Poetry Imagination


Knight of Shadows ~ Keeper of The Balance


Sit, Listen, I'll tell a Story...

One, Long and Magic breath

Of Kings, Queens and Glory

Knights and tragic death

Of Broken hearts, and mended souls

Faraway castles and enchanted lands

Of Evil spirits, Hags and Trolls

Were Elves and Faeries do abide

And ply their mischievous magic

On foolish men drunk of pride

Where these loathsome men doth conspire

Their pitch black hearts a yearning

In lust for power, gold and sorcerer's fire

Where shadows may hold an Assassin cold

Or an underhanded stealthy Rogue

Who will nimbly divest you of your gold

I'll tell of blood and roses deepest red

Of ancient forests cursed and dark

Where the mightiest heroes fear to tread

Mythical mountains insanely tall and steep

Of caverns, treasure and secrets long lost

Hoarded in their darkness foul, damp and deep

Of Knights in shining armor & burnished shields

Their strength, loyalty and courage unmatched

Save by the silver gleam in the sword each wields

They live by their oaths, sweat and steel

And to the drums of their marching

Emperors cower, cluck and kneel

I speak of endless loves, tragically lost

To malicious blades, eclipsing dark arrows

Or accursed Black Magic's always frightful cost

I'll tell of Ages passed in ink like dark

Of Mighty empires, forgotten and fallen

To blood lusting generals who'd leave their mark

Legacy's written in innocent red blood

Each dynasty built on the sweat and pain

Of uncountable warriors, face down in mud

Tales of Demons, red scaled, winged and horned

Of fire, brimstone and barbed devil's tails

And vile blood pacts made for man's first born

Grim haunted castle's with tall Wizard's towers

Their menacing moats and devious perils

Harboring great magic and tomes of dark powers

Imagine prancing under the silver moon light

The gossamer vision of fairest of Elven dancers

A miraculous visage unknown to mortal sight

Dwell upon the thought of deepest Dwarven mines

Their vast treasures, gems and gold and glittering

Feasting halls and full flagons of ales and wines

Of vile Necromancers, their armies of bones

Animated, pale cold and dauntless

Black eyes transfixed on their coveted thrones

Pirate's chests, a spilling burnished gold

Of Ambush, charge and skirmish

Brilliant tactics, blessed and bold

Tyrannical Kings and good Monarch's arise

Some through battles grand and valiant

Or ascended in intrigue at another's demise

They rise in meteoric crimson coronation

For a fleeting time they sit their thrones

Through the eternal rise and fall of nations

Though many know only evil, hate and greed

A goodly few are ruled in love and peace

But of one thing I am sure,

Imagination is what they really need...

- Will Moquin 2013
Excellent Marcus, that's great to hear. Thank you for taking the time to read and share your thoughts. I really appreciate your consideration in doing so.

All the best to you, and if I can ever help in some way don't hesitate to ask.

Sincerely, Will

~ KoS

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