I'm "New"


New Member
Good Lord, it's been years since I've been here. Hello, RPN! Good to see you again. I have changed a lot in (was it 3 years?) I've been gone. My grammar, intelligence, RP style, and length of posts has grown perhaps 10x the amount since I was last here.

I come back because I find myself with no alternative once again, for I have outgrown all other sites.

The reason I state I am new is because I am not the one I once was. I am a very different person entirely.

Also, I know none of you. I may not fully rejoin due to that. I find myself being scared of many a community.
Hey, welcome back! I have no idea who you are either, looks like you left shortly before I joined. Take your time relearning the site, and don't force yourself to talk to strangers if you don't want to.
Welcome back to the site fren! :3
Always nice to see people return, and hopefully you manage to settle in nicely!
Anyway, feel free to come say hi any time if you have any questions, I'll probably be lurking around the discord chat ^33^

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