Impersonating a Dragonblooded


Elder Member
what methods are there for a Solar to impersonate a dragon blooded?

I figure a solar with terrestrial sorcery could impersonate a wood aspect using "become the wood Friend*" maybe using the permanent Perform charm "phantom storytelling technique*" to imitate the visual aspects of the anima.

I think someone's mentioned a hearthstone that lets you disguise your anima too, but I'm not sure what it's called or what book it's in.

does anyone else have any tips or tricks?

*disclaimer, spell and charm names may not be entirely accurate as I'm writing this from memory.
There's a Larceny Charm that lets you disguise supernatural aspects. One of the proceeding Charms (from Abyssals) lets you appear in all ways to be an Abyssal. I'm sure you could make a custom Charm that lets you disguise as DBs. Maybe.
I'm not so sure. Abyssals and Solars can impersonate each other because Abyssals were once solars too. you could probably also get a Solar Charm that impersonates an Infernal, or vice versa. Dragon-Blooded? I don't think so. Maybe a Fire Aspect.
I think the pinnacle Charm of the Fire Dragon Style changes your Anima banner into that of a Fire Aspect DB.

My character has a level 5 Artifact that does it for him.

Though the ST didn't think about it when he gave me the ring in game (to replace a Hearthstone that he decided in the middle of game should be banned), since I had Oblivions Panopoly on my Celestial Battle Armor.

But he said that since it's his fault, he won't take it away unless I screw up.

So, no more Anima!!!
hmm interesting, I guess it would be kind of difficult to contain a Celestial Essence within a Terrestrial one using just a charm.

Does anyone know if the Hearthstone I mentioned exists? or am I making it up?

While the Fire dragon style part is interesting, the reason I'm wondering how to disguise myself as a DB is to try and get one to teach me Earth dragon style ^.^;

just one of many plans but I figured and see if it had merit.

I did consider the artifact route minutes before reading your post, does your ring do anything apart from change your anima? what level power would it be on its own if it doesn't? maybe similar to a fivefold harmonic adapter

Oblivions panopoly? isn't that only available on soulsteel CBA? (if you're playing an Abyssal disregard that)

not read it in detail, what does it do?
Smeggedoff said:
I did consider the artifact route minutes before reading your post, does your ring do anything apart from change your anima? what level power would it be on its own if it doesn't? maybe similar to a fivefold harmonic adapter.
It provides an extra die, but that's it. So it's pretty much "on its own" at rating two. If that is the question.
oh, I thought you said your artifact was lvl 5

so roughly a lvl 2 artifact to emulate a DB anima? with a hearthstone socket or other tiny power to round it out

considering I plan on being able to make a lvl 3 artifact when I learn earth dragon style I sould be able to handle making a lvl 2 artifact beforehand.

still, keep the ideas coming, they've been very interesting so far
Page 43 of the magic book, White and Black Treatise, has a spell called Disguise of a New Face.

Learn it... Love it. It transforms your anima as well... but no anima flux ^^
ooh, I will check that as soon as I get home. Guess I should have looked for a spell that does that rather than piggybacking off the side effects of another one

cheers Haku

as before more suggestions are welcome
Your caste marks are part of your anima... so.... dun dun dunnn....

It's the perfect thing to hide your solar or lunar or sidereal shininess...
By the way, there is a charm that duplicates not only the anima flare, but the power as well. It's and Essence 4 sidereal martial arts charm in Prismatic Arrangement of Creation called (Type) Exalt Ways. This implies that an artifact that would do this would be around a 4 dot.
huh, turns out I read "disguise of the new face" this morning and just didn't register it. cool


The "Gem of White Hot Heat" lets you imitate a fire DB's anima, complete with damage etc, so not really compatible with "Becoming the wood Friend"

but anyway "Disguise of the New Face" is the same level spell as "Becoming the Wood Friend", lasts longer and is useful in more situations.
Brickwall said:
Smeggedoff said:
oh, I thought you said your artifact was lvl 5
He did, in fact, say that.
"He", in this case, meaning Ker'ion, who said his own artifact was level 5. I made no mention of the level of mine until asked. Scroll bars are your friends.
Ah, I see what happened. I started to post. It threw up the box saying "someone has posted while you were typing, do you want to amend your post?", I amended to ask Ker'ion about his artefact (but didn't mention Ker'ion by name), you posted while I was amending it but it didn't throw up the window that tme, so when I posted you replied and Ker'ion didn't but I thought it was Ker'ion posting.

my bad (I think)
This indeed is an interesting topic. I'm currently playing a child solar that is seeking a way to fake her elemental exaltation. So far she is working with a little tree god, and together they might be able to fake it that she's a wood aspect... The details thus far are not set. Perhaps charm/spell use must be in order.

Is there any cannon artifact that does this? I would really hate to have to learn sorcery first.
like I said, there's a canon hearthstone that does it, but only for fire exalted, not too much of a stretch to create a wood aspect version

I don't know of any official artefacts but the one wordman posted was 2 dots and seemed pretty good

thinking about it, I wouldn't think it'd be impossible for a thaumaturgist to create up a potion that causes your body to burn your essence and convert it to wood essence as you use it (would probably cause a 1-2 mote surcharge on charms though dud to being inefficient, and you'd need to take it every day), a wood spirit might be able to whip that up for you

for anyone familiar with the scope of thaumaturgy, does this seem possible?
I find it unlikely. Manipulating magic at an almost-Exalt level is something restricted to level 3 thaumaturgy, and even then, it falls short. I doubt any amount of thaumaturgy could do anything on par with something greater than a 1-dot hearthstone or artifact, even with the most skilled user. However, it's reasonable to think that there are artifacts that can convert animas.

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