In Character Roleplaying

Arnaldus Smith 

"We're alive... Exhausted, tired of running, chased, hunted like prey. But we're alive and eventually hope shall return." 


It's been months since the last time we gathered in stumbling upon one another fashion, back at the house where Arnaldus found Paige and Greyson. The orders last and safe hide out, the house where survivors could gather and find one another.... A last hope when the wedding and its proceeding attack occurred and sent a scattered order into further depths of scattered nature. Victoria was captured along with Alexander as they would later learn, Ezekial nearly killed, Paige and Greyson escaped and so did Arnaldus. But the end result? The effects that one day had on everyone and everything? Was devastating..... Seeing the after effects for himself Arnaldus was nearly fatal to his confidence, to his hope of ever seeing the light at the end of their tunnel. It was a group of like minded students and friends that started it all, it was they who started a revolution and actually made way toward successes, one move after another, tactic after tactic, risk upon risk and pain staking efforts to conceal their identities throughout, it was the new Order that started it all and because of them it was all nearly gone, the world as they knew it, the people of all kinds who opposed the ministers view, homes, families, pets and life were destroyed, displaced, killed and lost. Seeing it all with his own eyes and up close as the young heir of hufflepuff searched, ran and hid out in tireless effort to find his friends, hopin along the way they yet lived and hadn't been killed while he was off escaping with a beauty who stood with him elsewhere from the others, dying apart from him because he thought fighting on and searching for them at the wedding and during the chaos was tactically wrong and best thought of what the others would have done, based off past missions and like wise situations. But it was all stupid comforts or attempt as such to sooth his mind and lighten the guilt he long felt. Seeing while searching for them day after day and week after week, month after month..... It was hard. It was devastating. But that was months ago and much improved since then, perhaps not as much as hope and desire would have it.... But improved none the less. 

Now those who who remained and since returned were traveling, once more on the move and hiding out in cold, quiet and out of the way places. Forests, woods, abandoned buildings that were near in shambles, rubble and broken glass.... Far from five star hotels and room service, far from the comforts of home and hogwarts. Hogwarts?....... Oh how Arnaldus had missed the old school. How he wondered of how they were all doing? The students who might still be there and the good, kind and decent staff and professors who still taught at the school. Life must be difficult for them too, though unlikely as poor and dangerous as the life Arnaldus, Logan, Paige, Ezekial and Greyson had it. Hopefully it was still better. The times had been hard on the young wizard who only ever sought justice and quality of life to all, no matter his own personal trouble and pain suffered. He took great pain, greater pain when others suffered because of him or because he failed... It wasn't all on him, no. But guilt wise it might have well of been so as much weight and pressure he placed upon himself. Seeing and hearing about his friends fates and kidnappings, torture sessions and everything, it troubled him. As More and more were lost and captured the harder it got, they started out with so many and now so few remain. It came to the point where Arnaldus's mind often became clouded and depressed ridden, often asking why he keeps surviving and others haven't? But he couldn't let on, he wasn't a trouble sharing sort... few ever managed to get him to open up. No he was a surviving founder of this generations order and he wouldn't break! He was determined to stay strong and remain a protector, a guardian of others to the best of his ability. 

Arnaldus had to clear his mind as often and best as needed, they all had remained alive and made it this far. So it was clear that a task remained and much was left to do. With his younger brother Ezekials return they had another wand between them and a entire army of dark wizards and witches, out scouring the wizarding world looking for them. Looking back toward young Logan and seeing the resemblance of Victoria in his face Arnaldus restrained any look of sadness or tears from his eyes and any form of doubt and weakness from expression, even as memories of the good ol times with the core four and later the order in their prime, memories of Victoria herself one of his longest and oldest friends.... Even then he managed to hold it all back, all the emotion and ache it brought him. He looked to him and Ezekial his kid brother while hoping he wouldn't see his kid brother near death again, but ultimately glad of his return and well standing shape he was in. Then toward the others as he looked all around the woods and trees, the fallen leaves and morning sun above up in that blue sky overhead. Hands in his pockets and pulling his coat closer together to keep the chill off and warm his hands with movement in his lined pockets. 

"We've got a long trek before nightfall, perhaps we should stop and get a quick bite to eat huh?" Arnaldus suggested, thinking the time was right and a good chance to discuss any further moves, get their opinions and free up any held back nerves or issues before moving on. They did after all  have a big goal ahead of them, few wands against the enemy they face. A task of friends to free and see alive again no matter their form of state and being as they remained held as far as they knew in Azkaban. Dementors, death eaters and elite guard of the minister..... A great task and anything that could get in the way or any doubts were best served in the open where they could be cleared or lessened. Even if Arnaldus was a little hypocritical in that regard himself. 


Ezekial on the other hand was rather quiet. Even as they paused and stood at the center of these woods, talking and possibly getting a bite to eat before moving on had been quiet electing to hear the others out first before doing any talking. After all he had been gone for awhile in recovery and safe guard, a little catching up to do was the better move at this time. 

[SIZE= 14px]@thefan1 @EmilyPower[/SIZE]

Logan Knight

Do you have what it takes? 

The days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months and the hope turned into desperation. It had been months since Logan Knight had joined the Order, months he'd spent obsessing over the thought of finding his sister alive. Every day brought new horrifying thoughts and visions of Victoria's treatment in Azkaban, and they did nothing else but give the young Gryffindor more strength. They had been traveling for far too long- running away from death eaters who were still looking for the remaining members of the Order and the heir of the Knight family. Logan had learned to always keep his guard up the hard way after a rather nasty encounter with some snatchers that almost cost him his left leg. Every day was a fight for survival, one Logan wasn't sure he would be able to win with their limited supplies and small numbers. There were days when the young boy didn't even know how to stand up from the ground. There were mornings when he just couldn't find the strength to keep fighting, the strength needed to win the war seemed to vanish every time Loga remembered his warm bed in the Knight manor. How many times had he considered leaving the Order to run back to the easy life with his parents? It seemed like his only chance of salvation, and it was so tempting to leave the running and hiding behind. 

[SIZE= 14px]The Order kept him alive, they trusted him despite his blood status and relationship with their greatest enemy. They welcomed him with open arms whereas any other group would've killed him on sight. Perhaps this was the reason he forced him to wake up and help the others walk every morning, the support from ones he now considered friends was enough to stop him from betraying the Order. After living with the Order for months, Logan had gotten some of them to open up to him, and he had opened up to them just as well. This was due to how much he resembled Victoria, and how Logan saw the others as brothers and sisters. It hasn't been easy, but the strong bond he's formed with the others had improved their situation, even if it was just helping the displaced teenagers to a emotional level.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Now they found themselves in some forest not too far from a muggle village, walking after a well deserved rest in a not-too-comfortable ground that served as a bed. They were all quiet, for all of them had to deal with demons within their heads that were best kept private. There used to be a time- during the first month after leaving the house- when Logan would've tried to break the silence to lighten the mood. But after the horrible battles, the return of a bloody and half- dead Ezekiel and the paranoia and anxiety, silence was the one and only thing they all needed. Logan walked next to Ezekiel in the back of the group, with Paige and Greyson walking in the center and Arnaldus and his pretty girlfriend leaading the group. There was something about Arnaldus the young boy couldn't quite figure out, and it was why he always seemed to smile whenever he spoke to him. Maybe he was trying to hide his pain behind a bright smile, or he just smiled because he saw Victoria whenever he spoke to the young Knight. Whatever the reason was, Logan liked it. He liked Arnaldus more than he liked the other members of the Order and it was refreshing to see a smile every once in a while. But, he let him be with his girlfriend out of the fear of not being welcomed. Thus, he walked next to his quiet brother. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]When Arnaldus mentioned taking a break, Logan was the first who jumped to the idea. His stomach was grumbling, and he still hadn't gotten to eating small snacks every now and then instead of having three full meals a day. He had lost some weight, but he didn't let the others now. He wasn't going to be a pain for the others, that's for sure. "I can go gather some wood for a fire if you want," Logan suggested, taking his wand out and touching the tip with his index finger. "Wait, do we even have food left? Because there's a village not too far from[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]here. We can go to a pub and steal some food from the muggles." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px](Victoria's post will come later. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Saru[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@EmilyPower[/SIZE]
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Robert Knight had always lived a life of pleasure and luxury. Being born into an ancient pureblood family meant he had access to almost everything as a child. House elves, gold, manors, friends and power, you name it. His life had been wonderful, every single moment of it (that is without counting the years he served Lord Voldemort). Still, Robert had to recognize that these past few months had been the best months of his entire life. Most members of the Order had been captured and killed, and the others weren't in what most would call a good shape according to some of the ministry's snatchers. Both the muggle and magical world were being tormented by the Ministry, and the statue of secrecy was close to breaking. In fact, most muggles now knew about the Wizarding world, and they were all scared of it. Robert had spent the past months killing muggles and traitors left and right, he had complete power over both worlds now that the Order- the rebellion, was gone. Not even the students of Hogwarts, who had always shown an interest in rebelling against the government, had caused any problems ever since Robert had placed guards around the school. With his youngest daughter reporting the recent events at the school, it was safe to say the students were completely under his control as well. It was almost like Christmas had come early. 

He had also regained control over his family. Victoria had been out of Azkaban for a few months now and the fortress had been enough to see her understand what she'd done wrong by becoming a traitor. The girl was now hopelessly devoted to the Knight family and had become a very well-respected member of Robert's inner circle. She had kidnapped, tortured and killed the people who once thought of her as a hero, and she had become an example for all traitors out there. Her pregnancy was the only problem, for it was slowing her down and she was not allowed to participate in any more duels because of it. But Robert was sure she would go back to normal once she gave birth to the child. 

Robert was not the only one celebrating the events of th war, Andrew Williams was having a wonderful time as well. He was Robert's second in command and an official member of the Knight family. This meant his power was almost limitless. He had spent the past months hunting down the Order, and they were incredibly close to tracking down the final group. After the last battle against the Order, they had discovered the remaining members were still on the run, which made them an easy target. They were probably exhausted, starving and in no condition to fight. Which was why Andrew had spent the last few weeks working with the changed Alexander on tracking down the Order. 

Which was exactly what they were doing right now. Andrew had taken a few skilled duelists from the Ministru and brought them to the woods, where they were now searching for the Order members who were last seen around these premises. Andrew was disguised to look like a poor muggleborn wizard, an idea they had gotten from Victoria who'd suggested to wait to get some information before attacking in case they managed to escape.  




Arnaldus Smith -"He's proven himself and even still has the resilience and energy to keep on. Despite everything. He's reminding more and more of her..." 

The air was crisp and the feel of chill was all too present, they had traveled far and the woods seemed a good choice. It was of no importance to anyone in the wizarding world, possessed no value to the ministry or the order. It was simply the woods and not far from a muggle village.... What better path on their journey? It has been awhile since the house and he managed to change his clothes and shower, wearing a plain black suit jacket with a blue dress shirt and black pants. Despite his preference of style in the more comfortable and simple fashion, but these were not times to be choosy and the attire fit him nicely. Though it wasn't important it did bring a fresh change back then, but as Arnaldus stood before them all, Logan, Quinn, Ezekiel, Paige and Greyson. He noted Logan's near leap at the chance to stop and take a break, giving a smile and soft chuckle. " The kids earned it." Arnie thought as he looked toward the younger wizard and warmly gave a nod. The young knight nearly lost a leg during the skirmish with the snatchers back there a ways, he had chances to leave and return home to comfort and riches.... But he didn't and instead began building a strong bond with each of them, getting them to open up and he opened up in turn. Arnaldus had to admit the lad was growing on him, well growing was a understatement he liked the kid and cared about his well being. Not just because of how much he reminded Arnaldus of Victoria or because he was the younger brother of his old and dear friend but because he not only proved himself, but showed how great he was and could be outside the influences of his family, he proved to be different and worked his way into Arnies circle of friends, it was hard not to like him. 

He had to admit though his sister was strong seen in him by Arnaldus, but that was far from a bad thing. "A fire? Yeah.... That's a good idea. But we're sticking in pairs, you guys... Ezekiel, Quinn, Paige and Greyson can set up a perimeter. I'll tag with you in getting that fire wood. Cool?" Arnaldus smiled, he kinda felt like he should catch up with the lad after all he seemed to stay back with Ezekiel during the walk. Perhaps getting to know his brother? Either way it seemed a good idea to catch up and see how Logan was doing. The task ahead was great and they lacked numbers, quite the early goings since the joining the order for anyone. Maybe he had doubts or could simply use the talk. Maybe in truth Arnaldus could use the chance to take his mind off defenses and simply listen, or talk himself a little? A good opportunity to the hufflepuff. "Food supply is sparse, we've little remaining now. But there's ways of resupplying... Hopefully stealing from the people in the village won't be needed. Wouldn't want to draw more attention to ourselves. Right?we've already one army after us, we don't need a village." He then winked and smiled showing a little glimpse of his old self or rather non distracted self. "I think we can manage some charm to get what we need. I may be grim at times... But I still have some left. What about you?" He chuckled and looked to Logan.

"If you need charm bro, your sending the wrong team." Ezekiel smiled giving a wink himself and nod to Logan. "You should send the youngest here, we've got the best opportunity. After all.... I'm here and I top you everytime." The younger smith claimed confidently but all in good fun and ribbing his brother a tad. "Not on my worse day, Ezekiel." Arnaldus responded in kind. Turning to face Logan now and also checking the area.... Feeling something was different. He couldn't place it, it was likely just paranoia or a little creature of the woods running about through the trees and bushes. Returning his gaze giving each present a nod before looking to Logan. "Well that break is official then. Let's get started huh?" Arnaldus spoke with a smile while keeping his concealed wand that lay up his sleeve ready, prepared to slide into his hand and allow for quick reaction if needed. 

@thefan1 @EmilyPower @Rui

Victoria Knight 

[SIZE= 26px]Dealing with the monsters within her brain. [/SIZE]

It had been months. Victoria wasn't sure how many, but she was sure a year couldn't have passed just yet. All she knew was the fact that she had been out of Azkaban for at least half a year, and the memory of the horrid place still plagued her mind. She was forced to remember the harsh treatment at the hands of the sadistic guards, the screams and laughter from the other prisoners (did the laughter belong to the prisoners or did they belong to Victoria? They were almost identical, it was hard to tell them apart), the dementors and her dark cell. Victoria knew her brain was punishing her for being stupid enough to form the Order, she knew these nightmares and hallucinations were there for a valid reason and she knew there was only one way to end her torment. What she had done was despicable, she deserved the ever-lasting memories of what happened inside of the fortress. But all punishments had to come to an end, and Victoria knew that the only way to end this torture was to help her family rid the world of all muggles, mudbloods and blood traitors. If she managed to end the last hopes of rebellion planted inside of the minds of the remaining members of the Order, then her own mind would forgive her for being so foolish. There would be no more pain, no more suffering for Victoria, the girl who had suffered more than enough during those two months locked away in hell on Earth. "But it wasn't your fault," Victoria reminded herself. And she was right, this wasn't her fault. If it hadn't been for those damned friends of hers, she would've never joined the Order.  It had been their plan from the very beginning; to break the girl to become more powerful than her. They weren't her friends- Dorian, Thaddeus and Arnaldus, they had been nothing more than selfish, evil bastards who only wanted to hurt the young Knight girl. It was because of this that Victoria had spent the past month obsessing over finding the remaining members of the Order. They needed to play for what they'd done to her, pay for what had happened in Azkaban. With them gone, her guilty brain would stop tormenting her, that was for sure. 

Her eyes twitched and her teeth clenched together with the memory of the Order. Victoria was quickly becoming desperate, they needed to find the Order. She couldn't last one more month of the psychological torture her brain was submitting her to. It had been much too long since her last decent sleep, all due to the nightmares that plagued her dreams every single night. The recurring nightmare of going back to the hellish prison had been enough to send her to a emotional meltdown the first night away from Azkaban. But the nightmares weren't the worst part of the trauma, oh no, they were a treat compared to the hallucinations. Visions that resembled Azkaban. Victoria saw the grimy walls of her cell every time she closed her eyes, she felt the freezing aura of the dementors every time she walked outside, she felt the filthy hands of the guards and other prisoners clawing at her body every time someone tried to touch her. It was enough to make someone go insane, and Victoria was not going to let herself go insane. She had to thank Andrew for the wonderful potion he'd made just for her, one that blocked the horrifying hallucinations as long as she drank a small dosis of the foul-smelling liquid every now and then. With the potion on her side, Victoria was able to become an important and respected member of her father's inner circle and a key factor in the capture of the remaining members of the Order. You see- Victoria knew exactly where their hiding spots were located, she had been the one who'd sent a group of Death Eaters after the house where six of them had been hiding. She knew what their plans were, and she was planning to use them against the group of traitors until they were all brought to justice. Once they were, well, she was certainly going to enjoy herself making them go through the same pain she had to endure because of them. 

If only she could go fight the Order. She wanted to duel her enemies, but her pregnancy was not allowing her to do so. Honestly, she didn't care much about the child growing inside of her, but her husband didn't want anything to happen to the child, and she knew making Andrew angry was not a good idea. So she stayed in the mansion with her father, waiting for the Death Eaters to update on anything that happened with the Order. If they were lucky, they would be able to get some information from them before trying to kill them all. And hopefully, the others would leave some of them alive to take them to Azkaban, where they would rot for the rest of their miserable lives. Something told her the torment would end soon, the foul potion wouldn't be necessary once they were all dead, and she would make sure they would all meet a gruesome end. 

Logan Knight 

Logan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when Arnaldus declared the break official. The kid's feet ached, his hands were freezing due to the cold and his stomach desperately begged for some food. He wished they could find a muggle house with no one inside, for he was dying for a warm shower and a comfortable bed, but he couldn't let the others know. He suspected they pitied him because of his young age and were going easy on him because of it. They kept trying to give him larger portions of food, which he always refused, gave him easy tasks and it took some time to let Paige let him go off on his own after the leg injury. He wanted his sister to be proud of him once they rescued her from Azkaban, and he was sure Victoria wouldn't like some spoiled kid dragging the group back. "You guys should make some shields while we go explore the area. We won't take long but there's no way of knowing how far away the Death Eaters are," Logan commented, only to turn to Arnaldus and Ezekiel once more. He had to admit that Ezekiel had a point, they were most likely to get supplies if a child asked for it. He knew how to act innocent, and the other's wanted faces were placed all around the country. It seemed like the other Death Eaters hadn't been able to recognise the young Knight as the son of the Ministry. Therefore, he wasn't in the undesirables list like the other members of the Order. 

"I'll go, they won't hurt a kid and no one knows I'm with the Order. If anyone recognises me they'll be too happy to disobey me and I'll be able to ask for the food," Logan stated, looking at the now-visible houses from the village. There was smoke coming out of one of the chimneys, which meant the village still had some muggle inside. This was a rare occurrence these days. After Robert broke the statue of secrecy, most muggles lived in large cities to protect themselves against the wizards that seemed to target small towns and villages. The ones left probably didn't care much for wizards, or they simply didn't know about their existence just yet. This was perfect, a perfect opportunity for them to enter a place without being sold to the Ministry for a couple thousand galleons. 

"You guys- you should come with me, though," suggested Logan. He didn't want to admit he didn't want to go to the unknown village alone, but the thought of being caught by some sort of undercover Ministry official and taken back to his family was frightening. Life with the Knight family wasn't easy, and his father was certainly not going to be happy to learn that his son had let himself get captured by a new group of mudbloods. "It looks like a rather boring town, and I wouldn't mind to have someone to speak to. Besides,  they might not let me inside of the pubs due to my age." Logan lied, unknowingly rubbing his upper arm and looking down, which could easily give him away. He knew this lie wasn't the best one of them all, so he needed to come up with something to convince them to come with him. They had older friends, after all, and he knew that older teenagers weren't fond of the idea of hanging out with a younger kid. "If you don't want to come with me it's fine, I'm sure you can have some fun gathering wood for the fire," Logan commented, sounding much more like Victoria than he wanted to. 



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Arnaldus Smith- The Badger 


The woods served a purpose and though not the warmest of places this time a morning, at this time of season. It was out of the way and unlikely to trace them here and while Arnaldus knew Victoria, he didn't know what the ministry had up there sleeves for her and gathering information. Torture was the common practice but who knows how far or what else lay in store, perhaps truth serum a potion of another name used to extract information from those unwilling. Looking toward Logan as he spoke of shields while they were away just in case death eaters showed up. "They're a persistent bunch.... Even as few as we are they remain strong in pursuit." Arnaldus remarked though he had a fair notion of why, eliminate any remaining threat to their rule. Destroy them with any means necessary or perhaps they sought torture? A physical and consistent routine until they are broken and residing within Azkaban for who knows how long. The life of The Order. They rebelled and struck at the very structure that ruled over the wizarding world, killed many and looked to destroy much more as they continued down the path tyranny. 

"Your thinking wise Logan. But if they happen to desire a strike against your father, if recognized of course. You could get worse......" Arnaldus replied with a pause looking around and getting the feeling his low odds and unlikely scenario had ill timing. "Pessimistic I know. It's a rather low chance that'll happen, too many fear these days... But your not going completely alone." Arnaldus continued dialing down the all possibilities form of thinking and changing it around. "No sweat." He chuckled noticing Logan's arm rub thinking to himself that he just found the kids tell, while the look down was a easy enough give away even if unintentional. "Besides.... The pairing and close formations would be rather vulnerable if we didn't keep up to some degree. We're all that's left right now and until others join up or we find everyone and bring them back, we gotta remain close." He spoke up now walking over and standing near the path toward the village. Turning a eye back toward Logan, Ezekiel, Quinn, Paige and Greyson. A smile on his face as his comment about having fun gathering fire would for the fire sounded much like Victoria. "You know... If I didn't know better I could of sworn you were Victoria just then." He chuckled intending to crack a smile or atleast speak in warmer memory of Victoria rather then the likely state she was in now that was probably on all their minds. "Next I bet you will have that look on your face when ever a brilliant plan entered your thoughts." A warm smile staying on his face as looked toward Logan. He was becoming aware that perhaps his mentions of Victoria could have the reverse effect then he meant it or perhaps Logan may tire of the comparisons. Often younger siblings tired of being in their elder siblings shadow, maybe Logan felt the same? Or perhaps he didn't mind and let it go. "Either way Logan. We'll follow you into town, I'm feeling rather thirsty myself and for something stronger then spring water." Arnie spoke confirming that he wouldn't be alone inside the village, that they would come along as well.  Meanwhile he began to walk toward the village expecting soon each would follow and let the fire wood settle for now. All while keeping his guard up and wand ready to leave its concealment and enter the grasp of his hand. 

@thefan1 @EmilyPower

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)][SIZE= 72px][FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']Quinn[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]Quinn had been eyeing the fire for what could have easily been an hour. Her green eyes seemed to glimmer as the flames danced before her, their glow casting shadows across her face. She removed her eyes for the flames for a moment to look upon her new companions. Her eyes stayed on each for a few seconds before landing tenderly on Arnaldus. She'd been with him since the wedding...She'd almost forgotten what day-to-day life was like without him. She enjoyed every second by his side, and now he hadn't spoken to her in almost an hour. She didn't want to disturb him; there were his friends who he had long thought dead, she would be wrong not to give him time with them, but it was rather dull for her. She decided to step out and get some air. She decided she would speak to Greyson. [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"Excuse me, do you know where I could step outside for a moment? I think the room is a bit too hot and I'd love to get some air." Her eyes met his in their hypnotizing manner, the snake-scale shade of green ensnaring him as she spoke. As she finished the statement, her eyes flicked over to Arnie, studying him briefly before returning to Greyson. [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)][/COLOR]
The sky was turning grey and the sun was once again hiding behind a courtain of clouds. It seemed like they would have to spend another day under the rain unless they found some sort of shelter. While they did use spells to keep themselves dry wherever rained, Logan's charms weren't the best of them all and he always ended up soaked to the bones. Needless to say, Logan didn't like the rain. It was his own personal belief that nothing good could happen during a storm and they were a sign of bad luck. Hopefully the people in the pub still had hearts and would be willing to help out the stranded teenagers. "We better start walking, then," Logan muttered, his eyes fixed on the grey clouds above them. 

"Do you think I can't defend myself against death eaters? The only serious injury I've ever gotten in a duel was the leg one, and you were able to fix me up in less than an hour," Logan commented as the small group began making their way towards the village. He was, of course, referring to Arnaldus' previous comment on why he couldn't go to the village alone. It wasn't like he though the others saw him as a weak child, for he knew that he had proven himself to be useful a long time ago. No, he was asking because he wanted their approval. He had lived under his sibling's shadow his entire life, and he really wanted to gain their respect now that he didn't have Richard and Victoria to speak for him. He still missed them. He wanted them back more than anything else in the world and he still thought of them as his heroes, but he couldn't help himself but to want to stand out for the first time. When Arnaldus mentioned Victoria, Logan chuckled and gave the boy a smile. "Just give me a few days and I'll start burning every single broom and Quidditch balls in existence," the boy joked. 

(Sorry for crappy post, I'm at work and don't have much time) 

Arnaldus Smith 

The sky was turning grey and the inevitable rain that would ensue followed, Arnaldus and Ezekiel as quidditch players for their respective houses were use to the rain and storms, add the past months to the list and they were experts on the subject. But no matter the experience it still was never a welcomed change to the sun and warmth of its gaze, a clear sky where a beautiful blue with light scatterings of white clouds across its endless reach. Far kinder a weather then certain cold influencing and soaked ridden states such as rain and storms, the grey clouds and darkened skies would surely produce. Walking beneath the cold air that brushing against his face as the wind picked up a bit, starting a small breeze and sway from the trees his dark blonde hair flowing about like waves, his eyes looking ahead briefly before turning his gaze to over his shoulder and to Logan. "We shouldn't take long. The village is near enough to see more light, even hear some noise."  He replied keeping himself off the rains attention. Then looked toward Quinn with a smile and warm eyes paying her a moment of his time, she was speaking wih Greyson from what he could see from over his shoulder and looking back. Before returning his attention toward Logan and listening to his question, it sounded rather defensive? No. Arnaldus didn't think it could be taking offense or slight of the young wizards skill as a duelist but something else. Or was he wrong? Arnaldus gave it a moment of thought and analyzing before his lips moved and his eyes turned to face Logan face to face as he walked backwards with one hand in his pocket and the other with his wand now in hand."Your skill isn't in question Logan. Do know that, alright?" He began taking pause and then a breath before exhaling as he looked up toward the rain and back to Logan.  It wasn't easy opening up not for him, it wasn't easy admitting he was a failed survivor, it left a poor taste in his mouth for he didn't like knowing he lost his loved ones and friends, his family and everyone he had known for so long and others for awhile less but still of value to him. Arnaldus was a protector over protective even, he was guardian of sorts... He took every loss no matter how small, every mistake as serious as the worst possible outcome because it was a move that outmaneuvered him, a advantage superior to his standing it was simply better. Thus it would cost him and this wasn't a game of wizards chess, this was life, their lives and many more beyond the order. 

"I've seen and experienced enough losses, both minor and others far more fatal.... tragic. This time it was a leg, next time it may be a injury beyond any of our skill sets. The greatest of duelists can lose a step, receive great injury.... No, keeping you paired with others or all of us, well it's tactical. A protective measure to give each of us the best chance possible against our enemies. Where splitting up may prove more efficient and time saving, the odds diminish. Each of us shall keep in pairs, not always the same pairing but paired none the less. We'll prove more aware and more capable as a team against greater numbers, the better our fluid and likened minds we may just outshine our foes. It's all in formation and keeping to tactics unless our hands are forced, then improvise." Arnaldus smiled he was starting to sound more like the team Captian of house hufflepuff at the moment, though this wasn't quidditch was it? No definitely not. The stakes were much higher here then any game he knew and played. "You Logan, your young but skilled. Certainly capable defending yourself and if ever in duel club you could turn heads man. Maybe even stand on par with your sister one day and no longer be the young knight, right? Keeping you paired and each of you paired..... Well it eases the mind a little." He spoke positively of Logan yet admitted to his own selfish perhaps, reasons for keeping them all from going alone. 

When Logan joked about burning every broom and quaffle if given just a few days. Arnaldus chuckled with a smile, a slight shake of his head in good reception of the joke. "Your sister would be quite proud, she may even buy you a reward for ending any chance of her having to fly again."  He cracked a grin 


Meanwhile as Arnaldus checked on Quinn every so often and realizing how long it had been since he last spoken to her, he was to break the silence and speak with her later. But at the moment as Quinn spoke to Greyson as they moved along toward the village, Ezekiel moved over toward her while his brother spoke with Logan. "Feeling alright? The names Ezekiel by the way, the younger and better looking smith." He cracked in good intended greeting of Quinn. They hadn't properly been introduced as he was at one point covered in blood and half dead, plus constantly on he move now days, he felt it was a good time to get to know his brothers girl. Maybe get to know everyone better and spread some good times while they combat the darkness... Well and survive too. "We should be hitting the village soon, if your cold I'm sure a fire in the village and warm pub would prove a welcomed change to all this." He spoke with a smile and walked along side her. 

@thefan1 @EmilyPower @Rui
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It didn't take long for them to reach the entrance of the village, the existence of the open gate was almost comforting. Maybe the war hadn't struck the village yet, which was why the gates were opened to allow strangers to find shelter within the peaceful town. Unfortunately, the theory was proven to be incorrect as soon as they stepped inside the territory. People were walking in groups, not a single person could be seen alone. They were all walking with hoods over their heads and facing the ground, almost as if they were afraid of encountering the enemy. Most of the houses were blocked and boarded up and the ones that weren't looked like they would collapse in less than an hour. It was clear that tragedy had struck the town, the ones living there were victims of the destruction caused by the Ministry. Another obvious giveaway was the fact that the walls were filled with wanted posters. Hundreds of faces looked down at Logan and Arnaldus as they walked, the faces of the criminals being persecuted by the Ministry for crimes ranging from treason to being impure. It wasn't a surprise to see posters with the members of the Order on them. Greyson, Paige, Ezekiel, Arnaldus... they were all there, with the sign making it clear that they should be approached with extreme caution and their capture would leave the lucky soul brave enough to turn them in with more than 50.000 galleons. "You might want to cover your face, Arnie." Logan stated, his index finger now pointing at the poster with his face  in it. 

The boy hadn't forgotten what Arnaldus had said, and his words struck him hard. He knew they had been lucky enough to survive the ministry's attacks. Ezekiel had been a brink away from death when he joined the group and he had almost lost a leg due to some nasty curse. But their luck was going to run out eventually, and Logan knew they couldn't afford that to happen. Arnaldus was right, they needed to take care of each other at all times and being alone was not an option. That was how their new devastating reality worked, there was no way around it. "I- I understand, I'm sorry." Logan admitted, only giving the other boy a small smile in return when he said his skill could rival Victoria's. Maybe it was a good thing he looked down at that exact moment, for it prevented him from noticing the newest edition of the Daily Prophet. The one that had a very pregnant Victoria dressed in fancy robes with Andrew, Alexander and Robert during the latest public traitor execution. 



Arnaldus Smith 

The entrance was open with gates seemingly unguarded, welcoming in some quiet way. It upon first glance appeared untouched by war and as quiet as could be for a village of people, some chatter of movement here and there but nothing too loud. If first glances only proved true however.... Walking through the entrance and taking a observing look around and noticing all the folk in the streets near silent as the dead while they looked to the ground and kept heads hooded as none traveled alone. The buildings were boarded, blocked and others barely above collapse. Whatever has hit this village without destruction it was certainly effective, fear often had such effects. But to see up close how odd yet common these people acted, not a single hello nor a look into the eyes. Just plain faces to the ground and feet moving in packs instead of any walking alone. Perhaps they saw numbers as a advantage over the wizards and witches who came? Maybe they thought it safer until the break of day was over and they went into their houses or wherever they all might sleep. Arnaldus couldnt help but shake his head and quietly react to such a scene, rather sad but also all the more vital to their cause. The order may have struck a nerve against the ministry, they could be blamed for riling up the wicked supremacists over the past number of months, but to remain unhappy and in fear for all your time on this world without a ounce of fight, willingness to make change, nothing would ever be done. They could be blamed but if they were successful at the end of it all.... Everything would be far better then it ever has in some time now. 

It it wasn't until Logan spoke up and pointed to the posters of the wanted, of himself, Ezekiel, Paige and Greyson that he looked away from the town and toward Logan then the posters. "Cover my...." He began to reply before cutting himself off in following of Logan's point and looking on at the posters with a look of 'damn' crossing his features. "Just when I thought his village may'd think a guy would be flattered to have his face plastered all over with such a reward on their heads..." Arnaldus began to continue but still found himself not finishing any of his sentences there either. He thought about jesting of the situation and the posters.... But he didn't have the mood for it now. "I've a feeling none us quite share any flattery for the effort to capture us. Ah well..." He paused knowing full well Logan was right and he should cover his face, so should the others. But his first thought of how was rather simple yet impossible as he left the old mask behind at hogwarts and using Accio would spotlight the trace on them by using magic. Right now the need was t great enough to warrant the risk of us in magic as long as they remained underage. "We should be mindful here, as much as we would like to stay longer. It may not be in the cards now, cover your faces the best way you can. As Logan said its a move worth taking" He spoke moving his coats collar up high and pulled it closer to his face, in efforts to obscure any view of him. 

"It's a long road..... But," Arnaldus began interrupting himself again this time in notice of the daily prophet, his eyes hardly showing a poker face upon first notice of the paper, but soon enough he shook his head and aimed to keep Logan off the trail for now as he stepped over and blocked the view of the prophet with his standing before it, as he kept an eye on Logan and looking to the others. "Well... It's a long road is all. I think the pub still is taking customers, why don't we go warm up huh?" He spoke with a brief smile and changing the subject to the pub as he processed what he and just seen. Gently gesturing toward the corner pub across the street while he aimed to keep his face obscured. Arnaldus was still rather shocked by the latest edition but almost could see the kind of effect see that would have on Logan, he showed strength and will staying with them and fighting alongside them, even after taking the curse that almost cost him his leg and continues to deal with the rougher lifestyle they were experiencing now days, compared to the comforts of home and warm beds, hot showers and endless meals to enjoy. But seeing that could very well have a unpleasant effect, he suffered enough with the thoughts of his sister he likely had and the state she was in now days. Arnaldus though perhaps wrong of him saw no need to add to it with the daily prophets latest edition. 

Walking over toward the pub moving his wand to inside his sleeve for now, in attempt to show no signs of hostility, trouble or simple signs of who they were or what they were as wizards and witches and wanted ones at that while he could still prolong the discovery. Reached for the door and opened it for the others, allowing Logan, Quinn, Paige, Greyson and Ezekiel to enter before him. 

@thefan1 @EmilyPower @Rui
[SIZE= 36px]Andrew Williams [/SIZE]

Andrew had been watching the group for quite some time now, all under the disguise of an old muggle man. He noticed how they seemed to ignore the clear signs of danger after seeing the posters and destroyed houses. Andrew knew they had to be desperate for some shelter and food, for any other sane person would've left the town as soon as they saw their wanted posters on the walls. But he wasn't complaining, this was making his job easier, after all. Andrew ran inside the pub and took less than a second to place the bartender on the imperious curse. 

"Go. Run upstairs and never come back." He commanded, and the muggle bartender could do nothing more than obey. With the man gone, Andrew took his place behind the counter and waited for the Order to arrive. Pretending to be the bartender was degrading, yes, but it gave him an excuse to interact with the Order and it would be easier for him to earn their trust. When the group finally came in, Andrew grabbed a cloth and began cleaning one of the glasses. "Come in! Come in! And close that bloody door behind you, will ya? I don't want the place to flood because of that damned storm."



Arnaldus Smith 

walking into the pub and taking a last brief glance to the outside before the closing door shut behind him. Arnaldus looked toward the spoken bartender who's greeting was surprising... a little hmph behind it and atop of one at all. Out of the whole the village they had seen only one had said a word to the strangers in town, maybe he's merely wanting business? Or simply had a different mindset to the others. Alone, pub thankfully open and greeting the new folk about the village. Hmm it was different Arnaldus would say that much as he gave a nod to the man in return, staying at the moment silent while having questions run through his mind. Should he bother ask the questions in his mind? They may garner more attention and lead to better glimpses to his covered or least partially covered face. While Logan, Quinn, Paige, Greyson and Ezekiel each did their thing since stepping foot into the pub, Arnaldus walked around taking looks at the walls, and ceiling closer inspection to see exactly what the pub was like. Snoop around long enough to decide whether or not their stay would more then just warming up or risk a chance for food and drink. Between them the galleons were likely low, and the asking for food and drink was the only other option without payment. 

Wand concealed just enough in sleeve and eyes looking another direction. Arnaldus thought over a few questions to gather some information but aim to do so gently, "Strange isn't it? Must have been quite the hell raising around here. Your place might be the only decent shape one left.... perhaps the only one without boards or too many atleast." He spoke keeping his face toward the wall as if looking at the pubs condition and making observations based on that and the rest of the village he had seen so far. " Lucky huh? Hard times indeed these days."  Arnaldus spoke continuing to pry a little, but seeming more common of experiences, then a stranger just poking around town asking away. No he went with a more common and shared experience kinda way of asking. 

@thefan1 @EmilyPower @Rui

It had been a long day...

[SIZE= 14px]Her emerald eyes took in the pub coolly as she toyed with the jeweled snake wrapped around her neck. It had tarnished during their travels, but its significance remained. She eyed the bartender, casually pushing back her platinum locks. She moved her way to the front, keeping the snake visible, as if her distinct features weren't enough to identify her by. She perched herself besides Arnaldus, shooting a sultry gaze Andrew's way. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Something of a miracle, isn't it?" [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]I don't believe in miracles.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She allowed a small smile to grace her lips, "How fortunate." It was for show, of course. In Quinn's world, before the order, even, no one could be trusted. She'd seen men die before her tenth birthday over the smallest of errors in judgement. She shot Arnie a look, her suspicion held within it. She could practically feel her wand smoldering in her boot, ready to fly into her hands at a moment's notice. In the mean time...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Not to rush you, but might I procure a beverage?" She extracted a few coins from her coat pocket, "Nothing particularly fancy, mind you." She added, some humor laced into her usually solemn tone. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@EmilyPower[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Saru[/SIZE]
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The out was...odd, to say the least. The windows weren't boarded up, the building didn't seem too destroyed apart from one broken window and the people inside didn't seem like they needed to walk with a companion. In fact, there were a few drunken men and women sitting on their own in the nearby tables. Maybe they didn't have anyone to spend the day with, or they simply didn't care about the dangers of being a lone muggle in the middle of the war. The bartender wasn't exactly what he'd expected either. He seemed too eager to have them inside his pub. He probably just wanted some money, but it still didn't make up for his odd attitude. Logan walked next to the group with his hand close to the wand in his pocket. They didn't have much money, but Logan still had some coins to spare. So, with the money in his hand he sat down on the stool next to Quinn and placed the coins on the counter. 

"Do you have any warm drinks?" He rubbed his hands together to warm himself up. It wasn't as cold as it was outside, but that didn't mean the place was warm either. There were holes in the ceiling, and the rain drops were getting in - which he'd found out after one of them landed on his head. Then Arnaldus spoke up and attempted to start a conversation with the bartender. The young Gryffindor wondered why he would try to do such a thing when his face was all over the village, but the didn't complain about it. They were all successful in covering their faces and he doubted the man had seen them yet. "It really is quite sad, isn't it?" The boy asked innocently. 



Andrew set down the glass he'd been pretending to clean and took a look around the pub as the others walked inside. Arnaldus was right, the place was odd for a war. The windows weren't boarded up, only one window was broken and the building wasn't destroyed like the other houses. They even had some costumers, who were the only ones who looked like they really did belong in a war. He recognised some of them as death eaters, the ones who were waiting for their signal to attack. Andrew smirked, but his smirked quickly turned into a warm smile. The bar probably belonged to a cheerful man, warm-hearted man, judging by the way the owner hadn't bothered to board up the place and always kept the door open for anyone who wanted to come in. "Ah, yes. Hard times, hard times all around. Dreadful war, isn't it? I used to want to board up the place like anyone else, but the wife convinced me not to do so. It really hurt her to see the others, how they were all suffering. So she begged me to always keep the place opened for all poor souls who come by." Andrew lied, trying to get them to trust him. 

"Big heart on that one. We even tried to find those kids-the one's in the posters, you've probably seen them. But we couldn't find them. All I know is they got in a big hustle with what them wizards call the Ministry of Magic. Who, if you ask me, are doing a terrible job, but you didn't hear that from me." He continued, just before turning his attention to the pretty girl who'd just asked for a drink. She knew this one, one of the Carrows. Why would she join the Order? Well, he didn't care as long as she was sent back to her family. "Sure thing, beautiful,  one beer coming right up!" He exclaimed. Frankly, he wasn't a big fan of beer, but it was the first drink he saw and he didn't know how to make elaborate drinks with muggle beverages and without the help of a house elf. 

Then he turned to the boy, and he almost had a heart attack right then and there. Logan? Was that Logan Knight? He'd been gone for five months, and the Ministry had been looking for him like crazy. Everyone knew that bringing the Minister his son back would get them some power and it would guarantee the Minister wouldn't target them for a while. He hadn't payed much attention to his disappearance, mostly due to the fact that he had never liked Victoria's little brother. It was surprising to see him with the Order, considering Victoria had wanted to keep them out of the Order until things cooled down. Oh, he knew Victoria and the Minister were going to go insane. It seemed like one of the death eaters had noticed them too, for one of them was already heading outside with his eyes locked on Logan. He was probably going to apparate to Knight manor to inform the Minister about his son's whereabouts. "Cold, isn't it?" Andrew commented, now turning on the coffee machine and trying not to make it obvious that he didn't know how it worked. "I don't mean to pry, but why are you here? In the village, I mean. We dont get many visitors, especially kids and teenagers. Are you all related?"



[SIZE= 72px]Quinn [/SIZE]

Quinn was quick to answer, a hand sliding into Arnaldus's right on cue.

"Well, actually, they're his siblings. I'm just the fiancè." She blushed, an easily producible emotional response, flashing her half-grandmother's ring, something she always wore, the old woman being her favorite relative. 


She smiled sweetly up at Arnie, silently prodding him to play along. "With the war going on and such, we had to bring them along. We're just on our way back to my family home," she bit her bottom lip nervously, "I haven't told my parents yet." She squeezed Arnaldous's hand. "I just hope they approve." She paused for a moment, throwing in a well-placed look around.

"Speaking of engagements, where is your wife, sir? Is she not around?" She damn well knew the answer to that. She doesn't exist. Caught you. She frowned, "I would love to meet her." 



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"Ah, I see. You both have my congratulations, it's must be though to find love in this war," he pretended to be interested in the ring and then turned his attention back to the couple. "You are a very lucky guy, I wouldn't let her go if I were you." Andrew gloated at the though of separating these two apart. It had been extremely enjoyable to separate Victoria from Alexander after their relationship grew in Azkaban, and he wouldn't mind doing it again to separate Arnaldus and the Carrow girl.  

He then turned to the coffee machine, the one that wasn't working, and punched it. He needed to show his desperation if he was going to make this story for not being able to use it believable."Work you stupid robot!" He exclaimed, pushing a few of the buttons to make sure they wouldn't have a doubt that he didn't know what he was doing. "The wife does these kind of things around here, I'm just replacing her while she's not here," he chuckled "Man, if I'd known things were this complicatsd I never would've let her come here in the first place." Andrew then turned to the Carrow girl with a smirk and sighed. "She's off. Her father's sick, so she decided to visit him for the day. She'll be here soon enough, don't worry." And they would all love to see Andrew's wife, wouldn't they? 

Back at Knight manor, the death eater had just delivered the news to the Minister and Victoria. Needless to say, the Minister was furious. How dare his son betray him like this? Hadn't two blood traitors in the family been enough. Oh, he was going to make sure Logan paid for this. "Send an owl to the Carrows, tell them their girl is with the Order." He ordered to the nearest death eater. 

He then turned to Victoria and placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "Disguise yourself, go to the bar and fight with your husband when the interrogation comes to an end." He ordered once again, his hand squeezing her shoulder painfully. "Do not fail me, Victoria. You know what happens when you don't do what you're told. Fail, and Azkaban might just be your next home after the baby's born." 



Logan Knight 

The man's story seemed believable, to say the least. It was a story Logan would've believed 5 months  ago. But the war had changed him, and it had helped him learn how people's minds worked. His story had too much detail, and it sounded like he'd planned it before. That, or he could be wrong and he was just some chatty guy who wanted to help some people. It was clear that the man knew about magic, but he wasn't a wizard. Yet, he said that his wife had tried to find the Order under the excuse of wanting to help them. "Your wife is a very nice lady, isn't she?" He asked. If he wasn't lying, this could lead to them getting a good shelter, and he wasn't about to let that opportunity escape. With a slight suspicion and his fingers gracing the tip of his wand, Logan decided to follow Quinn's story. "Yup, they're engaged alright. If they could stop acting all lovely-like with each other we would've been with mum and dad hours ago!" He exclaimed, figuring reacting to the mention of their "engagement" would help. 

Victoria Knight 

Victoria had been pacing around the parlor for a while, her hands playing with each other as she waited for one of the death eaters to come with the report. Knowing that Andrew was with the Order made her nervous. This could very well be their last chance to catch them, and she was not going to sit around doing nothing while Andrew took all the glory. She was going to be the one to kill the blood traitors, she was sure of it. 

Then the news arrived, and saying Victoria was just angry wouldn't scrape the surface. So Logan was with the Order, after everything she'd done for him. Victoria screamed, hit the wall with her fists and threw cushions all around the place. Why was Logan so stupid? How could he betray his family, his sister, like this? Oh, he was going to pay. A few months in Azkaban should be enough to get his small brain working again. The fucking Order would not take her brother away from her, they would not take the last person she loved in this world slip away from her grasp. When the Minister Ordered her to leave, it was a matter of seconds before she stood in front of the apparition barrier. With the help of the death eater, they apparated to the village. 

He explained the story of the helpful, kind-hearted wife Andrew had told the Order to gain their trust. A good story, one that would certainly help win their little brains over. The death eater helped her change her features so she wouldn't be recognized. Her long, brunette hair was now short and blonde, her cheeks plump, her eyes green and her mouth thin. Her pregnant belly would surely help them think they were dealing with the man's wife. They wouldn't be able to recognize her even if she carried a sign with her name on it. Now, all she had to do was to go in and follow Andrew's story and gain their trust. Not too hard as long as she didn't lose her composure. 

"Honey, I'm home!" Victoria exclaimed, announcing her entrance as she walked inside of the pub. She took a few large steps towards her husband and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. An odd sensation, considering their normal kisses were rough and aggressive compared to the soft one they'd just shared. Victoria didn't want to think about it, so she grabbed the nearest apron and tied it around her waist, making the bump in her stomach even more noticeable. "Oh, I didn't realize we had costumers," she commented, her hand now settled on the counter, so close to Quinn's hand... she wished she could take it and crush it until it broke. "You poor dears look like you've been in a wreck! Sit down, wont ya? I'll get you something to eat," she said with a kind smile before opening random cabinets in front of her. "We really need to get some shopping done. Anyways, aren't you lot a bit young to be around here? Shouldn't you be in school?" 




[SIZE= 14px]Her eyes took on a menacing sort of sharpness, seeming to glow like a snakes. It was this very trait that was noted about those in her family, particularly before killing. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Like a viper prepared to strike.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She shot Arnaldous a look that could kill by itself. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]She mentally chuckled, 'We're like an old married couple already.'[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She placed her hand back within his and sighed softly, waiting for him to say something before she spoke. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Hello, ma'am. It is lovely to meet you."  She paused for a moment, taking on a look of some confusion. "I have to admit though, ma'am, I'm not as young as you both credit me with being, although I'm flattered, I must correct you. I'm twenty, perhaps you confused my identity." She extended a hand, "I'm Delphini Carrow. This is my fiancé, Arnold Fawley." She took his hand, her eyes taking them both in with a sneer. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]The stance and look her had was that of her parents, looking down at the muggles and all associated.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]The names she'd given them were both pure bloods, him of a Hufflepuff family, since his nature was obvious. She look the name[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]of her sister who'd disappeared some[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]time back. No one knew that she was gone. Only her family knew that. They had countless muggle actresses playing her for years, confined to the house so only brief glimpses of her were seen. Enough to confirm her existence. She was sorely missed, by her siblings anyway. Her parents were furious. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Her smile was smug, seemingly triumphant for the moment. The others could pass as his siblings, she was sure of it, and she was well aquianted with the family. She was actually supposed to marry Arnold. Poor thing, he had suffered a rather nasty snake bite...the whole incident was covered up though. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@thefan1[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Saru[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@EmilyPower[/SIZE]
The idea was likely odd to the others talking to the bartender as he did, striking up a conversation despite his face plastered on posters everywhere in town all with Ezekiel, Paige and Greyson. But Arnaldus while knowing the risk, saw it differently he wanted to gather information and more precisely a timeline. If he could build a timeline it could aid in the learning about the attack, such as how long ago was it, what happened and how did they make their arrival to the village and from where did they strike? Actually some of those were unlikely to be asked and were unnecessary for his benefit. But the manner of which they attacked could speak of the importance this village had to them, was it a simple attack on a muggle village or had it deeper cause and reason to the ministry? And if it had and depending on how long ago it had been since the attack, could be telling in if they were in further risk and if this was a mere trap in waiting. A sign that the village played a key role and the ministry had kept tabs on them, knowing where they were and their condition. All leading to a greater plan of capture and kill, eliminate and destroying the remnants of the order. Arnaldus was a decent tactician in all modest view, a wizards chess player and Captian of the quidditch team for house hufflepuff that had been going on two years now and a quidditch cup in his first year as Captian. So tactics and strategy were as close to second nature to him as breathing, almost anyway. Every move since reuniting with the order survivors and yet free wizard and witch had expanded ten fold, before he was focused on himself and Quinn as they searched and hid out from the ministry. Lately he saw himself taking more responsibility in leadership even if that part was less intentional and more well natural almost, then simply a high self view of himself in seeing or thinking he was a different cut then the others and their respective ability. That kind of thinking was not his style nor had he meant it to come off in that way. 

But every move was critiqued and thought out in wide covering of the possibilities, risks, draw backs, odds and counter measures and likely attack maneuvers faced. That's why he knew the risks here and saw enough value to risk it. The order mates didn't know anyone in town and their faces or most of theirs were all over town, the times were hard and the folks behavior was peculiar to him, meeting the bartender and seeing his difference to every one else was shocking and curious. A curious that had been risen through experience in dealing with the ministry, seeing what they do and will to all no matter their blood. Spells like the forbidden curses were second nature and common amongst the dark wizards and witches, death eaters and minister himself and have always been as so, for as long as history could recall. Who knew what lay in store for them and once more who could be left behind to keep lookout, agents of the dark lord likely could be anywhere and everywhere...... including here. So as Arnaldus carefully looked over to quinn a smile forming at his lips as she shot him a gaze and spoke up in following his questions and conversation starter, ordering herself a drink and using a few coins she had to buy it. Arnaldus nodded and spoke up "Indeed. Glad to see some fortune yet remains these days." 

Then looked over toward Logan as he spoke up and asked after something warm to drink and he too added in. Commenting on how sad it was and sounding innocent in his asking. Arnaldus thought about chiming in and asking after or saying something that would lead down the road of how long it had been since the attack, but stopped himself as the bartender began to reply and start the drinks. "A brave and caring woman she sounds. Could use more of that in this war." He replied taking note of the wife's role in this and the presence of one. It could prove important later of all this were a trap of sorts. Then it struck him like a brick up the middle and to his gut, the mention of the order in talking of those kids and even going out looking for them, wanting to help though hadn't found them. It was getting rather deep now, a dangerous path aiding the order, especially for muggles in a village with different ways to wizard kind. If they had defenses and weapons to defend themselves, they were likely muggle make and non magical. So muggles looking to help the order over taking the 50,000 galleons were a rare find these days, or appeared as so during the travels. Too many afraid to move or willing to help or some too greedy and self serving to pass up the offer. Hearing the man speak was sounding like a discovery of gold by the poorest of souls..... a story too good in some ways to be true. But was it? 

Hearing the bartender comment on the cold and speaking with Quinn. Arnaldus nodded in agreeing that it was indeed cold, though he would refrain from voicing a response for now. Instead listening, hoping for a few more little details on the whole village and such before delving into his own answers for the man. When he spoke up and asked of why they were here and sounding curious as few visitors come these days especially the younger generation such as kids and teenagers. Arnaldus was about to speak up but Quinn got out in front and started to create a cover for them all. Feeling her hand slide right in his and telling of how they were his siblings and she was his fiancé, Arnaldus smiled though on he inside he was a little surprised... hadn't thought of that angle. Though it was a nice one to use as it could be believable, gives less reason to think of them as troublemakers and ministry rebels of all things. Though his face and his fellow known members of the orders face were still a risk. He could Quinn's silent prod and noted her smile, sweetly looking up at him and face still recent from her blushing from just a moment ago, brought a smile to his face and gave a nod to the man as she spoke. "Yeah just passing through, the war has left little security for us families. So we're heading up to her folks place.... hopefully they approve, you know?" Arnaldus smiled and gave a chuckle as he looked to Quinn and the bartender then to Logan and the others. "And I hope further that the path clear and no attackers remain near the village or hiding out inside it. Got a fiancé and siblings you know.... we're not looking to be caught up in another attack. As I'm sure you are too.... has it been long since the attack? Could say based on that our odds." Arnaldus added finding a perfect way to bring up the line of questions he had wanted to find answers to from the start. The timeline was in his mind the ultimate key for them. 

Meanwhile the departing figure who just left the pub, re-entered his mind leaving a rather bad feeling behind. It was a sign that Arnaldus didn't like much.... it just seemed likely he was found out and would be sold out by that man or this was a trap of sorts. As the man spoke up and congratulated them on the engagement Arnaldus looked toward the bartender and smiled, "My thanks sir. I'm quite lucky indeed... almost golden. And your right on the nose, I'd be foolish to let her go." He commented in response then shook his head and laughed in looking to Logan upon his remark and playing along with the cover story. "You just wait.... you'll see when your older and meet that dream girl of yours. Quite the story that'll be with how your gonna act then." He added in good follow

Listening to the bartender speak about his wife and answering Quinn's question of her whereabouts. Arnaldus thought about adding in but decided to wait and hear them all out for the moment. Meanwhile Ezekiel played along and hid his face, smiling at times and near chuckling at others. When the wife then entered not long after her husband speaking of her and thinking of the man from earlier leaving, Arnaldus had his mind spinning as the timing was quick, the mans departure in the whole stream of it all caught his eye.... it just seemed rather suspicious to him. Rather quick and perfect. He'd barely mentioned her and boom... she was walking in the door, perhaps it was that paranoia but it just seemed quite the timing was all. "Ah greetings ma'am and congratulations on the coming child. That is if I'm correct in thinking your expecting? If not feel free to say so, don't intend to appear rude and offensive." Arnaldus spoke in greeting the woman who's appearance and pregnant state spoke of a child on the way. As she spoke and sounding rather kind and as the bartender spoke with having a big heart, Arnaldus smiled and gave shake of his head. "Aw well thanks mrs.... huh bartender. Your too kind it's no wonder your husband here was just speaking of your generousity and heart. Is your father feeling well?" Arnaldus responded and posing the question to gage her reply and knowledge of things. If this were a trap it's quite unlikely her response would be quick and perfect unless it were rehearsed or true. Thus he posed it just so as to not clarify what her bartender husband has said and how the father played into it. 

Despite the offer and mention of how they looked, Arnaldus kept on his feet wanting free and wide movement and not restricted by seating himself. Upon the woman's observation and mention of school Arnaldus thought for a moment and already had a good response to it all to help keep cover and answer the woman. He could practically feel Quinn's presence and getting him to speak, to help keep the cover going and follow her lead. Upon hearing Quinn speak up and introduce herself and Arnold fawley, Arnaldus quietly thought back as the name sounded rather familiar and nodded along. Liking the move and quick thinking to change up names and add more layers to the cover. "Yeah, I'm rather a baby face as they say, but I'm actually older then I appear. My siblings here would normally be in school.... but with the war and traveling elsewhere to hopefully keep them safe, we are on the move and for now not sending them to school. It's hard to see safety and well being in these times." Arnaldus added in answering the woman and gently holding Quinn's hand, giving a light squeeze and smile to her as he spoke. "A future bride and family to protect you know.  Can't be too careful and wise these days." 

@thefan1 @EmilyPower @Rui
"Oh! How rude of me, I thought you were all children! You'll have to forgive me, these old eyes of mine aren't exactly working the way they used to," Victoria replied, "then again, it's not exactly easy to figure out your ages with you covering your faces. I don't judge, it's probably another one of those fashion trends you youngsters seem to love." She commented. Or maybe you're just hiding your disgusting, guilty faces from me because you're scared of some stupid muggles ruining your perfect little resistance. She thought. Her eyes followed the Carrow girl, studying her behavior and expressions. How dare she use the name of her family after betraying them in such a horrible way? The Carrows were not going to like this, and Victoria would make sure they knew every single detail of their daughters crimes. "The pleasure is all mine, miss Delphini. I'm Roxanne and this is my husband, Bill Manor." The girl said with a smile. The names had no relation to the pureblood society, much to Victoria's dismay.  But they all knew about the Wizarding world, and using traditional pureblood names would blow their cover. That, and she wasn't about to relate names meant for wizards with muggles. 

Then Arnaldus congratulated her on the child, and Victoria had to cover her mouth with her hand to hide her laughter. The man was going to have a nasty shock when he realized it was really Andrew's child she was carrying. There would be nothing to congratulate then. "You're not wrong, the kid's been here for almost five months. Hard not to notice, huh?" Victoria replied, her last words almost melancholic. It seemed like the only one celebrating her pregnancy was Andrew, and it was only because she was carrying the one who would continue their bloodline. For Victoria, the baby was nothing more than a nuisance, one the house elves would take care of while she focused on being an important member of the Ministry. 

"Yes, family sure is important, isn't it? I'm glad you kids- sorry, I keep forgetting. I'm glad you two have found a family during these dreadful times," Victoria commented, her eyes narrowing as she noticed they were holding hands. How could they think about starting a new family when they'd betrayed theirs? "Oh, my father?" Victoria asked, successfully hiding her alarm at the mention of her father. "He's alright, nothing to worry about. The man's like a rock, nothing can break him. Which is good, I ain't got much family left, but that's a story you probably don't want to hear." 

Speaking about family... 

Victoria turned to look at Logan, her little brother who'd turned his back on the Knight family. He looked different from what she remembered. His hair was longer, he was taller, and the contagious energy he always carried was...gone. He was staring at the couple in open admiration. Victoria remembered when she used to be the one he admired, she used to be the one he loved more than anyone else (well, that was Richard, but he was never mentioned). Who did they think they were to steal her little brother? The one that still held the innocence Victoria once had and missed more than anything else. "Well, I'm sure this gentleman right here isn't too sad to miss some classes, are you boy? Between you and I, there really isn't much to learn. Just boring old numbers," the woman commented. Was that what muggles were muggles were thought in school? She never took muggle studies in Hogwarts, and that was the only thing she could remember from what her friends had told her. 

"To be honest, m'am, school wasn't that bad. We had a lot of fun in my old school and we had more than just numbers," Logan replied, looking up at the older woman. Victoria frowned and turned her back on her brother. What was wrong with him? It was understandable to miss Hogwarts (even she grew nostalgic every now and then - don't tell Robert) but she remembered how he used to complain about homework and exams all the time. The teachers were still painful to deal with, and they didn't have as much freedom as they once had, but it was still their second home. "Well, kid, I'm sure you can return if you make the right choices." Victoria said softly, to which Logan replied with a raised eyebrow and a puzzled look. "Don't mind me, it's just some old woman blabber. You just reminded me of that little group- I think they call themselves the Order. Their story is quite depressing. I heard that they are being persecuted by the wizard cops - whatever they call them. They're just children and, well, it ain't right to hurt children that way. No matter what they did, the place they want to send them to is horrible, they do some pretty...messed up things in Azban. Or was it Azkaban? I can't remember, the last time I read that name was when the leader of the group got out. Victoria, I think. Just a girl, poor thing, don't you think?"



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Quinn was silent. 

"Victoria?" She murmured, the word barely ghosting past her lips. She looked towards Arnaldus, frowning softly. She couldn't help herself, she knew how much that girl meant to the others. Quinn couldn't give a rat's ass, to be crude, but Quinn did care about Arnaldus, and she knew Logan missed his sister. 

"My sister knew her," She murmured, "Through a friend," she paused, remembering all that she could from the stories and images she'd seen, "She was just, something...beautiful, and kind, and brave...from what my sis told me." Quinn had to recover, keep herself from getting lost on memory lane. 

"I haven't seen my sister in a while." She murmured, using that as an excuse to pardon her misty eyes and faraway stare.

She turned back to Arnaldus, kissing him briefly before lacing their fingers together even tighter, a soft smile on her face; an affectionate look she reserved for him and him only. "At least I have you, Arnie." She meant that, and meaning something, adding reality to a lie, was the best way to solidify a falsehood. 



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As Victoria spoke to the Order, Andrew pretended to take some drinks to the other death eaters who were still watching the scene. They all wanted to know what the plan was, which Andrew was much too happy to explain. They all seemed impressed with the quick thinking from the Minister's most trusted followers. By the time Andrew had returned with the empty tray, Victoria was speaking about herself and her experience in Azkaban. This would've been a good thing, if it weren't for the fact that they weren't supposed to know that she wasn't in the fortress anymore. Yes, this wasn't an order from the minister, but Andrew knew it was better to have them going in the wrong direction instead of heading to Knight manor. So, Andrew quickly stepped behind his wife and placed a hand firmly on her shoulder. "Roxanne, dear, I've told you not to dwell on that girl's faith.  You know how upset you get every time you think of those horrible things that happened to Victoria. " He said through gritted theeth. "Please forgive my wife, she's rather obsessive when it comes to the Order. Don't get me wrong, we adore those children. But the girl and the boy who were sent there really break her heart and the subject has given her some pretty bad episodes. "Your sister knew her, you say? I didn't know we humans were allowed to mingle with the magical folk before! That, or your sister has powers too. Which is silly, isn't it?"

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