In Character Roleplaying

Ira Walter


Ira hummed lightly as he put away his dishes.

Ira lived the humble life: a small cottage in the middle of the woods is what he called home. He was currently in the kitchen, which was a small room with walls of dark wood. He was standing over the sink of a stone counter, the faucet silently churning out crystal clear water. Ira was very precise with the enchantments: clean, fresh, and near-infinite drinking water was all that came out. With them, he could afford to use this water on dishes. 

Once he was done, he sat down in his quaint living room, on a couch adorned with soft wool. Ira picked up the most recent Daily Prophet, and started reading. As he skimmed the pages, he noticed the wanted images for the members of that Order he always hears about. He read them briskly, and set them aside in his mind.

Ira's approach on this whole situation with the Ministry was pretty negative. Even though he did practice the Dark Arts, he valued what he felt over what he's passionate about. 

As he was reading, he noticed a white light turn on in the forest outside, in his peripheral.. He looked up and to the window, and decided that it was someone that got lost in the woods, as they occasionally do. He continued reading.

After a bit, however, he heard someone shouting loudly in a shrill voice. Ira looked up, taking out his wand and gripping it by it's silver handle. He quickly reviewed the possibilities, and decided he should check it out. He ran swiftly out the door, closing it silently, and started silently rushing towards the light source.

Once he was close, he slowed down, and whispered "Quietus" so that he won't be heard. He hid behind a thick tree, out of sight, and quickly peeked to the commotion. What he found was a small group of people, teenagers, that were all seeming to argue. The girl with a small bump on her belly, though he could barely see it from behind, was the loudest, visibly angry. As they continued to speak, and as he listened, he recognized some of their faces. They're the ones from the Daily Prophet. The Order members. Ira realized. He had nothing against the Order. Actually, he supported them. What they were doing, Ira had no idea. They're probably on the run, with their faces being on every post in town and in the newspapers. 

The real question was if Ira should reveal himself or not.

He could tell, by the lights inside the cave, they were camping out there. He could offer up his house for them. That'd be the nice thing to do, and he'd also make allies in the process. In addition, he's been wanting to help out with their cause. From what he's heard, the woman's situation was confusing: was she a Ministry-sympathizer or not? "You would rather submit to our brute of a father and your abusive husband than stay with the people who'd cared for you for the last week." That makes sense: the two people that were turned mostly away were Logan and Victoria Knight: the children of the Minister of Magic.

Two choices popped into Ira's head: stunning the girl Victoria so he can approach peacefully, or just interrupt.

He chose interrupt.

Stepping out from the woods and into the clearing, he called out as the Metamorphagus spoke up about his brother. "Hello! I am a friend and I can offer you guys shelter. Don't attack."
Victoria scoffed at Arnaldus' remark, mocking him for trying to make her see what he thought was the truth. "You really think that's what makes a person a prisoner? Being physically abused? Being a prisoner means being confined, captured by the enemy against one's will. You haven't done anything to me except for a few spells and one punch, I'll give you that. But do you really think I want to be here? Granted, life in the Ministry isn't exactly... easy... but it's better than spending my nights in the cold floor hoping one of you wont stab me while I'm trying to sleep!" Victoria spoke, keeping her gaze on Arnaldus and not daring to break her cold gaze. Like they would know anything about being prisoners, the ones who got away. Victoria's jealousy, masked by a mask of hate and anger broke away from its confinements. "You don't know what being a prisoner is like, Arnaldus. I suggest you keep your mouth shut before I shut it for you."

In the meantime, Logan watched the exchange between Arnaldus, Ezekiel and Victoria. They were clearly not the ones fit for the job, not that they weren't trying. They were going to need her trust in order to convince her to stay, that, or some very impressive mind games. He knew he couldn't just watch the conversation and let his sister leave him for good. "You're becoming the kind of person you said you'd never become, remember? You call us weak for following the Order, but you would rather submit to our brute of a father and your abusive husband than stay with the people who'd cared for you for the last week. What do you think will happen once you return? You know father hates when his followers fail him, and you failed in taking us to the Ministry. Do you really want to go through that?"  Logan spoke with remorse and regret filling his tone. 

"It's not like that! He's not- I will not be... Oh just shut up already!" Screamed the frustrated girl. It was hard enough to ignore the knowledge of the pain waiting for her back home, Logan and Arnaldus asking why she wanted to go back was not making it any easier. "I know what's going to happen when I go back home you idiots! Do you really think I'm stupid enough to forget that? And you, Arnaldus, the one who thinks I value loyalty over freedom. You think it's easy choosing between you lot and them? It took me two months, Arnaldus, to months locked away in that cell to even consider leaving the Order, do you really think the Ministry is any different? No, it isn't. I go through the same shit every day, but you know what? I would rather suffer minor injuries than be with the losing team. Because you will loose, and once you do and you're all in Azkaban looking at those dementors straight in the face while someone is bringing a whip down your back you'll understand why I left. If I get caught with you, which I will, I'll be sent to Azkaban and left there to rot. If I go back to the Ministry, I get to live free." 

@Saru  @HoneyBear-Kat @MuffinRPs @Rui

"Prisoner in your mind.... the definition is held against ones will and so you have been. The quality of our life has been miserable, we can't afford luxury and warm beds. You want the ministry huh? Well maybe you should realize to us and to the woman we once knew that wasn't a desire one would have. So to us that wanting to return to the ministry was not a sane and true reality we sought nor wished. So fine I was wrong... hardly my first time. But we can recognize the old and the reality of today and see where we are wrong, but how come you can't recognize what we have been through huh? What we have been trying to do and hoping for huh? It's a two way street and sometimes more so. Play the prisoner if you wish... but know you've been given what you want and while we wish for other wise, only you can decide." Arnaldus spoke keeping his tone as level as could be. Refraining from raising his voice and trying to control his reactions as they were useless to him here. Nothing could be gained by reacting to her mocking, throwing emotion at emotion, anger at anger or pain at pain, sadness at sadness and etc. he would have to keep himself controlled as difficult as it was for him now. 

"Don't know what being a prisoner is like?" Arnaldus spoke struggling to retain his slim hold on himself. " Are you serious Victoria? I don't know? We don't know? What is all of this?" Arnaldus asked gesturing with his arms and looking around with a slight twist of stance from one side to another, before looking back toward Victoria. "We don't choose to live like this...... we have to..... we don't  want caves and forests as every day, the feel of hunger and starvation, unknowing where our next meal might come or where water and drink can be found. We may not have confines of Azkaban, we may not have the physical torture as you know it. But we suffer still. We may see one another, but it took a long journey and much pain just to see it happen. Even then we suffer from visual images that are real and not just placed in our minds so we can visualize and eyes perceive such as other forms of torture. What we see is real and even more troubling and more difficult then my own pain, seeing real people suffer because of losses we have taken in a war we started. Seeing the aftermath of destruction, the loss of life and burning bodies, slain children.... smoke from fires that grow dark and rise into the sky from a burning home. The rubble of collapsed buildings and fallen brick and wood. How about knowing upon looking in the faces of those people who lived through such destruction, that they would gladly or through reluctance turn us in for a simple change in fortune even if it only lasts for a day? 

And have you been in any of our minds? What remains of us? Maybe they yet hold to hope and faith some light in this world of darkness or themselves atleast..... But I can't recognize myself anymore, too much has happened and I've survived for too long. So no I can only visualize or try too in whatever happened to you. But don't act as the lone sufferer in this damn war as we try to set things right or die trying. Don't think we are any better then a prisoner just because we escaped that wedding ambush and dare live since then. Because in this unfair and cruel world we live in now.... that is not fair to them and all else." Arnaldus spilled in struggled restraint from falling further in his descent. "So sorry we couldn't trade places with you or Alexander. But we would have and were on our way to risk it all for you and Alexander by trying Azkaban." 

Arnaldus shook his head and turned trying to keep himself from falling apart. Too much regret, pain and sadness filled his tone and strengthened his words that would have been lesser or not at all without. He quietly listened and looked up toward the sky as Victoria and Logan spoke closing his eyes after a bit of glancing at the sky before turning back toward them. "Like you've made it easy to see what you think or feel truly. We can't recognize you anymore Victoria, Logan and Paige got the furthest with you and the rest mine as well have not existed. I should have kept away throughout but no.... I just had to try and see that fight if any existed in you. Now you say and ask *could we really think?* well yeah we can, I can atleast. Your different, I can't  recognize you in this state and you have been fighting us ever since the tavern. Probably trained to hate us or hated us for Azkaban? Either way it's been effective in making it difficult to know what you feel or think. Like I said Victoria it's a two way street here not one or three or four...... just two and no progress can be made with only one side trying. 

And yeah we are the losing team.... rebellions and survivors often are the losing team. We knew that underdog tale from the start..... remember? So if we lose and get captured atleast them and I can choose our fates and die trying to stop this life of fear and elitism ran tyranny. As for Azkaban I wouldn't last, I told you before I'll die before giving them the satisfaction of torturing me and turning me into some twisted form of myself. I can do that well enough without help." He spoke in responding to Victoria while turning toward Phoenix as he came out in anger and threatening or telling them rather of being lucky he didn't start punching faces. 

"Sorry for your brother. But if you are looking for a excuse to punch something..... don't come at me with it. I'm not in the mood to be threatened and I don't need a wand to settle a counter attack. Unless you new arrivals haven't noticed tensions are high and we have been through far more then settled, controlled voices can keep control over. It's been a boiling pit since the start of this war......" Arnaldus responded not looking to fight Phoenix but wouldn't take to giving into his threats of punching for his kid brothers panic attack. He may feel sorry for how things have transpired for people but he didn't see the need for threats from the older man. 

Meanwhile another sudden appearance caught his eye and his wand raised toward the new guy as a standard reaction now days to such things. Eyes looking towards Ira and suspicious of the offer from the stranger as too many traps could be set into motion and all possibilities were running through his weary and troubled mind. 

@thefan1 @HoneyBear-Kat @MuffinRPs @Rui @Guydaguy
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Paige & Greyson

Tensions rose even higher than they already were. Grey called his sister over to the fire with a beckoning gesture, trying to get her mind off of the bickering near the entrance cave. His eyes looked grey as they watched his sister, nothing like the usual bright blue gaze. He knew her too well that she would worry anyway, typical Hufflepuff, but at least he tried,"Paige," his deep voice called to get her attention further. But it didnt work. Her periwinkle eyes stared at the group, thinking about how to diffuse this. And deeper in the cave, the two brothers planted themselves off in a corner. Her dark lashes hardly blinked, her pink lips formed a straight line, and her facial expression looked a little aloof, but she was undoubtedly thinking. Then finally, a thought. The young witch turned and went back to where she slept on the ground. She had a backpack near by that she had forgotten she charmed. With a tap of her wand she was able to reach in and pull out what she was thinking about. Course, the objects were coming from a real place, that place being the previous hide out that Alexander allowed them to use, but sources were limited there as well. However, she did remember leaving a few boxes of tea....

Greyson lifted an eyebrow when Paige turned from him, as if she didnt hear him at all. That was Paige for you, once she had an idea nothing was going to stop her. His eyes followed the bavk of her head as she went further into the cave, then bent down for her pack. With her back turned, he could see her arms shuffling with objects infront her, shortly followed by some clinking of glass or ceramic. He could see her fumbling and struggling to carry multiple items, so he got up to come to her side,"What do you have there?" He asked, curiosity at his throat while peeking over her shoulder.

"Would you mind helping me?" She asked, leaving his question unanswered.

"Umm..." he thought for a moment, "Help with what?" Just when he asked, his petite sister turned around, with 4 ceramic mugs in her hand, 'What is she up to,' he wondered, taking the mugs she was pushing onto him. Greyson stood confused as Paige reached in her bag once more and retrieved a box of tea and a kettle-like thing. In a hurry, Paige shuffled past her brother and back to the fire,"Agua menti," she whispered under her breath. A small steady stream of water poured into the kettle, and when the water line reached mid-way, she stopped, and lifted her wand away from the rim of the pot. With a swish and flick of her wand, the kettle began to levitate over the fire. Greyson's face relaxed when he realized she was making tea, perhaps to calm their nerves. It was cold and damp in the cave anyway, a nice hot cup of Chamomile would feel nice traveling down the throat. Besides, Chamomile was known for making the drinker sleepy, and with the dim lighting of the cave (along with a large amount of luck) perhaps everyone would be able to sleep peacefully for once. 

It only took a few minutes before the deverage was brewed, still using the levitation spell, she poured the hot drink into the cups she placed on the ground next to her. Paige filled three, with an extra cup set aside just incase. The fourth cup was initially for the youngest of the two brothers that had just entered, but while she was making the tea, the eldest put the latter to bed, so now there was extra. The young girl carried a mug of fresh tea, wisps of stream visibly rising into the air before evaporating, and with her free hand, the other two followed her, charmed by the same spell she used on the kettle. Paige began to make her move toward the entrance of the cave, the cold began to consume her the further she got from the fire. Greyson, who remained by the fire, watched as Paige attempted to calm things. His sister may be shy and timid, but she had a knack for diffusing situations. 

She went to the frustrated trio but stopped at Logan first, "Logan, theres an extra cup and enough tea for one more, why dont you ask Greyson to pour it for you?" A child shouldnt be sitting there and watching them fight over things, Paige felt bad for him. She looked back at Greyson for second then again to Logan, "I'll make sure she stays," she smiled and gave a wink, referring to his sister. She turned from him and continued onto her goal. Paige went to Arnaldus first, after just hearing one of the brothers threaten to punch everyone and Arnaldus replying he would return the favor. Paige ignored their harsh words, instead she quietly went behind the taller Arnaldus, and gently placed a hand on his shoulder, prompting him to turn around with her feather light touch. She couldnt see much at the entrance of the cave, but with the help of the moon's light, some facial features were outlined. Paige raised the hot cup with a tender smile, her small hand that rested on his shoulder moved to his hand at his side, and raised it to the cup so that he would take it with out having the chance to refuse. "I think we could all use something soothing," her soft voice suggested. Next she moved to the stranger, the oldest brother, and ignoring her usual nervousness with strangers, she lightly took his hand and grabbed one of the levitating cups beside her, pushing it into his hand. Her soft fingers were over his, and she curled them so that his would wrap around the mug's handle, "Drink this," she said softly. Her big eyes looked up at his moonlit face, and another smile pulled her pink lips at either side, making two dimples magically appear on her cheeks,"Theres a lot going on, I understand that," she spoke louder this time so that everyone would hear, "But arguing wont help us in the slightest. It'll most likely tear us apart." Paige turned and went to Victoria, lastly. She stopped infront of her, her smile already faded as she placed the last cup in one of her hands,"Then there wont be an Order to fight for," she slowly and carefully took Victoria's packed things and placed them on the ground between them, right at Victoria's feet. Paige took both hands and gripped Victoria's free one,"Please stay," she whispered with sincerity. The Hufflepuff's eyebrows furrowed with concern,"Its too cold to be out at this time of night, and the baby..." she said quietly, her eyes momentarily drifiting to Victoria's belly, "Let me take care of you," she pleaded. "At least until the sun rises," she offered, "and if you still want to leave by one will fight you on this," she struck a deal. Perhaps in Victoria could stay with them for the last remaining hours of the night, she would decide to stay. Paige looked down at her hands holding Victoria's, "We love you Victoria, and whether you want to believe it or not, youre our family." Paige knew how Victoria felt about being touched, and she understood why, but she wanted Victoria to know that sometimes a touch can be good too. That it doesnt end with being abused, a touch can be warm and comforting too, and with that Paige moved in for a hug, she wrapped her arms around the Skytherin girl, feeling her hardened tummy against her own. Paige knew Victoria could deny this at anytime, that she was hoping for a small chance. But a chance is a chance, "You belong with us, and we did everything we could to keep you here, you never left our minds Victoria, we tried so hard and made many sacrifices just as you did," she said into her ear, her voice quivering a little. "Dont go." 

@Saru @thefan1 @MuffinRPs
Phoenix took the drink that was given to him by a girl called Paige. He muttered a quiet, "Yeah. Thanks," in reply to what she said. He sat down on a rock and sipped the drink. He had to reflect on everything that was happening. His fathers could be dead. His brother had a panic attack over it. The magical world was becoming the worst place he could ever be and he didn't think The Order would be able to stop it without him dying in the process. He sighed. His life was a mess.

Percival was feeling so much worse than him though. He was inside the cave silently crying into his sleeping bag on the floor. His Dads and Phoenix were the only family he'd ever known so the thought of his fathers being dead hurt him tremendously. He hated people seeing him cry. It made him feel unmanly even though his brother always said that he was wrong, that crying was the manliest thing a guy could do, that crying meant that a guy was brave enough to show emotions and not be a stone faced arrogant asshole. Percival wished he could believe what his brother always said. He would've been able to do so much more than just Percival, insecure transgender half-blood that barely finished school with acceptable grades.
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Victoria rolled her eyes as she listened to the young man's speech. His talks of suffering and the chances they were willing to take in order to save her and Alexander from Azkaban were getting old. They were trying to lure her back into the cave, have her board the sinking ship without having to use violence, that was obvious. The talks that would've worked with more naive and hopeful people, but not with her. The Slytherin girl clicked her tongue and let out a small chuckle, staring directly at Arnaldus' hurt eyes. "You know, this is exactly what Andrew warned me about while he did you put it? Being trained to hate you?" Victoria asked, placing her wand back in her pocket and slowly moving closer to Arnaldus. She was playing with thin ice, and if Arnaldus felt threatened he could attack with the Order to aid him in battle. Perhaps he would calm down if she didn't use her wand against him. "He said you would try to lure me back with words of loyalty, friendship and the all powerful power of love. But, see, I know you're lying. You don't love me, and we're not family. We might've been friends before, but those times are over. Now you're left with the empty shell of the woman you once knew and expect me to believe you still want me around. Come on, Arnaldus. I don't want to fight. You know the stress is not got for my...condition. I say we leave this all behind, pretend you understand the fact that I've changed and I'll go on my merry way. Now, all you have to do is tell the rest of the Order to leave me alone, and you'll never have to worry about me ever again."

She was close... so close she could practically smell the freedom. She no longer cared about the fact it was freezing outside and all she had was a dirty sleeping bag and a cheap jacket. All Arnaldus had to do was make the others head back inside the cave and she'd run to the nearest town and try to attract the Ministry's attention. Victoria gave him a victorious smile and then focused on the rest of the Order members. They looked defiant, and it was going to be harder to convince them to let her go than it would be to convince Arnaldus. Maybe she would have to use a different approach. Not aggressive, yet threatening. "If you don't let me go, I'll accept my defeat. You make me stay, and I'll do anything in my power to bring the Ministry to us. They'll come running for me, and you'll all die. If I were you, and the safety of my friends was at risk, I'd chose the first option, just saying." The girl spoke, a hint of arrogance left in her voice. She started to move away from Arnaldus, now standing closer to the entrance when the older brother came out, informing them about his brother's panic attack and threatening to punch them for alarming the younger male. Without making a sound, Victoria turned around and pointed her wand at the boy's forehead. "Was that a threat, mate? Do you really want to see who will win in a duel? All I need is five seconds and you'll join your- Paige?" 

The Hufflepuff girl had now emerged from the cave, tea mugs floating behind her and a smile on her face. Victoria's brown eyes followed the girl as she asked Logan to head back inside the cave. A command he surprisingly followed without putting up a fight. She then handed the tea to Arnaldus and asked him to calm down before heading towards the older brother. Victoria had now lowered her hand and placed it back in her pocket and was watching the girl in astonishment. She didn't protest when she placed the cup of tea in her hand and tried a new approach- actually listening to the woman. "Please stay," Paige pleaded, followed by a comment about how cold it was and pointing out it was not good for the baby. "Oh, don't tell me you're using "it" against me," Victoria replied. She actually hadn't thought much about the baby, not with the escape in mind. She didn't know much about pregnancies, but she knew the stress couldn't be good for the thing ("that's why you and that stupid brother of yours came out so wrong- stress ruins those things" her mother used to say). If they were so fragile, the cold and running was probably not good for it either, but she was willing to take her chances. Maybe it would die, then she wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Paige then asked Victoria to stay until the next morning, asked Victoria to let her take care of her. Victoria was about to decline and send her back inside the cave, when the most unusual thing happened. As Paige wrapped her arms around Victoria, the girl's eyes went wide and she felt her heart start beating faster than usual. She wasn't the biggest fan of human contact, unless it was minimal or it came from Logan, and a hug was pushing the boundaries. Victoria immediately started to struggle before Paige could hurt her, but her arms were trapped in the girl's embrace and she couldn't reach her wand. "Paige- what? Let me go!" She pleaded, her heart slowly going back to normal as she started breathing heavily. She knew what a hug was, but it was surreal to find human contact from someone who wasn't one of her siblings that she didn't find revolting. There were no traces of bile in her throat, and the urge to escape was slowly fading away. It was so...different, from what she felt whenever someone from the Ministry or her own husband tried to touch her. "Or just stay," Victoria breathed out. 

She wouldn't have noticed the stranger if he hadn't introduced himself first. Her eyes were closed and she was busy thinking about Paige's offer. She didn't want to stay, but the nearest town was still far away and it was cold outside. Maybe it would be wiser to head out during the day to involve possible dangers. But then she heard a stranger's voice, and her eyes immediately opened accompanied with a soft gasp. Victoria quickly pushed Paige away and reached for her wand, then wasted to time in pointing it at the stranger. "I don't buy it. Who exactly are you? Give me one good reason to let you go before I kill you." 

Meanwhile, Logan had obediently entered the cave and was now sitting beside Greyson in front of the fire as he slowly drank the tea Paige had made for them. It had been a relief to have Paige give him a reason to go back inside and away from the action. He didn't want to leave his sister alone, but he couldn't bear to watch her go. Victoria was a very determinate person, and once she set a goal for herself there was nothing that could be done about it. It was wiser to stay inside and wait for the bad news to come. Any moment now... the older teenagers were bound to head back inside in defeat without Victoria by their side. "My sister's leaving," Logan was the first to start a conversation with Greyson. His eyes never leaving the cup as he spoke in a melancholic tone. "They're letting her go, just like that. Just walk off into the woods in the middle of the night."

@Saru @HoneyBear-Kat @Guydaguy @MuffinRPs
And so they walked in circles, the slow dance of the same lines, the same tune of which they sang and only regression and pause would result here. No matter how he spoke nor how Arnaldus came to her it was all the same, the same half left out of his words in her reply turning them away in favor of others to benefit her retort and so did he though a different goal in mind. The more he continued the more he saw the woman further away and out of the order's reach. She won. Andrew won. Robert won. The ministry had succeeded with Victoria and Azkaban. Why bother continuing? She was clearly opposed to them and could care less, even her own brother she was willing to turn over with only a slim start to head there pursuit. 

The more Arnaldus tried speaking to her the more he felt himself growing more distant. Closing himself off and slipping into a sole focus, less and less did the people's help or lack there of came to bother him. So why waste time trying to win them over? Tactics were slim picking, odds were always against them and grew larger as time went on. Ezekiel was even close to getting on his elder brothers nerves though perhaps it was common as they were brothers of close knit nature and alike in enough ways. Everything was becoming more distant to him. He tried opening up for once and it got him nowhere and only worsened things. If times were different he would mention to his brother a 'I told you so' and leave it as the elder was right and younger wrong kind of moment. But they weren't and he was accepting the times and fate, though he wouldn't use his change of nature to the ministries benefit he would simply focus on a single purpose.

Turn his life into one of purpose and blind himself from all else. He required more effort to clear his mind, he was certain of it, what else could be done for him? The mind was growing foggy. The inner man grew darker, a soul became different and heart distant. Everything he stood for was for loss and future grim, the postive one could see reality.... he knew well enough of his fate and the potential fall of everyone and thing he cares about. Now he was questioned, criticized and mocked by a former ally and friend and the Order surely would object to his decision but someone had to make the call and live with it. Why throw an anchor into the sea when it was attached to ones leg? He couldn't see the Victoria others saw any longer and perhaps never could since seeing her at the tavern. One moment she tried claiming difficulty with her turn and other pleas but then less then a moment later it seemed... there was a venom filled reply by the Slytherin. 

Arnaldus shook his head and closed his eyes turning his minds view from Victoria to mere acceptance. It was over. Nothing more could be said or done, no action or act would change things, it was simply and merely over. "Fine. Andrew saw our tactics with you and gave you more to work with ahead of time. You won, he won and the ministry has won with their prized moment." He spoke giving no signs for the woman to prey on. He was done and tired of this round about with no change in sight. "I've spoken with my decision already. If your expecting me to dictate the actions and emotions of others your in the wrong faction. They act as they will and want what they desire, I won't dictate of how they should act and feel that's a ministry life." He continued still keeping his eyes closed and facial features plain. Masking whatever he may be feeling and responding without added measure to what was going on. "You're right. It's over, long been over and hope is a worthless cause to have belief or faith in. I'm done here.... you'll do you and have your way, play wife and mother and fight us every step of the way until we are dead. Lying... huh..... when did Victoria become a woman who desired kids?.... never mind, it doesn't matter. I'm not the one standing in your way as you said nothing is left between us and nothing in common here and now. Your free though I won't dictate the actions of this order if they object to my call. It's still a democracy in some corners of this world." Arnaldus spoke stepping away and ready to go and clear himself for the night, isolate and reapply his focus onto a single topic..... the war. 

That's when Paige came from out of the cave and with ceramic mugs of tea. The quieter and softer presence coming to him first with a stretched hand placed on his shoulder causing him to turn towards her. Something about her touch calmed him a bit..... how could he allow his state to react harshly to Paige? She hadn't done anything to him to cause or deserve such a reaction. She was a soft voice sliding her hand down to his and got him to grip the mug and speaking of "I think we could all use something soothing." Her tender smile and raise of his hand to the cup of hot tea spoke softly and moved next to the man present.... the older brother of Percival and despite Paige's nervousness around strangers she persisted and continued on using tenderness and a soft touch in reply to all the fighting going on.

Was this Paige? Arnaldus began to wonder though of course it was Paige. She was overcoming nerves and shyness to counter the harsh state of things. The way she reacted around him or at all was something he once asked himself,  curious of what he may have done or said beyond the actions of the wedding, but none of that wasn't present now, even with the stranger to her Paige overcame it all for a soft presence and aim to sooth. Arnaldus kept hold of the mug after she caused his fingers to curve around the handle and grip the mug of tea. He couldn't say anything really, but he opened his eyes and gave a nod looking to her before she turned away and moved on toward Phoenix and Victoria. "Paige..." He simply thought quiet with sense of warm surprise at her actions and feeling himself calm a bit. Now turning toward the far outer wall of the mountain side off to right of the cave  and sat himself down holding the tea firmly and brought it close. Allowing the warmth of the tea reach his nose and spread a bit across his features to warm his face. 

A pair of distant eyes fading from focus to look into the beyond, seeking a loss of reality and only to see a different existence before him in the night sky. A raise of the mug every so often would follow and he would drink from it, feeling the hot tea against his lips and flow down his mouth and throat warming his body as he drank. While his attempt to distance himself and slip further away into his mind and allowing his eyes to look up toward the sky with a absent stare. Brief reflection playing in his mind recalling older times before the Order and before his days of glory as a beater for house hufflepuff and all positives in his life such as becoming captain and leading his house to the cup in his first year as captain. Allowing reflections and memories of darker and more tragic, difficult times cross his mind. A simple recollection of all that's happened in his life at Hogwarts. He had nothing left to offer, he was growing further apart and found himself trying to apply his focus on a single target instead of spreading his mind thin in aim to cover all aspects. A stranger perhaps but times as he knew them were ending and wasting time for something beyond him was getting him nowhere. It was best for him to funnel his focus into one sole aspect in his life.... focus on the war and how to fight the ministry of who opposed them. 

As for the newcomer the order can handle him. They didn't need Arnaldus to reply to him nor answer his offer. If they wanted to follow him then they could follow, if they denied then deny they shall. But Arnaldus would shut himself down in the meantime and isolate as much as he could until his wand was needed or a presence approached him.

@thefan1 @HoneyBear-Kat @MuffinRPs @Guydaguy
Ira stood, wand down by his side. Right when he opened his mouth to speak, a pretty girl walked out and started handing out tea. She seemed pretty oblivious to the foreign presence, but Ira didn't mind. At least this gave him a couple seconds to think. The angry pregnant girl was right:

Why should they trust him? 

Ira gave a little smile, then cleared his throat when she was done. 

"Well. You are right. But you guys seem like you're a bit lost."

"I'm Ira Walter, Durmstrang graduate. I'm 20, living alone here in the woods. I've seen you guys all over town, and in the newspapers. You guys are pretty deep in this. Do you guys even know where you are? 

I have a house just a bit over that way," Ira explained, and pointed his thumb to the direction which he came from. "I know the area better than anyone here, I betcha. I can get you out of here, I have supplies, plenty of food, clean water..."

"You guys are probably gonna need somewhere to gather yourselves, make plans. I can help you guys out. I'm just saying now, I'm not with the ministry. I know there's no way you can believe me, so... Do with that what you will. And, no offense, but you guys are probably going to need members who aren't teenagers." Ira chucked lightly, then spoke again.

"If there's a way you think I can prove that I'm trustworthy, I'm all ears." Ira then allowed them to respond. He analyzed the possibilities quickly in his mind. There was a good chance that the angry girl's choice was to attack. He was sure he'd have no problem defending from just the single girl. Even though she did threaten to kill him, he doubted it was nothing he couldn't handle. Ira was a skilled wizard, very knowledgable. But, then again, it may have been an empty threat. The others seemed sensible, but the one who seemed like the main power keeping the Knight in check decided to leave. Ira was sure he would do so if he was in his shoes. He's probably had enough of arguing with the girl. Ira's arrival was probably the tipping point.
Victoria's eyes narrowed as the stranger explained himself to the group. She still couldn't trust him, the months of fighting with the Ministry had made it clear that everyone had their dark motives. She'd been betrayed by someone she thought she could trust before, and it wasn't going to happen again. Then again, he did claim to have supplies, the ones they so desperately needed if they wanted to move on without dying from hunger. Maybe she could find a way to kill the man, make sure they took them to his cabin before murdering him. But what if he wasn't traveling alone? He could be one of those snatchers hired by the Ministry to capture the Order, willing to do anything for a couple of coins and the Minister's respect. "Nobody survives on their own, not anymore. Do you have any friends?" the young girl asked, her wand remaining firm in her grasp. "Well, I see no problems then! I'm sure the others will be delighted to follow you to your cabin. Isn't that right, Paige?" 

(Im REALLY sorry for short post guys, but I'm incredibly busy and can't do anything. I promise I'll go back to normal post length as soon as possible!)

5 months later

The months flew past the Order. So many things could happen in the span of 5 whole months, especially during a war. Their duels against Ministry officials became more common than ever, the Ministry was getting stronger and the possibility of finding a place not infected by those rats seemed impossible. They didn't make the past months easy for the Order, but it certainly kept them entertained. Victoria had learned that time is a precious thing the hard way. You never know when the next Order member would meet their end, which made every second spent with the people she dared to call her family more valuable than diamonds. 

These past months changed Victoria.    From a frightened girl blinded by trauma, to the soldier that had once made the brave decision to change the world. She'd been thought to despise that decision, to call it her greatest mistake. Now, she thought of it at the greatest thing she would ever accomplish in her entire life. The Order was slowly rising from the ashes like a newborn Phoenix right before her eyes. Their recruitment plans had -surprisingly- proven to be a success, and they now had more supporters than ever. Granted, they weren't as powerful as the Ministry yet, but they were a force to be reckoned with. 

Just last month , they had spoken to their allies in Hogwarts and confirmed how many students were willing to revolt against the Ministry and support the Order. The small group entered the school, and took control of the place. They used the imperious curse against the staff members instead of killing them, making the Ministry believe the school was still under control while their greatest enemies roamed the halls freely. Heroes returning home for the final battle that would change the world forever- a fitting ending for the tale of the Order. Returning to where it all began, the place that saw the birth of the revolution against the corrupt government that had tainted its walls with their cruel regime. Some said Hogwarts was alive- and if the myths were true then there was no doubt the old castle was shedding joyful tears. 

It didn't take long for the Ministry to find out what had happened to the castle. Just a day ago, they'd received news of incoming attacks with the Ministry's full force. The Minister wanted to end the war for good, this was their golden opportunity to end the Order once and for all. Well, if they wanted a battle they were sure to find it here. The castle was filled with defenses and skilled students ready to fight the Ministry. Children trained by their own enemies now ready to fight for the future of the Wizarding World- it was the battle of Hogwarts all over again. History had its eye on them, and they were sure to make it proud. 

Victoria Knight was standing in front of the window in the Slytherin dungeons, adding protective shields around the room occupied by nothing but a chair and two identical cribs. She'd spent the last few days of her pregnancy inside the castle, it was only fitting to have her children live in it while they found a new home for them. Problem was, there was no time to look for shelter anymore. The twins would have to stay inside while the battle raged on outside. It was dangerous, but it was their only option. Having her babies face such horrible dangers would make any mother quiver with fear, and Victoria was no exception. She'd imagined motherhood to be the worst thing that could happen to a woman, babies were nothing but heavy weight that would bring her down no matter what, But after 8 long and painful hours of labor, time spent wishing for death and breaking the hand of every Order member that tried to comfort her, her views changed. As soon as she saw her children's crying faces and held them in her arms, she felt nothing but joy. The fact that their father was her enemy didn't matter, the fact she hadn't gotten pregnant willingly faded as soon as she became a mother. It was odd, to have such innocent creatures come out of a twisted person like herself- but she wouldn't have it any other way. Now, the frantic mother made her way around the room, adding every single spell she knew of to ensure the innocent creatures wouldn't be harmed by the evils their world had to offer. 

Despite the fact she'd changed for the better and now resembled the Victoria before her marriage, the darkness within her remained. Dark thoughts of murder, torture and treason made their way into her mind every now and then- asking her to end the Order and return to the Ministry to fulfill her destiny. These thoughts, they were hard to ignore. She'd acted on their behalf more than once, placing herself and her dear friends in danger. She would never forget the time she almost killed her own children, being controlled by a small voice in her head that told her they would just grow up to be like their father. They would grow up to be horrible monsters who would ruin another girl's life and start a new war. She had to put an end to the threat while it was still weak. Luckily, the other members of the Order had stopped her before she did anything stupid, but she didn't trust herself to be alone with them anymore. Even now, she was accompanied by her friends while she worked on the protective shields. 

She would have to join the others soon. Her brother was helping the younger students evacuate to Hogsmeade while the older ones prepared for battle. The young lad had proven himself to be an useful member of the Order, working day and night, mentally becoming an adult without even noticing it. Victoria was proud of her little brother, proud of the man he'd become and how he was ready to die fighting for what he believed in. That is what a true Knight is supposed to act like, even if he failed to acknowledge it. "Let's just hope uncle Logan doesn't die tonight, he's the future of this Order, you know?" She asked, the babies not answering their mother. "Don't worry, I'll try not to die before I give you proper names."
Hogwarts; Five months later...

Five months later and here we all were, right....  The ordeal of life and war intertwined like a branch and vine. Whether it was meant to be or became part of life through undesired actions from a evil purist and tyrannical reign of the present ministry and its leader. Duels against their enemy was common, the taking of Hogwarts was difficult and the ability to remain strong was a great challenge... least for some or perhaps one. The return to Hogwarts was like a dream come true, the reception was incredible and seeing his old stomping grounds of which he once walked proudly and interacted with many now were reality once more. 

It wasnt easy these past five months and relationships were dear if not challenging. Temperaments changed, ideas evolved and tactics were renewed. But walking the quidditch fields again was worth the long journey and risk, seeing his houses common room and his old dorm... worth it. That old comfy leather chair set in the hufflepuff common room where Arnaldus once sat in study and reading or with a girl he was seeing at the time and sharing moments together was worth the reunion. Being able to sleep in his old bed in the hufflepuff dormitories was a welcomed change after long months spent sleeping on the cold hard grounds in some backway cave and forests or abandoned homes and buildings that were a crumble. 

Since their return Arnaldus had spent hours after hours just walking the old halls and fields, setting added charms to long standing barriers. Checking on his old housemates of hufflepuff house- like old times. But despite old memories being relived through daily practice and setting up preparations. Arnaldus wasn't quite as charming and talkative these days, he may have improved from his dark state of mind and cloudy train of thoughts... but he couldn't fully rebound to old form, not yet and only time and seeing this war end or his life end could change that present reality. 

Meanwhile as much as war and preparation kept him busy, things around him went on. Victoria had given birth to twins, she was far different then he had ever expected. Arnaldus couldn't have imagined Victoria knight be a mother like the one she was now.... It was a great sight to see. While Logan had matured beyond his years while helping younger students, working day and night. Then was his own brother in Ezekiel.... The guy was still a risk taker and charmer, wanting to impress and get what's right accomplished while getting the girls. But he was different just enough, he was a calmer and more controlled then usual, he was being smart and using the wits that got him selected into house Ravenclaw. He helped his house and others while interacting with nearly every girl that gave him the time. But still was seeing to his tasks while he did. 

Now though Arnaldus and Ezekiel were with the others in the Slytherin dungeons....while she put up shields and watched over her twins. She didn't quite trust herself alone with the children yet and after some earlier flares it was a good move by her to have others around just in case. Paige and Greyson, Ira and crew were about from what Arnaldus assumed, he was closer to the entry and quiet not fully aware or present mentally. While Ezekiel was present in both with a smile on his face though it was merely a distraction from his thoughts about the coming battle. Duels against groups of death eaters and ministry officials and teens of those families was one thing.....   but this was different, this would be a true and final deciding battle of the largest scale then they had faced yet. 

While Ezekiel interacted and now just stood with the others. Arnaldus stayed quiet and just prepared for the coming battle, Quinn was gone from everything he could tell and he was so caught up in memories and preparations the young man couldn't say how things stood with him and the others... But he was committed to seeing it through and if he was needed for something he'd pitch in, what time remained for him- Arnaldus would try to make the best of it thus his stroll through memory lanes and walking old fields, halls and paths, shortcuts he once took as a badger helping others and catching up with hismold house mates and seeing how they were all doing, learning about what it was like for them and everyone since this all began. Arnaldus had always tried to be that guardian to shield others and help them, that was the point of becoming a animagus before even the order came to life. Now he just saw failure in that regard.... Hopefully the battle could make all this effort and time worth the loss it cost him and everyone.  

Time would tell... right?

@thefan1 @HoneyBear-Kat @Guydaguy @MuffinRPs @EmilyPower

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