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Multiple Settings I'm only here for the food. [mxf] [medieval]


Hello everyone! If you recognized the line from the title, bully for you! It just so happens to be a line from the movie, Ever After, which is about a romance between a prince and a commoner. That means - You guessed it! - this is a pretty specific ad for a pretty specific plot! It's not going to be exactly or even remotely like Ever After, but it's a similar pairing. I'm going to change things up and launch into the idea I'm craving!

Prince x Commoner
The heir to the throne is fed up with his present circumstances and decides to take a jaunt to the other side of the country. He stops just short of the border in a village whose inhabitants do not appear to recognize him. Rather than be rankled by that, he decides to take full advantage of it and slips into a false identity. He extends his stay in the village, fully immersing himself in their way of life and unexpectedly falling in love with a lady he meets there. Plot candies include: festivals, tavern brawls, and more!

Note: This is going to take place in a medieval AU setting. This means medieval times, like with swords and horses and stuff, but we're going to make up our own kingdom. Also, I'm not looking to include any fantasy elements.

1. I'm a female in my twenties. I don't particularly care about time zones.
2. I'm extremely interested in playing the prince in this scenario! It will take some convincing to get me to play the female.
3. I can't promise a response every day. Occasionally I can crank out multiple responses in a day, but on average, expect 1-3 replies per week.
4. My responses are 2-4 meaty paragraphs long and tend to be longer for intros and particularly juicy moments.
5. I'm looking for this to be fun and light-hearted. Drama? Yes. Angst? PLEASE. But dark themes, rape, slavery, adultery, torture, incest? No thank you.
6. That being said, I do love action and adventure with hearty doses of violence. Nothing too gory or upsetting, though.
7. ROMANCE. I need it. But I don't want it to be forced or excessively corny. This is important! I want a romance that develops naturally and makes sense. I want chemistry, tension, and characters that actually like each other and work well together. I want to cultivate a good, wholesome relationship. I'm not ruling out the possibility of them sleeping together, but we're going to fade to black if it happens, per site rules and my personal preference. A note on the slow burn: I'm a huge fan of the slow burn! Sometimes it takes a long time for our characters to warm up to each other, develop feelings, and act on them. But sometimes they just have fabulous chemistry and things move much quicker. In this particular plot, I'm expecting to land somewhere in the middle.
8. I take pride in my writing. Do I make dumb typos? Yes. Do I occasionally send shitty replies at 2am instead of going to bed? Yes!!! But you will find that 99% of my responses are well thought out, and I do my best to make my writing flow naturally so that my partner enjoys reading it.
9. I only rp over PM.

1. Since I'd like to play the male lead, I'm looking for someone to play the female. While I have little preference in regard to her class or occupation, I do expect her to have a healthy mix of strengths and flaws!
2. If you can match what I write or at least pump out 2 paragraphs per response and give me something to respond to, I'm not picky about post lengths. Matching my 2-4 paragraphs with a novella every single time is a bit excessive, but it's not automatically a deal breaker.
3. Take pride in what you write. Respect my limits. Tell me yours. Contribute to the story. Communicate with me. That's the biggest thing, really. I like planning out our next movies and being in agreement as to the pace of the storyline and the romance. Some things go without saying, but you may find that I overcommunicate just so we're on the same page. It's happened too often that I thought things were going a certain way at a certain pace, and my partner's intentions were at odds with what I had thought we agreed on. So, let's make sure this is fulfilling and enjoyable for us both!

I would prefer you send me a PM if you're interested. You can post here, but just fyi I'm going to eventually delete comments to keep it nice and clean-looking.
If you contact me, I'm going to assume you're super interested in this particular plot and happy to play the female unless you state otherwise! I'm not completely closed off to other alternatives, but I'm really looking to satisfy this craving.
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