Vali Ulfr
The Battle Slain Wolf
[SIZE= 12px]OK so just yesterday i was walking around my neighborhood and going into random places and i hear crying like cute crying and i soon find a little kitten laying there. I freaked out and brought it to my uncle who has a cat and knows about them. brought it to the vet and she said "her eyes aren't open so she must be a runt" and i was like "WHAT!" on the inside. we fed her and we got her eyes open now so she is doing good heres a picture[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]OK so just yesterday i was walking around my neighborhood and going into random places and i hear crying like cute crying and i soon find a little kitten laying there. I freaked out and brought it to my uncle who has a cat and knows about them. brought it to the vet and she said "her eyes aren't open so she must be a runt" and i was like "WHAT!" on the inside. we fed her and we got her eyes open now so she is doing good heres a picture[/SIZE]