Story Imagination Is The Limit [Book]


Captain's Favorite
Now some of you have herd of my Imagination Is The Limit RP, the second that thing started it took a wild turn from the book (i swear if anyone steels this book i will hunt you down and murder you so violently all that will be left is your blood and your cells someware around the crime scene) so i decided to let people look at the book the RP was inspired by. The book isnt really called Imagination Is The Limit and as of right now im still refering to it as a WIP (work in progress), it has no chapters just the booky meety yummy story inside (im hungry now). So while you guys read what I have so far (ill try to keep this as up-to-date as posible) im going to go make myself a sammich, enjoy ^^

The world had frozen. Not like in ice or anything, just, stopped moving. As if it ran out of energy, every natural occurring movement due to gravity stopped. North America was stuck facing the sun but the ones that weren’t froze up and died in a matter of weeks. All of the chaos embraced the sixth sense of mankind. A sense they were taught as children but they left behind. The sense was imagination. This new approach to imagination allowed people with vivid or even wild imagination to turn physical things into anything they desired. But of course when someone is given that much power they’re bound to abuse it. People started making weapons with their imagination. The people with the weaker imaginations died first. People with strong enough imagination could turn twigs into butterfly knives or rocks into grenades. But what if you were someone with a week imagination and you were still alive? Would you just keep running? Would you just wait for them to kill you? Would you end it for them before they could? That’s the situation Erika Anavasie is in. She knows it’s just a matter of time and that running won’t solve anything. But she keeps going. She won’t let them take her yet.

Erika ran into an abandoned Sam’s Club and tried to steady her heartbeat and breathing rate. Did they fallow me? She wondered as she looked down at her injury. I hope those bastards pay. She lifted her white colored shirt and looked at the minor injury. She picked the shrapnel from the grenade she barely avoided out of her hip. She tried to steady her heart rate as she looked out a broken window to make sure the ones who attacked her didn’t fallow her. She tried to balance herself on a crate to look outside and gasped at the group of three people outside. Damn it! Why do they want to speed up the extinction off all life on this planet?! She asked herself in rage. She quickly pulled an old broken pencil from her pocket. It was the only thing her imagination affected and the only thing slightly lengthening her lifeline. When the people who could make swords out of metal pipes died she got worried she would quickly be one of the next to go so she ran away from home with her pencil and hoped for the best. She could remember when they killed her mom. That’s one of the things that made up her mind.

There was a loud male voice welcoming her back from her flashback, “Damn girl… Ware’d ya go?” he shouted, “In a second that was all gonna be over!” Liars, she thought to herself. She refused to acknowledge the arrogant ass’s that just entered the room. She turned her head wildly, ignoring the whiplash, looking for an exit she could sprint to before they got her. “Common! Show yourself!” the man yelled again starting to kick things around, “I’m gonna kill you much slower the more you hide yourself!” Erika swallowed hard, “I’m right here!” she said sprinting as fast as she could at an exit while throwing stars and arrows whizzed by her head, “You need better aim!” she said running from the building, knowing they weren’t far behind. In the city she was damned to be in combat was so common some of the people had cars to catch their pray or escape death in a flash. Erika occasionally wondered how they were able to sustain fuel for the automobile when rescores like common gasoline were sealed away and were for whatever reason affected by the freeze so they couldn’t be tapped into.

There were trashed houses every ware, repaving the street with chunks of the undeserving buildings that sadly met their trivial fate. Well trivial to the jackass smart alecks that thought immediately starting up anarchy would be a revolutionary idea. It was bound to happen eventually, you don’t necessarily react calmly to the local news channel randomly shutting down in the middle of an emergency broadcast but blowing up things is a little of an extreme. It’s sad that some people resorted to eating the cobblestone lying in the street just to survive one more die but take a year from their life expectancy. Compared to pyrocanacbalism that was light. Staying in one city for too long really opens your eyes when people are killing people while their eating more people. It was a huge disgusting cycle. Erika would leave if she knew which way to go and if it was safe outside.

She saw an open door to the side of one of what remains of a house and a light on inside. She just hoped the door locked and that there was a gun inside. Firearms weren’t commonly imagined but people still held on the limited ammunition and the weapons themselves. It was moderately pointless but a lot of people looked at it as a temporary extreme safety tool, just having an empty one would scare the right people. She bolted inside and slammed the door behind her. She couldn’t believe how fast her heart was racing let alone how out of breath she was. She took a few steps and fell to her knees. She was almost completely out of energy.

“Who might you be,” a young girl asked. She had long red hair and beautiful emerald eyes. She wasn’t much taller than Erika when she was on her knees. The girl seemed fit but clothing covered a large portion of her skin so it was hard to tell. Her skin was bright, as if she locked herself in her home ever sense the freeze started. She was dressed as if it’s been winter in California instead of… I guess you could call it blank weather, in Central America. Freckles dotted her face despite the obvious lack of exposure to sunlight. Erika starred at the double barrel pointed in her face, realizing it was unloaded.

“I think I should be the one asking that question,” Erika said lowering the barrel of the gun. She got up off her knees, “Maybe you should load the gun next time you decide to use it to scare someone.”

As she said that the girl made two Olympia rounds out of thin air, quickly loaded the rifle and aimed it at Erika’s head, “It’s loaded now,” she said with a smirk on her face.

Erika almost panicked. “Listen kid I just need to freshen up and a gun a little smaller than the one you’re holding or were both in trouble.” She looked at the young girl and hoped she understood the danger in the situation they were in.

“I’m a good enough shot,” the girl said confidently, still aiming directly at Erika.

“Mind dropping your aim then?” Erika said watching the girl carefully as she lowered the gun. “They probably saw me go through that door,” she said pointing to the front door, “Can you point me in the direction of a bathroom?” Erika asked nicely as the girl pointed in the distance. Gee, thanks, what would I do without you? She thought sarcastically. She left to the direction the girl pointed opening every door and looking into every empty room, finally finding the bathroom at the end of the hall. Does this girl live alone? She wondered, turning the water faucet on.

Erika was a mess. She looked at herself in the mirror and was disgusted on the inside. Her short black hair was cluttered with clumps of mud and splinters; it was hard to tell that it was naturally black. By looking at her arms she’s obviously escaped a lot of fights with a few scars painted with blood showing through the cuts in her long sleeve shirt. The image on the shirt was covered in brown blotches, some from blood, and others from mud. She pulled the sleeves of her shirt up to wash away the blood, instantly realizing how much exposure to UV she’s had. She didn’t think she was tan but the pale outlines of skin around the cuts in the shirt. She pulled off her shirt to find the rest of her was the same way with scars around her stomach. There was dried blood painted almost every ware on the white canvas under her head, some from cuts still bleeding. Erika took a washcloth from the counter and dampened it with hot water, wiping away the blood and realizing how many cuts she had. As she wringed out the cloth it seemed as if it absorbed a water bottle of Kool-Aid not her dried blood. The sight of it made her gag. She looked out of a small window in the bathroom while putting her shirt back on and trying to comb out the clumps of what she’d lightly call crap from her hair.

The scenery was depressing. And due to the sun never changing its location it’s always stuck in this mid-twilight faze making the destroyed stone jungle look even more mysteriously unsafe. The streets were littered with debris and the occasional dead body. It looked as if the landscape was bombed after anarchy broke loose. She was lucky to find a…calm host to let her relax for a few minutes instead of running from the people that had an overabundance of what she so obviously lacked. Imagination was the way everyone got what they wanted and all it took mass chaos to embrace the skill of master thievery of items they could have just imagined but in the logic of them, if it makes their life harder to live without that item take it.

Somebody knocked on the bathroom door as she got that last clump from her hair, “Who is it?” she asked.

“Who do you think?” the voice of the young girl responded.

“Is my time up?” she asked as she opened the door and found the girl surprisingly unarmed.

“No, just wanted you to know those friends of yours lost you,” she said walking away, “You’d look a lot prettier if you got some sleep.”

Erika turned away and looked at the mirror again looking at the bags under her periwinkle eyes, “But it isn’t safe to sleep,” she said.

“You can sleep here,” she herd down the hall, “Then be on your way,”

“How old are you kid?” she asked still looking in the mirror.

“Fourteen,” she said, “And my name is Sarah, not kid.”

Erika walked back to the front of the house, “You alone?”

Sarah didn’t answer, “So are you going to sleep or we just going to play 20Q all day?”

Erika laughed to herself, “Where can I sleep?”

“Pick a room,” Sarah said not caring.

Erika walked down the hall and randomly opened a room and lied down in the bed in the room. She quickly fell asleep without a worry in the world except a few questions. Did that girls parents die? Did she imagine that gun? Why was she being so nice to someone she just met?


Erika was woken by Sarah’s (she assumed) scream. Erika quickly got out of bed and pulled her broken pencil from her pocket at quickly turning it into a throwing knife, “Sarah are you okay?” she shouted, running down the hall. Sarah was fine, just asleep. She didn’t blame her. It was hard to maintain a happy thought now. How this kid was still alive let alone knowing how to use a firearm was confusing enough. Erika sat in the chair next to Sarah. She felt as if she could protect a girl she just met when the only weapon she could make was a throwing knife. She looked at her weapon. She was surprised she could imagine it to start with. She was told that Imagination is unrealistic. That it will get you no ware in life. But the people who told her that are dead now due to the very thing they said was unrealistic. A tear dripped down Erika’s face as she quickly caught it and wiped it away.

Sarah woke up startled by the sight of Erika still in her home. “I thought you were going to be on your way when you woke up.” She said.

“Oh, sorry.” Erika said, “But shouldn’t I get to stay here longer sense it was your scream that woke me up?”

Sarah swallowed hard, “You have no proof that was me and no you have to go, you’ll attract the others!”

Erika looked at the girl like she was insane, “Are you okay?” she asked. She didn’t look okay compared to yesterday. She looked like she was doing something wrong that she needed to fix right now.

“I’m fine, please just, leave,” Sarah said. She obviously wasn’t okay.

“Who’s coming?” Erika asked.

Sarah looked like her dirty little secret was found out, “Nobody! Damn it,” she started as she made a Spas out of thin air, “Leave or I’ll make you!”

“Woah, woah, woah,” Erika said heading towards the door, “Calm down kid.” As she said that the door opened and there was a man with red hair and a trench coat on. “You know why I’m here Sarah. But…” The man walked in and grabbed onto Erika, “Who is this?”

“S-she just needed a place to sleep and-” Sarah started.

“But what are the rules my sweet?” the man asked, his tone surprisingly calming.

“I know but-” She started but was interrupted again.

“But what? You broke the rule.” The man pulled a handgun from one of the pockets in the coat and aimed it at Erika, “Her or you darling?”

Sarah quickly lifted the Spas and shot the man in the chest, “Hurry, we need to get out of here fast!”

Erika fallowed Sarah out of the building and kept her throwing knife ready, “Where are we going?” she asked. She had never been in this part of the city; things were less torn apart here. It looked almost untouched by the freeze except for the blood on the road. She wondered who that man is but judging by how Sarah reacted to him he wasn’t friendly. Sarah led them into an abandoned building and locked the door behind them. “What’s going on?” Erika asked Sarah. Sarah walked about the house flipping switches and imagining things to replace broken windows or self-operating video cameras. “Woah why so much security?” Erika asked, still being ignored. Sarah sat down and was out of breath. She was obviously worried about something. It seemed as if she didn’t like this neighborhood, like the old one was any better. “You okay?” Erika asked, hoping Sarah would answer her this time. “No,” Sarah said, “Not at all.”

“Well what’s wrong?” Erika asked. As if the gun to her head wasn’t explanation enough. She had more questions but it seemed as if Sarah was about to burst into tears. Sarah took in deep breaths that were clearly not working at all. Erika wanted to say something comforting but she didn’t know what to say. Sarah seemed so confident and her imagination was insane but she still got fear plunged into her heart by something that seemed she could imagine her way out of.

“I wasn’t supposed to adopt anyone into there,” Sarah finally answered breathing hard, “And he said if he found anyone in there besides me either I would pay or we both would.”

Erika could tell she was panic talking. She sighed and got up to look around at the hazards of the place, “Sarah, you’re talking a little to…thought confused,” she said, not knowing how to describe it, “Try to think clearer then explain the situation to me again.”

Sarah tried to calm down, “The man that came before we ran here rented me that apartment when he heard what happened to my family,” she swallowed hard before continuing, “and he said it was completely free as long as I didn’t let anyone in but me. But I let you stay for that small amount of time sense you were being chased and looked like a dog mauled you while it was throwing up. But I thought you would be gone by the morning and-”

“He’s hunting us now,” Erika cut off. She could tell Sarah was about to start crying just by her voice. “Just a question though, what good will staying here do us if he’s hunting us?” She said still walking around the house.

“He doesn’t know this house and I’m pretty sure he would never guess we’d be in here,” Sarah said still breathing hard enough for Erika to hear.

“Wait so you’ve never-” Erika gasped at (tbc)

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