... you two are a welcomed sight for sure. We thought until tonight came others were... well dead or something." Ezekiel spoke in reply and nodded with a look of 'its fine really' when it seemed to Perci mumbled something to Phoenix and the brothers replied to one another. 

"It's all good.... gets you ready for quidditch or quidditch gets you ready for Phoenix." Ezekiel smiled in joking manner trying to lighten the mood a bit and remind himself even in dark times happiness can be discovered and good times met. 

Meanwhile Arnaldus looked toward the two brothers pondering for a moment and shrugging off any sadness in him to respond more positively then he has been lately. Though when Phoenix turned toward and asked after the others he fought back any negative thoughts that came to mind and offered a reassuring smile. "We've been hiding out for some time, place to place and back roads and forgotten paths.... the usual. Still ran into trouble as I expect you two have as well from time to time but we're live and many have returned to us tonight and as of late. Word is that maybe we are not all dead like we thought or the ministry would have you believe or believe themselves." He spoke noting the focus on running and having not heard much else on what was happening. Perhaps they would be delighted to hear about Victoria being back and Iggy and James and Danny as well? Also Paige and Greyson and Logan and the joining of Quinn? "Well first Logan and Quinn have joined us since the wedding or there after respectively. We managed a small victory against the ministry outside of besting there hunters and snatchers that is, a slight major victory actually in the return of Victoria and freeing her from the ministries grasp." Arnaldus spoke in loud enough tone for Victoria to hear as this was a hopeful steppingstone for him in his apology or attempt of one such as Ezekiel fought so hard to convince him in doing and that it wasn't so late quite yet. "Even if I've been a fool about the matter since. We learned of Danny's survival and return to us and Iggy and James live as well and our here. James, Victoria, Paige and Greyson are all inside the cave and Iggy, Logan, Quinn and myself as well Ezekiel stand with you now." He continued starting off with a loud enough tone to be heard from within. A indirect and ice breaker of a way to reach Victoria without starting more venom lashing or simply time for them both to listen before being face to face. " By the looks of tonight..... I'd say our fortune has turned and maybe like the potters, Weasleys and smiths and perhaps others..... maybe we've still got family out there struggling like us but still alive....  " Arnaldus spoke to them in effort to show more optimistic words then he and his absent hope had shown. He figured they were worried after there fathers and other loved ones, just as they all were. 

(A tag for everyone mentioned or indirectly brought up, though some may not be seen by those away from RPN)

@MuffinRPs @thefan1 @Rui @EmilyPower @HoneyBear-Kat @indiedarling @SuperSpice 
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Phoenix and Percival Finnigan-Thomas

Place - Cave

Interacting With - @Saru

The boys listened carefully. It seemed like things were at a neutral level. Nothing particularly great or bad happening but they had each other and that was what mattered. Strength in numbers perhaps; but there was also death in numbers and that was known as a massacre and a massacre was the field where they fought with their parents. Phoenix thought he should bring it up, "And our parents? Had you heard anything about them?" Percival looked like he was going to start crying again. Their Dads were everything to Percival. He'd never been more accepted with them and they'd do anything to make him feel like a boy so being away from them was hard. He didn't think anyone else would accept him again.

Arnaldus Smith Ezekiel Smith 

The news had seemed to take well with the brothers. Nothing of great tragedy mentioned or had occurred in recent memory nor  had the remaining order members thrived to great success despite the personal victory and great moment of seeing Victoria again and now among the Order though it hadn't been as pictured or gone as well as they may like, it was a step toward a better direction, a better path. But a question Arnaldus didn't have a answer for awaited him as Perceval asked about their parents, the fathers of Phoenix and Percival Finnegan-Thomas, the veteran fighters of dark magic and allies to the Order and classmates of the golden trio. 

The postive was Arnaldus didn't have a tragic bit of news for them..... The bad news however was that he didn't have a answer at all for them, nothing certain, nothing clear. Just a prolonged hope or fading of hope with the answer he did have.... a simple and honest I haven't heard and I couldn't say. "I'm sorry Percival..." He paused seeing that look in his eyes and the expression of his face. It would be a painful truth to admit and it could perhaps not help in preventing tears to shed and fall from the mans face, not that crying was wrong but it wasn't always a happiness shared cry such as tears of joy sometimes it was a tear or many shed out of pain and sadness. "I am sorry to lack a better answer, but no. I am afraid I could not say one way or the other about your parents." Arnaldus spoke as sympathetic and understanding as he could breaking it gently but honestly. 

"It's true, we couldn't say for sure and maybe Iggy or James may have learned something or Danny.... but it would be with no promise that anyone does for a certain. Until now they were each off surviving as we all have, we each have different sources and discoveries so our Intel varies between us." Ezekiel added trying to not raise the mans hope only to discover a possibility that no change in answer would come. But still giving a little more for Percival to look forward to and ask. "Victoria could possibly know too.... she's had some answers concerning others so maybe she could know something too." 

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Phoenix and Percival Finnigan-Thomas

place -cave 

interacting -@saru

That was when Percival broke. His emotions were always strong and he could never really control them. Phoenix used his Metamorphmagus abilities to make himself taller. He consoled his younger brother with hugs as he always had. Even though Phoenix was also upset, Percival came first. He also decided that he should make sure the Smith brothers weren't uncomfortable. He wouldn't want them to be.

"It's okay guys." He spoke at them, "They can't be dead. They're too strong for that." He looked down at Perci as he was now taller than him. He kissed his head, "It's okay. We'll see them again. I know it."
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Victoria didn't stick around to hear his response. It seemed like James was going to need some time to let the news sink in. So be it. She didn't need James, in fact, she didn't need anyone. The arrival of their old friends delayed her departure far too much, and she didn't want to spend one more second in the filthy cave surrounded by her enemies. The girl quickly grabbed her bag and headed towards the entrance without even sparing some last words for James. 

 She could hear some voices outside, the Smith brothers were speaking to someone whose voice she couldn't recognize despite the fact they sounded familiar. One of them mentioned her enconter with the Order and classified it as a victory, a comment that made her reach for her wand as her blood boiled. She'd heard the same phrase a thousand times in the last week. They considered her discomfort and kid napping to be a victory, those monsters actually celebrated the aftermath of the battle in the bar. But it was going to be their last victory, Victoria would make sure of it. 

At last, Victoria emerged from the cave and found the Finnigan brothers, one crying as the taller one comforted him. The Slytherin girl slowly lowered her wand in astonishment. Was this really happening? First Dany, then Iggy and James and now Phoenix and Percival. It was surreal to see so many members of the Order united again, especially when most of them arrived in the same day. Perhaps it was a sign, something the old Victoria might've taken as a symbol of hope. For the new Victoria, however, it was nothing but a threat. This information would surely be exceptional for the Ministry, but was she ready to have them attack the Order? True, she didn't like them. But she didn't feel capable of ruining the one thing she'd longed for so long inside of her dirty cell in Azkaban. Then again, if the Minister found out she'd been hiding information from the Ministry she could be killed, or worse, taken back to the prison. 

"You're- bloody hell. You're here," the girl commented, gaining the attention of her younger brother who'd been silent as the scene unfolded with the new arrivals. The young boy raised his eyebrow at his sister, mostly due to the fact she was carrying her belongings for no reason. "They're looking for their dads and we thought you might know something about them. Why are you carrying that for?" 

"You're not with them?" the girl asked, looking behind their shoulders, expecting Dean and Seamus to walk by any second. Truth was, their parents had a low chance of survival. With the Ministry looking for all of the Members of the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbedore's Army for execution, it wouldn't be surprising to see their parents with the captured lot. It was probably not a good idea to bring this up, considering hearing the news about your parent's possible death would probably only make Percival cry harder. "I wouldn't worry about them. The Ministry got the worst leaders in our ranks to deal with the capture of members of Dumbledore's Army. There's a high chance they're still alive and hiding from the Ministry."


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(cant find ooc for this but um o-o im still interested OxO if its not too late)

Paige and Greyson

Its been a while since Paige last slept on a bed...or at feels that way. Everyone, including herself, was tired. Tired of running, of being chased, tired of having to constantly look over their shoulder, or sleeping with one eye open at all times. She knew that a tired group wasnt very effective, and in the event of something else happening, would the Order be able to defend themselves with the heavy weight of fatigue looming over them? She didnt think so. But poor Paige was worried about everyone else more than herself. She had almost forgotten her love for Alexander with the care of Victoria distracting her, and Logan too. Logan tried hard to help his sister, harder than Paige she would say. He loved her, that was apparent, and she loved him. Victoria was not the same since they brought her back, and the sight of her made Paige's heart break. She couldnt look at the battered girl for too long before tears swelled in her eyes. She couldnt fathom what Victoria underwent in Azkaban, and she dared not mention that place while in her presence. But she couldnt help but wonder about Alexander, why didnt he return with her? What happened while the two were locked up in that terrible place? Was he in the same condition as Victoria by now? There were so many unanswered questions. Questions that would need answers at a later time. Paige watched Victoria's reactions to certain things that were brought up in discussion, and deemed it wise to ask once Victoria was completely mentally stable. SHe was going to need a lot of healing, healing that may take days, months, or even years. Paige often wondered if she even had that patience.

The young, kind-hearted witch lay on the cave floor close to Victoria in case she was needed (with given space), but far from the rest of the group. Her back to them and the fire they surrounded, she layed awake. Paige often did most nights. Her heart had grown restless. Sleep was nothing but an old friend that she caught up with from time to time, and for many reasons. Sometimes she layed awake worried about Victoria, hearing her talk in her sleep, having nightmares of Azkaban, no doubt. Sometimes it was cause Alexander crossed her mind, other times she worried about her parents, about the Order, and rarely about her own life. Would this war ever end? Will she ever have the opportunity to start a family? It seemed like a distant, and almost impossible, luxury. And her brother, she often worried about his recklessness. 

Raised voices cut off her thoughts, and resounded between the cave walls, raising the volume further. Her body tensed from an initial shout, then she curled into a ball trying to ignore the arguing. Arguments amongst each other were common nowadays. The group was tired, frustrated, and lost. The atmosphere had been rather bleak lately....perhaps it was the cave. It was a dark place. Arnaldus and Victoria were going at it, Victoria accusing Arnaldus of not being there during hard times, and Arnaldus responding with his own hardships and place in all this. Paige could hear the tears in his voice and she frowned, sitting up quietly, making sure her presence wasnt known. There was something about Arnaldus that made Paige gravitate toward him as a person. She saw a lot of similarities between them, being that they both care immensely about the people around them, and theyre both sort of humble and quiet.  Those are the kind of people she likes to befriend, but she always held back because the truth was he intimidated her a bit. It wasnt intentional, but the girl was easily discouraged when it comes to social things. Well that, and there was no way of trying to become better friends with him with out giving Quinn the wrong impression, so she chose to hold back. 

Greyson on the other hand, was wide awake. Exhausted, but awake with everyone else by the fire that, surprisingly, kept the cave at a comfortable temperature. He sat silently, blue eyes mesmerized by the dancing flares in front of him. The warmth entranced him, and the longer he stared the heavier his eyelids grew. He tore his gaze when Arnaldus' voice grew loud, looking up at him, past the hair that grew into his eyes. He watched as his brother in arms unloaded what felt like a lot of pent up emotion. Grey couldnt blame him, not after what everyones been through. The Order was no longer just a band of students, rising to take a risk for whats right. No, theyve all moved past the "what we have in common" phase, the Order was like a family now. There were hurt feelings when we lost someone, when someone was taken from us for a long period of time like Victoria. And Arnaldus' outburst confirmed that theory. Still, Grey said nothing to diffuse the solemn tension, everything that was coming out needed to be said. The boy ran his hands through his messy, over grown hair, moving some of it out of his line of sight. With clear vision, he spotted his sister behind the group, facing him. She was off in the shadows, the faint glow of the fire outlining her frown and messy, tangled hair. He watched her for a moment before returning to the fire. 

Paige has grown distant once again. Not in the same sense as when Grey pulled her from Alexander, the day of the wedding, but shes curled back into her shy shell. As much as he hated seeing her always with him, Alexander was actually helping her to be more out going and not so reserved. But since then, shes retreated back into the old Paige. Greyson sighed, he can feel the heavy burden Paige carried. She couldnt care for herself, not now, not yet. First priority was making sure VIctoria was safe and okay, next was the health and wellbeing of the others (including her brother), then there was the constant hiding from an enraged Ministry, and lastly was herself and her emotional needs. Shes set those aside for now. Greyson looked to the entrance of the cave when the group had received more company from outside. First was a girl, a red haired lass he assumed, from the way the glow of the fire made her hair burn bright against the dark cave walls. She and Victoria went straight for each other, mingling and whispering to one another. Grey scoffed when he saw Victoria show a likeness to this girl, other than Logan or his sister, she was venomous toward anyone else. Greyson kept his distance for a reason.... still, he kept a close eye on her and her care takers. 

After what seemed like a reunion with this girl, Paige stood up along with her guard. She was a little weary seeing someone she didnt know so close to Victoria like that. What if it was a trick? It couldve been a look-a-like from the Ministry, and the way Victoria seemed to immediately trust her made Paige even more cautious. But there were bigger things to worry lightening, a flash of white whizzed from the entrance of the cave, illuminating the walls as it passed, hitting Victoria and her friend, followed by the sound of a body stumbling. Both Paige and Grey looked to Victoria, Paige began to rush to Victorias aid, and Grey raised his wand. But both stopped when they recognized the voice of the attacker. 'James....,'Paige thought. She froze, the girl looked paler than she already was against the fire...if that was possible. It was like she saw a ghost. Two ghosts as a matter of fact, because his accomplice who took a stumble was Iggy. A sudden heat ran through Paige's body and gathered at her face, the same heat you get when becoming embarrassed. Her mind was scattered, she didnt know what to think, how to feel. Paige feel herself become that same shy-school-girl-with-a-crush she was when she first joined the order. Of course she still loved Alexander, but he didnt seem likely to return, and here her old crush returns. The famous Potter boy. Paige new shed never get any where with him, in fact part of her didnt really care if she did, but she was still incredibly nervous around him. The girl moved a piece of her honey-brown hair behind her ear and looked down at the cave floor and her dirty, scuffed shoes. Greyson immediately stood to his feet when he saw that it was James, a man that was like a brother to him. Even Grey couldnt believe his eyes as he watched Victoria and Logan verify that it was indeed the Potter boy and not a Polyjuice imposter. Cant be too careful, right? But Victoria's reaction confirmed it was indeed James Potter. Grey let go of a breath he had been holding and looked to his sister, wondering how she felt about all this. A smile curled the corner of his lips in amusement when he saw Paige's big, doe-eyes wide in shock, looking straight at James. 'God, she looked like a muggle photograph,' he thought, seeing her as still as ever. Greyson picked up his feet and walked over to his younger sister, putting an arm around her shoulder and rubbing it, reassuring her to relax. Paige broke her stare and looked up at her tall brother. 

(skipping some stuff cause im tired and ive been working on this since last night xD)

Paige watched how James and Victoria suddenly turned sour toward each other. Her eyebrows pinched together every time she looked at James now, after he pulled his wand out at Victoria. He doesnt understand what she went through, and she felt he had no right to do that with out knowing details. It was the first time Paige ever looked at James like that, like she was ready to defend Victoria at any moment, even if it was against him. James and the slytherin girl split, allowing Piage to relax now that they were done confronting each other. Greyson was already back at the fire, not really paying attention to James and Victoria, nor the fact that Arnaldus and Ezekiel were outside doing...who knows what. He just wanted warmth.

@thefan1 @Saru @indiedarling @Rui
Arnaldus and Ezekiel both nodded in response to Phoenix's words while comforting his brother. Truthfully Arnaldus had little remaining for positivity if any at all, the nights overwhelming against odds form of reunions and abundance were incredible but spoke of likely hood another turn could take place at any moment. The other Smith held hope for the lives of Percival and Phoenix's fathers and there survival through this wars bloodshed, Ezekiel still held that much in him even if his brother saw another possibility though he wouldn't spoil or speak his pessimistic thoughts and be that guy not this time. 

When Victoria joined them outside and seemingly done with James. Arnaldus was quick to notice her things packed and ready for departure and though he didn't agree with the decision it was hers to make and he wouldn't go back on his word, he said it wasn't her call and so it was. Ezekiel on the other hand was more obvious in his disagreement with the call but held his tongue knowing a heated response wasn't the move to make, it could only add to the trouble and not solve it. 

As Victoria spoke to the brothers of Percival and Phoenix Finnigan-Thomas, Arnaldus and Ezekiel listened both a bit surprised by the girls restraint. She spoke of high chance for survival and the worst of leaders in the ministry chosen to capture or kill them....... Why did she restrain herself? It wasn't Logan nor Paige not even James though apparently the encounter didn't go well by the looks of it. So the question was why would Victoria in her present mind show restraint in such a way? She seemed dead set on keeping loyal to her family and that ministry of today, she still saw the order she once stood with as enemies and captors now days. Well maybe she wasn't so far gone with everyone or she was simply caught off guard in back to back to back times that she wasn't clear in her ways. 

Arnaldus considered stepping inside or taking a walk again as his mind was feeling more restrictive and out of clear thought once more, the presence of Victoria had reminded him of the inevitable departure of Victoria once a choice was given to her,  the thought of her returning to her torturers boggled his mind and whatever she went through in Azkaban drove her to a twisted form of loyalty and reality he didn't comprehend and couldn't as much as he would have liked to, plainly he had nothing left to give nor hope to see happen. But instead he stood pat and observed and listened while Ezekiel contemplated what to do. 

"Something positive to look forward to seeing." He spoke with a small smile to Percival and Phoenix. While turning his eye a bit toward Victoria "So how's James? Paige and Greyson too?" Ezekiel asked stalling with a basic question though a bit curious as well. He felt Paige or Logan had better chances with Victoria then himself especially if James couldn't get through to the woman. While Arnaldus silently would have agreed with the idea thinking it was better left in the hands of Paige or James or Logan at this point maybe Danny though the latter seemed rather unable to bring Victoria out of it in the short time they spoke as far as could be told from observations and present bags could tell. 

@thefan1 @HoneyBear-Kat @Rui @MuffinRPs
(Victoria turned to Ezekiel, her eyes narrowed and her bag held tighter to her stomach. It seemed like they'd listened to her arguing with James, why else would they ask about him to their enemy? She didn't approve of him sticking his nose where she didn't want it, but telling him the truth wouldn't do any harm if they already knew what happened inside the cave. "The bastard is mad because I'm with the Ministry and have a baby-says I betrayed him and won't talk to me. If you want to waste your time to talk about him, then go to Greyson." Victoria replied coldly. When he asked about Paige and Greyson, the girl turned around to view the interior of the cave where Paige and Greyson stood quietly. She'd almost forgotten Paige in her attempts to escape the Order. Out of all of the members, Paige was the one she trusted more than anyone else (family members excluded). The girl had been kind, patien and respectful to the one who, frankly, didn't deserve it. She almost felt guilty for leaving her without thanking her, or at least announcing her departure. But the subject was better left unattended, especially with a girl as emotional as Paige. "What about Paige and Greyson? I never spend time with Greyson and whenever I'm with Paige we barely ever talk." 

The young Gryffindor didn't move his eyes from a Victoria's belongings. He was waiting for Arnaldus or Ezekiel to confiscate her wand and force her to enter the cave, but they didn't even acknowledge the fact that Victoria had recovered everything they'd taken from her upon her capture. Was there something they were keeping from him? "Victoria, why do you have your bag? We- we aren't leaving until tomorrow!" Logan exclaimed nervously, looking at the older members of the Order to see their reactions. He was already fearing the worst, and the thought of losing his sister all over again was more than he could bear. 

The Slytherin girl turned to face her brother, taking in his distress before turning to Arnaldus once more with a malicious smirk. "Your grand leader has let your one and only prisoner escape! Isn't that nice of him?" Victoria asked sarcastically, watching as Logan's expression went from distressed to complete shock. "You're kidding, right? Arnaldus, you wouldn't let her leave, right? Not after everything we've done to get her back!" The young boy exclaimed. "Oh you better believe it, brother. In just a few minutes, I'll be back home surrounded by everything I could ever wish for. If you're lucky, you might be able to run away before I tell Andrew and the Minister where you are!" She replied, unintentionally rising her volume loud enough to be heard by the ones inside. She kept her smile, not daring to break it and let the others see how terrified she was. They could probably see it in her eyes, with the way they widened and her eyebrows curved in fear. 

@Saru. @HoneyBear-Kat. @MuffinRPs
Phoenix glared at the people yelling. This was all too much for his baby brother. Percival had started to hyperventilate. Phoenix could barely make out what he was trying to say. It was something along the lines of, "Can't breathe. Shouting bad." Phoenix sat down on a rock with his brother in his arms and shrunk his legs back down to normal size. All the voices were something Percival couldn't handle. He'd never been good with loud noises. Phoenix would have to yell for a split second so he could get a point across.

"Can you stop for a second?!" He shouted assertively. He exhaled to calm himself, his hair going from black to fiery red to black in 5 seconds. "Look, I know a lot has happened since me and my brother have been gone but can we at least organise everything? This is a democracy. Can't you tell? We need to get things straight unlike me, pun intended. Meetings around a table where someone is a chairman. Shouting can't solve things like this. We need order in The Order, pun not intended." He rubbed his eyes, "Jesus, you can't do anything around here."

Phoenix comforted his brother more and kissed his forehead. He mumbled to the Ravenclaw, "It's okay. Nixie's here." He was always very protective of his younger brother. He was fragile and small things could do so much to him. Phoenix never wanted to see Perci hurt so he'd try his best to make everything better, if it was the last thing he ever did.
Ezekiel shook his head and just listened. Even a simple question and basic stall tactic drew her coldness. The younger Smith simply remained silent for the moment and let the woman speak on both counts before responding to any of them. Truthfully he was away with arnaldus for a good part of the reunion so whatever happened was left unclear though a packed bag told nothing good came from it between the two. "So bad I take it. Figured if Logan and Paige weren't enough to get through that Ministry touch and loyalty then perhaps James could, a surprise beyond expectations and back from the dead to see an old love. Guess it's all in those books and movies I hear about. Too bad...." Ezekiel responded keeping his tone more warm and honest then the one he received in turn. "What about Paige and Greyson? Well just a kind asking after since you saw them last as everyone else outside of James has been here or just returned from elswhere. Thought maybe a simple question like that may just see if you care for.... anyone these days beyond the ministry." He replied rather disappointed at the exchange. Nothing good was coming from it even with a softer touch then has been common with such high tensions and history. 

Arnaldus meanwhile closed his eyes and shook his head. 'prisoner? home with everything she could ever wish for?' The words were boggling to him. She was finding herself better off with those who tortured and abused her? She was wishing for that life...... constantly at risk for torture and kept alive just for risking more and the keeping the baby alive? Despite aligning herself to them. Yet she wished his life? "Bloody hell Victoria. Atleast admit it already..... see for yourself and maybe just think and see like you once did.... You were never a prisoner here. You may have been tied up until you stopped the resistance towards us and calling for ministry goons to rescue you. But you were not once tortured physically by us, any attempt at that was quickly countered was it not? Quinn wasnt right in her intrusion or whatever else you two have going on. But the rest of us simply want a old friend back. Yet we're nothing more then dirt and enemies to you while you see yourself a prisoner." Arnaldus spoke simply keeping his eyes shut as the sight of Victoria and Logan was better left at bay for the moment. 

"Yeah she's right. I left the choice up to Victoria herself. I may not agree with her decision but the danger if still loyal to the ministry is evident enough, the more a ministry Victoria knew the more danger we would be in. The greater the risk and the less time we have to counter any leaked Intel. So I did leave the choice to Victoria. Sorry Logan.... I didn't see any other way that ended the way any of us hoped it would." Arnaldus spoke slowly opening his eyes toward the siblings and seeing each of their expressions. "I hoped once that Victoria could see through me and my desperation from before. I thought she could just return to form against the odds and overcome them once more. If atleast for you guys if anyone. She's won though, she got her way, I don't understand it... but the ministry seems to hold more value to her then freedom. Just answer me this Victoria.... I'll keep my word and let you choose your path, I can't stop anyone else, but I'll hold up my end. But I want to know why choose that life of fear and torment?" Arnaldus spoke looking more to Victoria then anyone and more as went along. Not hiding anything he was feeling right now or had been, letting it his guard slip to maybe see into her eyes a little more clearly and try to understand what was going through that mind. 

@thefan1 @HoneyBear-Kat @Muffinrps
Victoria scoffed at Arnaldus' remark, mocking him for trying to make her see what he thought was the truth. "You really think that's what makes a person a prisoner? Being physically abused? Being a prisoner means being confined, captured by the enemy against one's will. You haven't done anything to me except for a few spells and one punch, I'll give you that. But do you really think I want to be here? Granted, life in the Ministry isn't exactly... easy... but it's better than spending my nights in the cold floor hoping one of you wont stab me while I'm trying to sleep!" Victoria spoke, keeping her gaze on Arnaldus and not daring to break her cold gaze. Like they would know anything about being prisoners, the ones who got away. Victoria's jealousy, masked by a mask of hate and anger broke away from its confinements. "You don't know what being a prisoner is like, Arnaldus. I suggest you keep your mouth shut before I shut it for you."

In the meantime, Logan watched the exchange between Arnaldus, Ezekiel and Victoria. They were clearly not the ones fit for the job, not that they weren't trying. They were going to need her trust in order to convince her to stay, that, or some very impressive mind games. He knew he couldn't just watch the conversation and let his sister leave him for good. "You're becoming the kind of person you said you'd never become, remember? You call us weak for following the Order, but you would rather submit to our brute of a father and your abusive husband than stay with the people who'd cared for you for the last week. What do you think will happen once you return? You know father hates when his followers fail him, and you failed in taking us to the Ministry. Do you really want to go through that?"  Logan spoke with remorse and regret filling his tone. 

"It's not like that! He's not- I will not be... Oh just shut up already!" Screamed the frustrated girl. It was hard enough to ignore the knowledge of the pain waiting for her back home, Logan and Arnaldus asking why she wanted to go back was not making it any easier. "I know what's going to happen when I go back home you idiots! Do you really think I'm stupid enough to forget that? And you, Arnaldus, the one who thinks I value loyalty over freedom. You think it's easy choosing between you lot and them? It took me two months, Arnaldus, to months locked away in that cell to even consider leaving the Order, do you really think the Ministry is any different? No, it isn't. I go through the same shit every day, but you know what? I would rather suffer minor injuries than be with the losing team. Because you will loose, and once you do and you're all in Azkaban looking at those dementors straight in the face while someone is bringing a whip down your back you'll understand why I left. If I get caught with you, which I will, I'll be sent to Azkaban and left there to rot. If I go back to the Ministry, I get to live free." 

@Saru  @HoneyBear-Kat @MuffinRPs @Rui
Phoenix's anger was rising fast. He decided to take his brother inside the cave and set up a spot for them both so they wouldn't have to listen to the fighting. He carried his brother and their things inside and hid in a corner alone. Phoenix set Percival down against a rock and rolled out their sleeping bags. He set Percival inside and zipped it up. He needed to feel comforted, protected and safe. His panic attack needed to subside. Phoenix sat their and stroked his brother's hair whilst coaxing him, "It's okay Perci. We'll find Dad and Pops. We can go home. We won't have to stay out here forever. I promise." Phoenix kissed his little brother's forehead and rocked him gently so he could fall right to sleep.

Once he did, Phoenix stepped outside with the other's, "Thank you all so much," he said sarcastically, "Because of all of you my baby brother had a panic attack. You're lucky I don't punch you all now." He was kissed. It was his brother's first panic attack in a long time. He was pissed and he was close breaking.

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