In Character Roleplaying

Arnaldus Smith 

The woman was becoming rather curious, the husband quite different then the others present in town. Arnaldus keeping fewer of words while staying vocal enough to keep from being oddly silent and ignoring of which would do no good for his already odd act of face covering. As Roxanne he would soon learn spoke in reply and to Quinn/Delphini, Arnaldus listened but remained observant.... old habits youn could say or simply watchful for more present times and reason. The man leaving the pub and shortly after the wife appeared not mere moments after being spoken to return soon enough was a sign, a bad feeling in his bones that chilled his warming temperature while he stand inside the room. "Oh trouble not. We young folks have odd fashion trends, don't we? Probably every generation has it compared to the times in which they live." Arnaldus spoke in reply and as she replied about her father, Arnaldus frowned on the inside as he hoped it would foul up any trap that may be laying in wait for them, a trap he still was not sold on being just a figment of his imagination and paranoia. "That's good to hear... enough troubles already. At least you still have some living not all during this war could say the same." He spoke adding in reply to the woman. 

While Quinn and Logan each interacted with Roxanne, Arnaldus observed keeping watch on the details and room. Listening to what was said yes, but his eyes did most of the deciding for now. Meanwhile Ezekiel seemed to casually appear to look upon the room in curiosity of the pub itself though truly he was following his brothers lead. He knew his elder brother well enough to know he was doing more then playing along and interacting, his mode of observation and preference to stand instead of sit after a long travel was enough to say something was off.... to the elder smiths eye and feelings, it was off and the younger brother was catching on and followed in quiet smile and own observations.

As Roxanne spoke of Victoria... it took nearly all his restraint not to act obviously as she spoke of Victoria and what happened to her. 'There it was, the final clue!' he thought as he watched the bartender walk over and seemingly delivered drinks to other patrons. But the extended and more private manner of mingling caught the eye of Arnaldus and compiled with the wife's slip.... it gave all Arnaldus would need to add it all together. Piece by piece and working knowledge of the ministers and knight families ways allowed for Arnaldus to have enough to act on. "Yeah.... A sad tale of that girl indeed." He replied feeling Quinn's lacing of fingers tighter to his as she spoke of atleast having him and warmly, affectionately looking to him as she bestowed a kiss, Arnaldus warmly responded and smiled. It was one of the lights in his era of darkness, the tunnel was better lit with Quinn, Ezekiel, Logan, Paige and Greyson around to remind him he wasn't alone. "Same love, same." He replied softly to her and looked around to Logan and Ezekiel then Paige and Greyson with a smile, "I'm lucky to have those I care about with me. Some remain in trouble... but until we meet again, I still have others I care about to keep me strong." 

The words spoken were true and a ploy at the same time. As the bartender returned to his wife and placed a hand on her shoulder, Arnaldus looked to the three of Ezekiel, Paige and Greyson giving a silent, brief and subtle signal to spread apart a tad and grab Logan to pull him further away from the counter. The hufflepuff boy then returned a passing glance and smirk to the patrons before looking toward Roxanne and Bill with a sharp look in his eyes and no longer covered his face. "Funny thing.... the prophet doesn't exactly share whereabouts of Victoria these days. Pictures maybe, but clues of whereabouts are limiting as the order would be let in of her whereabouts. Misdirection, Azkaban remaining the publicly known location for Victoria and keeping us off the true trail of our fallen and captured comrades.... well that's a tactic well employed and most likely used." Arnaldus spoke purposefully and boldly in revealing himself and likely everyone present. He liked Quinn's cover quite well but something just continued to click, hint and tell of this place being off. So he would speak more openly, if the bartender and his wife were real then, no harm done as they claimed to looking for them to help the order. But if not then his notion and gathering of observational details and signs were right..... it's a trap. "I happen to know from  knowledge and past experience about the ministers and followers tactics and past attempts, they dont divulge information without reason or seeing no harm in giving it up. Folk of non magical ability certainly wouldn't possess such information not without good reason. So care to share of how you know about Victoria's getting out of Azkaban?" Arnaldus spoke wand leaving his sleeve and entering his hand as the others of the order would take out their own and point them at the patrons. The hufflepuff raised his own in pointing toward the bartender and his wife firmly ensuring no advantage would be easily given. " Not to appear ungrateful, rude or simply paranoid here..... but my observing of you all and the details here..... well it's adding up to another end here. A end I intend to eliminate before it arises." The young man spoke and firmly stated his purpose while demanding some truths here. 

@thefan1 @EmilyPower @Rui

Her eyes snapped back to the door, her wand poised to do some damage. She turned back to the bartender and his wife, "And we don't intent to leave until we get some answers." Her eyes focused on the door once more, and with a flick of her wrist it was sealed. 


She sauntered back to her lover, curling into his side as she wrapped Arnaldus's arm around her waist, her eyes narrowed in a deadly glare towards the couple, but a saucy smirk upon her lips. Her wand was still up, pointed towards the wife. 

"Arnie, you deal with him, I'll focus on her." She picked up her beer, bringing it gently to her lips and taking a small sip before gently setting it back down. 

"So, dear friends, where is Victoria Knight?" 



"Well maybe sweet old Vicky just doesn't want to be found, every thought of that? Maybe good old Vicky just wants some time for herself!" Victoria muttered, her shaking hands gripping the counter as the others pulled out their wands and prepared for battle. She knew what was happening, but she was a tad busy dealing with the aftermath of Azkaban to care. Andrew had planned this, she was sure of it. He would do this sort of thing whenever Victoria wouldn't cooperate, remind her of what had happened in Azkaban to make her lose control. It didn't take much to make the memories come back, which shouldn't be a surprise  considering they did a fine job of coming back without any help. They were too...real. She could feel the freezing cold of the dementors, the shackles on her ankle and she could hear the screams and laughter from the other inmates so clearly she could swear they were all screaming in her ear. 

Logan, on the other hand, did perfectly understand what was going on. Thus, he immediately backed away from the counter as soon as the bartender's wife crabbed the wooden table for support. And while the others were concentrating on the bartender and his wife, Logan noticed the other costumers were pointing their wands at the group as well. It was clear that they were from the Ministry, judging by their robes. Without giving it a second thought, Logan immediately pulled out his wand and pointed it at the group. "Uh, guys? We have some company!" He exclaimed, making sure the others were informed of who they were dealing with. 

Victoria was gone at this point, too lost in her own mind to react to what was happening in the real world. She didn't see a pub, she didn't see the other death eaters, all she could see was her grimy cell in Azkaban and the people who she once called friends pointing their wands at her. They were traitors, all of them. They had locked her away and were now back to see her weak and vulnerable, but she wasn't going to let them. Victoria quickly pulled out her wand and pointed it at Quinn, who'd had the audacity of mentioning her name. "YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT!" She screamed, "YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT NAME!" Victoria stated, her maddened eyes turning from Quinn, to Arnaldus, to Logan. "Do you want to know where she is? She's dead! Victoria Knight is dead and she's never coming back, and it's all thanks to you! Filthy mudbloods, blood traitors!" 



Andrew knew their cover had been ruined as soon as Victoria gripped the table. This was a common thing in their household, but he knew it would be an obvious giveaway. Andrew quickly pulled out his wand along with the other death eaters in the building. "Aren't you a clever little bastard?" Andrew asked with narrowed eyes. His stone expression didn't show his inner panic. The Minister would be furious if they didn't get a piece of information from the Order, he needed to think of something to make them reveal their secrets.

Victoria, she was the solution. Once she stopped screaming, Andrew grabbed her by the hair and pulled her close to him, pointing his wand at her throat. "Do you want to know where your friend is?" He asked with a smirk, whispering "revelio " to make Victoria's disguise fade to reveal who she really was. In addition, he also performed the spell on himself so they knew who they were dealing with. "I propose a deal. How about you tell me where  your hideouts are and where the other members can be found, and I won't harm Victoria. How does that sound, Arnie?" 





Arnaldus Smith 

The tensions were risen from fair interaction to suspicions of the mind, the eyes observed and piece by piece details were woven into a end. A tale far escaping the plans of this order and would not come to be without one hell of fight, after all they Victoria, Thaddeus, Dorian, James,  Carmella (?),  Joey, Morgana (?), Reagan, Paige, Greyson, Ezekiel, Alexander and so many others that now included Logan and Quinn had come this far and gave themselves to this cause long ago or joined in recent months risking everything..... Destruction, loss, death, blood shed, complete devastation and ruling powers that be were all apart of it all. It was the experience of those who sought to end a tyrants rule and free everyone from this nightmare, witnessing it first hand or seeing what lays after... It was the unfortunate yet expected reality. This was no tale of legends and childhood bedtime stories. This was life and this was what they fought for so why give up now? Or ever. 

As Quinn spoke to Roxanne and posed the question whilst bringing her wand to attention and a sip from her beer. Arnaldus gave nod in agreeing to her coordination of focus and aim, "Agreed." Arnaldus spoke in reply before returning his gaze toward Bill and seeing how the others fared against the patrons who would be soon known as death eaters lying in wait. 

Meanwhile hearing he woman speak was rather strange to him and her words were a unpleasant thought to Arnaldus's ears, mind and heart. But he soon shrugged off the reaction this woman known as Roxanne would have to them. Noting the shaking hands and gripping of the counter only strengthened his beliefs and her words too added to his thoughts on this couple and what was going on here. "Miss, the Victoria I knew wouldn't wish to suffer in such a way only to want a forever away reality to claim her.  Not wanting to be found..... Its absurd and doesn't fit the girl I knew. She was far too caring about her friends and siblings to just remain lost to them all and what she stood for!" He countered in heartfelt manner and tone, bringing memories of their younger years and the early days of the order and it's forming in this generation coming to him. A series of flashes and sound bits of their laughter and conversations blinking and sounding in his head like some YouTube video piece. 

Looking to Logan and hearing him speak up about the company they had inside the pub and as they drew there respective wands in turn. He gave a nod and would then speak in response "Yeah... I had a feeling this wouldn't be a orders advantage here. Keep alive and aware, keep enough room to move and cover each other. We'll walk out of his alive and in one piece. Just like I said earlier remember, Logan?" Arnaldus replied while referencing his earlier talk with Logan about what the group would need to do in order to succeed. A well oiled and working machine in other and shorter terms. 

The return of this Roxannes voice and gaze from her eye was rather off putting. A madness not often seen outside moments like these, where dark magic and eaters of death loomed. The forbidden name and her claims of Victoria's death and at their hands was quite the Qoute to take in and handle. Arnaldus nearly broke form at the mere utter of such words. It played to closely on his thoughts, guilt and all that bottled up emotions he kept stashed deep down alongside the pain. He barely recovered before revealing a struggle, bounding back and forming a sharp counter to her comment. "The prophet must be behind the times. Could've sworn Victoria was yet alive in that photo, her death is just talk. The minister would have reasons to keep her alive!" Arnaldus spoke 

Then a latest turn of ones gaze took Arnaldus back toward the commenting Bill the bartender. A smirk crossing his lips and proud look in his eyes as the man hit him with a question that was more like a rhetorical one it seemed. He would however answer none the less.... the opportunity was to good to pass up for some wise talk back. "I rather like to think so, yes." He grinned and played off the remark with a gesture of his wand hand to match his small nod of his head to his shoulder and back up in straight return of focus on the man before him. "The clever bastards we are, hufflepuff and all. Little perhaps, quiet sure.... but clever certainly." Arnaldus added in good measure and making that saying up on the spot. 

The stone expression and smirk asked question however changed the mood. Arnaldus wouldn't answer yet as the answer it self was rather obvious and he had a feeling that smirk was a telling sign that he was up to something. Soon a whisper and what followed brought a widen expression, shock and clear and coming intial response to the reveal of Victoria acting as Roxanne. "Victoria?!" His voice uttered yet his words stopped there for a moment as he looked her over, pregnant, terrorized by trauma and appearing quite different then the girl he saw months back at the wedding before the attack and had known for so long now. "Bloody hell...... Victoria," His voice fell off in mere whisper of the words he uttered, shaking his head and just looking at her with sunken eyes. A setback he hadn't expected. All the while a question of 'What have they done to you...' ran through his mind. 

Seeing the man reveal hismelf as well and show himself for the man he truly was, brought Arnaldus snapping back to attention. Anger filling his eyes and bringing his blood to a boil as Arnaldus looked back toward Andrew sharply. "Still a coward Andrew?!" He quickly fired upon seeing the man pose the question and offer whilst taking Victoria hostage for the negotiations he aimed to commence. "You fear that man so much as to hide behind his daughter?! Can you not stand to face me in a real duel! Man to Man, no tricks or cowardice!" Arnaldus added in anger fueled words and own confidence and willingness to duel Andrew or any who stand before him as his friends life was seemingly at stake. 

But just then it occurred to Arnaldus that a brilliant idea that came to mind and opportunity that had arisen, would be a much better approach. Though angered, lost of level head and calm manner that was more common and known of Arnaldus, he rebounded and saw another course to take, one relying on his gut, his mind, a little bold risk and knowledge of the twos history or believed knowledge he thought to have. "You want to know?" He asked with a smile and brow motion. "We're everywhere mate and all across this globe. You thought only Victoria had plans and hideouts for the order? That she knew of them all? Heavens no. Every plan needs a fall back mate..... for every A there is a B for every B there is a C, so on and so forth until finally we have Z. I scattered us survivors and free members long ago after the wedding attack. All over we live, hide and grow." He added smiling proudly through out and backing up his words with a certain and honest to God tone emitting from his throat carrying to Andrews ears as he held his wand to Victorias neck.

"Do you think our body like a snake would fall after cutting off our head with the capture of Victoria and Alexander?  No fella. We rose from the ashes like a Phoenix such as our orders roots hail! Do you think the ministry has the resources to cover such waters and ground looking for us all as we lay in wait all over the world in every major country if not more?  I doubt it. And even if they had, would they try? No. too vulnerable the minister and all his army would be, his power. And furthermore his list of enemies would grow as he angered other nations, disturbed other wizards and witches from other lands and raise a stronger and larger foe then he could ever hope to defeat by doing so. Sure he might add some allies from other places, but how well would so many power hungry, blood haters get along? Before fighting amongst themselves. Not even Robert could control such a scale of issue and problems." He spoke in long but effective aiming speech. A calculating and clever tactic employed by the sixth year hufflepuff and long surviving war and order participant and member. Not only could this effect Robert and the ministries plans, but maybe if all went to Arnaldus's plans it might just get inside Andrews head. "Even now we grow in number and hideouts becoming beyond counting as our recruiting efforts and list of allies grow. So Andrew how does his offer sound? Great really. Because now you know and I know personally there isn't much left you can and would be willing to do with Victoria that's suffering enough it trumps anything already done to her in Azkaban.... Not without killing her or harming that baby inside, right?" He spoke taking from observations and continuing his efforts to counter Andrew while hopefully getting his friend back without further harm done to her. "That is your plan isn't it? Tie your name and blood to the knights forever, give the minister reason to keep you around even after repeated failure. Give you some power of name and status while your at it? You care far too much for this unborn child to risk it, whether it be girl or boy. And your love for Victoria? It wasn't all fake was it? Or maybe none of it was fake and it was real? You like seeing Victoria in pain? Knowing your the cause of it?! Blame us and blame me mate for all you want. But face it..... we are and always have been the mouse to your cat. Allowing you to follow us and track us, hunt us like pray all the while a larger picture is in play here. A recover from the wedding and ultimate ace up our sleeves. As much as we want and will have Victoria back and will fight every last bloody one of you to get it, until we can't fight no more! Mate we won't give up! And our end if it shall come will not be the orders last stand! For we have not fallen but grow stronger then ever before!" Arnaldus passionate of speech and making of observations and hoping his read or attempts for that matter would pay off. "Face it, all of you death eaters and noble, loyal followers of Robert and even Robert himself. We are in it to win it. And we came to play for the all marbles as they say and until a final victor and exhaling of breath is drawn clear." Arnaldus ended keeping his wand up and aimed for Andrews. Waiting for the slightest hesitation, drawback, error to be seen and capitalized on. A crack in the armor and peek of a open window as it were. 

Waiting keenly Arnaldus finally made his move, 'Expelliarmus' his hand motioned and carefully intended aim acted in quiet if not silent casting of the spell. Attempting to disarm Andrew and turn the tables to his and the orders favor. 




She followed his lead, afraid of what she might find, but needing to know none the less.

"Legilimens." She whispered, curled herself into Arnaldus so she wouldn't be left vaulnerable, and drifted into Victoria's mind.

A cell, not fit for a beast, none the less a man. Dark, cold, dirty, dank; utterly isolating. Mad screams, laughter, sobs, the sounds of those physically dying or mentally decaying. Everywhere. Never stopping, never ceasing, no end no end...

The chains bound her in place as the dark figures of the dementors drew closer. The dark tunneling of her vision as the life was sucked from her, draining her of her strength and sanity. 

Her mind tumbling down into the dark abyss of insanity...down...down...

Quinn opened her eyes a few minutes later, her calm, cool demeanor replaced as she gasped for air, clinging to Arnaldus like a drowning woman to a raft, a cold sweat having formed on her brow. 

"Oh god," She turned to Victoria, her eyes wide and filled with terror and sadness, "Is that what they did to you? They tortured you...they didn't kill you but they murdered your soul and mind! god..." She shed a tear, a rare thing for Quinn indeed, a few more following. 

"Victoria," she breathed, her expression empathetic and disbelieving, "Why? Why stay with them after all they've done to you? Do you want that to happen to us? Happen to Logan? It's...unthinkable." 



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Victoria shrieked and struggled when Andrew yanked her hair due to the unexpected violent act. It was a smart idea, something she probably would've suggested to get information from the Order. But she was too far gone to care about the plan. Now, she only cared about making sure they all meet their doom. She studied their shocked expressions after Andrew revealed who she really was, and their shocked expressions gave them all away. They were guilty, Victoria was sure of it, they all fell guilt for helping her make the worst mistake of her life. Well, she would just have to make sure guilt was the last emotion they would ever feel.  "Hello traitor!" She exclaimed, her mouth turning to form a mad smile, "Did ya miss me?" 

But she wasn't able to continue taunting them - a pity, for she had planned this encounter for a long time. She felt the all-too-familiar sensation of her mental barriers breaking, and she knew someone had entered her mind. Whoever it was, they were searching through her memories, probably trying to find out what exactly happened inside of Azkaban. Victoria screamed and violently shook her head as the invader forced her to see those haunting nightmares all over again. Her new foe was making her see every single detail of her stay in Azkaban, and Victoria simply couldn't take it. The girl tried to push the girl out of her mind, but her attempts were all futile. After all, it wasn't easy to practice occlumency while re-living the most horrible moments of her life. 

While Victoria struggled against the invader, Logan had decided to focus on Andrew and his sister, not caring about the death eaters for the moment. There she was; the person he'd been desperately trying to find for five months. The kid stared at the pair with a horrified expression, the strong grip on his wand not weakening. "What did you do to her?" Logan asked, probably the only one in the group who was able to make those words leave his mouth despite everyone was thinking the exact same thing. He could only imagine of the horrible things he'd done to her to leave her in this state, and he didn't even want to think on what he'd done to make sure she'd end up pregnant. "Leave her alone you monster!" the kid exclaimed, "come see if you truly have what it takes to lick my father's boots! How come a duelist like yourself has to hide behind his wife to make sure her friends won't harm him?" 

After what seemed like years, the intruder finally left Victoria's mind and the girl was finally allowed some seconds of blissful rest. Whoever had done it, Victoria would make sure she suffered more than the others. Her wild eyes scanned the group until she noticed Quinn hanging on to Arnaldus while trying to catch her breath. Her suspicion was made clear when she finally confronted Victoria about what she'd seen in there. "Shut up! You don't get the right to invade my mind, you filthy traitor!" Victoria screamed, snarling at the girl like a beast ready to strike. "You don't know shit about what happened in there! Don't tell me I should go with the ones responsible for Azkaban! It is all your fault, you fucking monsters, you're the reason I was sent there. So don't ask me why I should stay with the person who saved me from my torture!" her hand was now on her wand, and she was pointing it at the girl who'd dared invade her privacy. "You all deserve what I got, even that stupid brother of mine." 

Logan tried his best to ignore Victoria's screams in order to focus on Arnaldus and his plan to trick Andrew into thinking there were more of them. It was heartbreaking, hearing his sister break down like that, but they wouldn't be able to save her if Andrew decided to kill them all. But he wasn't able to bring his own comments into the story, for Victoria had already heard of the Order's tale. 

"He's lying!" Victoria screamed, "everyone's dead, they're all dead! Don't listen to them, Andrew. He just wants you to leave me so they can harm you. That's your plan, isn't it, Arnaldus? Your words are nothing but empty, cruel lies trying to make us fall for your tricks once more. But don't worry, honey, I learned my lesson. Did you really think it would be that easy to make him leave his side? By giving him false information in hopes he'll be distracted so you can earn the upper hand? You're pathetic. You're all pathetic beasts who deserve to rot in Azkaban!" 

Much to Victoria's dismay and despite her warnings, her enemy's plan did seem to work, and Andrew soon found himself and on the floor due to the attack. Logan and Victoria seemed to be the only ones who knew what was going to happen, for they'd grown up learning how the death eaters were supposed to attack if their leader was ever in danger. The siblings both turned to look at the death eaters, and Logan was lucky enough to duck behind a table before they all started sending spells their way. "Expelliarmus! Petrificus Totalus!" Logan shouted once he was brave enough to leave his cover. The first spell didn't hit anyone, but the second one was enough to petrify one of the death eaters. 

Victoria, on the other side, had joined the battle despite knowing she was not allowed to even step close to a duel because of the pregnancy. She didn't care. Right now, she didn't give a crap if the baby died or survived (even though she wouldn't mind if it just happened to die during the battle). The Slytherin girl was too busy looking for the girl who'd invaded her mind. Luckily, she was able to find the Carrow girl. And with all of her strength and hate, she used the only curse appropriate for dealing with people like her. "Crucio!" Victoria shouted, watching with a mad glee as her curse hit the girl. "Who's about to lose her soul and mind now, bitch?"



Andrew simply grinned at the man's insults, as if anything that came from his filthy mouth could harm him. "Not a coward, Arnaldus, but a genius. Do you really think I would be stupid enough to leave myself out in the open like that? Come on, mate, I thought you were smarter than that. Then again, you did lead your little group to their doom, so I guess there's really not much inside that tiny brain of yours," the man stated with a cruel smile. Only to be interrupted by Victoria's desperate screams as the other woman penetrated her head. "Shut up, you idiot!" He snarled, shaking Victoria's arm try to get her to snap back to the real world. It didn't help, and soon enough Logan was shouting at him to let go his sister. "I'm sorry, am I hurting her? Don't worry, kid, this is nothing compared to the other things I've done. But I guess your friend over there can fill you up on the details if you're so curious. Although, I think it's rather obvious considering her physical and mental state." 

Then Arnaldus began explaining what had happened to the order. And he had to believe he was impressed, so impressed he was actually considering following his trail of lies to make sure he wasn't telling the truth. But then Victoria had to snap back and remind him not to pay attention to Arnaldus, which was something he wasn't going to do anyways, but he didn't want to upset Victoria and have her screaming into his ear again. He had enough of that sleeping in the same bed with the person who loved to scream at night, thank you very much. "Don't worry, Victoria, I'm not going to do anything stupid. I propose that if your friend over here can tell us where exactly these hideouts are his sentence won't be so rough. What do you think?" 

But his question was never answered, for he was soon hit by a curse and sent back due to the impact. His want flew out of his grasp, much to his dismay, and he was forced to listen as the other death eaters attacked the Order while he was safely hidden behind the counter. He was about ask Victoria to give him back his wand when he noticed a death eater not too far away who'd just been petrified by Logan. Andrew quickly grabbed the man's wife and yelled "stupefy" in Arnaldus's direction. Then he turned to Victoria, who was out in the open using the Cruciatus curse against Quinn. "Victoria, what are you doing? Get back to cover, now!"

When the curse hit her, Quinn released an animalistic scream, her cry turning into a word: 


The curse was fired back to it'a sender, who quickly found herself with an enraged Carrow on the other end of her wand. Her green eyes ablaze, the words she wanted to say were on the tip of her tongue.

Avada Kedavra.

It was then that she recalled her pregnancy. 


She then raised her wand, devising another plan. 

"Stupefy!" She would knock Victoria unconscious, then, "Serpensortia!" Summon a snake to wrap around her. She rasped something to the serpent in a language she doubted anyone in the room would understand. It did, anyways. If she struggled and it happened to bite? Well, that was her own damn fault.

If Quinn had been angry before, it was nothing compared to now. NO ONE hurt Arnaldous. No one. 

"CRUCIO!" Quinn's curse was aimed at Andrew, and if that didn't work she'd be cursing him to death before he ever left the tavern.

She quickly knelt, grabbing Arnaldus and murmuring "Rennervate." Softly to him, worrying he was concussed or hurt in some way. When her eyes returned to Andrew they were fixed in a murderous green glare. They might as well have been flaming. 



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The sight of Victoria's response and maddened persona of which was a great change to the woman he once knew. It was a challenge to refrain from losing thought and keeping his responses in tact and plans in order. "Traitors now huh? Quite the change Victoria. I thought you'd be happy to see familiar faces like Paige, Greyson and even your brother Logan if not especially him, it seems the pair got to you. Potions and dementors or just the dementors and torture.... maybe all?" Arnaldus countered her greeting looking to keep her turning with memories and hoping to bring out a little glimpse of fight left in the old Victoria of who they all knew and less of the maddened version who stood before them. "I miss The Victoria, not this twisted version your father and husband conjured out of you. I imagine all of us who knew her feel the same." He made certain to respond with a clarity and emphasis on The Victoria. While replying to her question of Did ya miss me. 

The eye contact hadn't left Andrews figure and Victoria's reactions, watching every move and every reaction. But his ears were ever present and thought to have heard a whisper of some kind though what he couldn't say, but he did know of whom the whisper came. Quinn had spoken in time he learned it must of have been a spell as she curled into him keeping herself from vulnerability. Meanwhile the discovery of what she had been up to were revealed with a noticable change to Victoria's pause and Quinn's soon reaction to her findings. A shedding of tears and terror while asking after Victoria's decision to remain with those who victimized her in Azkaban along side the dementors. Her clinging to him as she recovered from the legillemens use and findings. "Blame us for Azkaban? We installed the trap that was your wedding? We revealed our identities to your father? We put you in Azkaban? We tortured you? We damn well hadn't given up on you! But we are the monsters? We are to blame for all this madness you are under? Have you forgotten who had this idea to begin a revolutionary order? Who came to me, Thaddeus and Dorian to help form and bring back the order? You! We all saw a necessary change and saw chance to make a difference by greater effects of unity! Damn you've let yourself go Victoria, we expected a tortured woman, but a completely different and now puppet to your father and husbands strings.... Never! Not the Victoria we knew."  He added in reply aiming to keep her running with memories of the old days and the woman she was before the wedding. If she snapped back it was fine, expected but if it chipped away at her madness and through to the Victoria they aimed to get back...... then it was worth it. 

"Are you going to believe her Andrew? You all had her in Azkaban with Alexander. We hadn't been captured and were free enough to act." Arnaldus spoke posing the question and keeping his plans in order, the more he chipped away the more effective it would prove. "Then again you claim genius right? Tying yourself to the man who's boots you lick and instills fewr in you, just to avoid his wrath and your eventual death by his hands or his enemies. But I'm a little brained man huh? Risk management fella. Eventually food and drink were more of need to then worrying about death eaters around every corner, at any possible town we travel. Looking over your shoulder constantly out of fear, paranoia and avoidance..... well you doom yourself. It's unhealthy. Besides seeing as you never were a match on equal ground, you death eaters..... against us in the order. I wager we'll do just fine. After all the ambush at the wedding with far more in tow still led to you failure. As we yet live and live free of your capture." Arnaldus spoke replying to Andrew more in full now. "Can't live in conditions and survive such without certain risks and supplies taken and obtained. Not in times like these. But anway... listen to Victoria all you want, she was in Azkaban with you giving away all the details she knew about us and the order. Who's ever heard of change and tactical adjustment right?"  Arnaldus smiled 

"No, we're  realists out to not just survive but finish what we all once started, dear Victoria. You hadn't thought we'd stick to the old hideouts right? After all we were exposed thanks to a traitor. No cover and hideouts of old were safe. We adjusted and altered plans just as one should." He then turned to Andrew and chuckled in seeming amusement. "You know Andrew..... What about the simple fact my whereabouts after the wedding and all that time unaccounted for by you and your pathetic pawns and that minister is still left unaccounted for right?.... and you still think I'm just spinning a web and would have stuck to old hideouts of the Order? Stuck to what Victoria's tortured mind told you whislt she remains in your capture and far from any of us? It's really sad. And the fact, the mere fact you thought I'd give away exact details of the whereabouts and locations of our tactical adjustments long since made..... shows you don't know me at all and Victoria failed to realize or had forgotten much about who we were are and who I am to think it would have worked."  Arnaldus continued 

"What this? Surrounded by pawns called death eaters and a ensuing battle? That was life to us mate. We lived it and survived it. We shrug off this danger and go about life as if it were normal. Wait.... it is normal isn't it? We defeated your snatchers, we defeated plenty in the name of the order and survival. It's what we do."  He spoke while shrugging "We simply survive until our goal is achieved and life is once more free of dark lords and their damn fear instilling and tyranny ways." Arnaldus added taking note that Andrew retrieved his wand and fired a spell back at him, stunning him and sending him flying back. The famialir but still painful feel of hitting the ground hard and feeling the spell strike him. 

On his back and muttering a curse under his breath Arnaldus stirred, feeling Quinn's presence and spell wash over him. A smile and nod of thanks as he looked to her discovering her flaming eyes glaring at the man and seeing her reactions to his injury.... Arnaldus gestured a warm hand on Quinn's and giving her a look of sincerity in reply to her actions. He slowly got up and stood firm in direction of Andrew seeing a desire to duel him and find out just how good he really was for himself. But whether or not he would have that opportunity today had her be seen. He did however stand with wand in hand and out of the corner of his eye took note of a slowly approaching death eater staring a hole in him. "Stupify!!!" He uttered strongly with a outward flick of his wand and sent the man flying out the window behind the man. 

"Come on Andrew! If your still capable of moving.... let's see what you got!" Arnaldus spoke in challenge though he hadn't a clear sign of view to see how Quinn's Crucio worked and what effect it had on him. Raising his wand and aiming for the counter he had used so far for cover, he fired another spell "Reducto"  He spoke softly destroying the counter into pieces with a violent and explosive blast from his wand. Clearing his view and taking away any further cover for the man. "Can't believe you'd take orders from him still Victoria..... But hopefully you'll see sense and realize this isn't a clear head on your shoulders!" He spoke in reference to the earlier demand of taking cover now. Once more aiming to force a reminder of the old Victoria and chip away at her mad and twisted view she had of reality. While keeping himself prepared to cast another spell at Andrew as the others fended off the death eaters attacking them and Logan proving successful with a earlier  petrifying spell on a death eater. 

[SIZE= 14px]The plans were still the same as they had a opportuntiy to free Victoria from the grasp of Andrew and her father. It would be a likely long road to truly get her back if they could. But atleast she would be free and lutnof the ministry's grasp. A small victory for the order and friends and brother of Victoria. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@thefan1[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@EmilyPower[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Rui[/SIZE]
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A swift shielding charm got rid of the threat of Quinn's curse. However, it didn't do much for the counter he'd planned on hiding behind and, most importantly, hiding the unconscious Victoria behind. He raised his wand at the girl and took notice of her flaming eyes, ones that showed him that she was capable of killing him if given the chance. So, he decided to deal with her first. All it took was a "petrificus totalus" sent her way, which did a good job in petrifying her. He would've loved to kill her, but he knew the members of the Carrow family probably wanted the honor of killing the blood traitor in their family for themselves. 

But Arnaldus was a different story, and that meant he could kill the bastard with no remorse if he felt like it. He did. "Avada Kedavra!" Shouted Andrew, and watched as the green light shot out from his wand to hit the table behind his target. That had been a warning, one taste of what was about to come. "Come on, Arnaldus!" Andrew exclaimed, "is that the best you can do?" 

(How long should we make the battle?)



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Quinn has already cast her final spell by the time she had been petrified.

Instead of being aimed at Andrew, however, this one was to Arnaldus.

"Protego Horribilis." 

Protection against Dark Magic.

She smirked as she was cursed, immobile and useless.

She just prayed her friends knew how to fight them.

In the mean time she eyed Victoria for any sign of her waking. 

She'd kill that bitch when she was mobile again, Logan's feelings be damned. She wasn't their Victoria anymore, she was a twisted, broken, cold shadow of their friend, an entity without feeling, unless that feeling was insanity. 



Logan, who had been busy dueling with a death eater who was now in the ground after being hit by a stray killing curse, was now hiding under a table while he watched the fight between Quinn, Arnaldus and Andrew. He didn't join the battle, for he knew they could take down Andrew on their own. Instead, he focused on crawling next to the unconscious Victoria. Unlike the others, Logan wasn't mad or disappointed at his sister because of the episode she'd had mere minutes ago. He'd witnessed the fury of Robert Knight more than once, he knew exactly what he was capable of doing, especially to blood traitors. Victoria was scared, and all she needed was their help and some time to recover. Then she would surely come back to normal, right?

Right, but she couldn't stay in the open during a battle. Sooner or later, she'd be hit by a stray curse and either die or lose the baby. So, with extreme care as not to alarm the snake wrapped around her, the young Gryffindor tried his best to remember the spell that prefect used every time the Slytherins let out some snakes in the Gryffindor common room under the cover of it being a prank. 

"Vipera Evanesca!" He whispered with excitement, knowing he'd gotten the spell right when the snake dissolved into smoke. Now that the snake was gone, Logan focused on levitating Victoria a few inches off the ground and moving her behind a fallen table for cover. There, he checked her for any visible wounds and found (to his relief) that both she and the baby were intact. 

Logan, however, failed to notice his sister's twitching hands and legs. Victoria's closed eyes suddenly began flickering as she woke up.  Her vision was blurry, but she could make out Logan's figure as he fought against one of the death eaters who'd seen him bring Victoria behind the table. Then she made her second mistake of the night. Victoria reacted irrationally, something that would surely give her a good punishment once she returned to Knight manor. After slowly standing up, Victoria forcefully pushed Logan out of the way and sent a killing curse towards the death eater, a curse that, much to her dismay, hit the death eater and killed him. 

The question of "what have I done" lingered in her mind. Her inner panic showing as she began hyperventilating and her hands began shaking. Had she protected a member of the Order? Had she really saved one of her enemies, the one's she despised for months, and killed an ally while doing so? Oh, Robert was going to lose his mind. But she had an excuse, right? She's tried to save Logan because... because he was a Knight! Yes, he was a Knight. And therefore, his punishment should be a few months in Azkaban to get him back on the right track, and he couldn't do that if he were dead, right? 

"You saved me," Logan whispered, staring at his sister in shock as she tried to compose herself. "Oh, Victoria, I knew there was some good in yo-" 

He was silenced by Victoria's slap, which left him speechless while she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him under cover. "Shut up!" She commanded, "shut up! Don't ever mention this again, understand? I did not save you, and you can't prove it." Victoria explained, not caring to see his reaction and sticking her head out of the cover to continue the battle, now against Ezekiel, who received a "reducto" curse thrown at him. 

Logan, on the other hand, rubbed his sore cheek with a hopeful smile. He knew it would take time, but he'd seen that Victoria still cared about the Order. All she needed was to escape her father's grasp and come back to the people who still cared for her. It would just be a matter of time before he got his sister back. 



Arnaldus stood still watching as Andrew got up, fired a petrifying spell to Quinn and then followed with a killing curse toward him. He watched as the trajectory seemed to follow closely to his path but ultimately seemed a tad over and up passsing his shoulder on the one side, the thought and risk of staying still and letting it fly past him as he believed it would was rather foolish...... but something told him that it was not going to be over as soon as one killing curse. Maybe it was a warning of his power huh? He soon turned his gaze toward Quinn with a look of concern over her state, relived it was just a spell to make her immobile. 

Arnaldus then turned to face Andrew once again face to face with a grin in intial response to his remarks. "I'm coming. Don't you worry your head on that one. I was just clearing my view, as you do like to cover yourself, you know." He replied taking his wand and stepping forward placing himself closer to Andrew in distance and before his path of Quinn. He began a waving motion of his wand thrusting a forward motion every so often in between to aim the series of the fire based spells toward Andrew "Incendio Duo" He had uttered softly as the flames danced in powerful form toward Andrew though Arnaldus wasn't done yet, he would reveal the spell he had been working on for quite some time now for good measure. It was a wind based spell that was powerful enough to counter lesser spells while sending a powerful and wide gust of wind forward in both offensive and defensive manner. Performing a strong and side sweeping motion with his wand as he stood sideward and then became forward appearing again after performing the motion, he silently performed the spell. "Ventus Vehemens" Casting a strong & wide gust of wind toward Andrew fanning any flames that may be there and aiming to violently send Andrew off his feet and backward if not countered. 


 Meanwhile Ezekiel was just finishing up with the latest Death eater he had been dealing with when from the corner of his eye, he noticed Victoria up and by Logan, firing a spell directed him after she had slapped Logan just moments before. "Protego!" He matched countering  the spell and now facing toward Victoria upon performing the defensive spells motion and redirecting his body to face the girl. Ezekiel didn't want to fight Victoria and risk her harm and the baby,  but he knew one spell countered wouldn't exactly be all the Ravenclaw boy would receive from Victoria if they continued. Not to mention Logan wasn't far from her proximity and could get caught up in the duel of his choice of spells were not carefully selected. "Incarcerous!" Ezekiel spoke conjuring cords of rope from his wand and aiming to tie the girl up."Was that you, Victoria who took out that death eater? Nice work! Still got some fight left huh?" He smiled seeing there was surely hope left in getting their friend back. 



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Andrew's curse proved to be futile, when Arnaldus' own curse hit him and he was sent back. He tried to protect himself using a shield charm, but the spell was simply too strong and he was sent backwards. This quickly became Andrew's final move for this battle, for his hip had landed right on a sharp edge of broken glass, which pierced him. The pain was enough to make him lose his wand, and he could do nothing but groan in pain. 

The other death eaters had obviously noticed the state Victoria and Andrew were in, and their curses against the Order decreased. They had clearly lost the battle, and they couldn't leave Andrew and hope Robert wouldn't kill them. That, and it seemed like Victoria had turned to the Order's side once more. She was clearly out of their jurisdiction, and they didn't know wether they should kill her or bring her back. So, in the heat of the moment, they began disapparating. The last death eater managed to give the Order a death glare and grab the wounded  Andrew before disappearing, but Victoria was left behind to her enemy's mercy. 

Robert's furious screams could be heard from miles away. 



Victoria watched in astonishment as that horrible curse hit her husband and sent him flying backwards. Fury overtook the girl, and she began sending all sorts of curses towards Arnaldus. "Expelliarmus! Reducto! Crucio! Confringo!" Victoria shouted, watching as the light came out of her wand and flew towards Arnaldus. Hearing Andrew's groans only made her madder, and seeing the other's reactions fueled her anger even more. If Andrew died, she would make sure the others died with him. Screw Robert and his orders to keep them alive, they didn't deserve to waste more precious air. 

Logan watched in horror as Victoria's curses flew towards Andrew. He knew that she would surely kill Arnaldus if she wasn't stopped, but he couldn't hurt her. Cursing her was simply out of question, not only because he didn't want to harm her, but because he knew that she would turn her anger on him and he probably wouldn't survive that duel. If she attacked him, her own brother, the others would probably think she was a lost cause and kill her. So how to attack her while making her seem sane? 

He only got one idea, but it wasn't exactly a nice thing to do. How could he forget her fear of dementors? How could he forget the fact that she'd been trapped with them for Merlin knows how long? The boy knew being with dementors had to be horrifying, especially for Victoria. And he'd seen her outburst every time some one reminded her of Azkaban. So why not bring back some of those horrifying memories? Maybe he could save her by making her think dementors were approaching, that way she would focus on the fake dementors and the others would see her as who she really was; a friend in need. 

So, with deep regret for what he knew was going to hurt his sister more than it would hurt him, he pointed his wand at her and whispered "Glacius," watching as the cold breeze enveloped Victoria, who stopped firing spells at Arnaldus to focus on the cold. 

The other death eaters had started to leave, and Victoria had been about to ask why the sudden disappearance when she felt the all-too-familiar cold. She knew what meant, and it explained why the other death eaters were leaving. Dementors. Robert had probably sent them to punish his death eaters for being beaten by the Order. "Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum!" the terrified girl exclaimed, frantically turning to check the dementors weren't behind her as she tried to make the spell work. But it didnt. Her patronus, the black panther that she was so fond of simply wouldn't appear. Victoria began to hyperventilate at the though of being alone with the dementors once again. 

This is was when Ezekiel's spell hit her, and due to her panic, she wasn't able to protect herself. The ropes tied her hands and legs together, making her drop her wand and preventing her from escaping. Victoria watched in terror as the few remaining death eaters disappeared, abandoning her with the dementors and the Order. Where they going to take her back to Azkaban for failing? Was that her punishment?, she couldn't take it. "Come back, come back! Expecto Patronum! Don't let them take me, please!" Victoria sobbed , her words only being heard by the Order now that her companions had abandoned her. She was all alone... 


Observing his spells working effects and forcing Andrew back upon noticing the earlier shield charms to defend against the flames, his venture spell got through. Sending the man back and groaning, death eaters shooting glares as they began to fade away and taking Andrew with them. But he noticed Victoria was left now and began firing spell after spell toward him. He shook his head and still wrapping his head around her continued rage to him for combatting her husband, the constant siding with him whilst under the madness that has consumed her mind and body. Meanwhile he motioned his wand across his body and back in repeated motion deflecting each spell with one protego charm after another. 

"I'd hope your mind comes around Victoria, dear. This madness and twisted view you have now days is rather conjured and morbid. Can't Victoria knight of old see through those panicking eyes..... Can't you see the reality of realities here?!" Arnaldus spoke in near plea as Logan had seemed to come up with a plan. Encasing Victoria in ice and freezing her within a cold envelop. While seeing the effects it had bringing back memories of Azkaban, perhaps the cold reminded her of Dementors? It must have been upon seeing her later reactions and pleas. 

As Ezekiels spell bound her and kept her tied up, causing a lost grip of her wand to leave her unarmed. Arnaldus meanwhile turned to check on Quinn as her petrified and immobile state would likely be ending now, he kneeled down and in concern checked her for any injuries that he may have missed or weren't aware of yet. "Are you ok, darling?" He asked sweetly though his concern for her and Victoria was still rather high. Especially as he heard Victoria's sobs and plea for help against the nightmare she was seeing and having only the order to hear her now, they were her friends but right now she hadn't seen them as anything more then enemies and traitors. "Come on Victoria! You gotta fight, even if only one last time, you must fight like you once did." He pleaded with her though uncertain if any of his words would get through and past the state she was in currently. 

Now turning to Logan and Ezekiel. "Ezekiel you take Paige and Greyson and check outside for any traces of trouble left behind. Be quick about it though." He spoke then looked to Logan again."Nice work Logan. It's rather torturing in a way.... but quite the alternative to what might come with the other possibility. What are the chances of Victoria overcoming this? You know her best and your fathers capability to his own flesh and blood." Arnaldus asked while complimenting his plan and still keen to Quinn and her state. 


Logan couldn't pry his eyes away from his insane sister, tied up and screaming for the ones who'd left her behind. His cheeks turned red as the familiar feeling of guilt washed over him. He hated seeing Victoria like this, he really did, but there was no other way. If she needed to be restrained, then she'll be restrained, if they had to be rough on her to make sure she recovered then they'd be rough. Anything to get the old Victoria back. 

"Thank you, I guess," Logan replied solemnly, now focusing on Arnaldus as Victoria finally shut up, probably realizing screaming wouldn't do much for her. "I don't know, I though she'd be weak once she came out of Azkaban. But I never imagined the place would have such a strong effect on her. I've seen it happen before, to strong witches and wizards, and I've only seen one of them snap out of it. Hell, even my mother got a similar deal and she still hasn't recovered. So, I hate to admit it, but her chances are dim. Maybe if we find out what made her go insane especially we'll be able to cure her, but I don't want anyone inside her brain again. No offense, Quinn." 




Arnaldus Smith

The trio of Ezekiel, Paige and Greyson taking patrol of the streets in unified and tight formation. Taking one street at a time and being quick enough yet thorough about it. Wands still in hands, feet shuffling along the streets and alleys as they made certain the small town of muggles had been clear and safe as could be for those of the order who were within the pub along with order founder, Victoria.  "Seems quiet enough, can't say I've seen much trace of those blasted followers Robert has working for him. Clear...... I suppose. Perhaps one more spot to check before calling it good?" The boy asked in turned head toward Paige then to Grayson. Giving a nod in reply to their responses, Ezekiel followed behind them and went off to clear off one more spot in town before officially calling it good. 

Arnaldus meanwhile looked over Quinn checking her body a second time to ensure he hadn't missed anything. Healing spells were not his specialty, but thanks to his wand having a healing power that perhaps hid some of his lacking in the field of magic. He could heal lesser and non fatal wounds, and could fix minor injures and mend bones, but beyond that he was far from capable. It was the more serious and life threatening injuries that would be his downfall. While also paying attention to Victoria and Logan, spreading his attention and focus amongst the three equally as he could. "I don't much like the idea, but until she's more calm and settled with us. Keeping her restrained may be our only hope." He spoke to Logan seeing his solemn thanks and look of guilt as he looked on toward Victoria, eyes no moving from her as she remained in restraint and calling for those who left her behind. "I don't think any of us did. I thought through my own bias and hope, Victoria would be strong enough to resist your fathers torture and whatever else they done. Even from tales of past wars, the dementors didn't have such a effect as this alone." He spoke in paused observation and saddened look in his eyes while shaking his head. It wasn't disbelief exactly but rather fading hope and wondering why he kept it for so long that Victoria would overcome Azkaban when they would finally meet up with her in teary eyed and long awaited reunion even as hard fought as it would have been. But now here it was and everything was different, much different then he would have imagined. "Somehow it still sickens and shocks me, seeing just how far and willingly your father will go to his own family. How could one do this and still call them his own flesh and blood?" Arnaldus pondered aloud. "Odds.... never were in our favor. We started with low odds, your sister overcame that once. Maybe she'll do it again, hopefully. Without invading her mind through legillimens.... it will take a lot of time and persistence to breakthrough to her and warm her up to the idea of sharing details. Being her brother and despite the morbid state of her mind, your still the best hope of achieving that breakthrough Logan. She handled that death eater coming for you...... That's a sign she's still there, somewhere. A glimpse of hope." Arnaldus pointed out and responded to logans preference of not invading Victoria's mind again. "They may have succeeded in turning her against us friends. But they can't break the ties of love, the love she has for her siblings. The potters proved the power of love is a powerful thing. Now is another proof of that, I believe."

@thefan1 @Rui

Quinn nodded faintly to Arnaldous. 

"Let's go, love." She pecked his cheek, "Let's get out of here." She lowered her gaze, cracking her stiff joints.

"Grab psycho-bitch over there and let's blast." She grabbed a beer from behind the counter. 

"At least I can grab one of these." She tossed one to Arnie.

"Here babe, drink up." 

(Short post, many apologies!) 





It had been a week and a two days since the tavern encounter with Andrew and his death eaters as well as the surprising, happy but ultimately sad tale of seeing their old friend and sister again in Victoria. She was mad, twisted and rather morbid of states. The Order may have succeeded that day despite all the factors involved, they defeated the ministries lieutenant and his selection of death eaters and achieved the grand goal of getting Victoria back. But sometimes victory can be....... bittersweet. They won a battle, they got Victoria ... but it would prove a likely long bout with her demons of torture and madness after her stint in Azkaban and all she had been through. Quinn called her a psycho bitch but Arnaldus couldn't quite agree, it would seem like a giving up, that wasn't something he could do and he was far from that moment. It was going to be tough, but the ever light if faded still ignited amidst the darkness in Arnaldus. He felt it best to leave the lead role with Victoria's care to logan, her younger brother and one he saw the best chance lay within for her return to old form. Followed by the always caring and mother bird esque young woman in Paige then her brother Greyson as back up for any potential trouble. Even a troubled Victoria could prove a challenge, despite her pregnant state additional to her madness and twist, she was still a top level duelist at Hogwarts and knew plenty of spells to use, if she tried to make a escape. 

While he could take his turns if needed or try his hand at a bigger role in helping care for the girl and try to chip away or show love to remind her of old times and her old self. Arnaldus somehow felt the best chances lay with Logan and Paige and he would best suited to step aside for now. 

Ezekiel managed to find some food and supplies while out patrolling the small town of muggles after their battle. He, Paige and Greyson found plenty of items to make use of and restock on the needed supplies and food, prolonging starvation, poorly off times as they traveled and continued to run from the ministry until a time where they could strike back. Between these new supplies and Arnaldus taking a little more risk moving forward by going through small towns to add to their food, drink and other supplies as the intial restock wouldn't last and if they were careful and minimized the risks involved, it could prove vital later on. Perhaps a little bold after a victory, but so soon after their battle it seemed unlikely they would see more so quickly onto their trails and try again to best, capture and defeat the wandering members of the order. 

Now days when not taking chances in small towns, the order stuck to back roads, old trails and forgotten paths through forests, woods, tunnels of winding caves and small mountains to make use of and travel in more covered and less obvious or public of places. It proved cold at night, hot and warm during the days at times but they lived and they survived one day into the next and untik they needed no more. 

Sitting within a cave with a crackling fire and group all inside, Arnaldus stood quiet at the caves entrance taking his turn to watch over the landscape and keep guard. It was the least he could do for now, he left Logan and Paige with much while tending to Victoria. A longer guard patrol wasn't too much in comparison. While he still had some beer left from the bottle Quinn gave him back at the bar as he left it unopened until tonight. The bottle was in his hand as he drank from it every so often while overlooking the lands from his vantage point, he had been somewhat quiet throughout the night only speaking up when checking on the others and every so often trying to break his silence with a brief conversation. 

A turn over his shoulder to look back toward Quinn, Logan, Paige, Ezekiel and Greyson. Deciding his routine of quiet and standing in the caves entry would prove just well enough to break it for a moment, by turning around and walking over toward the fire and kneeling down before the fire, putting his arm around Quinn's shoulder and leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Is the fire keeping you warm, love?" He asked with a soft smile using his hand to slide on her arm to create a bit of warmth. He had come to greatly care for her and it continued to show even through his troubles and bouts of silence in small but loving ways. "If not, you can take my jacket. It's not heavy but it may help keep you warm." He spoke softly and looked into the fire, gazing into the crackling of heat and controlled flames in a almost deep looking of ways while then moving on toward Logan and Victoria. "Everything cool Logan? You can rest up if you want." Arnaldus spoke the boy had been quite occupied since the return of Victoria, while Arnaldus though placing the lead with Victoria on logans shoulders. He didn't want to overwhelm the lad and leave him without sleep or time for himself to get a break now and again. Meanwhile even if limited, Arnaldus did try to talk with Victoria not shutting her out of his day and making attempts to reconnect with his old friend. 

Whilst the brothers of Smith continued to jokingly and lovingly teases and rivaled one another out of fun and pushing each other, small attempts to keep things light in dark times. 

@thefan1 @Rui

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The days went by and the remaining members of the Order continued their journey. Their most recent encounter with the Ministry had been a victory, but it had only made their current situation worse than it was before finding Victoria. The first two days after their victory were an endless loop of running, hiding and fighting for their lives. The Ministry had a strong lead on where to look for them and had relentlessly focused on finding and capturing them once and for all. Escaping wouldn't have been so hard if it weren't for Victoria shouting their current location everytime she heard a death eater approaching. It had taken Logan and Paige tremendous amounts of force and determination to shut her up, but by the time that happened the death eaters had found them and they were forced to flee. 

So the Order quickly traveled across the country, finding new forests to hide in and new villages to loot as far away from where they found Victoria. Arnaldus took care of leading the group while the others worked on finding supplies and helping Victoria heal from her stay in Azkaban. It was hard on anyone, but the system worked perfectly and their situation improved, much to Victoria's dismay. 

As the days passed, Logan's job  as Victoria's caretaker proved to be a task easier said than done. Those first two days had been hell for the Order, but he had gotten the worst job to go with those first days. The excitement and joy of winning the battle was short lived, for Victoria started acting up soon after leaving the bar. Screaming, kicking, crying and insulting, Victoria wouldn't give up when it came to making their lives harder. She blamed them for being abandoned, and was trying her hardest to get her revenge on her caretakers. Everyone who dared crossed her path ended up with a new collection of bites, cuts and bruises, despite the fact she was tied up and wandless. The girl always found a way to inflict pain on whoever she could find, and Logan was unlucky enough to be stuck with her most of the time. 

Thinking she wouldn't hurt him because of their relationship, Logan volunteered to take care of his sister after noticing how some of the other members weren't too tolerant of her aggressive rants and violent tendencies. Yet, despite the wounds inflicted by his crazed sister, Logan never gave up on her. Yes, she was deranged and dangerous, but she was their friend and needed their help. So, with a great amount of bravery, Logan continued defending Victoria with the help of Paige, Ezekiel and the occasional aid of Arnaldus. 

Their desperate attempts to bring her back seemed to work. Victoria calmed down after the fourth day and didn't cause much trouble. She usually kept to herself, not trusting the others enough to establish any kind of conversations unless they tried to speak to her first and leaving her frustration behind to focus on her escape plan. The girl knew they wanted her to join their side, so she decided to comply until they gave her back her wand. She'd given up on the thoughts of the Ministry rescuing her and knew her escape was up to herself. When the fifth day came around, Victoria began speaking to the other members as politely as possible. From saying "please" and "thank you" to complimenting their cooking skills to talking about how they managed to "look slightly better than a house elf". 

Which was not to say her violent tendencies had come to an end. Every night brought a new wave of nightmares that left her screaming every time she woke up. When the others tried to comfort her, they were met with violence and insults. In addition, the others had used her more reasonable state to try to get her to open up about what exactly happened in Azkaban, which made Victoria insult and wound them. This was mostly caused by Logan's curiosity and inability to give up in trying to get her to trust them again. 

Her latest outburst had taken place mere minutes ago, when Logan had asked her if Alexander had helped her in Azkaban. A question answered by a firm "no" from Victoria, which brought to Logan's second question of "he's not the father, is he?" The young boy gained nothing more than a bruised cheek and a long stream of insults and death threats. It had taken a long time and the help of the others to calm her down, but they succeeded and now found themselves in silence in front of the fire. 

The Gryffindor boy yawned as he gently ran his hands along Victoria's arm as her head lay on his crossed legs. He and Paige were the only ones who could touch Victoria without her flinching and hissing at them. This, to them, seemed like a result of their recovery. But Victoria saw it as a chance to show she still cared about the Order enough to let them touch her. She tried to lie to herself into thinking she was disgusted by their touch, but actually found it comforting and rather useful whenever she couldn't go to sleep. 

The yawn was probably what brought Arnaldus' attention to the brother and sibling staring at the fire. Victoria didn't acknowledge his presence, but Logan looked up and quickly shook his head. "Everything's cool, don't worry," he whispered, followed by another yawn and him rubbing his sleepy eyes one more time. Since Victoria took so long to fall asleep, she spent that time speaking to Logan or Paige, the most civil conversations she had with anyone from the Order since they captured her. This gave Logan hope that she was opening up to her brother (which she was, she just didn't acknowledge it), but it stopped him from getting a proper night's rest, which was visible judging by the bags under his eyes and constant yawning. "There'll be time to rest later. Paige should rest tonight, I'll look after Victoria," the boy said, which got him a smile from Paige who was just as tired as he was. She, however, also had the duty of looking for supplies, so he took care of Victoria most of the time in order to let her rest. "I'm just a bit tired, that's all. It's nothing to worry about." 



Quinn smiled warmly to Arnaldous, sipping a cup of tea she'd brewed. 

"Thanks love." She curled herself up in the jacket, inhaling deeply. She loved his smell; masculine, kind of like maple syrup, faint cologne, and pine. Very much...him. She glanced back towards Victoria, the anger in her eyes reigniting. 

She knew it wasn't her fault.

[SIZE= 14px]She knew Azkaban was a horrible shit-hole.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She'd been there. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Her father watched her with stern approval as she stood in a dark room, a trembling prisoner before her. A voice whispered in her ear, distorted and dark,[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Are you afraid, little one?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"No my Lord."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Go on then...make her suffer..."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Yes my lord." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She raised her wand, casting Crucio again and again, listening to the praises of her master and the sobs and screams of the prisoner. They left her to the dementors once Quinn had finished.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She shuddered, the night suddenly seeming far colder.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]That was a long time ago. [/SIZE]




The nature of his plan may seem odd, may put a strain on things later on between himself and Victoria. But it was working outside of that, the dividing of responsibility and adding more time keeping watch for trouble on himself was helpin improve matters. Logan and Paige had made tremendous progress with Victoria over the past week while Ezekiel and Greyson did well in keeping supplies full with Paige's help. Quinn kept tea brewed and between the lot food was rather timely and well made. The system worked for as far as Arnaldus could tell, he would just have to cross the bridge with Victoria down the road and accept what comes. The occasional attempts to speak with her showed a consistent enough effort, but she hadn't acknowledged him much whenever his presence drew near or he spoke up toward them with logan and Paige. He could see it well just then when speaking to Logan and Victoria didn't budge. But merely allowed a slight shrug to it, time, time was all he could say for the woman to come around to him. While he looked toward Logan and noted his tired state, giving a soft smile and looked to the fire. "Just be sure you get some sleep too, once Victoria is safe and soundly asleep. I'll be up keeping watch for the night and can ensure things from there. You need your strength by the looks of it and I can nap during the day once your all up."  Arnaldus spoke rather glad to see the boys commitment and wits were still strong and up to the task. He had shouldered quite the load of responsibility since Victoria was back in the mix of the order. Paige was great too and played a important role with their friend and still helping with supplies. "That's good though. If only a bit tired. Just don't over do it.... rest up once the opportunity arises." He continued giving a smile. Even if he limited his praise to when Victoria was more pleasant of moods or simply asleep, Arnaldus was proud of the job Logan as doing. Glad to see his relationship with his sister was getting through to her and improving matters. 

"Anytime" Arnaldus response came as he looked toward Quinn, keeping a smile on towards her and warming his hands against her now covered arm one last time. Before moving his arm away to seat himself fully next to her and stoking the fire a bit. While his eyes hadn't left Quinn too long and had followed her glance to Victoria, his head shaking a bit and wondered about those two. Perhaps Quinn knew it wasn't Victoria's fault but that look of anger still showed. He was hoping that time would also aid there, in forming a bridge between them to help the relationship if any would come of it between the two women. 

Noticing a shuddering and stir from the cold. Arnaldus turned and wrapped his arm back around her shoulders, rubbing his hand against her arm in the creating of some warmth. "I've been thinking..." Arnaldus began looking deep into the fire after looking toward Quinn with a warm smile. 

This brought Ezekiel up and repositioning to a sit after laying down for awhile. The Ravenclaw lad was rather curious what his brother was up to now or what plan he had cooking up. "Not thinking of sending off on another errand I hope?" Ezekiel chuckled knowing full well it was not likely that sort of thinking. 

"Nothing of the sort Ezekiel. Besides it's late and Greyson probably isn't up for babysitting you right now." Arnaldus responded back with a chuckle and shaking of his head. He was only joking of course, despite all his worry over his brother and his more emotional driven and high risk taking style, he did have skill and intelligence and the ability to take care of himself.... Arnaldus just overlooked it at times out of concern for his brothers well being. He had seen him near death once already since the wedding. He had desire to see him hurt seriously a second time, though the odds were not in any of their favors of avoiding serious injury for long. They had been lucky, skillful and overcome so far.... but the ministry was still powerful, still outnumbered them and had greater resources at the moment. "No, in all seriousness and before you all fade off to sleep. I've been thinking how we can't keep running and hiding for much longer without making a move of our own." He started looking to each person and back toward the fire. "Once Victoria is better situated and more trusting of us. We will have to make a move. Our identities are well known and now even Quinn is discovered. So infiltrating the ministries ranks is not only a blown operation of possibility. But pointless now as well. Too much risk and dependency on polyjuice potions to even have a chance at noteworthy success." Arnaldus spoke continuing his train of thought. "We were willing to try Azkaban for Victoria. But now that we have her.... it's changed the course a bit. Alexander could be turned against us as well for all we know, Victoria was turned and he could be as well. Best we avoid taking that operation now, least until we have more strength and numbers backing us. But we will need to make a move and use that willingness to take a risk for another, start a ripple in this pool of fearful obedience. If we show that our order is still fighting even as bad off as we may be.... it might start another chain reaction. Give one last stand and light of hope to everyone else out there..... that we haven't given up yet and neither should they. Tyranny must be broken." The blonde young man spoke looking to the fire and into its crackling flames as if it were a chess board, wizards chess to be precise. Almost seeing the movement of small flames like pieces upon a board after one move to the next. "What I said back there.... it was mostly talk to keep Andrew occupied and while he likely won't believe everything or any of it. He will look into it. Buying us time just as I intended and was aiming to keep his mind focused on me during the duel, get under his skin if I were lucky, but it also had small grains of truth. I did a lot of searching with Quinn before finally coming across Paige and Greyson back at that house. Ezekiel was the first I found before I sent him off to mum and dad for safety until his wounds healed and he could fight at full strength again.... not to mention see our family safe and hidden until this blew over. Anyways some success was found and plans set into motion. Not as far reaching as I made it sound but far enough. It might be time to consider using that card and buy us some more time and pack a punch to possibly turn more to our side and out of the fears grasp," He continued now looking up toward the group and gauging their reactions and thoughts on the matter.

(Left a opening for a discovered or failed plan scenario in case you want to use another angle or plan for the plot. Or have something already. (: 

@thefan1 @Rui
His eyes followed Arnaldus as the man let him know he could rest after Victoria went to sleep. His sister had always been a night owl, preferring to stay awake during the night than the day, but now she wouldn't even consider closing her eyes until the early hours of the morning. During one of their late-night conversations, the boy learned that this was due to Victoria's newly developed distaste for the dark. She'd admitted that the reason she never slept during the night was because she simply couldn't sleep in the dark, not after Azkaban. Logan would've gladly told the others, but Victoria made him promise not to do so. It would make her seem weak in front of her enemies, and she'd showed enough weakness already. It was because of this that Logan kept the fact that he wasn't sleeping to look after his sister from the others, he knew they would want to know why or protest. 

Having this knowledge made Logan chuckle when Arnaldus tried to tell him to rest if he ever felt too tired, as if he hadn't overdone it already. "Thanks, Arnaldus. I'll keep it in mind," Logan spoke, his arm still gently rubbing his sister's in a comforting manner. "But don't worry about me, I'll sleep as soon as I feel like I'm overdoing it. But I'm more than fine," the boy lied, followed by another yawn. 

"You should go to sleep, Logan. Your yawns have been driving me insane and you will become a nuisance if you faint because of exhaustion." Victoria spoke, gaining a few surprised looks from the rest of the Order. Apart from the occasional wave of insults and screams, the Slytherin girl barely ever said a word unless she was talking to Paige or Logan. To hear her utter such a calm answer was probably shocking for some, but she honestly couldn't care less. All she cared about was getting her brother to leave so she could stay with the Carrow girl. Her relationship with the girl had been civil before the wedding, but it had taken a bad turn after the bar. She probably wouldn't have cared about the girl if it weren't for the fact that she'd invaded her head without permission, which made her the only member of the Order with knowledge of what had happened inside the fortress. Victoria saw her as a enemy, and she was sure the girl didn't like her much either. She knew their little nonverbal battle could turn ugly, and she didn't want the only ones in the Order who treated her like the adult she was to see her attacking another member of the Order. Her only option was to send Logan to bed, to stay with the ones who she hated the most and set things straight once and for all. 

Without thinking it twice, Logan stood up and walked towards the discarded blankets and sleeping bags on the floor, grabbing a blanket and a pillow to arrange his usual uncomfortable bed. The boy was asleep in a matter of seconds, not caring about whatever Arnaldus and his brother were talking about. Victoria's blessing had been all the convincing he needed. After a good night's rest, the boy was sure he would be able to keep up with the group without passing out  the next day. 

Back to the Order, Victoria was now sitting straight in the place previously occupied by her brother, listening to Arnaldus' plan with interest. It was a good plan, which meant Victoria simply couldn't let them go on with it. She was still loyal to the Ministry, after all, and the plan could work if done well. "That's stupid," stated the Slytherin girl, wrapping the blanket over her shoulders tightly around her. "Alexander was turned too, he's probably one of my father's most aggressive soldiers, one working on finding you lot. Everyone and their mother has turned to the Ministry, and it will take a miracle to get them to switch sides. That is, if you get to contact anyone, which is not possible. You want to advertise the Order, show that we're- you're still standing and want more members. But there's been public executions, humiliation, rapes, tortures..." her speech lost its force, it was a hard subject to talk about, "for the Order and the ones who supported it. Do you think anyone wants to go through that again? Besides, there is no way you'll be able to show these little advertisements of yours. The Prophet is controlled by the Ministry and won't publish anything you send them and the only group of people who always seem to want a rebellion are all in Hogwarts. A place that, if you haven't forgotten, is impossible to enter if you're not a student." Victoria spoke. Not bothering to hide the laugh that came after the speech. "You got one thing right, Andrew is probably looking into your lies. He likes to do that, he's a complete idiot."

(decided to get Logan out of the way to focus on Victoria's relationship with the rest. 

BTW: I love your idea, this is just Victoria talking. 



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