imbuing a daiklive with fivefold bulwark stance.


Ten Thousand Club
im trying to figure out a good rating for a daiklive enchanted to emulate fivefold bulwark stance does artifact 3 sound sufficient?
I would say 4 or 5 maybe evan N/A if it needs to be activated 3 or 4 would be better
I would say a High 3 or low 4.

I've got an Abyssal with Soulsteel wings that reflexivly parry any incoming ttack they can see, that was rated a 4.
thank you.

I allready thought it looked in between those two as its mighty but not quite world breaking.
S&S has fairly detailed rules about charms and artifacts, though it's not always crystal clear. Persistent charms seem to mandate level 4.
Alright, here it goes.

It is persistant effect that is always on, resulting in a Usefulness of 5.  It has the normal diaklave abilities plus an Essence 3 Solar Charm, resulting in a power 4 effect after all calculations.  It would have a Game Impact of 4, as it does do some really remarkable things to the danger level of enemies.  It would have a Script immunity of 3, just to allow it to survive.

It would be a level four artifact, and it would require a commitment of 15 motes+any Essence Drawback.
God I hate S&S.  I use it much more as a guideline than anything else.  It's so broken, especially when it comes to the commitment rates.
Yeah, I gotta agree with you Seiraryu... The other thing is that if you accumulate more successes on the roll to create the artifact is that you can reduce the number of motes required for commitment.

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