Imagination Is The Limit [Sign Up]


Captain's Favorite
The world has come to a literal stand still. Its almost as if the galaxy ran out of energy and just stopped going. China and everything else east of the prime meridian has been frozen due to lack of sunlight and survival has become literally impossible. Power has shut down and fossil fuels have run out. All of the disrepair has embraced the sixth sense of the human race. Imagination. Despite anarchy running loose and chaos being the new supreme ruler imagination has made survival twinkle in the distance. Depending on how far your imagination can span you could turn physical objects into almost anything. People with poor imagination died first. People with nearly limitless imagination turn pine cones into grenades and sticks into swords. Please sign up to see how far your imagination can spread.




Story: (how they reacted to the freeze)

Imagination Limits:


Please examine and fallow the rules before:

1) No OCC fighting

2) Keep it PG13

3) No spam


5) No god-modding

6) Semi-Literate to Literate writers only

7) Somewhat high writing level expected

8) Have fun!

The rules are self explanitory, see you on the bords ^^
ooks: View attachment 7456

Loralei (Lei)

Gender: female

Age: 13

Story: Loralei never knew the world before the freeze. From the time she was very small, she had been regarded as strange. She would see strange things and swear they were real, she had more imaginary friends than most children, and she reacted to them more openly than most children. When she was about three years old, her parents sent her away for mental testing, they wanted to know why she acted like this. Doctors declared that she was insane and she was put in a home for the mentally unstable.

She was kept in a padded room from then on, with only her imagination to keep her company. She completely forgot what the outside world looked like, moreover, she forgot there
was an out side world. The only things she knew was her padded room, and her imaginary friend.

When the freeze happened, the mental institution went into a frenzied chaos. The mentally insane began rioting against the guards and eventually took control of the place. Loralei was very scared of the people, so she stayed in her padded room. It was then that Lei's older brother Nikolai came for her. He broke into the mental institute, found Lei's room, and took her with him, where she saw the world for the first time since she was a child.

Everywhere Loralei stepped on the frozen ground, the ice melted and flowers bloomed. But she could only use her imagination on living things, like flowers and animals. She and her brother now wander aimlessly with no idea where to go or what to do next.

Imagination Limits: she can only alter living things with her imagination

Others: She often imagines angel wings, which she uses to fly from place to place, "Tsuki" is her imaginary friend, she talks to him often, and in her mind she can see him and he talks back.

View attachment 7466 (picture of Tsuki)

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Name: Nikolai (Nik)

Gender: male

Age: 23

Story: Nikolai was only 10 when Loralei was sent away. He knew she wasn't really crazy, and his whole life growing up he was angry that she was locked away just for being imaginative. Nikolai was in college studying creative writing with the goal of becoming an author when the freeze happened. The college was shut down and people were running home for their families. Nikolai was too far away from his home to go back safely, but he was close to his sisters holding place. He took this as an opportunity to rescue her, and immediately left in her direction.

Imagination Limits: Almost anything he writes becomes a reality. (there are limits, of course, he's not all powerful...)

Others: He doesn't believe in Tsuki, but he humors Lei anyway.
accepted ^^ for the first one the angel wings have to come from somware so keep that in mind ^^
Looks:View attachment 7485

Name:Chase Harris


Age: 24

Story: (how they reacted to the freeze) Chase honestly didnt care when the world froze. no one came looking for him, he didnt take advantage of the freeze as others did, he simply lived as he did before the freeze. pushing people away with his cold attitude and isolating himself.

Imagination Limits:he can rearrange basic elements to make inanimate objects. most often centered around music.

Others:has a softspot for small animals

Warning: he is a total jerk unsless your pushy enough to crack his shell! have fun :kiss:
Looks:View attachment 7486

Name:Serenity Ernst


Age: 22

Story: (how they reacted to the freeze): due to the conflict that arose from the freeze, Serenity carries a gun with her, hidden on her thigh with a special garter, since she always wears dresses and skirts.

Imagination Limits:she can only rearrange biological matter, such as plants, earth, and a few pure elements from the periodic table. her imagination doesn't manifest as something real, but often as floating sketches or with the appearance of a form of art. she can also make weapon ammunition, givin enough natural metals.

Others:upon first sight she appears to be a quiet, gentle book worm type, but in reality she has a short fuse, and deadly aim. she was at university to study law enforcement before the freeze. she also has asthma, but hates to let it slow her down.

Name: Ensine McKenzie


Age: 21

Story: She thought this was the end. Ensine thought she was about to die. She thought her mind was slowly rotting and wasting into nothing but a shrivelled up peanut. But, one day, she shrieked out and picked up a rock and threw it at a tree. The tree blew up, leaving a billow of smoke in it's place. Once it had cleared she looked and saw it had turned into a grenade. (Disk, hope you don't mind I kind of altered the grenade thing.
:P ) She lived off the land, of what was left of it. Ensine made the best of what she had and eventually met a bunny in which she called Rapsputin.

Imagination Limits: She can manipulate almost anything solid or liquid.

Others: She has a pretty messed up sense of humour.
Looks:View attachment 7527

Name: Erika

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Story: Shes supriesed shes still alive. Her imagination is so bad she can only form one weapon with the broken pensil she caries around to stay as alive as posible. If she ha someone to defend her she might have a better chance at survival.

Imagination: Extreamly poor, she can only make a throwing knife out of the broken pensil she keeps with her

Others: Got emotionaly scared waching her parants die after the freeze

Imagine is born!!! go to to begin ^^

Name: Provence Flameford


Age: 25

Story: Provence barely noticed time stop; although he did notice he'd gotten a lot less online orders from overseas. He went outside and saw that nothing was moving, nothing but dead air was in the world. He soon looked out and saw his sign had been withered and shrivelled into a waste of nothing on the crunching ground below him. He didn't think he was alive anymore. He'd thought he'd passed out and never come back -either that or he was hallucinating-. He thought the first one was less likely, but he soon adapted to this new world of imagination.

Imagination Limits: He doesn't know where his imagination starts, let alone where it ends. But he'll see what he has to do in the actual RP in order to stay alive.

Others:Is normally cold when he's first approached; loud and angry.
Looks:View attachment 7529

Name:Kai Evans



Story: (how they reacted to the freeze): took the freeze in stride. he is an easy going person, surprisingly despite having his sister missing. he makes due pretty well on his own but gets along well with others as he searches for his sister.

Imagination Limits:he can put together simple wooden items and use a few elements. his weapon of choice is a bow and arrows.

Others:he is fun and easy going but protective to those he cares about. he is very sporty and energetic. he is very attatched to his sister.
Name: Steven Alexander William Ridley

Gender: Male

Standing six foot four with short dark brown hair and brown eyes,Steven is remarkably average. His facial hair is kept minimal,and his thick bushy eyebrows practically dominate his eyeline. He has a broaded than average shoulderspan,but his phisical form is actually quite unassuming. Steven wears red and neutral coloured t-shirts,generally collared button-up shirts,and denim jeans,as well as running shoes. His left wrist sports a digital watch with a rubberized strap. He also wears a heavy leather jacket with a cotton hood.

Age: Twenty one

Reaction to The Freeze: Steven reacted to the second ice age with curiosity. He thought the world would be ended by industry or nuclear fire,rather than some bizzare cosmological contrivance. However,he adapted quickly,and taken to being the "Reasonable Highwayman",taking what he needed,while still being persuadable. He knows that,eventually,someone will step in and take charge,but he also realizes that it may not be within his lifetime. All-in-all,he's an opprotunistic,affable asshole,and usually with a very intimidating weapon in hand.

Imagination: He is quite imaginative,however his imagination is rather stunted by his subconcious need to have everything grounded in plausible science. He can't work true miracles,but many of his feats are borderline thaumaturgy. He often arms himself with weapons straight out of science fiction,with a preference to ballistics. He has been known to render more...Fantastical imaginings worthless in close combat,due to his need for science. Specialty: Weaponry,devices,disabling.

Other: He never creates "original" things;he always rips it off from something he's seen.

Name: Danmel Cingcara

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Story: He was completely taken off guard by the freeze. His family left the country looking for a better place but he stayed behind. He has no clue where they are and honestly doesn't care. His family disowned him years ago. He has adjusted relativelly well as he already had to use his imagination to survive on the streets after being disowned. He found out about the imagination abilities after reaching into a stream for a drink and freezing it solid.

Imagination Limits: He has a pretty good mastery over liquids. He is able to turn them into either other form or hold it as if it was a solid.

Others: Has a pet raven made of solid ice, created on his first accidental imagining.
(Sorry i took so long.)


Gender: Female

Age: 14

Story: she had complete amnesia, which made her forget everything, which is why she has such an imagination, her old life could have been . . . anything.

Imagination: She seems to have no limit. (I do know the rule no godmaodding, so i'll keep that in mind)

Others:she is overconfidednt
Looks: View attachment 7677

Name: Sarah Tryot

Gender: Female

Story: Sarah thought is sucked, but her new powers was something to be happy about. She loved making things different, although she hated seeing her annoying brother leave.

Imagination Limits: She can make thigns bigger or smaller, and can change the appearance of things, but the feeling and abilities the thing can do will stay the same.

Others: N/A
Looks: Long red hair, falls to the middle of her back, gleaming green eyes, wears a black cape around to keep warm and to look cool. ;D

Name: Shana

Gender: Female

Story: When the freeze happened, she didn't care much until her family and friends died. after that she completely erased them from her memory mentally to keep from going depressed. to do that she had to leave her home, therefor becoming homeless but surviving.

Imagination Limits: She can turn her sword into fire, but that doesn't last long due to cold. when she turns her sword to fire her eyes gleam red until it gets put out.

Others: She has a bossy rude personality.

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Name: Iruka Menterro

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Story: While everyone around him panicked, Iruka walked casually out of the tattoo parlour where he'd gotten his latest tatt, hands in pockets and a calm smile on his face. He wasnt surprised. he figured, everyone else was expecting global warming, why shouldnt something like this happen? Many people around him screamed about the end of the world, and now he began to agree with them. It was the end in a sense. Particularly seeing how in the panic people lost themselves.

Imagination Limits: Turns his body tattoos into living creatures. Is learning how to do it with other drawings but the length with which he can use another's drawing or image is limited.



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Name: Frost

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Story: Frost had been living in the mountains with a wolf pack when the freeze hit. So it wasnt until she heard rumours of the freeze that she decided to venture back to civilisation to see for herself. Enterra, the Alpha of the pack accompanied her, with his pack not far behind, staying on the fringes of the citadel to avoid exposure.

Imagination Limits: Can manipulate frozen substances with her imagination to form weapons. Cannot be the liquid form of the substance

Others: Travels with a wolf by her side (Enterra)

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