In Character Roleplaying


Quinn closed her eyes, contemplating. 

Yes, a last stand...

She chuckled darkly, "God, we sound like the lone rangers in a bad western film." 

She shook her head sadly, "So we're walking to our death, hoping to reignite the spark of revolution?"

She sighed, "Arnies' right, we can't keep hiding in the shadows if we want people to think we're strong or unafraid." She sipped her tea thoughtfully, "It takes bold strokes to paint  a masterpiece, even if you use too much paint." 

She folded her hands in her lap, "So how?" 
His eyes followed Arnaldus as the man let him know he could rest after Victoria went to sleep. His sister had always been a night owl, preferring to stay awake during the night than the day, but now she wouldn't even consider closing her eyes until the early hours of the morning. During one of their late-night conversations, the boy learned that this was due to Victoria's newly developed distaste for the dark. She'd admitted that the reason she never slept during the night was because she simply couldn't sleep in the dark, not after Azkaban. Logan would've gladly told the others, but Victoria made him promise not to do so. It would make her seem weak in front of her enemies, and she'd showed enough weakness already. It was because of this that Logan kept the fact that he wasn't sleeping to look after his sister from the others, he knew they would want to know why or protest. 

Having this knowledge made Logan chuckle when Arnaldus tried to tell him to rest if he ever felt too tired, as if he hadn't overdone it already. "Thanks, Arnaldus. I'll keep it in mind," Logan spoke, his arm still gently rubbing his sister's in a comforting manner. "But don't worry about me, I'll sleep as soon as I feel like I'm overdoing it. But I'm more than fine," the boy lied, followed by another yawn. 

"You should go to sleep, Logan. Your yawns have been driving me insane and you will become a nuisance if you faint because of exhaustion." Victoria spoke, gaining a few surprised looks from the rest of the Order. Apart from the occasional wave of insults and screams, the Slytherin girl barely ever said a word unless she was talking to Paige or Logan. To hear her utter such a calm answer was probably shocking for some, but she honestly couldn't care less. All she cared about was getting her brother to leave so she could stay with the Carrow girl. Her relationship with the girl had been civil before the wedding, but it had taken a bad turn after the bar. She probably wouldn't have cared about the girl if it weren't for the fact that she'd invaded her head without permission, which made her the only member of the Order with knowledge of what had happened inside the fortress. Victoria saw her as a enemy, and she was sure the girl didn't like her much either. She knew their little nonverbal battle could turn ugly, and she didn't want the only ones in the Order who treated her like the adult she was to see her attacking another member of the Order. Her only option was to send Logan to bed, to stay with the ones who she hated the most and set things straight once and for all. 

Without thinking it twice, Logan stood up and walked towards the discarded blankets and sleeping bags on the floor, grabbing a blanket and a pillow to arrange his usual uncomfortable bed. The boy was asleep in a matter of seconds, not caring about whatever Arnaldus and his brother were talking about. Victoria's blessing had been all the convincing he needed. After a good night's rest, the boy was sure he would be able to keep up with the group without passing out  the next day. 

Back to the Order, Victoria was now sitting straight in the place previously occupied by her brother, listening to Arnaldus' plan with interest. It was a good plan, which meant Victoria simply couldn't let them go on with it. She was still loyal to the Ministry, after all, and the plan could work if done well. "That's stupid," stated the Slytherin girl, wrapping the blanket over her shoulders tightly around her. "Alexander was turned too, he's probably one of my father's most aggressive soldiers, one working on finding you lot. Everyone and their mother has turned to the Ministry, and it will take a miracle to get them to switch sides. That is, if you get to contact anyone, which is not possible. You want to advertise the Order, show that we're- you're still standing and want more members. But there's been public executions, humiliation, rapes, tortures..." her speech lost its force, it was a hard subject to talk about, "for the Order and the ones who supported it. Do you think anyone wants to go through that again? Besides, there is no way you'll be able to show these little advertisements of yours. The Prophet is controlled by the Ministry and won't publish anything you send them and the only group of people who always seem to want a rebellion are all in Hogwarts. A place that, if you haven't forgotten, is impossible to enter if you're not a student." Victoria spoke. Not bothering to hide the laugh that came after the speech. "You got one thing right, Andrew is probably looking into your lies. He likes to do that, he's a complete idiot."

(decided to get Logan out of the way to focus on Victoria's relationship with the rest. 

BTW: I love your idea, this is just Victoria talking. 




Quinn closed her eyes, contemplating. 

Yes, a last stand...

She chuckled darkly, "God, we sound like the lone rangers in a bad western film." 

She shook her head sadly, "So we're walking to our death, hoping to reignite the spark of revolution?"

She sighed, "Arnies' right, we can't keep hiding in the shadows if we want people to think we're strong or unafraid." She sipped her tea thoughtfully, "It takes bold strokes to paint  a masterpiece, even if you use too much paint." 

She folded her hands in her lap, "So how?" 

Arnaldus looked over toward Logan and watched as he went over and got some sleep after Victoria's blessing. Now turning his attention to Victoria and taking a sharp grin crossing his face in intial reply to the woman. Either she had just shown some interest and share some opinion of the order and their new path and plan like she was coming around or she was liking the plan enough to consider it good..... her loyalty to the ministry showing through veiled disapproval of his plan, if it was good and could work and she still felt loyalty to her former captors then stalling or outright derailing the plan seemed likely. But then again maybe she was coming around...... it was hard to tell. "Thanks for confirming my thought on the matter. It helps solidify what we mustn't do and who to avoid in assisting right now." He smiled turning her comments on Alexander into something positive. A small gesture to point out how she just helped them. "Now, now dear.... your having me worried. The ministry seems to have taken all the creative and vast range of thinking you once possessed, if you truly think I'd use the prophet and common forms of advertisement, common magical signals to communicate with fellow members of the order and to speak to the people." Arnaldus spoke making a few points of his own though not really going into detail and fuller reply just yet. Just starting off with a little counter to some of her points and would expand in time. Truth be told, Arnaldus didn't much care for the prophet as they were heavily influenced and controlled by the ministry even before a dark lord ran the wizarding world in the U.K and kept all in line with fear, torture, rape, killings and other brutal acts. Well most of the people anyway. So using the prophet himself was rather odd and would be for him. "All those very reasons you list for not going through it again by joining us in fight. Are precisely why they must. What kind of life would this be? Living under the fathers regime and his tyrannical,  brutal and even dark ages style of keeping folk in line. Muggles, Muggleborn, half-bloods.... they shouldn't be treated like servants and second class citizens for merely being born and being who they truly are. I'm a Pureblood, much of my family consists of Purebloods but doesn't mean we agree the ideology, many other families think the same, not just mine. So plenty should and can rise again and fight this damn regime of your fathers. And once Victoria you saw and believed in that, you can't tell me after all this, you've simply given up and turned tail to your father? I can't say what he's done to you exactly. But Damn girl... Your not you right now and you seemed to have lost that genius mind of yours and who we are, if you give us little credit of how we will go about this, prophet and expected ways that'll garner attention and prove impossible while being our end.... that isn't the way of the order, the order you started some time back with myself, Dorian and Thaddeus in addition to all those who came shortly after. You haven't forgotten James and all of the rest have you?" Arnaldus continued realizing he was both getting off point and bringing back painful losses that still effected him. He used James intentionally since he unintentionally was getting off point, he had hoped to strike at the core of the old Victoria, but it had a double effect as James was a close friend of his as well. The pair joked and teased often back then, they had different styles perhaps but got along quite well. 

"Never mind...... I'm getting off key and bringing back old memories, no good will come of thinking about the past. You however made a good point Victoria, Hogwarts is one place where rebellions are always popular."  Arnaldus spoke giving points to Victoria when she spoke of a point they could agree on while she seemed against them still. But her minor slip and recent warming up to Paige and Logan still provided something for the blond hufflepuff to think on and take in good measure. Now looking to Quinn as she spoke his eyes taking a sharp and certain glance as she mentioned a bad western film and how they sounded, a chuckle following but his eyes told he wasn't ready to call it just yet, a last stand perhaps. But he was certain that if done well they could survive this and help bring down the enemy they helped anger....... or die trying perhaps. His hazel eyes that seemed to show some color of green and brown with touches of gold softened a bit as Quinn shook her head sadly and spoke. He placed his arm around her and held tight for a moment as he exhaled a breath and looked up to the caves ceiling with a look of sadness filling his features for a moment. "I'm hoping to avoid that if at all possible. But yes, it's quite possible we will not walk back from this alive, rather we could be carried and buried after all this is said and done. And it is all for the chance to start another wave, another revolution. Every time a dark lord rises, the same fear, same rebellion and same troubles arise with it. If history tells us anything...... it's someone will always be there to rise up and meet them. No matter the personal cost." He spoke trying to reassure while giving a glimpse of hope that maybe they could survive this move. "It's always for the greater good.... of all." 

Arnaldus then smiled and seemed rather lifted by her sentiment and metaphor. He rather liked that analogy of it taking bold strokes to paint a masterpiece. "Well how... how indeed. My plan isn't full proof but it's bold, tactically advantageous in reward if we're successful. And Symbolic to the order." He spoke now looking toward each and every one person present and listening. Giving a smile to Victoria as he knew how she might react to this one way or the other, depending on loyalty to the order and her old self or loyalty to the ministry. "First off, we will not be using the prophet for communication or advertisement. Magic will be limited to unrelated necessity for now. We are still under age and can be tracked. But owls..... animals of many kinds can aid us where those cannot. They don't use magic, they can't be tracked and monitored so easily, too many and too far spread. They alone will be our voice, our way of communication and reaching others." He spoke starting to lay out his plan and keeping observant of each and their body language. Taking note of reactions and physical signs of dislike, hesitation, refusal or agreement. "It's simple, basic and old school. It may be seen as expected but will prove far more difffcult to prevent or get ahead of, as they in the ministry can't be everywhere all at once, they'd be spread too thin and exhausted by getting mere attempt. They'd lose track eventually. So it's the best option. Not to mention the most silent of our options. Then comes phase two; That's where a safe and beneficial meeting place will be discovered, agreed upon and where we meet up. Which leads to phase three, planning and organizing. Tactics are never perfect, but most efficient and greater of odds when done well, plus sticking to the plans until we must fall back to plan B,C and etc. or even improv if it really goes amiss. Phase four is where I believe we will set up our strike force and pinpoint a coordinated assault." He paused giving a thorough look to each while in pause. Looking rather serious, committed and certain of the idea. "We're taking back Hogwarts!" Arnaldus stated boldly standing fully behind the statement and selection of targets. He saw symbolism, tactical advantage and many other benefits in taking Hogwarts back from the ministries hold. Not to mention it would in its own certainty whether truth or lies, good or ill capture the public attention and through even the prophet as Hogwarts often had been talked about and publicized in the papers over the years. If that didn't get people's attention then arnaldus didn't know what would. 

@thefan1 @Rui

(Ok cool. And glad you like it!) 
Victoria snarled at Arnaldus as he mocked how she'd helped them by revealing Alexander had turned to the Minister's side as well. Her angry glare turned venomous as he made fun of her seemingly gone intelligence due to the Ministry's hold on her. How dare he? All she gained from Azkaban had been knowledge, wits and power. He was nothing compared to her, just a speck of dirt meant to be shrugged of. Yet, his comments still made her blood boil. Maybe it was because this was Arnaldus she was talking to, and she'd never heard him say she was anything but brilliant before, or because she was his captive and he had the upper hand for the time being. The reason didn't matter, as long as she controlled himself and refrained from launching herself on top of her former best friend and ripping his tongue out of his mouth, something she'd been dying to do for a while. "Shut up. You know nothing, nothing about what I gained from the Ministry. I'm far more brilliant than anyone else in your decaying little group and you know it. I was simply foolish enough to think you had a hint of thought inside your hollow brain, at least enough to understand the Phropet is you best choice. It's a pity, to see you've grown so foolish, you would've been great for the Ministry," the Slytherin girl spat back, not caring if what she said made sense or not. In fact, she didn't care if the man was insulted by her comments. What he'd said had been a personal insult, something she wanted revenge for. Maybe her words wouldn't hurt him, but they certainly made her feel better. 

Victoria's attempts at remaining calm all went down the drain as he began speaking about the reasons the others would stand up against the Ministry, using her own words against her. She stood up, pointing a grimy finger at him with eyes narrowed to slits and a face that could give the Minister himself a reason to fear his daughter. "Now you listen to me," she began, slowly walking towards the pair, "don't you ever underestimate the power of the Ministry. You think those Mudbloods are not afraid? Do you really think they'll be willing to join your Order after what has been happening to traitors? Once the Minstry's got you, you're not coming back, not the same. I've made sure they know where their place is, I've made sure every single person knows what will happen to them if they dare even think the name of the Order. You have no idea the horrors that happen in there, but the others do. Oh, they've all experienced it. And now? Well, they're kissing my father's feet as we speak. Yes, I used to believe that. Yes, I formed the Order in a moment of weakness, but my father has helped my see the error of my ways. I'm not the idiot girl I was before, Arnaldus. I've gone to hell and back and still stand tall. So don't you dare think my father has ruined my wits, because that will get you killed." Victoria concluded, leaving behind the part of the Phropet, for she didn't have any words for it. Giving information to the Phropet was only good when you were on their side, and as much as she wished the Order could try and contact them to see that lead to their doom, she knew they couldn't be convinced. Besides, there were more important things to talk about, like the fact the Hufflepuff was now trying to use the ones who'd perished against her. Was he trying to guilt her into helping them? Because it wasn't working. Holding back the tears, Victoria chuckled and tilted her head to the side to mock him. "Thaddeus, Dorian, and James...yes, I remember. They're ones who you failed to protect, aren't they? It happened while I was being taken to Azkaban, didn't it? What happened to our little friends? Mmm....yes, I remember. Lovely hubby of mine showed me the pictures of their bodies. Thaddeus, hit by a killing curse. Dorian, attacked by one of my father's werewolf allies, quite fitting way for the mutt to die, wasn't it? And then there's James, the child of the boy who lived publicly executed right in front of his family. Where were you when that happened, Arnaldus? Were you busy playing house with your girlfriend?" 

Victoria covered her mouth so it would seem she was trying to cover her laughter, but it didn't work. Her faked laughs mixed with the sobs that were escaping her mouth as she spoke of her dead friends. Their times together were painful to think about. The friends who'd always been there for her, the one who became her first love, they were the ones that she would never see as enemies. The girl sat back down, trying to calm herself as Arnaldus spoke about his plan involving owls and taking over Hogwarts. Get a grip, Knight. You're missing out on a perfect opportunity to bring down the Order. 

And it was true, the Hufflepuff's plan could very well be her ticket out of the Order's grasp and most importantly, her ticket out of Azkaban once she returned to Knight manor where her father was probably waiting for her with a big punishment in mind. She could use one of those owls to send a message to a child of any death eaters in the school, the ones dying to gain the Minister's trust. They would show the Minister, who would now be informed of their whereabouts. Then she'll make sure they had a member of the Ministry meeting the others undercover, becoming friends with the other possible traitors and then betraying them, creating an ambush that would end the Order for once and for all. The problem was, she needed to gain the Order's trust if she wanted them to trust her with the letters. She gave this a few seconds of thought before he declared he would take over Hogwarts, that was her opportunity. Victoria jumped up again, a task slightly difficult due to the bump in her stomach. "You will not do such a thing! You'll be captured, and tortured, and killed! Do you want that, Arnaldus? Because I don't, and I will not let you die!" Victoria exclaimed, only to cover her mouth in shock just a few seconds later. It was a good thing thinking about her friends made her cry before, because the tears made her emotions all too believable. "I mean- that's not what I meant.... Of course I want you dead, go ahead and take over Hogwarts, I don't care if you die. Not at all, go kill yourselves and watch me dance over your graves! Ha- ha!" Sounding alarmed and ashamed, Victoria faked her mockery with a trembling lower lip and wide, wet eyes that added to the dramatic effect. "Oh who am I kidding? I can't even fool my family how am I going to fool you? I'm dead, that's what I am. They'll find out about my betrayal and I'll be sent to Azkaban again. Good job Victoria, you didn't learn your lesson. I hope you like being abused and your cell because that's we're you're going!" She said, pretending to speak to herself to seem more believable. 



Dany Saint



Dany appeared at the mouth of a large, rocky cave. She had apparated to the spot as soon as she had read the mysterious letter that had been sent to her hiding place. It had to be from the Order, only they knew where she had been hiding ever since she left Hogwarts. Hogwarts... the mere thought of the school made her grow sad. She had; had so many good times there yet she had been forced to flee when everything had gone down. Now, Dany's own family was against her aswell and had taken up with the Minister of Magic in the war against the Order but Dany would never follow her family into darkness, as history had proved, the good guys always won but now she was standing outside a cave in the middle of nowhere, things were looking grim. Dany let out a sigh before stepping up to the cave "Lumos" She whispered as she pulled out her wand. She held it tightly, ready to use the death curse on any foe that may be waiting for her in the cave. Better them then her. "Hello!?" Dany called out, perhaps foolishly as she walked deeper into the cave. Then suddenly up ahead she heard distressed voice. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped her wand even tighter and approached the voices. A small wind blew through the cave, whipping her hair from side to side as she moved ever further into the cave.

(Open for anyone)
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The methodology of using ones past brilliance and wicked clever to bring about a awakening as her Descent in to decay upon the aftermath of her stay at Azkaban had taken root in her core. Was wrong. The idea, the completely reverse nature of tactics he mentioned to Logan that could work in bringing Victoria out of this madness and morbid state through the ever powerful form of strength that be love, the nature of his reverse tactics were failing. He had hoped to draw out the old feisty, quick acting and clever girl he always knew and praised through verbal insult to her present form and how the ministry had drained her of all her clear, vivid and incredible mind she was known for once upon a time. It was harsh, it wasn't a natural mans easy thing for him to do, deep down he hoped she could see through his attempts and see what he was trying to do, but she hadn't. Not from what Arnaldus could see. So why would the always kind and caring level headed Arnaldus try such a thing, when he just had spoken to logan about the power of love and the connection one has with those long cherished? One couldn't say exactly. Arnaldus may be slipping himself..... or perhaps he saw something in Victoria that told him of a long severed connection that would be difficult to reestablsih in her present state. Paige and Logan managed a great feat, a breakthrough in their approach and constant presence with Victoria over the past week and two days time since the tavern encounter and ensued battle. But the tavern proved his own connection was at risk, seemingly gone. It seemed that way for everyone, but then a flash of Victoria appeared in the protecting of her brother against a approaching death eater occurred. Since others slowly seemed to be acknowledged and improved their status with Victoria, but Arnaldus though his decision to step aside and only occasionally step in played a part quite possibly. Didn't have the same turn out, he wasn't even acknowledged at every attempt or step forward in showing his presence, it seemed fair in its way but also telling perhaps. As time went on and more exchanges were made between them when they did talk, such as at the tavern and now, it became clear his connection was vanishing and for whatever reason he didn't see any better method for himself then to combat her madness with his own insulting of her present mind and loyalty to those who abused, tortured, captured and tormented for so long within Azkabans walls. Seeing it as a way to test her fight, her old quick reacting and sarcastic ways..... but to no avail. Oh, she did still have venom, she was still a capable threat of both words and ability... but the same fight and nature of old that he knew best wasn't appearing like he had hoped to see. 

It was painful to portray and do for his old friend. Tough love? No. It was simply a cruel manner used for a better intentions and a false belief that it was his only way to engage her within this state of mind. Even he wasn't sold on his own method, he didn't want to use such a way, seeing as no better then a ministry hands form of word play. And it wasn't, he may as well be treating her like a enemy rather then someone he long cared for and about. Fought side by side with on countless occasion, who he has suffered the breaking and mending of bones, shedding and loss of blood and much heartache with over the past years. Perhaps much was more so through this war and since its beginning, but students at Hogwarts before the order had their own troubles and fun, difficulties and experiences that were far less serious then what faced them now. Hearing Victoria's heated response back to him was both troubling to hear but more so to experience, a bout of verbal joust once again and he was responsible for starting it. But she still acted as though the prophet was a superior and best option..... proving her loyalties were still very much tied to the ministry. She mentioned how she was far more brilliant now then anyone in this decaying group of survivors that be known as the order, Third era and generation of the ever troubled world where dark lords rise. "No.... Its a pity you thought I would be a great addition to your ministry. It's like you don't know me at all anymore. I'd die before joining them. No amount of pain and torture will turn me as long as death remained an option..... And your faith in the prophets superiority of choices proves your loyalty even still," Arnaldus spoke through difficult and trying of moments. Battling through his boiling emotions and struggles, containing himself long enough to keep responding while his long overdue bottle of imprisoned and restrained pains, guilt and emotions were clawing at the cap and breaking down his defenses such as this exchange and continued rememberence had been doing. "Underestimating now are we? Is that what we have been doing this whole time? Underestimating a great power that brings looks over our shoulders and backs, that hunts us like prey? We live fear, death and pain. Muggles, muggleborns and all decent folk should should see that and understand why the risk of more, Oh so much more has to be taken. It's because we live it and fight for them and ourselves, that brings them to fight. We continue. We fight. We die. As much as they suffer because of what we aim to do...... and as much as we see it with every piece of news and sight of towns, wakes of destruction left behind the ministries path. Giving up only makes our lives and our future even worse. While the strong will only grow stronger with each passing year if allowed." 

Then came a response he knew he would regret bringing about. The friends, the lost.... the fallen. What he hoped to accomplish was risky, playing with a double edged sword always had been. As much as he hoped to remind and bring emotion out of Victoria it would also be his chink in the armor, his own kryptonite. It was a game of cards he knew he couldn't win but played anyhow. While one side held their emotions at bay the other was not. Arnaldus didn't nor couldn't restrain his tears or emotion any longer, his bottle was beginning to shatter before them and his care and measure to control and remain like old was fading rapidly. "Where was I? Where was I?!!!" Arnaldus snapped back with a mixture of pain and anger as Ezekiel stepped forward and commanded his attention through calling his name. "Back off Ezekiel! I don't need you to correct me here and now." He quickly turned and demanded he step off. While turning his attention to Victoria. "What have I been doing? You ask and think I was playing house with Quinn?..... What I was doing was keeping whatever was left of your legacy, of this order and finding them. Searching tirelessly while only their deaths entered my mind. Quinn while maybe disagreeable to you all and drawing your opinions, and whether I deserved to have someone there for me as I struggled on. As I all but gave up on everything, kept me going. She was there and kept me moving even as I lived, relived and played the deaths of every lost friend, loved one and member of this order over and over again. I still live it every waking moment, I've tortured myself every single moment as I wish I could get my hands on a time turner and go back and trade places with you all! But I can't. So what I've been doing is fighting to help this order and those in it, those separated and lost to us. Fighting for your damn legacy!"  Arnaldus replied in increasing tone and strength of lost and driven emotional response. Going silent as he merely looked down and struggled a breath in exhale as his eyes closed tight and tried to regain some control over himself even if just for a moment. 

"That is what in bloody hell ive been doing. I recall every name, every memory and every loss until I'm simply no longer able. Even as I look upon a woman who I as many had... revered and praised, called my friend and my best at that. While she calls us monsters and is nearly, completely unrecognizable. All the while she called her old self a idiot and her present a brilliant and more powerful,  better woman for what she has been through and become. Perhaps my methods were wrong.... but out of desperation and misguided belief one does foolish things. You are right Victoria, I failed. I failed to protect them, protect them all and protect you. I live that failure every moment as my memory will never forget, I can admit failure. My clarity of reality is still mostly in tact even if by a thread..... How about yours Victoria Knight? Friend.... Sister and founder and leader once to this now decaying order." Arnaldus spoke opening his tear filled reddened eyes looked up from the ground and toward Victoria. 

Hearing Victoria jump up with a statement about his plan. Hearing what she didn't want to happen and what they will not do. Arnaldus turned to his side looking away and toward the caves entrance before briefly looking back to Victoria and to each respectively with a silent, saddened look of quiet. "We can't keep running, we can't hide forever, eventually the odds say we'll be captured and done in. Torture and the deaths of you all isn't what I want. But I'd rather go out on my own terms then the terms of another, of a foe. I won't force this plan on you, I won't guilt you into joining or think less of you if you decide to stay. But that's my plan and that's what I'll be looking to do." Arnaldus spoke as he turned away and walked toward the entry to return to keeping watch and getting some air. "You can't fool us because we loved Victoria knight. Still do.... while I can only imagine what you went through, it's your call now. You'll have to pick a side. The Order or those you call father and husband respectively, your fate is ultimately out of our hands now." He added in reply to Victoria's back and forth, aloud struggle with herself and seeming pull of sides she was on. 

Walking out toward the caves entry and comig upon Danny, a fellow member of the order and survivor. Arnaldus took pause out of shock and momentary disbelief, looking back toward the others in wondering how or who found and sent for Danny. Looking to Paige and Greyson as fellow Ravenclaws as the likely possibility and returning to focus on Danny, Arnaldus struggled but out on a smile despite his state and nodded. "It's good to see you alive and here. The others are further in" He spoke and gestured toward where the others were while looking to the outside. "If you'll excuse me..... I need some air and return to watch." And with that Arnaldus continued outside and took a spot before the cave overlooking the landscape under the moonlight to stand as he folded his arms and kept a hold on his near empty beer that he had been nursing all night. While taking his wand out from sleeve and returning to watch outside with his eyes focusing on the task of observance. 

@thefan1 @Rui @SuperSpice 
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Quinn's back went rigid at Victoria's comments on the fate of Arnie's friends.
She waited until he was gone before turning back to Victoria with a look that was positively blood curdling.

"Okay, bitch," She started, slowly walking over, "You've chosen the wrong side. And I'm going to make it perfectly clear." Her serpent-like eyes were filled with malicious intent. "I'm going to enjoy this." She smirked, kneeling before her. 
"You wana cause pain? You want to get us killed? " She grabbed her hair, yanking it painfully above her head, relishing in the agony it would cause. She tore out a sizeable clump in the process.

"Harm one hair on Arnaldus's head, and I'll end you," she yanked sharply, "slowly," another tug, "and painfully." A twist, a final tug, and she dropped her on her face. 

"I  guarantee it will be worse than anything they could ever do to you in Azkaban." She leaned into her ear, her voice no more than a hiss, 
"Because I've been there, and I've killed inmates for far less than you. Maybe let the dementors suck you dry." She stood, watching her with a sneer, "There wouldn't be much left for them though. Not when I was through." She began to walk away, pulling arnaldus's coat tighter around her. 

"Remember that, Ms. Knight. It was lovely chatting with you." 

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Victoria's eyes widened at Arnaldus's reaction to the way she blamed him for their friend's deaths, but she didn't comment. The subject of their deaths was best left alone, especially after the way Arnaldus reacted. One more insult, and the wandless Victoria would be in danger of encountering a skilled and angered duelist with the support of the whole Order. Who would defend her? Logan? Victoria scoffed at the thought of her brother being able to bring down the Order. He was so exhausted that she could still hear his snores, the ones that should've ended once the first insults came around.   Even of the boy did wake up and tried to help his sister, it would be a lost cause. So, Victoria bit the inside of her cheek and listened to his rant. The despair and grief in his words was evident, and Victoria was greeted with a vision of the past. Was that how she'd looked after hearing about her friend's deaths? The desperation, the anger, they were all too familiar for the heir of the Knight family. 

And just when she thought he couldn't surprise her anymore, he gave her the option to escape the Order's capture. Victoria's mouth dropped open as he asked wether she would stay with them or not. Stay with the broken, losing team filled with children trying to overthrow a government, or go with the luxurious and powerful life her family promised her. 

What a though decision. 

The first order of business would be to retrieve her wand, currently hidden in Logan's mess of a bag. Then, she'd apparate back to Knight manor and inform the Minister of the Order's whereabouts and plan to take over Hogwarts. Victoria's eyes gleamed with her newest plan quickly forming in her brain. Letting their prisoner free was soon going to become their greatest mistake. 

Oh, it was glorious. Victoria didn't fail to notice Quinn's fierce glare and assumed it was because she knew she would be returning to the Ministry. Her worlds matched her motive, but Victoria couldn't care less. Arnaldus wouldn't let Quinn harm the friend he claimed to love before she turned to the other side. But Quinn made her care, she yanked Victoria's brown locks with fury and dropped her to the ground while sending harsh threats her way. Victoria slowly turned around to lay on her back as Quinn continued her verbal assault. 

"Are you sure about that, Quinn?" Victoria asked, her right eyebrow raised in an aristocratic manner only a member of the Knight family could pull off. "Oh honey, it's so depressing to see a skilled girl such as yourself degrade herself for this. You read my mind, you've seen exactly what happened to me in Azkaban and trust me when I tell you that you don't have what it takes to recreate those atrocities. I know people like you, Carrow. I saw inmates being killed and tortured by monsters like you outside my cell every single day. The same thing was done to me by people far more powerful than you and I'm still breathing, aren't I? You won't last long in this war, Ms. Carrow. But at least you do try to seem like a threat. If I were a first year mudblood, I'd be afraid of you." Victoria replied with a large smile, watching as the girl returned to her boyfriend's side. 

The Slytherin girl slowly massaged her swollen stomach to check if she could feel any kind of damage from the fall. Unfortunately, the baby was as healthy as always, judging by the fact there was no visible blood and her head was the only part of her body that hurt. With her smile turning into a frown, Victoria slowly stood up from the ground and turned to face the entrance, only to face the one person she though she'd never see again. 

"Dan?" Victoria breathed out, her left hand extending her left hand towards her friend, expecting her to be another one of those current hallucinations that she knew so well during those days in Azkaban. But Arnaldus acknowledged her presence as well, meaning the girl was real and she was present. She didn't give it a second thought before she launched herself on top of her friend, longing for a real friend during these moments of darkness and despair. "I thought you were dead! My father told me you weren't in the picture anymore, it convinced me you'd been killed. But....look at you! Oh, I missed you so much!" The girl exclaimed as she squeezed her friend to death. 





Dany Saint


Dany moved ever so slowly into the cave before suddenly she spotted a figure moving towards her. She tightened her wand hand ready to utter the infamous death curse before her hand suddenly softened as the figure became clearer, it was Arnaldus, she lowered her wand as she examined the shock and disbelief on his face at the sight of her. Many members of the Order had been killed or imprisoned, Dany couldnt help but feel that the Order had finally lost. Look at what was left of them, hiding in a cave in the middle of no where.


Dany nodded at Adnaldus's words before walking past him, her guard now down. "Dan?" She heard a very familiar voice speak. She looked at the source and it was Victoria, her best friend, or atleast she used to be. Suddenly Victoria launched herself at Dany who caught her in a long hug. She was so happy to see her besty again. She had spent to long hiding in an Order safe house, alone with no friends to talk to but now she was reunited with what was left of the Order, which didnt seem to be much.


"Im not dead yet, i've been rotting away in one of the old safe houses for the past few months" Dany spoke back to Victoria through a crushing hug. Dany looked over her friend and into the safe house, spotting Quinn, a slytherin girl and a fellow Pureblood witch.

"Is this all that's left of us?" Dany asked, still hugging Victoria, her voice was filled with sorrow as she spoke and remembered all the good friends that had died in the war.

Victoria's firm grip and large smile softened when Dany spoke about her whereabouts for the past few months. When her friend arrived, Victoria hadn't thought about the fact that she was a member of the Order, thinking she would've joined the Ministry due to her pureblood status and influential family. Now, as Dany asked if they were the only survivors left, a strong sensation of guilt and sorrow made an unwelcomed appearance in Victoria's stomach. How to tell Dany, the friend she'd mourned for months, she would be joining the enemy just after seeing her again. Victoria slowly moved her arms away from the girl and crossed them across her chest. "I- I guess so. The Ministry has done a good job wiping out the Order, so I doubt there are any more members out there. The're all...dead, or in the Ministry," she explained, awkwardly running her arms and keeping her eyes away from her friend. 

"Dany, why are you here?" Victoria asked, "you come from a powerful family, members of my father's inner circle, why join the Order when you could have so much power? We're- you're losing this war, isn't it better to join the winning team? You saw what happened to our friends, James, Dorian, Thaddeus..." she asked, despite already knowing the answer. She remembered her motivation when the Order was created; to bring justice to the Wizarding World and put an end to her father's tyranny. Most people in the Order had the same goals, and it had grown stronger within herself during the last week with the Order. But why were they choosing justice over power? Why weren't they as terrified of the Ministry as she was? 

"You don't have to stay here, Dany. I was just about to grab my wand and leave when you came in. The only way to survive is by joining the Ministry, and I'm already losing my little brother, I don't want to lose you too." Victoria spoke, sorrow filling her voice as she looked at her sleeping little brother. She didn't want to think about his heartbroken reaction when he realized his sister had left them after everything he'd done for her. "We need to look out for ourselves, Dany, and we won't last in this Order for more than a year. Just imagine us in those grand manors, imagine the power we'll have once my father invites you to join his inner circle. Just imagine what will happen once he dies and the title passes on to his oldest heir, the things I can do to improve our world as Minister of Magic. Doesn't that sound great?" 

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He stood before the cave like a statue as still in the night as on man could be. Beer now gone and tossed aside with a shattering of glass as the bottle hit the ground off to his right, scattering of broken glass spread across the ground. Only thoughts crossing his mind and observation of view as he stood watch outside ran through his line of sight, the descendent of helga hufflepuff was running out, the well of eternal thought and tactics was running dry, it was increasingly and long evident to him that his time was nearing the end of the line, the order and everyone left in it.... were living the last days of their glory struck and fading power days. He spoke of the odds bein against them, but always countered with a hope, a slim chance of beating the odds and overcoming certain death as they had so far and for so long now. As many of the Order died, got captured and were executed publicly. They yet lived and fought, walked on and continued in hiding and running. But for all his talk, for all the plans he had used up, made and intended, Arnaldus knew full well the order was reaching their last days, their final breaths. And now he wished to make one last stand, one last move against the ministry to show they yet fought despite it all. But who was he kidding? Victoria was right. The ministry had succeeded in forcing the hopeful into obedience and silence through fear and torment. No move of theirs could change that. Now he would lead the remaining order to their deaths all for one last stand on their own terms. But it wasn't their terms... was it? It was his term. The last exchange with Victoria revealed his card, he would and did give them all a out, would let them decide what they will do and where they go by telling them to follow him or stay behind and select hiding and running for as long as they could or desired, while letting Victoria decide her fate and side in this fading war. Leave and return to the ministry, tell them of the orders whereabouts, plans and whatever else could revealed or choose the order. A simple and perhaps regrettable decision made out of what he saw and felt. But he made it. The tough call after they finally got their friend back after so long and had wished for. If she chose the ministry and revealed plans then he would need to adjust, become all the more determined to string together insurances and alliances from those that may be in thought of or forgotten. He would neeed to counter as best as he could and forsee them doing to in using their plans as their own mighty downfall. 

Arnaldus did have a few tactics left should that come, he did have low flowing stream left to draw from in his well that is all but dried up. The word hope had always been present in Arnaldus Smith and used like a tool. But what was once only fading yet had a small glimmering of light amidst the overwhelming darkness was now blown out like a candle in the wind. He accepted his fate a long time ago and while he desired change, success of the order and betterment of lives for all humanity and creature alike, it was becoming rather clear it would not come in this era. No, in this generation it seemed all the more certain that the evil and darkness in this world would win. Where Grindlewald had finally fallen to Dumbledore, where Voldemort fell the first time to the order and the power of  a mothers love for her child and sacrifice to bring about the boy who lived and where the boy who lived would go and defeat Voldemort for a second and final time alongside his friends, Dumbledore and the army and order that stood with them. It may not nor likely would not be this time. 

Dany Saint

(Hope this isnt to bad, im absolutely wrecked!)


Dany stayed silent as Victoria spoke, looking at her intently. Dany was loyal to the order, yes it was true that she could easily go back to her parents and join the Ministry, probably in a high position too but that's not what she wanted. Dany's heart filled with anger and betrayal as she listened to her friends words. Her hand tightened on her wand as she felt like pulling it on Victoria. But then... a dark thought crossed her mind. Something that could change their luck in the war. If she were to pretend to join the Ministry and then kill the minister, she could completely throw the Ministry into chaos, giving the Order a chance to thrive once again. Then again, it was Victoria's father that she would have to kill, but it was for the good of the whole wizarding world. She was going to do it,

"You've got a point..." Dany sighed, pretending that she was starting to become swayed by Victoria's words but in truth she was not. All she wanted to do now was kill the Minister of Magic with the infamous death curse that had been used on so many of her friends.


It had been months since James and Iggy had disappeared. While at first their disappearance was just a temporary way of preventing their lives from being taken, when the news of their presumptive deaths, they decided to go with it. And, thus, they spent their days moving about in the shadows, making their own moves and progress in the cause they had started so long ago. They were almost entirely out of the loop, except for brief bits and pieces they heard about the war they danced on the outskirts of. They had no clue who, if any, of their friends were still alive. And, even they were still alive, if they were still sane. But despite not knowing and having no way of communication, the thought of their friends and comrades had played a huge part in their will to move forward.

Now, they approached a cave where faint but familiar voices were being carried to them on the wind. Their clothes were worn and torn in multiple places and they were almost unidentifiable underneath all the dirt and muck that covered their skin and their hair. They were weary of what they would find upon entering the cave and they creapt towards carefully, their wands held out in front of them in a defensive manner. 

As they reached the mouth of the cave, they took to either side, silently communicating with their eyes. They had played out this maneuver so many times in many different places. James would attack first using expelliarmus to disarm as many of them as possible. Iggy would take care of those who were left by stupifying them. Then they'd round them up and use the threat of their deaths to wiggle information from them before wiping their memory and setting them free and taking over their campsite. With a simple nod of the head, James took off, quickly moving into the cave and yelling expelliarmus at the nearest two bodies, disarming two females. Iggy moved in next and aimed her wand at a male but right at the moment she shouted stupify, she stepped on uneven ground and the spell hit the wall and then died in the dirt. Now they were in trouble, they immediate backed their backs against each others', ready for the duel that was likely to follow. 
Victoria gave her friend a kind smile and placed a hand around her shoulder, glad to see her plan had worked and she was slowly convincing the girl to join the Ministry's side. "I've always got one," replied the girl, briefly directing her gaze to Arnaldus and giving him a smug smirk. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face once he realised she'd managed to lure Dany away in such a short amount of time. That would make him bite his tongue about his "you're not brilliant anymore" comments. "Now, just let me get my wand and we'll be on our way. You can go ahead and tell Arnaldus where we're going- hold on, do you hear that?" Victoria asked, her attention now focused on the entrance as she heard footsteps approaching. Her first instinct was to go for her wand, but there was no wand to be found. The girl's head turned to warn the others, but the spell hit her before she was able to utter a word. The spell hit her chest, and she was thrown backwards due to the force of the enchantment. Whoever attacked her had the intention of disarming her, and it seemed the only advantage of being a prisoner and not being allowed to have a wand was proving to be useful for the first time. 

She didn't waste much time and she crawled to her sleeping brother's side, rubbing the sore part of her chest that had received much of the spell's impact. Victoria quickly shook her brother, who woke up with a start and reached for the wand under his pillow, obviously under the assumption his sister was an intruder. He realised he was, in fact, pointing the wand at his sister after a second of confusion. "What's happened? Is anyone in danger?" The boy asked, quickly raising to a sitting position as Victoria looked around for the bag that contained her wand. "Intruders. Give me my wand!" The brown-haired girl demanded, looking back towards the intruders to see their backs were facing each others'. It was now or never.  Logan quickly grabbed his bag and began searching for his sister's wand, buried under his unorganised clothes. "Is it the Ministry?" The boy asked, to which Victoria shook her head and rolled her eyes. "If it were the Ministry you'd all be dead. Now move on! We haven't got all day!" 

 Logan was finally able to get Victoria's wand out of his bag, and he wasted no time in handing it to her. "Terrific," she breathed out, "alright, here's the plan. I'll get the man and you get the woman. Make her a hostage, keep her alive, and for the love of Hogwarts don't do anything stupid," Victoria ordered. Logan nodded, and the pair stood up to fire spells at the couple. Victoria used the levicorpus spell against the male, making him levitate and hang upside down. Logan opted on a more passive spell and used expelliarmus against the girl, but he didn't even check to see if it worked before turning to Victoria. "What if it is the Ministry, Victoria? Two of those bounty hunters they sent after us, will you go with them?" The boy asked, almost innocently. His sister bit her lip and tried not to look at her brother's pleading eyes. "If they are with the Ministry then you will not be harmed, got it?" She replied, making it clear she did not want to dwell on the subject. She began working towards the male, keeping her wand pointed towards him while keeping her eyes on the other members of the Order, waiting for them to subdue the girl, who Logan had not been able to disarm. "Well, who are you?" 

They hadn't expected someone to be unarmed. Much to their dismay though someone was, and the girl was clever and quick thinking at that. Within a moment, James was floating a few feet above ground being held up by a levitation spell focused on his ankles. He cursed himself under his breath, but slowly faded away his mutters when the people in the cave began to talk. There was a young boy that James could clearly see and he asked the girl about the Ministry. This unsettled James. The Ministry was not a friend to him.

Plans of escape were racing through his head, though none of them were plausible or likely to succeed. He glanced over at Iggy who had no only fallen when she tripped but was now unarmed. How in the world would they get out of this one? He was getting ready to hit his attackers with some icy words when he heard the boy say a name. A certain name. One he had thought of at night while on the run but one he hadn't heard out loud in the months that he had been missing. Victoria. 

His green eyes flashed up to her face. They were only the recognizable part of him seeing as the filth covered the rest of him. His heart was hammering in his chest. All he had to do was tell her who they were and she would let him down, right? "V-Victoria? It's me. It's James. And Iggy. It's okay." He put his hands above his head, though it looked funny seeing as he was hanging upside down. 

At his words, Iggy's eyes widened and she studied the male and female before her. She still didn't recognize the boy, but the girl was, in fact, Victoria. She let a smile of relief show upon her face and she went to stand up. "You don't know how good it is to see familiar faces. We-"

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Victoria's eyes widened when the boy revealed his identity. She simply couldn't believe it. After all this time, after all the months spent apart, were James and Iggy really here? It seemed like a dream, one she would've had during the first few days after the wedding fiasco. The Order, her closest friends and oldest members all together during these horrible times, away from the Ministry and the wave of terror it had brought to their lives ever since Robert became Minister. "James? Iggy? What- what are you- I thought you were dead!" Victoria exclaimed, a smile now forming on her face as she began lowering her wand. 

It was almost too good to be true. James and Iggy, two members of the Order publicly executed for their crimes, suddenly coming back to life. 

Well, it did seem odd. Hell, she'd attended the executions! The ones that took place a mere day after she was released from Azkaban, the first time she saw the Ministry's power over the people as they were forced to gather around to see the deaths of two more members of the Order, examples of why not to turn their backs against the Ministry. They simply couldn't be here, it would be impossible! "James? Do you mean James Potter? And you're a Parkinson, aren't you?" Logan asked, his wand now down but the skeptical look remained in his eyes. "Yes, James Potter and Iggy Parkinson, quite the odd couple to find in the land of the living. Funny, I didn't think you'd still be able to walk after my father cut off your head in front of your fathers. I'm sure Mr. Potter doesn't expect it either. Should I tell the Minister to pay your family a visit? Make sure your darling parents and siblings know their little boy has come back to the land of the dead! But then again, they probably won't like to hear there's an impostor trying to act as their deceased son," Victoria replied, moving towards the hanging boy and crouching down in front of him. She was now staring directly into his eyes. "Tell me, Mr. Impostor, what is your real name?" She asked with a smirk, raising a finger to gently grace the skin around his eyes. 

Sensing a threat, Logan raised his wand and pointed it at the fallen girl once more. "What do you want here? Why are you so far away from any towns or cities?" Logan asked with a much kinder tone than the one his sister had used against the boy. It would do no good for the Ministry to send someone disguised as the deceased Iggy and James, so there was a possibility they were traitors, just like them. It would explain why they were looking for caves instead of houses to spend the night. "You're not from the Ministry, are you? We would've been dead otherwise."

The smile on James' face fell as Victoria tone of voice changed. He shook his head slightly, looking between her and the boy with a look of confusion on his features. "What? Of course, we're not from the Ministry. We're part of the Order. We- Oh, of course." A look of realization passed over his eyes. Of course, they would react this way. Victoria hadn't known of the escape plan. 

When Iggy and James had been caught and had come up with their elaborate plan to fake their deaths, it hadn't seemed plausible to tell any of the Order members. If they had known, the Ministry could get the information from them. It was safer to make everyone believe it. 

James glanced over at Iggy and gave her a look that was meant to tell her that he would take it from here. Then, he turned his attention back to Victoria. She looked different now. A little rougher around the edges, a new darkness in her eyes, but still clever and so very cautious. She didn't let her emotions overshadow her doubts. "You wouldn't know. We didn't tell anyone. When we were captured, they rubbed it in our faces that we would be executed in front of our families. But, you know me, always eluding death and what not. We - Iggy and I - we came up with a plan. A plan to make us die without really dying. Listen, the people you saw executed were imposters, made to drink polyjuice potion and look like us. By the time the executions took place, we were long gone. We've been on the move since then, doing our small part in the war while laying low. And that is why we were looking for caves and not a house." he added in, his eyes flickering over to the boy. "We couldn't risk someone recognizing us and turning us in."

"When we were captured," Victoria replied in a high-pitched mocking tone, her eyes narrowing as she pressed the tip of her wand between the impostor's eyes. "Oh please, anyone could come up with that story, I would be stupid to believe you. I'm sure you don't know me, honey, but I can tell you you're messing with the wrong people. If you're indeed lying, then you can say goodbye to those pretty little eyes of yours, they'll make a fine addition to my collection." The darkness in her eyes became even more evident as her glare turned quite mad, like it belonged to a deranged person. Victoria wouldn't dare to admit this, but she was actually doubting the Ministry. Could it be that these two teenagers managed to escape their grasp? The Ministry wouldn't allow it, and Victoria knew she would've gotten in trouble for not executing them on sight if she were with the Ministry. But they were the ones who almost let a group of teenagers bring them down, and she wouldn't put it past the same teenagers to escape death once more. "Alright, I'll play along. Let's see how much you've studied for the part, shall we? James Potter, along with others, was recruited for the Order the first day of classes in Hogwarts. How was he recruited, and what was the spell Victoria used to trap them all?" Victoria asked, a new plan forming in her head. She'd give him a fair chance to prove himself, if he managed to answer questions only James Potter would be able to answer then his life would be spared. If not, well, she could always use this as an opportunity to teach Logan how to cast the killing curse. "Last Christmas, what was the gift given to James Potter by Victoria Knight and what did he give her in return?"
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She being extremely thorough in her questioning and though James was irritated, he understood it. In this situation, he would be the same way. How many times had he and Iggy questioned people in the same manner? With the same amount of venom in their voices and the same malice in their eyes? Too many to count on his fingers and toes. Moving about uncomfortably where he sat floating upside down, he shook his head as he heard questions. 

A small smirk crept onto his lips as he thought of the memories which held the answers. First, the day the Order was first formed. He liked to think of himself as founder and that he had a large part in the scheme of things. Victoria had taken it upon herself to initiate everyone that wanted to join, a way of wiggling out those who were weak at heart or who's intentions weren't pure. Victoria had used incendio to trap them all in ring of fire, typically. And the second memory was a happier one. Last Christmas, at the Potter house, when they all really became close. He had been sitting on his favorite spot on the roof when he noticed Victoria dancing in the snow that was falling. She had never looked as innocent as she had then. Eventually they both ended up on the roof, just talking about life and that was where they gifted each other their gifts. Victoria had given James a new broomstick and James had given her an enchanted snow globe that had a miniature figure of a girl dancing inside of it. 

"I better be back on two feet when I answer these questions or so help me, Victoria... You used incendio to trap us and I wasn't necessarily recruited as I was part of the idea. And then you gave me a broomstick for Christmas, a safe bet because I love Quidditch. I gave you an enchanted snowglobe and you loved it, sweetheart."
Victoria's eyes turned softer, a kind smirk so different from her crazed look formed in her face as James answered her questions perfectly. Taking her wand away from his face, Victoria then used her sleeve to clean some of the grime resting in his face. Soon enough, his face was uncovered and she was greeted with a smile she thought she'd never see again. "James Potter...." Victoria whispered, mostly to convince herself that the person hanging right in front of her was in fact James. The girl quickly undid the spell levitating him and watched as he toppled to the floor. If he'd been planning to stand up, then Victoria made sure his plans were thrown in the gutter when she launched herself on top of him for a bone breaking hug. "It's you, it really is you," the girl whispered. 

Seeing this exchange, Logan was easily able to understand these people were members of the Order, despite this being the first time he interacted with any of them. He offered his hand to the girl still laying on the ground and helped her up. "I'm sorry for that, you can never be too careful, I'm sure you understand," Logan explained. Watching his sister, the one who would rather die before hugging one of the people who'd rescued her from the Ministry hug another member was heartwarming. Maybe there was some hope left for her. "I'm Logan Knight, Victoria's brother. Pleased to meet you."

Ezekiel Smith Arnaldus Smith

The sound of broken glass shattering upon the ground outside as the bottle hit, drew Ezekiel's attention from within the cave as Dany and Victoria caught up and spoke of joining the ministry. The uncommon and unlikely nature of Arnaldus and his absence of calm and control, hiding or bottling up whatever troubles him was evident. The years growing up together, wrestling each other in squabbles and fun or flying upon brooms in race and playing quidditch, attending Hogwarts as Arnaldus two years his senior was sorted into the common house amongst his family line of Hufflepuff and then two years later he himself was attending and got sorted into Ravenclaw house after some debate the sorting hat had going with himself. It was odd seeing his brother lose it, seeing his brother treat a old friend like that while she was in a unrecognizable state of madness and loyalty to those who place down her in Azkaban. The breakthroughs with Logan and Paige were coming along, but Arnaldus had more of a strain from what Ezekiel gathered. Deciding it was about time to head off after his loving brother and confronting his state face to face and not leave it be and shutting up like Arnaldus would prefer. Ezekiel got up and walked out of the cave, noticing first the broken glass and then trails of his brother faintly seen in the nights dark cover overhead and limiting light shining down. Taking out his wand and following the trails that led out into the woods below, Ezekiel headed out into search tracking his brother and wondering of what he was going to do or say once he caught up with him. Carefully walking and sliding down the small decline, eventually getting back onto flat ground continuing on after Arnaldus. Seeing less and less footprints as the trees started to block more light from the moon and stars. 

Turning his head quickly at every snap of twigs, rustling of bushes and fast movement across the ground while prepping his wand for swift action. Ezekiel caught sight of another, a tall light haired figure with quiet but audbile breaths and movement that was growing still. "Arnaldus?" Ezekiel tensed and hoped it was him as the clothes and blond hair seemed it most likely was and is his brother. The young Ravenclaw slowly approached him until reaching absolute certainty it was indeed Arnaldus. "Bloody hell! About sodding time I found you! What are you thinking going off like that without another or so much as a let-you-know as were your rules, brother O'mine."  Ezekiel snapped in commanding of tones. Standing directly behind Arnaldus and demanding answers. But Arnaldus standing there with his back turned and hardly a so much as a flinch to note his not alone any longer status, the demanding presence of his kid brother. He started to look back but paused midway, just enough to show a moving set of lips from a side angle but as he motioned his lips and were about to answer Ezekiel. He was cut off and quickly by the younger Smith lad. "You've done enough talking for now. Righ now you're going to listen and shut up! Have you gone mental? We finally get Victoria back and all you can say is verbally assault the woman she has become? What about the power of love and it will be a great method? Huh? What about that Arnaldus H Smith?! What about bloody that and everything you mentioned to Logan and putting Paige with him for support and caring for our friend." Ezekiel continued confronting his brother after a silent and disbelief stay on the sidelines as everything transpired. Demanding his brother give a reason, provide answers for what he has done. Anger and confusion, disbelief and sadness entering his voice in one loud verbal lesson and demand he and for his brother. 

As Arnaldus looked down toward the dirt and cold but sturdy ground that was a tad softer then the cave. Taking in every word and ounce of emotion his brother poured into one bitter dose of reality and how far he has fallen into a darkened view. Arnaldus need slowly, looking up toward his brother a bit more with each movement to face him, a broken, lost and absent look returning a gaze to Ezekiel. No sign of hope, no fire in his eyes, no light and nor even faked expressions of content and positivity as he suffered in silence seemed present as Ezekiel couldn't quite believe it. First Arnaldus finally snapped and now it was like his brother had no signs of  familiarity and life were left on the mans face. Just a sad, broken figure standing before him in his brothers body, it was like he was drained.... completely drained. "I'm not Logan, Ezekiel. Love stems from a power of connection between two people.... I don't recognize Victoria anymore, I can't recall the last time I had spoken to her and when you realize it... you begin to see a strained connection and Logans ran deeper anyhow. He was her kid brother and that blood never fades. It ties you to another for eternity and that sign at the tavern showed it." Arnaldus started to reply his eyes drifting off toward the trees and back toward Ezekiel. "The wedding?! You talked at the wedding." Ezekiel quickly tried to enter in a response. "No... it wasn't the wedding. I hardly spoke at all while there. I mostly kept quiet and drank, stood out front of the mansion and looked up toward the skyline and setting sun that was before my eyes. You asked if I have gone mental? Maybe I have. I don't feel the same.... brother. like I'm lost in a shroud of darkness with no light remaining to guide me or give hope. Your right... I broke my own rules by leaving with just myself out here wandering and getting some air. Victoria is right too. She may be morbid and unrecognizable to me, but her brilliance remains.... just darker then ever. We're done, the orders final stand will only prove nothing. The people are beyond us and any stand we make. Too much fear and torment and for too long.... approaching the centaurs will not be any assurance to outside aid and number. They will not help us. The students at Hogwarts..... have been sapped of all fight.... they will not help us. All possibility seems just that... possible but unlikely. We can't keep running and hiding as that only prolongs fate. But leading you all on some noble last stand and deciding our own way out is rather against odds on a great scale and the potential aid we can get only seems impossible to rise. It's not right, I'll only lead us into death. A death that seems forced and not chosen like my own acceptance." 

"You can't... you just...."  Ezekiel started but paused shaking his head. He didn't want to see his brother like this, see him without hope or fight. It was now Ezekiel who couldn't recognize his own brother as the man spoke on. Speaking of his plans in expanded form as being only a temporary advantage and prolonging of their deaths at Hogwarts through buying time with tricks and tactics and some counter measures he devised. He was sounding more and more drained as spoke some more and Ezekiel listened. "You can't.... you can't just give up! That's not you! I won't allow it Arnaldus."  the boy spoke finding his words and shaking off the disbelief to break his pause. "Those plans just might work. They can! Victoria just needs time and you need to quit being a pessimistic ass! Your optimistic and calm and always have been, you fight and keep fighting. That's your job damn you. I'm the over the top and emotional one here not you! So just pick yourself, dust off and try to patch this over..... something. You don't want this years long relationship to end like this do you? Giving up on Victoria and letting her leave for the ministry?!"  "It's not that simple Ezekiel!" "And it's not that damn complicated either!" The two brothers continued debating as Ezekiel managed to position himself to subtle coax his brother back toward the cave as he kept him distracted with slightly loud debate amongst one another.  The pair getting closer as they went on and navigated the path back toward the others and the cave.
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It had been so long since James had had a reason to truly smile. Sure, he and Iggy had exchanged the ghostly hint of them every now and then, mostly to keep each other sane. Occasionally you needed that when facing the reality that almost everyone you encounter wants you dead. Seeing Victoria's old smile, the one that he remembered even when the rest of her features had started to fade from his memories, made James' heart leap with joy. But that was soon diminished when the enchantment that was keeping him above ground broke and he toppled onto the dirt floor head first and landed with an 'oomf'. 

There was no time for him to recover from his fall or for him to make it to his feet before he was hit from the side by a Victoria sized presence. He let out a groan as her weight held him on the ground, another genuine smile finding it's way onto his lips again as he wrapped his arms around the girl in a long awaited hug of reunion. He buried his face in her hair and let out a soft chuckle at her words, murmuring back to her, "You are a sight for sore eyes. I was beginning to think I'd never see you again, either."

As Victoria and James lay there, catching up, Iggy watched for a moment before taking Logan's hand and getting to her feet. She studied the boy and came to the conclusion that he was not an original member of the Order. But, they didn't seem to be in any immediate danger because of him so she left her guard down and offered him a smile, nodding slightly at his words. "I most definitely understand, we both do. We would've done the same thing in your shoes." She joined the boy for the brief moment that he watched James and Victoria. Her smile growing when she saw the brightness of the smile on James' face. It had been too long since he had worn one like that. She turned her attention back to the boy when he spoke again, telling her his identity and Iggy's eyes widened. She study him, now seeing the many resembling features she had with Victoria and then she gave a truly genuine smile, saying, "It is so wonderful to meet you, Logan. Any family of Victoria's who doesn't want my head is a friend to me."
"Brilliant, you are. The both of you. Escaping from the Ministry's grasp. Even I couldn't do it!" Victoria said, remembering what he'd said about the way he and Iggy escaped after being caught by the Ministry. She carefully tried to raise their bodies without breaking the contact with James. She'd fallen way too many times that night, which was probably not good for a pregnant woman. "Not that this isn't comfortable or anything, but I'd rather avoid the floor from now on, care to give me a hand?" she commented, followed by a chuckle as they opted on a sitting position. After finally pulling apart from the boy, Victoria carefully studied his features and noticed he looked just as worn out as they did. A terrible thought stuck her mind just then; what if it was her fault? She and Alexander had given away most of the Order's safe houses and hideouts, which was why they were either destroyed or surrounded by Death Eaters. There was a possibility they'd stumbled upon one of these houses, a possibility they'd been with someone else who didn't have much luck against the Ministry. "So it's just been you and Iggy, then. You didn't happen to stumble upon more survivors, right? What exactly have you been up to?" Victoria asked, a slight sense of worry filling her tone. 

Logan noticed the girl's reaction after revealing his identity and chuckled, finding it comical how everyone seemed to have the exact same reaction every time he revealed who he was related to. "I know, I know. It's unsual to see a member of my family with you lot." he turned to see Victoria and James chatting on the ground, and a genuine smile rose to his face. It was so refreshing to see a Victoria that wasn't controlled by the madness Azkaban had left in her. He was starting to think he would never see her smile again without someone from the Order being in danger. Maybe James would be able to convince her to leave behind the Ministry and join her friends for the last stand. "Victoria and James, how close are they?" the boy asked, turning to Iggy. "He's the only person who's made her smile in the past week. We we're starting to think she was too far gone." Logan commented, taking a look around to notice the other members were nowhere to be seen. He knew they would be overjoyed to see James and Iggy were still alive, so the boy made a hand gesture to make sure Iggy would follow him and guided her to the entrance. "Oi! Are you done out there? We've got company!" the boy shouted, he then turned to Iggy and smiled. "Go on, say something. I'm sure they'll come running once they hear your voice." 

James was happy with whatever position they embraced in. He was just happy to be reunited with his friends. He chuckled softly at Victoria's praise for them, doubting completely that she wouldn't have been able to escape the Ministry. Victoria was brilliant, perhaps more so than James and Iggy put together. His smile stayed put on his lips even as he studied her features and picked apart the differences to what he remembered. She was thinner now and not in a healthy way. There were dark bags under her eyes and her hair was slightly unkempt. Her eyes had a glint of something new, something James couldn't quite put his finger on and there seemed to be an unexplained glow about her. He suddenly became very aware of his unfeatures when he realized that he was probably in even worse shape than she was. He eased again slightly when he heard the worry in her voice and he rubbed her arm comfortingly as he replied, "We ran into others on our way but we never stayed with them. It was safer and more efficient for it to stay the two of us. We were mainly trying to stay under the radar and on the run, though we did take out as many Ministry supporters as possible along the way and gathered bits of information when we could. What about you? How have you guys been handling everything?" He looked between her and Logan and then further into the cave at the two other female figures that were back there.

Iggy, having known that this would be how Victoria and James' reunion would go, did not seem phased by the display of affection. In fact, she was more interested in seeing the others who were with them. James wasn't half bad, but after spending months on end with him every day, she was ready for new faces. Logan's question caught her off guard and she looked at him with one eyebrow quirked in confusion. "They were pretty close before everything went down. James missed her more than anyone else, I think. They always had a way with each other. But, what do you mean you were starting to think she was too far gone?" she commented as she followed Logan to the entrance. She followed his lead as she shouted out into the night, "I was expecting a greater welcome back than this! Maybe a few hugs!"

Victoria bit her bottom lip and adverted her gaze from James when he asked how they'd been doing. She had no idea what the Order had been up to while she was in the Ministry and the information she did have was limited and didn't come from the most reliable sources. If she lied, then another Order member could tell him the truth, and Victoria wasn't too eager to lose his trust just after getting her friend back. "We're...surviving, I guess. I don't know what the others have been doing during the past few months. I was...busy....with other people and I only arrived a few weeks ago. For what I've seen, they haven't found any more members." She replied, buttoning her jacket and crossing her arms over her stomach to stop him from noticing the most obvious signs of her being with the Ministry. She was married, after all. James was probably smart enough to make the connection and she didn't even want to think about his reaction. "We've been on the move, though. That's been fun." She commented, a comment follows by a nervous chuckle and a lack of eye contact. 

Logan scratched the back of his neck as he tried to find an answer that wouldn't make Iggy leave because of who Victoria had become. With her ties to the Ministry, he couldn't blame her if she wanted to keep her distance from his sister and her deranged mind. Still, the threat of James finding out was still there and for what he'd seen, Victoria wouldn't like it if her dear friend turned away from her. "My sister has been through some though times. That has...well, let just say she's more unstable than she was before. I thought she was going to stay like that forever, but I'm sure James can bring her back." 

The boy stated. When Iggy shouted to get the attention of the other members, he placed his hands around his mouth to make his voice louder and joined the fun. "If you're too thick to notice, that was Iggy! James is inside and Victoria's taking all the fun so if you're planning on getting him back I suggest you come here now!"



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