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Multiple Settings I'm ready for some more Longterm partners again! (MXM)

a s h i

Always caught daydreaming of another world
Oh boy, it's been a while since I've written one of these. I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name's Ashi and as you may have guessed by now, I'm looking for some new rp partners! It's been awhile since I've looked for new partners and lately all I've been wanting to do is start up a few new roleplays. So let's get down to the tedious details first.

First off a little about myself:
~~ I've been roleplaying for well over 9 years now
~~ I'm looking for some new MXM romance mixed plots! I am willing to do MXF but I strongly prefer MXM.
~~ I absolutely hate coding, so don't expect any of my posts or character sheets to be anything to look fancy. Don't get me wrong, I love the looks that coding can achieve, but I don't have to patience to do it myself
~~ My posts can vary from 2 paragraphs to 10 or more paragraphs, it really just depends on the scene, situation, characters, ect. My reply lengths will never be below 2 well written paragraphs. I value quality over quantity, but I won't leave my partner with very little or nothing to respond too.
~~ Writing is one of my favorite things to do. I love being creative and investing time into what I'm writing.
~~ I prefer to write male characters as my main character. I can write female easily as well, I just prefer to write male.
~~ I love to complicate and constantly expand plots. I tend to think about my plots very deeply and will always try to throw in some twists and turns to keep it interesting.
~~ I have a strong love for art as well. Original characters are one of my favorite things to draw, so I will most likely draw a lot of our characters.
~~ I will only play original characters as my main character. I will gladly double on characters, and if we are in a fandom world I may play some canon characters. Don't count on it though. Even with fandom worlds I prefer to create original characters and plots. I simply prefer to keep the canon world the way it is, mainly because I adore it so much already.
~~ I love to mix romance into plots, and I love romance plots in general as long as the plot isn't too cheesy cliche.
~~ My favorite genres are fantasy, sci-fi, and futuristic. I feel like they have a lot more room to be creative and unique in plots. I love to mix all genres as well. Modern-Fantasy is a prime example of this.
~~ I love action! It's hard for me to write plots that don't involve lots of intense action! It's just one of my favorite things to write!
~~ I tend to make my plots have a lot of dark themes and violence. It's just the way I write. I also tend to get pretty detailed with these two things at times as well. Just thought I'd through out a fair warning.
~~ Lastly, I love long roleplays, and long term partners. I've had roleplays last for over a year and one of the longest roleplays I've had was over 2,000 replies. Now I'm not looking for huge investments like these, but I would love some long term partners!

Hopefully you managed to read all that without getting bored or lose interest. If I haven't lost you yet, then great! Though fair warning, this may get much longer as I continue, we're almost through the tedious things though!

What I'm looking for:
~~ 18+ I write a lot of dark themes, violence, and I just prefer someone who is 18 or older to write with.
~~ Someone who is willing to put effort into their characters and development.
~~ At least 2-3 decent paragraphs per reply. I'm not asking for novels every time, I love reading novels, but I would never expect one for every single reply. Just give me something to respond too and I'll do the same!
~~ Someone who will write the plot with me. I typically have a skeleton of a plot ready if anyone's interested, but please add to it and help make it more exciting and detailed! I would love to create plots from scratch, or play your plots as well!
~~ At least 2 replies per week. I'm not expecting daily replies, we all have lives outside of the internet, but don't leave me hanging! I have a part time job and school so I may not be able to reply everyday but I will do my hardest too if that's the pace we want to keep. But please, at least one or two replies a week.
~~ If you lose interest, get too busy, or life just happens and you can't continue to roleplay with me, then please let me know! I won't be mad, I promise. I would much rather have you tell me you are done then you vanish on me completely.
~~ Decent grammar. Mine sometimes sucks and I can make typos sometimes, so I'm not expecting anything perfect from anyone else. Just please make it so I can read it and understand what you're trying to say.
~~ A new friend! I love talking to my partners outside of our roleplays. This one isn't really a requirement, just more of a request. I would love to talk to you outside of roleplay, but we don't have to!

Now on to the fun stuff, plot pairings! Now romance isn't a must for me but it is a strong preference of mine. This doesn't mean I won't be willing to roleplay non romantic plots though!
(My preferred role)
x Hunter
Assassin x Target
Criminal x Detective
Demon x Angel
Dragon Rider x Dragon Hunter
Hero x Villain
Magic x Non-magic

I'm sure there's more, I just can't think of them right now. Of course I am open to just about anything! Just throw some ideas at me, I'd love to hear them! As for plots I have a few in mind for the pairings above, at least one for each. I'm open to hearing plots as well! Just let me know.

Well that's that, it's not as long as I thought it'd be luckily. Probably because I chose not to go into depth with my plots on this thread. But if you're interested in starting a roleplay with me then please PM me or post below! I would love to start up an rp with you!
Oh, this seems fantastic! I'm very interested in your 'dragon rider x dragon hunter' pairing. Mind if I PM you? ^^

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